#### Problem addressed:
Denoising images, Recognition in cluttered images, Segmentation of objects of interest
#### Summary:
The authors propose an architecture to perform image denoising and segmentation for MNIST variation datasets and MNIST-2. Their work involves producing a 'cognitive' bias which is like a prior assumption that a certain class is present in the input image. Their network generates a denoised image given the prior class distribution at each iteration. A regular classifier is used at the end of generation process for termination condition. The generated image is gated with the input to prevent hallucination due to cognitive bias. MNIST-2 is created by the authors by superimposing 2 digits on the same image.
#### Novelty:
Integrates cognitive bias and feature extraction in the same network
#### Drawbacks:
Does not scale with number of classes. Works only on binarized images due to gating and masking
#### Datasets:
MNIST variations, MNIST-2
#### Resources:
#### Presenter:
Bhargava U. Kota