Munoz-Gonzalez et al. propose a multi-class data poisening attack against deep neural networks based on back-gradient optimization. They consider the common poisening formulation stated as follows:
$ \max_{D_c} \min_w \mathcal{L}(D_c \cup D_{tr}, w)$
where $D_c$ denotes a set of poisened training samples and $D_{tr}$ the corresponding clea dataset. Here, the loss $\mathcal{L}$ used for training is minimized as the inner optimization problem. As result, as long as learning itself does not have closed-form solutions, e.g., for deep neural networks, the problem is computationally infeasible. To resolve this problem, the authors propose using back-gradient optimization. Then, the gradient with respect to the outer optimization problem can be computed while only computing a limited number of iterations to solve the inner problem, see the paper for detail. In experiments, on spam/malware detection and digit classification, the approach is shown to increase test error of the trained model with only few training examples poisened.
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