* They describe a model for human pose estimation, i.e. one that finds the joints ("skeleton") of a person in an image. * They argue that part of their model resembles a Markov Random Field (but in reality its implemented as just one big neural network). ### How * They have two components in their network: * Part-Detector: * Finds candidate locations for human joints in an image. * Pretty standard ConvNet. A few convolutional layers with pooling and ReLUs. * They use two branches: A fine and a coarse one. Both branches have practically the same architecture (convolutions, pooling etc.). The coarse one however receives the image downscaled by a factor of 2 (half width/height) and upscales it by a factor of 2 at the end of the branch. * At the end they merge the results of both branches with more convolutions. * The output of this model are 4 heatmaps (one per joint? unclear), each having lower resolution than the original image. * Spatial-Model: * Takes the results of the part detector and tries to remove all detections that were false positives. * They derive their architecture from a fully connected Markov Random Field which would be solved with one step of belief propagation. * They use large convolutions (128x128) to resemble the "fully connected" part. * They initialize the weights of the convolutions with joint positions gathered from the training set. * The convolutions are followed by log(), element-wise additions and exp() to resemble an energy function. * The end result are the input heatmaps, but cleaned up. ### Results * Beats all previous models (with and without spatial model). * Accuracy seems to be around 90% (with enough (16px) tolerance in pixel distance from ground truth). * Adding the spatial model adds a few percentage points of accuracy. * Using two branches instead of one (in the part detector) adds a bit of accuracy. Adding a third branch adds a tiny bit more. ![Results](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleju/papers/master/neural-nets/images/Joint_Training_of_a_ConvNet_and_a_PGM_for_HPE__results.png?raw=true "Results") *Example results.* ![Part Detector](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleju/papers/master/neural-nets/images/Joint_Training_of_a_ConvNet_and_a_PGM_for_HPE__part_detector.png?raw=true "Part Detector") *Part Detector network.* ![Spatial Model](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleju/papers/master/neural-nets/images/Joint_Training_of_a_ConvNet_and_a_PGM_for_HPE__spatial_model.png?raw=true "Spatial Model") *Spatial Model (apparently only for two input heatmaps).* ------------------------- # Rough chapter-wise notes * (1) Introduction * Human Pose Estimation (HPE) from RGB images is difficult due to the high dimensionality of the input. * Approaches: * Deformable-part models: Traditionally based on hand-crafted features. * Deep-learning based disciminative models: Recently outperformed other models. However, it is hard to incorporate priors (e.g. possible joint- inter-connectivity) into the model. * They combine: * A part-detector (ConvNet, utilizes multi-resolution feature representation with overlapping receptive fields) * Part-based Spatial-Model (approximates loopy belief propagation) * They backpropagate through the spatial model and then the part-detector. * (3) Model * (3.1) Convolutional Network Part-Detector * This model locates possible positions of human key joints in the image ("part detector"). * Input: RGB image. * Output: 4 heatmaps, one per key joint (per pixel: likelihood). * They use a fully convolutional network. * They argue that applying convolutions to every pixel is similar to moving a sliding window over the image. * They use two receptive field sizes for their "sliding window": A large but coarse/blurry one, a small but fine one. * To implement that, they use two branches. Both branches are mostly identical (convolutions, poolings, ReLU). They simply feed a downscaled (half width/height) version of the input image into the coarser branch. At the end they upscale the coarser branch once and then merge both branches. * After the merge they apply 9x9 convolutions and then 1x1 convolutions to get it down to 4xHxW (H=60, W=90 where expected input was H=320, W=240). * (3.2) Higher-level Spatial-Model * This model takes the detected joint positions (heatmaps) and tries to remove those that are probably false positives. * It is a ConvNet, which tries to emulate (1) a Markov Random Field and (2) solving that MRF approximately via one step of belief propagation. * The raw MRF formula would be something like `<likelihood of joint A per px> = normalize( <product over joint v from joints V> <probability of joint A per px given a> * <probability of joint v at px?> + someBiasTerm)`. * They treat the probabilities as energies and remove from the formula the partition function (`normalize`) for various reasons (e.g. because they are only interested in the maximum value anyways). * They use exp() in combination with log() to replace the product with a sum. * They apply SoftPlus and ReLU so that the energies are always positive (and therefore play well with log). * Apparently `<probability of joint v at px?>` are the input heatmaps of the part detector. * Apparently `<probability of joint A per px given a>` is implemented as the weights of a convolution. * Apparently `someBiasTerm` is implemented as the bias of a convolution. * The convolutions that they use are large (128x128) to emulate a fully connected graph. * They initialize the convolution weights based on histograms gathered from the dataset (empirical distribution of joint displacements). * (3.3) Unified Models * They combine the part-based model and the spatial model to a single one. * They first train only the part-based model, then only the spatial model, then both. * (4) Results * Used datasets: FLIC (4k training images, 1k test, mostly front-facing and standing poses), FLIC-plus (17k, 1k ?), extended-LSP (10k, 1k). * FLIC contains images showing multiple persons with only one being annotated. So for FLIC they add a heatmap of the annotated body torso to the input (i.e. the part-detector does not have to search for the person any more). * The evaluation metric roughly measures, how often predicted joint positions are within a certain radius of the true joint positions. * Their model performs significantly better than competing models (on both FLIC and LSP). * Accuracy seems to be at around 80%-95% per joint (when choosing high enough evaluation tolerance, i.e. 10px+). * Adding the spatial model to the part detector increases the accuracy by around 10-15 percentage points. * Training the part detector and the spatial model jointly adds ~3 percentage points accuracy over training them separately. * Adding the second filter bank (coarser branch in the part detector) adds around 5 percentage points accuracy. Adding a third filter bank adds a tiny bit more accuracy.
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