Neural Machine Translation with Reconstruction
Zhaopeng Tu
Yang Liu
Lifeng Shang
Xiaohua Liu
Hang Li
arXiv e-Print archive - 2016 via Local arXiv
First published: 2016/11/07 (7 years ago) Abstract: Although end-to-end Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has achieved remarkable
progress in the past two years, it suffers from a major drawback: translations
generated by NMT systems often lack of adequacy. It has been widely observed
that NMT tends to repeatedly translate some source words while mistakenly
ignoring other words. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel
encoder-decoder-reconstructor framework for NMT. The reconstructor,
incorporated into the NMT model, manages to reconstruct the input source
sentence from the hidden layer of the output target sentence, to ensure that
the information in the source side is transformed to the target side as much as
possible. Experiments show that the proposed framework significantly improves
the adequacy of NMT output and achieves superior translation result over
state-of-the-art NMT and statistical MT systems.
TLDR; The authors add a reconstruction objective to the standard seq2seq model by adding a "Reconstructor" RNN that is trained to re-generate the source sequence based on the hidden states of the decoder. A reconstruction cost is then added to the cost function and the architecture is trained end-to-end. The authors find that the technique improves upon the baseline both when 1. used during training only and 2. when used as a rankign objective during beam search decoding.
#### Key Points
- Problem to solve:
- Standard seq2seq models tend to under- and over-translate because they don't ensure that all of the source information is covered by the target side.
- The MLE objective only captures information from source -> target, which favors short translations. Thus, Increasing the beam size actually lowers translation quality
- Basic Idea
- Reconstruct source sentences form the latent representations of the decoder
- Use attention over decoder hidden states
- Add MLE reconstruction probability to the training objective
- Beam Decoding is now two-phase scheme
1. Generate candidates using the encoder-decoder
2. For each candidate, compute a reconstruction score and use it to re-rank together with the likelihood
- Training Procedure
- Params Chinese-English: `vocab=30k, maxlen=80, embedding_dim=620, hidden_dim=1000, batch=80`.
- 1.25M pairs trained for 15 epochs using Adadelta, the train with reconstructor for 10 epochs.
- Results:
- Model increases BLEU from 30.65 -> 31.17 (beam size 10) when used for training only and decoding stays unchaged
- BLEU increase from 31.17 -> 31.73 (beam size 10) when also used for decoding
- Model successfully deals with large decoding spaces, i.e. BLEU now increases together with beam size
#### Notes
- [See this issue for author's comments](
- I feel like "adequacy" is a somewhat strange description of what the authors try to optimize. Wouldn't "coverage" be more appropriate?
- In Table 1, why does BLEU score still decrease when length normalization is applied? The authors don't go into detail on this.
- The training curves are a bit confusing/missing. I would've liked to see a standard training curve that shows the MLE objective loss and the finetuning with reconstruction objective side-by-side.
- The training procedure somewhat confusing. The say "We further train the model for 10 epochs" with reconstruction objective, byt then "we use a trained model at iteration 110k". I'm assuming they do early-stopping at 110k * 80 = 8.8M steps. Again, would've liked to see the loss curves for this, not just BLEU curves.
- I would've liked to see model performance on more "standard" NMT datasets like EN-FR and EN-DE, etc.
- Is there perhaps a smarter way to do reconstruction iteratively by looking at what's missing from the reconstructed output? Trainig with reconstructor with MLE has some of the same drawbacks as training standard enc-dec with MLE and teacher forcing.