Welcome to ShortScience.org!

ShortScience.org is a platform for post-publication discussion aiming to improve accessibility and reproducibility of research ideas. Reading summaries of papers is useful to obtain the perspective and insight of another reader, why they liked or disliked it, and their attempt to demystify complicated sections. Also, writing summaries is a good exercise to understand the content of a paper because you are forced to challenge your assumptions when explaining it.

"If I can't explain it simply, I don't understand it well enough." -Albert Einstein

Research papers can be hard to understand for anyone entering a field of research. It is useful to ask an expert in the field to summarize the intuition behind a paper to help you understand it but they can be hard to find. ShortScience.org was created with the goal of fostering and consolidating post-publication discussion of research. By having notes from different authors organized together about each research paper we believe we can accelerate the understanding of research. We feel that the site can speed up the literature review process and increase the number of active researchers by decreasing the barriers to understand and improve on concepts.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What a summary should have:

What a summary should not have:


Cohen, Joseph P. and Lo, Henry Z., (2017). ShortScience.org - Reproducing Intuition. International Conference on Machine Learning 2017 Workshop on Reproducibility in Machine Learning. https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06684


ShortScience.org will follow the [ar$\large\chi$iv](http://arxiv.org) model of licenses and copyright. ShortScience.org does not ask that copyright be transferred. However, by posting a summary on the site you assign the minimum amount of rights or certify that we have the minimum amount of rights needed to host it.


Primary contact: Joseph Paul Cohen

Founder, Joseph Paul Cohen PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Montreal
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow
Founder, Henry Z Lo PhD
Founder, Swami Iyer PhD

Lecturer, Computer Science Department
University of Massachusetts Boston

Special thanks:

Even Donato (Reddit Bot)
David Vázquez (NIPS 2017 T-shirt envoy)
Mathieu Germain (NIPS 2017 T-shirt envoy)
Francis Dutil (NIPS 2017 T-shirt envoy)
Chin-Wei Huang (NIPS 2017 T-shirt envoy)
www.izishirt.ca (NIPS 2017 T-shirt printer)

Service Stats:

Number of Public Summaries 1584
Number of Private Summaries 191
Number of User Accounts 1774
Number of Votes 4606

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