Summary by CodyWild 4 years ago
This paper out of DeepMind is an interesting synthesis of ideas out of the research areas of meta learning and intrinsic rewards. The hope for intrinsic reward structures in reinforcement learning - things like uncertainty reduction or curiosity - is that they can incentivize behavior like information-gathering and exploration, which aren't incentivized by the explicit reward in the short run, but which can lead to higher total reward in the long run. So far, intrinsic rewards have mostly been hand-designed, based on heuristics or analogies from human intelligence and learning.
This paper argues that we should use meta learning to learn a parametrized intrinsic reward function that more directly succeeds our goal of facilitating long run reward. They do this by:
- Creating agents that have multiple episodes within a lifetime, and learn a policy network to optimize Eta, a neural network mapping from the agent's life history to scalars, that serves as an intrinsic reward. The learnt policy is carried over from episode to episode.
- The meta learner then optimizes the Eta network to achieve higher lifetime reward according to the *true* extrinsic reward, which the agent itself didn't have access to
- The learned intrinsic reward function is then passed onto the next "newborn" agent, so that, even though its policy is reinitialized, it has access to past information in the form of the reward function
This neatly mimics some of the dynamics of human evolution, where our long term goals of survival and reproduction are distilled into effective short term, intrinsic rewards through chemical signals. The idea is, those chemical signals were evolved over millennia of human evolution to be ones that, if followed locally, would result in the most chance of survival.
The authors find that they're able to learn intrinsic rewards that "know" that they agent they're attached to will be dropped in an environment with a goal, but doesn't know the location, and so learns to incentivize searching until a goal is found, and then subsequently moving towards it. This smooth tradeoff between exploration and exploitation is something that can be difficult to balance between intrinsic exploration-focused reward and extrinsic reward.
While the idea is an interesting one, an uncertainty I have with the paper is whether it'd be likely to scale beyond the simple environments it was trained on. To really learn a useful reward function in complex environments would require huge numbers of timesteps, and it seems like it'd be difficult to effectively assign credit through long lifetimes of learning, even with the lifetime value function used in the paper to avoid needing to mechanically backpropogate through entire lifetimes. It's also worth saying that the idea seems quite similar to a 2017 paper written by Singh et al; having not read that one in detail, I can't comment on the extent to which this work may just build incrementally on that one.