This is a mildly silly paper to summarize, since there isn't really a new mechanism to understand, but rather a number of straightforward (and interesting!) empirical results that are also quite well-explained in the paper itself. That said, for the sake of a tiny bit more brevity than the paper itself provides, I'll try to pull out some of the conclusions I found the most interesting here. The general goal of this paper is to better understand the contours of when self-supervised representation learning is valuable for vision (and specifically when it can compete with supervised learning), and when it doesn't. In general, the results are all using ResNet backbones, with SimCLR SSL, on image classification datasets. Some bullet-point takeaways: - The SSL models being tested here seem to roughly saturate at unsupervised dataset sizes of around 500K; the comparative jump from dataset sizes of 500K to 1M is fairly small. - Once you have a supervised dataset of around 50K or more, the benefit of SSL pretraining starts to diminish, and it converges to being more similar to just supervised learning on that numbrer of labeled images. On the flip side, it's only possible to get close to "good" fully supervised performance by using 100K images or more on top of a SSL baseline. - Even within image classification datasets, it's much better to do SSL representation on the same dataset as the one you'll use for downstream training; trying to transfer representations to different datasets leads to meaningfully worse results. Interestingly, this is even true when you add out-of-domain (i.e. other-dataset) data to an existing in-domain dataset: a dataset of 250K in-dataset images does better than a 500K dataset of images from mixed datasets, and does notably better than a 1M dataset of mixed images. In this case, adding more out-of-domain images seems to have just degraded performance - SSL seems to perform more closely to SL on a course label set; when the label set gets more granular, the task gets harder overall, but, more specifically, the gap between SSL and SL grows - When the authors tried different forms of dataset corruption, SSL was much more robust to adding salt-and-pepper noise than it was to removing high-frequency information in the form of reducing the images to a lower resolution. |
This paper is an interesting extension of earlier work, in the TransformerXL paper, that sought to give Transformers access to a "memory" beyond the scope of the subsequence where full self-attention was being performed. This was done by caching the activations from prior subsequences, and making them available to the subsequence currently being calculated in a "read-only" way, with gradients not propagated backwards. This had the effect of (1) reducing the maximum memory size compared to simply doubling the subsequence length, and (2) reducing the extent to which gradients had to propagate backward through time. The authors of the Compressive Transformers paper want to build on that set of ideas to construct an even longer accessible memory. So, they take the baseline non-backpropogated memory design of TransformerXL, but instead of having tokens roll out of memory after the end of the previous (cached) subsequence, they create an extra compressed memory. Each token in this compressed memory is a function of C inputs in the normal memory. So, if C=3, you would input 3 memory vectors into your compression function to get one instance of a compressed memory vector. Depending on the scale of your C, you can turn up the temporal distance into the past that your compressed memory had to. https://i.imgur.com/7BaCzoU.png While the gradients from the main loss function didn't, as far as I could tell, pass back into the compression function, they did apply a compression loss to incentivize the compression to be coherent. They considered an autoencoder loss to reconstruct the input tokens from the compressed memory, but decided against that on the principle that memory inherently has to be compressed and lossy to be effective, and an autoencoder loss would promote infeasibly lossless compression. Instead, they take the interesting approach of incentivizing the compressed representations to be able to reconstruct the attention calculation performed on the pre-compressed representations. Basically, any information pulled out of the pre-compressed memories by content-based lookup also needs to be able to be pulled out of the compressed memories. This incentives the network to preferentially keep the information that was being actively used by the attention mechanisms in prior steps, and discard less useful information. One framing from this paper that I enjoyed was them drawing a comparison between the approach of Transformers (of keeping all lower-level activations in memory, and recombining them "in real time," for each downstream use of that information), and the approach of RNNs (of keeping a running compressed representation of everything seen up to this point). In this frame, their method is somewhere in between, with a tunable compression rate C (by contrast, a RNN would have an effectively unlimited compression rate, since all prior tokens would be compressed into a single state representation). |
The idea of the Switch Transformer is to have more parameters available for a network to use, but to only use a small subset of those parameters for each example that's run through the network. This is achieved through a routing scheme, whereby a weighting layer is applied to each token and produces a set of logits/softmax weights over the set of possible experts. The token is then sent to the expert that was given the highest weight. The network is implemented such that different experts can actually live on different devices. https://i.imgur.com/HEB7cJw.png This architecture is inspired by previous Mixture of Experts work, which applied a similar scheme, but sent each token through a set of k experts rather than just a single one. This had the ostensible effect of increasing stability and performance, but the authors of this paper argue that using a single expert per token is actually preferable on both of these fronts. There are a lot of experiments in this paper, and I'd recommend taking a look at them in detail if you're interested, but, at a high level, they found evidence that, compared to models with a comparable amount of parameters they were indeed able to get comparable or better performance with a lower number of FLOPS. It also meant they were able to build up to a trillion-parameter model, without having unreasonable computation requirements. Some interesting considerations relevant to this approach: - To keep training speed up, you need to strike the right balance of the number of tokens sent to each expert; in this case, the authors added a loss term to incentivize the division between experts to be roughly uniform - There was some numerical instability around the expert training procedure if you used float16 data types, so they switched to using float32, but only within the experts themselves, rather than in the rest of the network. - To regularize this huge of a network, the authors decided to apply dropout, but only within the experts |
When machine learning models need to run on personal devices, that implies a very particular set of constraints: models need to be fairly small and low-latency when run on a limited-compute device, without much loss in accuracy. A number of human-designed architectures have been engineered to try to solve for these constraints (depthwise convolutions, inverted residual bottlenecks), but this paper's goal is to use Neural Architecture Search (NAS) to explicitly optimize the architecture against latency and accuracy, to hopefully find a good trade-off curve between the two. This paper isn't the first time NAS has been applied on the problem of mobile-optimized networks, but a few choices are specific to this paper. 1. Instead of just optimizing against accuracy, or optimizing against accuracy with a sharp latency requirement, the authors here construct a weighted loss that includes both accuracy and latency, so that NAS can explore the space of different trade-off points, rather than only those below a sharp threshold. 2. They design a search space where individual sections or "blocks" of the network can be configured separately, with the hope being that this flexibility helps NAS trade off complexity more strongly in the early parts of the network, where, at a higher spatial resolution, it implies greater computation cost and latency, without necessary dropping that complexity later in the network, where it might be lower-cost. Blocks here are specified by the type of convolution op, kernel size, squeeze-and-excitation ratio, use of a skip op, output filter size, and the number of times an identical layer of this construction will be repeated to constitute a block. Mechanically, models are specified as discrete strings of tokens (a block is made up of tokens indicating its choices along these design axes, and a model is made up of multiple blocks). These are represented in a RL framework, where a RNN model sequentially selects tokens as "actions" until it gets to a full model specification . This is repeated multiple times to get a batch of models, which here functions analogously to a RL episode. These models are then each trained for only five epochs (it's desirable to use a full-scale model for accurate latency measures, but impractical to run its full course of training). After that point, accuracy is calculated, and latency determined by running the model on an actual Pixel phone CPU. These two measures are weighted together to get a reward, which is used to train the RNN model-selection model using PPO. https://i.imgur.com/dccjaqx.png Across a few benchmarks, the authors show that models found with MNasNet optimization are able to reach parts of the accuracy/latency trade-off curve that prior techniques had not. |
The goal of this paper is to learn a model that embeds 2D keypoints(the locations of specific key body parts in 2D space) representing a particular pose into a vector embedding where nearby points in embedding space are also nearby in 3D space. This sort of model is useful because the same 3D pose can generate a wide variety of 2D pose projections, and it can be useful to learn which apparently-distinct representations actually map to the same 3D pose. To do this, the basic approach used by the authors (with has a few variants), is - Take a dataset of 3D poses, and corresponding 2D projections - Define a notion of "matching" 3D poses, based on a parameter kappa, which designates the maximum average per-joint distance at which two 3D poses can be considered the same - Construct triplets composed of an anchor pose, a "positive" pose (a different 2D pose with a matching 3D pose), and a "negative" pose (some other 2D pose sampled from the dataset using a strategy that explicitly seeks out hard negative examples) - Calculate a triplet loss, that pushes positive examples closer together, and pulls negative examples farther apart. This is specifically done by defining a probabilistic representation of p(match | z1, z2), or, the probability of a match in 3D space given the embeddings of the two 2D poses. This is parametrized using a sigmoid with trainable parameters, as shown below https://i.imgur.com/yFCCVuA.png - They they calculate a distance kernel as the negative log of that probability, and calculate the basic triplet loss, which tries to maximize the diff between the the distance between negative examples, and the distance between positive examples. - They also add an additional loss further incentivizing the match probability to be higher on the positive pair (in addition to just pushing the positive and negative pair further apart) - The final loss is a Gaussian prior loss, incentivizing the learned embeddings z to be in the shape of a Gaussian https://i.imgur.com/SxvcvJG.png This represents the central shape of the method. Some additional ablations include: - Camera Augmentation: Creational additional triplets by taking existing 3D poses and generating artificial pairs of 2D poses at different camera views - Temporal Pose Embedding - Embedding multiple temporally connected pose, rather than just a single one - Keypoint Dropout - To simulate situations where some keypoints are occluded, the authors tried training with some keypoints dropped out, either keypoints selected at random, or selected jointly and non-independently based on a model of which keypoints are likely to be occluded together The authors found that their method was generally quite a bit stronger that prior approaches for the task of querying similar 3D poses given a 2D pose input, including some alternate methods that do direct 3D estimation. |
Federated learning is the problem of training a model that incorporates updates from the data of many individuals, without having direct access to that data, or having to store it. This is potentially desirable both for reasons of privacy (not wanting to have access to private data in a centralized way), and for potential benefits to transport cost when data needed to train models exists on a user's device, and would require a lot of bandwidth to transfer to a centralized server. Historically, the default way to do Federated Learning was with an algorithm called FedSGD, which worked by: - Sending a copy of the current model to each device/client - Calculating a gradient update to be applied on top of that current model given a batch of data sampled from the client's device - Sending that gradient back to the central server - Averaging those gradients and applying them all at once to a central model The authors note that this approach is equivalent to one where a single device performs a step of gradient descent locally, sends the resulting *model* back to the the central server, and performs model averaging by averaging the parameter vectors there. Given that, and given their observation that, in federated learning, communication of gradients and models is generally much more costly than the computation itself (since the computation happens across so many machines), they ask whether the communication required to get to a certain accuracy could be better optimized by performing multiple steps of gradient calculation and update on a given device, before sending the resulting model back to a central server to be average with other clients models. Specifically, their algorithm, FedAvg, works by: - Dividing the data on a given device into batches of size B - Calculating an update on each batch and applying them sequentially to the starting model sent over the wire from the server - Repeating this for E epochs Conceptually, this should work perfectly well in the world where data from each batch is IID - independently drawn from the same distribution. But that is especially unlikely to be true in the case of federated learning, when a given user and device might have very specialized parts of the data space, and prior work has shown that there exist pathological cases where averaged models can perform worse than either model independently, even *when* the IID condition is met. The authors experiment empirically ask the question whether these sorts of pathological cases arise when simulating a federated learning procedure over MNIST and a language model trained on Shakespeare, trying over a range of hyperparameters (specifically B and E), and testing the case where data is heavily non-IID (in their case: where different "devices" had non-overlapping sets of digits). https://i.imgur.com/xq9vi8S.png They show that, in both the IID and non-IID settings, they are able to reach their target accuracy, and are able to do so with many fewer rounds of communciation than are required by FedSGD (where an update is sent over the wire, and a model sent back, for each round of calculation done on the device.) The authors argue that this shows the practical usefulness of a Federated Learning approach that does more computation on individual devices before updating, even in the face of theoretical pathological cases. |
In certain classes of multi-agent cooperation games, it's useful for agents to be able to coordinate on future actions, which is an obvious use case for having a communication channel between the two players. However, prior work in multi-agent RL has shown that it's surprisingly hard to train agents that (1) consistently learn to use a communication channel in a way that is informative rather than random, and (2) if they do use communication, can come to a common grounding on the meaning of symbols, to use them in an effective way. This paper suggests the straightforward and clever approach of, instead of just having agents communicate using arbitrary vectors produced as part of a policy, having those communication vectors be directly linked to the content of an agent's observations. Specifically, this is done by taking the encoding of the image that is used for making policy decisions, and passing that encoding through an autoencoder, using the bottleneck at the middle of the autoencoder as the communication vector sent to other agents. This structure incentivizes the agent to generate communication vectors that are intrinsically grounded in the observation, enforcing a certain level of consistency that the authors hope makes it easier for the other agent to follow and interpret the communication. https://i.imgur.com/u9OAZm8.png Empirically, there seem to be fairly compelling evidence that this autoencoder-based form of grounding is more stable and thus more mutually learnable than learning from RL alone. The authors even found that adding RL training to the autoencoder-based training deteriorated performance. |
This strikes me as a really straightforward, clever, and exciting paper that uses the supervision intrinsic in the visual, audio, and text streams of a video to train a shared multimodal model. The basic premise is: - Tokenize all three modalities into a sequence of embedding tokens. For video, split into patches, and linearly project the voxels of these patches to get a per-token representation. For audio, a similar strategy but with waveform patches. For text, the normal per-token embedding is done. Combine this tokenization with a modality-specific positional encoding. - Run all of these embeddings through a Transformer with shared weights for all three modalities - Take the final projected CLS representation for each the video patches, and perform contrastive learning against both an aligned audio patch, and an aligned text region. This contrastive loss is calculated by, for each pair, projecting into a shared space (video and audio each project into a shared audio-video space, video and text each project into a shared video-text space, with specific projection weights), and then doing a normal contrastive setup where positive pairs come either from a direct alignment of audio and video, or from a soft "nearest neighbors" alignment of text with video, to account for not all video snippets containing text One technique that was fun in its simplicity was the author's DropToken strategy, which basically just said "hey, we have a high-resolution input, what if we just randomly dropped tokens within our sequence to reduce the S^2 sequence length cost. This obviously leads to some performance cost, but they found it not very dramatic. Experimental results were all-around impressive, achieving SOTA on a number of modality-specific tasks (action prediction in video, audio prediction) with their cross-modality model. |
This work expands on prior techniques for designing models that can both be stored using fewer parameters, and also execute using fewer operations and less memory, both of which are key desiderata for having trained machine learning models be usable on phones and other personal devices. The main contribution of the original MobileNets paper was to introduce the idea of using "factored" decompositions of Depthwise and Pointwise convolutions, which separate the procedures of "pull information from a spatial range" and "mix information across channels" into two distinct steps. In this paper, they continue to use this basic Depthwise infrastructure, but also add a new design element: the inverted-residual linear bottleneck. The reasoning behind this new layer type comes from the observation that, often, the set of relevant points in a high-dimensional space (such as the 'per-pixel' activations inside a conv net) actually lives on a lower-dimensional manifold. So, theoretically, and naively, one could just try to use lower dimensional internal representations to map the dimensionality of that assumed manifold. However, the authors argue that ReLU non-linearities kill information (because of the region where all inputs are mapped to zero), and so having layers contain only the number of dimensions needed for the manifold would mean that you end up with too-few dimensions after the ReLU information loss. However, you need to have non-linearities somewhere in the network in order to be able to learn complex, non-linear functions. So, the authors suggest a method to mostly use smaller-dimensional representations internally, but still maintain ReLus and the network's needed complexity. https://i.imgur.com/pN4d9Wi.png - A lower-dimensional output is "projected up" into a higher dimensional output - A ReLu is applied on this higher-dimensional layer - That layer is then projected down into a smaller-dimensional layer, which uses a linear activation to avoid information loss - A residual connection between the lower-dimensional output at the beginning and end of the expansion This way, we still maintain the network's non-linearity, but also replace some of the network's higher-dimensional layers with lower-dimensional linear ones |
I'm a little embarrassed that I'm only just now reading what seems like a fairly important paper from a year and a half ago, but, in my defense, March 2020 was not the best time for keeping up with the literature in a disciplined way. Anyhow, musings aside: this paper proposes an alternative training procedure for large language models, which the authors claim result in models that reach strong performance more efficiently than previous BERT, XLNet, or RoBERTa baselines. As some background context, the previously-canonical Masked Learning Model (MLM) task works by: - Replacing some percentage of tokens with a [MASK] indicator - Using the final-layer representation at the locations of those [MASK]s to predict the true input token - Using as a training signal the Maximum Likelihood of that prediction, or, how high the model's predicted probability on the true input. ELECTRA authors argue that there are a few notable disadvantages to this structure, if your goal is to train useful representations for downstream tasks. Firstly, your loss only consists of information (i.e. the true token) from the tokens you randomly masked, so a good amount of the data is going in some sense unused (except as context). Secondly, learning a full generative model of language requires a lot of data and training time, and it may not be all that beneficial for performance on your downstream tasks of interest. As an alternative, they propose: - Co-learning a (small) generator, trained in typical MLM fashion, alongside a discriminator. Randomly select tokens from the input to replace with fake tokens drawn from the distribution of the discriminator - The goal of the discriminator is to distinguish the true tokens from the fake ones. (minor note: if the generator happens to get lucky and generate the real token, that's counted as a "real" rather than "fake" token, even though it was generated by a generator). This uses more of the training data in the loss, since you can ask "real or fake" for every token in the input data, not (obviously) just the ones that are actually fake - An important note for those familiar with GANs is that the generator isn't trained to confuse the discriminator (as is GAN-standard), but is simply trained with it's own maximum likelihood loss, independent of the discriminator's performance. They argue, and show fairly convincingly, that ELECTRA is able to reach a higher efficiency-to-performance trade-off curve compared to BERT - matching the performance of previous models with notably less training, and outperforming them with comparable amounts of training. They go on to perform a few ablations, some of which felt more convincing than others. The most confusing ablation, which I'm not sure if I just misunderstood, was meant to ask how much of the value of ELECTRA came from calculating its loss over all the tokens in the training data, rather than just the masked ones. So, they tried just calculating the loss for the masked/replaced tokens. The resulting discriminator performs very poorly downstream. But, I find this a little odd as a design choice, since couldn't the discriminator learn to almost always predict that a replaced token was fake, since the only way it could be otherwise would be if the generator got lucky and produced the true word? They also did the (more sensible, to me) experiment of calculating the loss on a similarly-sized percentage of tokens, but not fully overlapping with the replacement mask, and that did more similarly to base ELECTRA. They also tested training a combined MLM/ELECTRA loss, where generated tokens were used in lieu of masking, and the full-sized MLM generator predicts the true token at every point in the sequence (which could be the token it gets as input, or could not be, in the case of a replacement). That model performed more closely to ELECTRA than BERT, which suggests that the efficiency gain of calculating a loss on every element in the training set was more important in practice than the gain from focusing a discriminator more directly on what was valuable for downstream tasks, rather than generating. |
This new architecture out of Deepmind applies combines information extraction and bottlenecks to a traditional Transformer base to get a model that can theoretically apply self-attention to meaningfully larger input sizes than earlier architectures allowed. Currently, self-attention models are quite powerful and capable, but because attention is quadratic-in-sequence-length in both time, and, often more saliently, memory, it's infeasible to use on long sequences without some modification. This paper propose what they call "cross-attention," where some smaller-dimensional latent vector attends to the input (the latent generates the queries, the input the keys and values). This lets the network pull information out of the larger-dimensional input into a smaller and fixed-by-hyperparameter, size of latent. From there, multiple self-attention layers are applied to generate a new latent, which can be fed back into the beginning of the process to query new information from the input, accounting for the "iterative" in the title of this work. The authors argue this approach lets them take larger inputs, and create deeper models, because the cost of each self-attention layer (going from latent-dim to latent-dim) is small and controlled. Like many other Transformer-based architectures, they use positional encodings, theirs based on Fourier features at different frequencies. https://i.imgur.com/Wc8rzII.png My overall take from the results presented is that it is competitive on many of the audio and vision tasks tested, with none of the convolutional priors that even something like Vision Transformer (which does course convolution-style preprocessing before going into Transformer layers) require, though it didn't dramatically outperform the state-of-the-art on any of the tested tasks. One thing that was strange to me was that they didn't (at least in the main paper, haven't read the appendix) seem to evaluate on text, which would seem like an obvious benchmark if you're proposing a Transformer-alternate architecture. |
This was an amusingly-timed paper for me to read, because just yesterday I was listening to a different paper summary where the presenter offhandedly mentioned the idea of compressing the sequence length in Transformers through subsequent layers (the way a ConvNet does pooling to a smaller spatial dimension in the course of learning), and it made me wonder why I hadn't heard much about that as an approach. And, lo, I came on this paper in my list the next day, which does exactly that. As a refresher, Transformers work by starting out with one embedding per token in the first layer, and, on each subsequent layer, they create new representations for each token by calculating an attention mechanism over all tokens in the prior layer. This means you have one representation per token for the full sequence length, and for the full depth of the network. In addition, you typically have a CLS token that isn't connected to any particular word, but is the designated place where sequence-level representations aggregate and are used for downstream tasks. This paper notices that many applications of trained transformers care primarily about that aggregated representation, rather than precise per-word representations. For cases where that's true, you're spending a lot of computation power on continually calculating the SeqLength^2 attention maps in later layers, when they might not be bringing you that much value in your downstream transfer tasks. A central reason why you do generally need per-token representations in training Transformers, though, even if your downstream tasks need them less, is that the canonical Masked Language Model and newer ELECTRA loss functions require token-level predictions for the specific tokens being masked. To accommodate this need, the authors of this paper structure their "Funnel" Transformer as more of an hourglass. It turns it into basically a VAE-esque Encoder/Decoder structure, where attention downsampling layers reduce the length of the internal representation down, and then a "decoder" amplifies it back to the full sequence size, so you have one representation per token for training purposes (more on the exact way this works in a bit). The nifty thing here is that, for downstream tasks, you can chop off the decoder, and be left with a network with comparatively less computation cost per layer of depth. https://i.imgur.com/WC0VQXi.png The exact mechanisms of downsampling and upsampling in this paper are quite clever. To perform downsampling at a given attention layer, you take a sequence of representations h, and downsampling it to h' of half the size by mean-pooling adjacent tokens. However, in the attention calculation, you only use h' for the queries, and use the full sequence h for the keys and values. Essentially, this means that you have an attention layer where the downsampled representations attend to and pull information from the full scope of the (non-downsampled) representations of the layer below. This means you have a much more flexible downsampling operation, since the attention mechanism can choose to pull information into the downsampled representation, rather than it being calculated automatically by a pooling operation The paper inflates the bottleneck-ed representations back up to the full sequence length by first tiling the downsampled representation (for example, if you had downsampled from 20 to 5, you would tile the first representation 4 times, then the second representation 4 times, and so on until you hit 20). That tiled representation, which can roughly be though to represent a large region of the sequence, is then added, ResNet-style, to the full-length sequence of representations that came out of the first attention layer, essentially combining shallow token-level representations with deep region-level representations. This aggregated representation is then used for token-level loss prediction The authors benchmark again common baseline models, using deeper models with fewer tokens per layer, and find that they can reach similar or higher levels of performance with fewer FLOPs on text aggregation tasks. They fall short of full-sequence models for tasks that require strong per-token representations, which fits with my expectation. |
This summary builds substantially on my summary of NERFs, so if you haven't yet read that, I recommend doing so first! The idea of a NERF is learn a neural network that represents a 3D scene, and from which you can, once the model is trained, sample an image of that scene from any desired angle. This involves structuring your neural network as a function that predicts the RGB color and density/opacity for a given point in 3D space (x, y, z), from a given viewing angle (theta, phi). With such a function, you can generate predictions of what images taken from certain angles would look like by sampling along a viewing ray, and integrating the combined hue and opacity into an aggregated view. This prediction can then be compared to a true image taken from that direction, and gradients passed backwards into the prediction model. An important assumption of this model is that the scene being photographed is static; specifically, that every point in space is always inhabited by the same part of the 3D object, regardless of what angle it's viewed from. This is a reasonable assumption for photos of inanimate objects, or of humans in highly controlled lab settings, but it is often not true for humans when you, say, ask them to take a selfie video of themselves. Even if they're trying to keep roughly still, there will be slight shifts in the location and position of their head between frames, and the authors of this paper show that this can lead to strange artifacts if you naively try to train a NERF from the images (including a particularly odd one where it hallucinates tiny copies of the image in the air surrounding the face). https://i.imgur.com/IUVh6uM.png The fix proposed by this paper is to apply a learnable deformation field to each image, where the notion is to deform each view into being in one canonical position (fixed per network, since, again, one network corresponds to a single scene). This means that, along with learning the parameters of the NERF itself, you're also learning what deformation to apply to each training image to get it into this canonical position. This is done by parametrizing the deformation in a particular way, and then having that deformation be conditioned by a latent vector that's trained similar to how you'd train an embedding (one learned vector per image example). The parametrization of the deformation is honestly a little bit over my head, given my lack of grounding in 3D modeling, but my general sense is that it applies some constraints and regularization to ensure that the learned deformations are realistic, insofar as humans are mostly rigid (one patch of skin on my forehead generally doesn't move except in concordance with the rest of my forehead), but with some possibility for elasticity (skin can stretch if I, say, smile). The authors also include an annealing scheme whereby, early in training, the model focuses on learning course (large-scale) deformations, and later in training, it's allowed to also learn weights for more precise deformations. This is to hopefully match macro-scale shifts before adding the noise of precise changes. This addition of a learned deformation is most of the contribution of this method: with it applied, they show that they're able to learn realistic NERFs from selfies, which they term "NERFIES". They mention a few pieces of concurrent work that try to solve the same problem of non-static human subjects in different ways, but I haven't had a chance to read those, so I can't really comment on how NERFIES stacks up to alternate approaches, but it appears to be as least one empirically convincing solution to the problem it's aiming at. |
This summary builds extensively on my prior summary of SIRENs, so if you haven't read that summary or the underlying paper yet, I'd recommend doing that first! At a high level, the idea of SIRENs is to use a neural network to learn a compressed, continuous representation of an image, where the neural network encodes a mapping from (x, y) to the pixel value at that location, and the image can be reconstructed (or, potentially, expanded in size) by sampling from that function across the full range of the image. To do this effectively, they use sinusoidal activation functions, which let them match not just the output of the neural network f(x, y) to the true image, but also the first and second derivatives of the neural network to the first and second derivatives of the true image, which provides a more robust training signal. NERFs builds on this idea, but instead of trying to learn a continuous representation of an image (mapping from 2D position to 3D RGB), they try to learn a continuous representation of a scene, mapping from position (specified with with three coordinates) and viewing direction (specified with two angles) to the RGB color at a given point in a 3D grid (or "voxel", analogous to "pixel"), as well as the *density* or opacity of that point. Why is this interesting? Because if you have a NERF that has learned a good underlying function of a particular 3D scene, you can theoretically take samples of that scene from arbitrary angles, even angles not seen during training. It essentially functions as a usable 3D model of a scene, but one that, because it's stored in the weights of a neural network, and specified in a continuous function, is far smaller than actually storing all the values of all the voxels in a 3D scene (the authors give an example of 5MB vs 15GB for a NERF vs a full 3D model). To get some intuition for this, consider that if you wanted to store the curve represented by a particular third-degree polynomial function between 0 and 10,000 it would be much more space-efficient to simply store the 3 coefficients of that polynomial, and be able to sample from it at your desired granularity at will, rather than storing many empirically sampled points from along the curve. https://i.imgur.com/0c33YqV.png How is a NERF model learned? - The (x, y, z) position of each point is encoded as a combination of sine-wave, Fourier-style curves of increasingly higher frequency. This is similar to the positional encoding used by transformers. In practical turns, this means a location in space will be represented as a vector calculated as [some point on a low-frequency curve, some point on a slightly higher frequency curve..., some point on the highest-frequency curve]. This doesn't contain any more *information* than the (x, y, z) representation, but it does empirically seem to help training when you separate the frequencies like this - You take a dataset of images for which viewing direction is known, and simulate sending a ray through the scene in that direction, hitting some line (or possibly tube?) of voxels on the way. You calculate the perceived color at that point, which is an integral of the color information and density/opacity returned by your model, for each point. Intuitively, if you have a high opacity weight early on, that part of the object blocks any voxels further in the ray, whereas if the opacity weight is lower, more of the voxels behind will contribute to the overall effective color perceived. You then compare these predicted perceived colors to the actual colors captured by the 2D image, and train on the prediction error. - (One note on sampling: the paper proposes a hierarchical sampling scheme to help with sampling efficiently along the ray, first taking a course sample, and then adding additional samples in regions of high predicted density) - At the end of training, you have a network that hopefully captures the information from *that particular scene*. A notable downside of this approach is that it's quite slow for any use cases that require training on many scenes, since each individual scene network takes about 1-2 days of GPU time to train |
[First off, full credit that this summary is essentially a distilled-for-my-own-understanding compression of Yannic Kilcher's excellent video on the topic] I'm interested in learning more about Neural Radiance Fields (or NERFs), a recent technique for learning a representation of a scene that lets you generate multiple views from it, and a paper referenced as a useful prerequisite for that technique was SIRENs, or Sinuisodial Representation Networks. In my view, the most complex part of understanding this technique isn't the technique itself, but the particularities of the problem being solved, and the ways it differs from a more traditional ML setup. Typically, the goal of machine learning is to learn a model that extracts and represents properties of a data distribution, and that can generalize to new examples drawn from that distribution. Instead, in this framing, a single network is being used to capture information about a single image, essentially creating a compressed representation of that image that brings with it some nice additional properties. Concretely, the neural network is representing a function that maps inputs of the form (x, y), representing coordinates within the image, to (r, g, b) values, representing the pixel values of the image at that coordinate. If you're able to train an optimal version of such a network, it would mean you have a continuous representation of the image. A good way to think about "continuous," here, is that, you could theoretically ask the model for the color value at pixel (3.5, 2.5), and, given that it's simply a numerical mapping, it could give you a prediction, even though in your discrete "sampling" of pixels, that pixel never appears. Given this problem setting, the central technique proposed by SIRENs is to use sinusoidal non-linearities between the layers. On the face of it, this may seem like a pretty weird choice: non-linearities are generally monotonic, and a sine wave is absolutely not that. The appealing property of sinusoidal activations in this context is: if you take a derivative of a sine curve, what you get is a cosine curve (which is essentially a shifted sine curve), and the same is true in reverse. This means that you can take multiple derivatives of the learned function (where, again, "learned function" is your neural network optimized for this particular image), and have them still be networks of the same underlying format, with shifting constants. This allows SIRENs to use an enhanced version of what would be a typical training procedure for this setting. Simplistically, the way you'd go about training this kind of representation would be to simply give the inputs, and optimize against a loss function that reduced your prediction error in predicting the output values, or, in other words, the error on the f(x, y) function itself. When you have a model structure that makes it easy to take first and second derivatives of the function calculated by the model, you can, as this paper does, decide to train against a loss function of matching, not just the true f(x, y) function (again, the pixel values at coordinates), but also the first and second-derivatives (gradients and Laplacian) of the image at those coordinates. This supervision lets you learn a better underlying representation, since it enforces not just what comes "above the surface" at your sampled pixels, but the dynamics of the true function between those points. One interesting benefit of this procedure of using loss in a first or second derivative space (as pointed out in the paper), is that if you want to merge the interesting parts of multiple images, you can approximate that by training a SIREN on the sum of their gradients, since places where gradients are zero likely don't contain much contrast or interesting content (as an example: a constant color background). The Experiments section goes into a lot of specific applications in boundary-finding problems, which I understand at less depth, and thus won't try to explain. It also briefly mentions trying to learn a prior over the space of image functions (that is, a prior over the set of network weights that define the underlying function of an image); having such a prior is interesting in that it would theoretically let you sample both the implicit image function itself (from the prior), and then also points within that function. |
This is an interesting paper, investigating (with a team that includes the original authors of the Lottery Ticket paper) whether the initializations that result from BERT pretraining have Lottery Ticket-esque properties with respect to their role as initializations for downstream transfer tasks. As background context, the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis came out of an observation that trained networks could be pruned to remove low-magnitude weights (according to a particular iterative pruning strategy that is a bit more complex than just "prune everything at the end of training"), down to high levels of sparsity (5-40% of original weights, and that those pruned networks not only perform well at the end of training, but also can be "rewound" back to their initialization values (or, in some cases, values from early in training) and retrained in isolation, with the weights you pruned out of the trained network still set to 0, to a comparable level of accuracy. This is thought of as a "winning ticket" because the hypothesis Frankle and Carbin generated is that the reason we benefit from massively overparametrized neural networks is that we are essentially sampling a large number of small subnetworks within the larger ones, and that the more samples we get, the likelier it is we find a "winning ticket" that starts our optimization in a place conducive to further training. In this particular work, the authors investigate a slightly odd variant of the LTH. Instead of looking at training runs that start from random initializations, they look at transfer tasks that start their learning from a massively-pretrained BERT language model. They try to find out: 1) Whether you can find "winning tickets" as subsets of the BERT initialization for a given downstream task 2) Whether those winning tickets generalize, i.e. whether a ticket/pruning mask for one downstream task can also have high performance on another. If that were the case, it would indicate that much of the value of a BERT initialization for transfer tasks could be captured by transferring only a small percentage of BERT's (many) weights, which would be beneficial for compression and mobile applications An interesting wrinkle in the LTH literature is the question of whether true "winning tickets" can be found (in the sense of the network being able to retrain purely from the masked random initializations), or whether it can only retrain to a comparable accuracy by rewinding to an early stage in training, but not the absolute beginning of training. Historically, the former has been difficult and sometimes not possible to find in more complex tasks and networks. https://i.imgur.com/pAF08H3.png One finding of this paper is that, when your starting point is BERT initialization, you can indeed find "winning tickets" in the first sense of being able to rewind the full way back to the beginning of (downstream task) training, and retrain from there. (You can see this above with the results for IMP, Iterative Magnitude Pruning, rolling back to theta-0). This is a bit of an odd finding to parse, since it's not like BERT really is a random initialization itself, but it does suggest that part of the value of BERT is that it contains subnetworks that, from the start of training, are in notional optimization basins that facilitate future training. A negative result in this paper is that, by and large, winning tickets on downstream tasks don't transfer from one to another, and, to the extent that they do transfer, it mostly seems to be according to which tasks had more training samples used in the downstream mask-finding process, rather than any qualitative properties of the task. The one exception to this was if you did further training of the original BERT objective, Masked Language Modeling, as a "downstream task", and took the winning ticket mask from that training, which then transferred to other tasks. This is some validation of the premise that MLM is an unusually good training task in terms of its transfer properties. An important thing to note here is that, even though this hypothesis is intriguing, it's currently quite computationally expensive to find "winning tickets", requiring an iterative pruning and retraining process that takes far longer than an original training run would have. The real goal here, which this is another small step in the hopeful direction of, is being able to analytically specify subnetworks with valuable optimization properties, without having to learn them from data each time (which somewhat defeats the point, if they're only applicable for the task they're trained on, though is potentially useful is they do transfer to some other tasks, as has been shown within a set of image-prediction tasks). |
This a nice, compact paper testing a straightforward idea: can we use the contrastive loss structure so widespread in unsupervised learning as a framework for generating and training against adversarial examples? In the context of the adversarial examples literature, adversarial training - or, training against examples that were adversarially generated so as to minimize the loss of the model you're training - is the primary strategy used to train robust models (robust here in the sense of not being susceptible to said adversarial attacks). Typically, these attacks are generated with the use of class labels, since they are meant to attack supervised classifiers that assign a class label to an image. Therefore, the goal of the adversarial attack is to push down the probability of the correct class label (either in favor of a specific alternate class, or just in favor of any class that isn't the true one). However, labels are hard and expensive, so, one wonders: in the same way that you can learn representations from unlabeled data, can you also make those representations (otherwise referred to as "embeddings") robust in a similarly label-free way. This paper tests an approach that does so in a quite simple way, by just generating adversarial examples against your contrastive loss target. This works by: 1) Taking an image, and generating two augmentations (or transformations) of it. This is part of the standard contrastive pipeline 2) Applying an adversarial perturbation to one of those transformations, where the perturbation is optimized to maximize the contrastive loss (ability to differentiate an augmented version of the same image from augmented versions of other images) 3) Training on that adversarial sample to generate more robustness https://i.imgur.com/ttF6k1A.png And this simple approach appears to work quite well! They find that, in defending against supervised adversarial attacks, it performs comparably to supervised adversarial training, and that it has the added benefits of (1) slightly higher accuracy on clean examples (in general, robustness is known to decrease your clean-sample accuracy), and (2) better robustness against attack types other than the attack type used for the adversarial training. It also achieves better transfer performance (that is, adversarially training on one dataset, and then evaluating robustness on another) than a supervised method, when evaluated on both CIFAR10 → CIFAR100 and CIFAR100 → CIFAR10. This does make pretty good sense to me, since instance-level stability does seem like it's getting at a more fundamental set of invariances that to would transfer better to different distributions of classes. |
The premise of contrastive loss is that we want to push together the representations of objects that are similar, and push dissimilar representations farther apart. However, in an unlabeled setting, we don't generally have class labels to tell which images (or objects in general) are supposed to be similar or dissimilar along the axes that matter to us, so we use the shortcut of defining some transformation on a given anchor frame that gets us a frame we're confident is related enough to that anchor that it can be considered a "positive" or target similarity-wise. Some of these transformations are data augmentations performed on a frame, or choosing temporally adjacent frames in a video sequence (which, since the real world evolves smoothly, are assumed to be similar). Anyhow, all of this is well and good, except for the fact that, especially in an image classification setting like CIFAR or ImageNet, sampling randomly from the other images in a given batch doesn't give you a set of things that are entirely "negatives" in terms of being dissimilar to the anchor image. It is true that most of the objects you get by sampling randomly are negatives (especially in a many-class setting), but some of them will be other samples from the same class. By treating all of those as negatives, we penalize the model for having representations of them that are chose to our anchor representation, even though, for many downstream tasks, we'd probably prefer elements of the same class to have more similar representations. However, the whole premise of the unsupervised setting is that we don't have class labels, so we don't know, for a given sample from the batch (of things that aren't specifically transformations of the anchor) whether it's an actual negative or secretly a positive (i.e. of the same class). And, that's true, but this paper argues that, even if you can't identify which specific elements in a batch are secret positives, you can try to account for them in aggregate, if you have some reasonably good estimate of the overall class probabilities, which will tell you how many positives you expect to find in a given batch in expectation. Given that, they reformulate the loss to be "debiased". They do this by taking the expectation over negatives in the denominator, which is actually a sample over the full p(x), not just the distribution over negatives, and trying to make it a better estimate of the actual distribution over negatives. https://i.imgur.com/URN4RBF.png This they accomplish by writing out the full p(x) as a weighted combination of the distributions over positive and negative (which here is "every class that doesn't match the anchor"), as shown above, and noticing that you can represent the negative part of the distribution by taking the full distribution, and subtracting out the positive distribution (which we have an estimator for by construction, with our transformations), weighted by the prior over how frequent the positives are in our overall distribution. https://i.imgur.com/5IgGIhu.png This leads to a change of estimating the similarity between the anchor and positives (which we already have in the numerator, but which we can also calculate with more augmentations/positive samples to get a better estimate) and doing a (weighted) subtraction of that from the similarity over negative examples. Intuitively, we keep in the part where we penalize similarity with negatives (by adding magnitude to the denominator), but reduce that penalty in accordance with how much we think that "similarity with negatives" is actually similarity with other positives in the batch, which we actually would like to keep around. https://i.imgur.com/kUGoemA.png https://i.imgur.com/5Gitdi7.png In terms of experimental results, my read is that this is most useful on problems - like CIFAR10 and STL10 - that don't have many classes (they each, per their names, have 10). The results there are meaningfully stronger than for the 200-class ImageNet. And, that makes pretty good intuitive sense, since you would expect the scale of the "secret positives in our random sample of images" bias problem to be a lot more acute in a setting where we've got a 1 in 10 chance of sampling a same-class image, compared to a 1-in-200 chance. |
Large-scale transformers on unsupervised text data have been wildly successful in recent years; arguably, the most successful single idea in the last ~3 years of machine learning. Given that, it's understandable that different domains within ML want to take their shot at seeing whether the same formula will work for them as well. This paper applies the principles of (1) transformers and (2) large-scale unlabeled data to the problem of learning informative embeddings of molecular graphs. Labeling is a problem in much of machine learning - it's costly, and narrowly defined in terms of a certain task - but that problem is even more exacerbated when it comes to labeling properties of molecules, since they typically require wetlab chemistry to empirically measure. Given that, and also given the fact that we often want to predict new properties - like effectiveness against a new targetable drug receptor - that we don't yet have data for, finding a way to learn and transfer from unsupervised data has the potential to be quite valuable in the molecular learning sphere. There are two main conceptual parts to this paper and its method - named GROVER, in true-to-ML-form tortured acronym style. The first is the actual architecture of their model itself, which combines both a message-passing Graph Neural Network to aggregate local information, and a Transformer to aggregate global information. The paper was a bit vague here, but the way I understand it is: https://i.imgur.com/JY4vRdd.png - There are parallel GNN + Transformer stacks for both edges and nodes, each of which outputs both a node and edge embedding, for four embeddings total. I'll describe the one for nodes, and the parallel for edges operates the same way, except that hidden states live on edges rather than nodes, and attention is conducted over edges rather than nodes - In the NodeTransformer version, a message passing NN (of I'm not sure how many layers) performs neighborhood aggregation (aggregating the hidden states of neighboring nodes and edges, then weight-transforming them, then aggregating again) until each node has a representation that has "absorbed" in information from a few hops out of its surrounding neighborhood. My understanding is that there is a separate MPNN for queries, keys, and values, and so each nodes end up with three different vectors for these three things. - Multi-headed attention is then performed over these node representations, in the normal way, where all keys and queries are dot-product-ed together, and put into a softmax to calculate a weighted average over the values - We now have node-level representations that combine both local and global information. These node representations are then aggregated into both node and edge representations, and each is put into a MLP layer and Layer Norm before finally outputting a node-based node and edge representation. This is then joined by an edge-based node and edge representation from the parallel stack. These are aggregated on a full-graph level to predict graph-level properties https://i.imgur.com/NNl6v4Y.png The other component of the GROVER model is the way this architecture is actually trained - without explicit supervised labels. The authors use two tasks - one local, and one global. The local task constructs labels based on local contextual properties of a given atom - for example, the atom here has one double-bonded Nitrogen and one single-bonded Oxygen in its local environment - and tries to predict those labels given the representations of that atom (or node). The global task uses RDKit (an analytically constructed molecular analysis kit) to identify 85 different modifs or functional groups in the molecule, and encodes those into an 85-long one-hot vector that is being predicted on a graph level. https://i.imgur.com/jzbYchA.png With these two components, GROVER is pretrained on 10 million unlabeled molecules, and then evaluated in transfer settings where its representations are fine-tuned on small amounts of labeled data. The results are pretty impressive - it achieves new SOTA performance by relatively large amounts on all tasks, even relative to exist semi-supervised pretraining methods that similarly have access to more data. The authors perform ablations to show that it's important to do the graph-aggregation step before a transformer (the alternative being just doing a transformer on raw node and edge features), and also show that their architecture without pretraining (just used directly in downstream tasks) also performs worse. One thing I wish they'd directly ablated was the value-add of the local (also referred to as "contextual") and global semi-supervised tasks. Naively, I'd guess that most of the performance gain came from the global task, but it's hard to know without them having done the test directly. |
I tried my best, but I'm really confused by the central methodology of this paper. Here are the things I do understand: 1. The goal of the method is to learn disentangled representations, and, specifically, to learn representations that correspond to factors of variation in the environment that are selected by humans. That means, we ask humans whether a given image is higher or lower on a particular relevant axis, and aggregate those rankings into a vector, where a particular index of the vector corresponds to a particular factor. Given a small amount of supervision, the hope is to learn an encoder that takes in an image, and produces a Z code that encodes where the image is on that particular axis 2. With those disentangled representations, the authors hope they can learn goal-conditioned policies, where the distance between the current image's representation and the goal image's representation can serve as a reward. In particular, they're trying to show that their weakly supervised disentangled representation performs better as a metric space to do goal-conditioning distance calculations in, relative to other learned spaces 3. The approach uses a GAN-based design, where a generator generates the images that correspond with a given z1 and z2, and the discriminator tries to tell the difference between the two real images, paired with their supervision vector, and two generated images, with their fake supervision vector [Here is the relevant equation, along with some notation-explaining text] https://i.imgur.com/XNbxK6i.png The thing I'm confused by is the actual mechanism for why (3) gets you disentangled representations. To my understanding, the thing the generator should be trying to do is generate images whose relationship to one another is governed by the relationship between z1 and z2; if z is really capturing your factors of variation, the two images should differ in places and in ways governed by where those z values are different. Based on this, I'd expect the fake supervision vector here to be some kind of binarized element-wise difference between the two (randomly sampled) vectors, z1 and z2. But the authors claim that the fake supervision vector that the generator is trying to replicate is just the zero vector. That seems like it would just result in the generator trying to generate images that don't differ on any axes, with two different z vectors as input. |
This is a really cool paper that posits a relatively simple explanation for the strange phenomena known as double descent - both the fact of seeing it in the first place, and the difficulty in robustly causing it to appear. In the classical wisdom of statistics, increasing model complexity too far will lead to increase in variance, and thus an increase in test error (or "test risk" or "empirical risk"), leading to a U-shaped test error curve as a function of model complexity. Double descent is the name given to the observation that, in modern neural networks, we tend to not see this phenomenon, and, in fact, sometimes see test error first increasing but then descend again below its initial minimum. Test error going up, and then back down again: double descent. However, this phenomenon proved to be a bit elusive: often in order to see it, you had to add artificial noise to your labels. This paper provides a cohesive theory for both the existence of double descent, and the fact that it sometimes can only be elicited with increased label noise. They empirically estimate the bias and variance components of test error for a range of neural nets on a range of datasets, and show that when they directly estimate bias and variance this way, they see bias decreasing (or, at least, non-increasing) monotonically with model complexity, as expected. But, they also see variance, rather than strictly increasing with model complexity, exhibiting unimodal behavior, where it first increases, and then decreases, as a function of model complexity. Taking a step back, bias is here understood as the component of your test error that comes from the difference between your expected learned estimator and the true underlying function. Variance is the squared difference between the expected learned estimator (that is, the one you get if you average over different splits in the data), and the estimator learned on each split of the data. The actual estimator you get is a function of both your average estimator, and the particular estimator you draw in the distribution around that average, which is defined by the variance. The authors empirically measure bias and variance by conducting k different N-way splits of their datasets, and averaging these k*N estimates to get an average or expected estimator. Given that, they can (as shown below), take the variance to be the squared difference between the k*N individual estimators and the average. Since test error is composed of bias + variance, we can then simply calculate bias as whatever remains of test error when variance has been accounted for. https://i.imgur.com/VPzujaZ.png This provides an elegant explanation for the different relationships we see between complexity and test error. In regimes where the decrease in bias from additional complexity is much larger than the increase in variance - which they argue is the case in modern deep networks - we don't see double descent, because the "bump" due to the variance peak is overshadowed by the continuing decrease in variance. However, in regimes where the overall scale of variance (at all levels of complexity) is higher, we see the increasing variance overwhelming the decreasing bias, and test error increases (before, ultimately, going down again, after the variance peaks). This explains why double descent has previously appeared preferentially in cases of injected label noise: more label noise means higher irreducible variability in the model learned from different sets of data, which makes the scale of the variance peak more pronounced compared to the bias drop. In addition to their empirical work, the authors also analytically analyze a two-layer linear neural network, and show that you would theoretically expect a peaked variance shape in that setting. In a certain sense, this just pushes the problem down the road, since the paper doesn't explain why, in any kind of conceptual or statistical sense, we would expect variance to be unimodal in this way. (They do offer a conjecture, but it was not the main thrust of the paper, and I didn't fully follow it). However, it does offer conceptual clarity into a previously somewhat more murky empirical phenomenon, and hopefully will let us focus on understanding why variance behaves in this way. |
Offline reinforcement learning is potentially high-value thing for the machine learning community learn to do well, because there are many applications where it'd be useful to generate a learnt policy for responding to a dynamic environment, but where it'd be too unsafe or expensive to learn in an on-policy or online way, where we continually evaluate our actions in the environment to test their value. In such settings, we'd like to be able to take a batch of existing data - collected from a human demonstrator, or from some other algorithm - and be able to learn a policy from those pre-collected transitions, without being able to query the environment further by taking arbitrary actions. There are two broad strategies for learning a policy from precollected transitions. One is to simply learn to mimic the action policy used by the demonstrator, predicting the action the demonstrator would take in a given state, without making use of reward data at all. This is Behavioral Cloning, and has the advantage of being somewhat more conservative (in terms of not experimenting with possibly-unsafe-or-low-reward actions the demonstrator never took), but this is also a disadvantage, because it's not possible to get higher reward than the demonstrator themselves got if you're simply copying their behavior. Another approach is to learn a Q function - estimating the value of a given action in a given state - using the reward data from the precollected transitions. This can also have some downsides, mostly in the direction of overconfidence. Q value Temporal Difference learning works by using the current reward added to the max Q value over possible next actions as the target for the current-state Q estimate. This tends to lead to overestimates, because regression to the mean effects mean that the highest value Q estimates are disproportionately likely to be noisy (possibly because they correspond to an action with little data in the demonstrator dataset). In on-policy Q learning, this is less problematic, because the agent can take the action associated with their noisily inaccurate estimate, and as a result get more data for that action, and get an estimate that is less noisy in future. But when we're in a fully offline setting, all our learning is completed before we actually start taking actions with our policy, so taking high-uncertainty actions isn't a valuable source of new information, but just risky. The approach suggested by this DeepMind paper - Critic Regularized Regression, or CRR - is essentially a synthesis of these two possible approaches. The method learns a Q function as normal, using temporal difference methods. The distinction in this method comes from how to get a policy, given a learned Q function. Rather than simply taking the action your Q estimate says is highest-value at a particular point, CRR optimizes a policy according to the formula shown below. The f() function is a stand-in for various potential functions, all of which are monotonic with respect to the Q function, meaning they increase when the Q function does. https://i.imgur.com/jGmhYdd.png This basically amounts to a form of a behavioral cloning loss (with the part that maximizes the probability under your policy of the actions sampled from the demonstrator dataset), but weighted or, as the paper terms it, filtered, by the learned Q function. The higher the estimated q value for a transition, the more weight is placed on that transition from the demo dataset having high probability under your policy. Rather than trying to mimic all of the actions of the demonstrator, the policy preferentially tries to mimic the demonstrator actions that it estimates were particularly high-quality. Different f() functions lead to different kinds of filtration. The `binary`version is an indicator function for the Advantage of an action (the Q value for that action at that state minus some reference value for the state, describing how much better the action is than other alternatives at that state) being greater than zero. Another, `exp`, uses exponential weightings which do a more "soft" upweighting or downweighting of transitions based on advantage, rather than the sharp binary of whether an actions advantage is above 1. The authors demonstrate that, on multiple environments from three different environment suites, CRR outperforms other off-policy baselines - either more pure behavioral cloning, or more pure RL - and in many cases does so quite dramatically. They find that the sharper binary weighting scheme does better on simpler tasks, since the trade-off of fewer but higher-quality samples to learn from works there. However, on more complex tasks, the policy benefits from the exp weighting, which still uses and learns from more samples (albeit at lower weights), which introduces some potential mimicking of lower-quality transitions, but at the trade of a larger effective dataset size to learn from. |
This paper is ultimately relatively straightforward, for all that it's embedded in the somewhat new-to-me literature around graph-based Neural Architecture Search - the problem of iterating through options to find a graph representing an optimized architecture. The authors want to understand whether in this problem, as in many others in deep learning, we can benefit from building our supervised models off of representations learned during an unsupervised pretraining step. In this case, the unsupervised pretraining is conceptually simple - a variational autoencoder - even though the components of the VAE are more complex by dint of being made up of graph networks. This autoencoder, termed arch2vec, is trained on a simple reconstruction loss, and uses the Graph Isomorphism Network (or, GIN) architecture in its encoder, rather than a more typical Graph Convolutional Network. I don't feel like I fully follow the intuitive difference between these two structures, but have the general sense that GIN architectures are simpler; calculating a weighted sum of current central node features with the features of neighboring nodes, rather than learning a function of the full concatenated (current_node, sum_of_neighbors) vector. First, the authors investigate the quality of their embedding space, compared to the representation implicitly learned by doing end-to-end supervised (i.e. with accuracies as labels) NAS. They show that (1) distances in their continuous embedding space correlate more strongly with the edit distance between graphs, compared to the embedding learned by the supervised model, and that (2) their embedding fills more of the space (as would be expected from the KL regularization term) and leads to high-performing networks being naturally concentrated within the space. https://i.imgur.com/SavZnce.png Looking into their representation as an initialization point, they demonstrate that their initializations do lead to lower long-term regret over the course of the architecture search process, particularly differentiating themselves from random initializations at the end of training. https://i.imgur.com/4DG7lZd.png The authors argue that this is because the representations learned by the supervised methods are "biased towards weight-free operations, which are often preferred in the early stage of the search process, resulting in lower final accuracies." I admit I don't fully understand why this would be true, though they do cite a few papers they say demonstrate it. My initial thought was that weight-free architectures would overperform early in the training of each individual network, but my understanding was that the dataset used here is a labeled static dataset of architectures and accuracies, so the within-training-run dynamics wouldn't obviously play a role. Nevertheless, there does seem to be empirical benefit that comes from using these pretrained representations, even if I don't follow the intuition behind it fully. |
This is a nice little empirical paper that does some investigation into which features get learned during the course of neural network training. To look at this, it uses a notion of "decodability", defined as the accuracy to which you can train a linear model to predict a given conceptual feature on top of the activations/learned features at a particular layer. This idea captures the amount of information about a conceptual feature that can be extracted from a given set of activations. They work with two synthetic datasets. 1. Trifeature: Generated images with a color, shape, and texture, which can be engineered to be either entirely uncorrelated or correlated with each other to varying degrees. 2. Navon: Generated images that are letters on the level of shape, and are also composed of letters on the level of texture The first thing the authors investigate is: to what extent are the different properties of these images decodable from their representations, and how does that change during training? In general, decodability is highest in lower layers, and lowest in higher layers, which makes sense from the perspective of the Information Processing Inequality, since all the information is present in the pixels, and can only be lost in the course of training, not gained. They find that decodability of color is high, even in the later layers untrained networks, and that the decodability of texture and shape, while much less high, is still above chance. When the network is trained to predict one of the three features attached to an image, you see the decodability of that feature go up (as expected), but you also see the decodability of the other features go down, suggesting that training doesn't just involve amplifying predictive features, but also suppressing unpredictive ones. This effect is strongest in the Trifeature case when training for shape or color; when training for texture, the dampening effect on color is strong, but on shape is less pronounced. https://i.imgur.com/o45KHOM.png The authors also performed some experiments on cases where features are engineered to be correlated to various degrees, to see which of the predictive features the network will represent more strongly. In the case where two features are perfectly correlated (and thus both perfectly predict the label), the network will focus decoding power on whichever feature had highest decodability in the untrained network, and, interestingly, will reduce decodability of the other feature (not just have it be lower than the chosen feature, but decrease it in the course of training), even though it is equally as predictive. https://i.imgur.com/NFx0h8b.png Similarly, the network will choose the "easy" feature (the one more easily decodable at the beginning of training) even if there's another feature that is slightly *more* predictive available. This seems quite consistent with the results of another recent paper, Shah et al, on the Pitfalls of Simplicity Bias in neural networks. The overall message of both of these experiments is that networks generally 'put all their eggs in one basket,' so to speak, rather than splitting representational power across multiple features. There were a few other experiments in the paper, and I'd recommend reading it in full - it's quite well written - but I think those convey most of the key insights for me. |
This paper argues that, in semi-supervised learning, it's suboptimal to use the same weight for all examples (as happens implicitly, when the unsupervised component of the loss for each example is just added together directly. Instead, it tries to learn weights for each specific data example, through a meta-learning-esque process. The form of semi-supervised learning being discussed here is label-based consistency loss, where a labeled image is augmented and run through the current version of the model, and the model is optimized to try to induce the same loss for the augmented image as the unaugmented one. The premise of the authors argument for learning per-example weights is that, ideally, you would enforce consistency loss less on examples where a model was unconfident in its label prediction for an unlabeled example. As a way to solve this, the authors suggest learning a vector of parameters - one for each example in the dataset - where element i in the vector is a weight for element i of the dataset, in the summed-up unsupervised loss. They do this via a two-step process, where first they optimize the parameters of the network given the example weights, and then the optimize the example weights themselves. To optimize example weights, they calculate a gradient of those weights on the post-training validation loss, which requires backpropogating through the optimization process (to determine how different weights might have produced a different gradient, which might in turn have produced better validation loss). This requires calculating the inverse Hessian (second derivative matrix of the loss), which is, generally speaking, a quite costly operation for huge-parameter nets. To lessen this cost, they pretend that only the final layer of weights in the network are being optimized, and so only calculate the Hessian with respect to those weights. They also try to minimize cost by only updating the example weights for the examples that were used during the previous update step, since, presumably those were the only ones we have enough information to upweight or downweight. With this model, the authors achieve modest improvements - performance comparable to or within-error-bounds better than the current state of the art, FixMatch. Overall, I find this paper a little baffling. It's just a crazy amount of effort to throw into something that is a minor improvement. A few issues I have with the approach: - They don't seem to have benchmarked against the simpler baseline of some inverse of using Dropout-estimated uncertainty as the weight on examples, which would, presumably, more directly capture the property of "is my model unsure of its prediction on this unlabeled example" - If the presumed need for this is the lack of certainty of the model, that's a non-stationary problem that's going to change throughout the course of training, and so I'd worry that you're basically taking steps in the direction of a moving target - Despite using techniques rooted in meta-learning, it doesn't seem like this models learns anything generalizable - it's learning index-based weights on specific examples, which doesn't give it anything useful it can do with some new data point it finds that it wasn't specifically trained on Given that, I think I'd need to see a much stronger case for dramatic performance benefits for something like this to seem like it was worth the increase in complexity (not to mention computation, even with the optimized Hessian scheme) |
Transformers - powered by self-attention mechanisms - have been a paradigm shift in NLP, and are now the standard choice for training large language models. However, while transformers do have many benefits in terms of computational constraints - most saliently, that attention between tokens can be computed in parallel, rather than needing to be evaluated sequentially like in a RNN - a major downside is their memory (and, secondarily, computational) requirements. The baseline form of self-attention works by having every token attend to every other token, where "attend" here means that a query from each token A will take an inner product with each other token -A, and then be elementwise-multiplied with the values of every other token -A. This implies a O(N^2) memory and computation requirement, where N is your sequence length. So, the question this paper asks is: how do you get the benefits, or most of the benefits, of a full-attention network, while reducing the number of other tokens each token attends to. The authors' solution - Big Bird - has three components. First, they approach the problem of approximating the global graph as a graph theory problem, where each token attending to every other is "fully connected," and the goal is to try to sparsify the graph in a way that keeps shortest path between any two nodes low. They use the fact that in an Erdos-Renyi graph - where very edge is simply chosen to be on or off with some fixed probability - the shortest path is known to be logN. In the context of aggregating information about a sequence, a short path between nodes means that the number of iterations, or layers, that it will take for information about any given node A to be part of the "receptive field" (so to speak) of node B, will be correspondingly short. Based on this, they propose having the foundation of their sparsified attention mechanism be simply a random graph, where each node attends to each other with probability k/N, where k is a tunable hyperparameter representing how many nodes each other node attends to on average. To supplement, the authors further note that sequence tasks of interest - particularly language - are very local in their information structure, and, while it's important to understand the global context of the full sequence, tokens close to a given token are most likely to be useful in constructing a representation of it. Given this, they propose supplementing their random-graph attention with a block diagonal attention, where each token attends to w/2 tokens prior to and subsequent to itself. (Where, again, w is a tunable hyperparameter) However, the authors find that these components aren't enough, and so they add a final component: having some small set of tokens that attend to all tokens, and are attended to by all tokens. This allows them to theoretically prove that Big Bird can approximate full sequences, and is a universal Turing machine, both of which are true for full Transformers. I didn't follow the details of the proof, but, intuitively, my reading of this is that having a small number of these global tokens basically acts as a shortcut way for information to get between tokens in the sequence - if information is globally valuable, it can be "written" to one of these global aggregator nodes, and then all tokens will be able to "read" it from there. The authors do note that while their sparse model approximates the full transformer well in many settings, there are some problems - like needing to find the token in the sequence that a given token is farthest from in vector space - that a full attention mechanism could solve easily (since it directly calculates all pairwise comparisons) but that a sparse attention mechanism would require many layers to calculate. Empirically, Big Bird ETC (a version which adds on additional tokens for the global aggregators, rather than making existing tokens serve thhttps://i.imgur.com/ks86OgJ.pnge purpose) performs the best on a big language model training objective, has comparable performance to existing models on questionhttps://i.imgur.com/x0BdamC.png answering, and pretty dramatic performance improvements in document summarization. It makes sense for summarization to be a place where this model in particular shines, because it's explicitly designed to be able to integrate information from very large contexts (albeit in a randomly sampled way), where full-attention architectures must, for reasons of memory limitation, do some variant of a sliding window approach. |
This is an interesting paper that makes a fairly radical claim, and I haven't fully decided whether what they find is an interesting-but-rare corner case, or a more fundamental weakness in the design of neural nets. The claim is: neural nets prefer learning simple features, even if there exist complex features that are equally or more predictive, and even if that means learning a classifier with a smaller margin - where margin means "the distance between the decision boundary and the nearest-by data". A large-margin classifier is preferable in machine learning because the larger the margin, the larger the perturbation that would have to be made - by an adversary, or just by the random nature of the test set - to trigger misclassification. https://i.imgur.com/PJ6QB6h.png This paper defines simplicity and complexity in a few ways. In their simulated datasets, a feature is simpler when the decision boundary along that axis requires fewer piecewise linear segments to separate datapoints. (In the example above, note that having multiple alternating blocks still allows for linear separation, but with a higher piecewise linear requirement). In their datasets that concatenate MNIST and CIFAR images, the MNIST component represents the simple feature. The authors then test which models use which features by training a model with access to all of the features - simple and complex - and then testing examples where one set of features is sampled in alignment with the label, and one set of features is sampled randomly. If the features being sampled randomly are being used by the model, perturbing them like this should decrease the test performance of the model. For the simulated datasets, a fully connected network was used; for the MNIST/CIFAR concatenation, a variety of different image classification convolutional architectures were tried. The paper finds that neural networks will prefer to use the simpler feature to the complete exclusion of more complex features, even if the complex feature is slightly more predictive (can achieve 100 vs 95% separation). The authors go on to argue that what they call this Extreme Simplicity Bias, or Extreme SB, might actually explain some of the observed pathologies in neural nets, like relying on spurious features or being subject to adversarial perturbations. They claim that spurious features - like background color or texture - will tend to be simpler, and that their theory explains networks' reliance on them. Additionally, relying completely or predominantly on single features means that a perturbation along just that feature can substantially hurt performance, as opposed to a network using multiple features, all of which must be perturbed to hurt performance an equivalent amount. As I mentioned earlier, I feel like I'd need more evidence before I was strongly convinced by the claims made in this paper, but they are interestingly provocative. On a broader level, I think a lot of the difficulties in articulating why we expect simpler features to perform well come from an imprecision in thinking in language around the idea - we think of complex features as inherently brittle and high-dimensional, but this paper makes me wonder how well our existing definitions of simplicity actually match those intuitions. |
Generalization is, if not the central, then at least one of the central mysteries of deep learning. We are somehow able to able to train high-capacity, overparametrized models, that empirically have the capacity to fit to random data - meaning that they have the capacity to memorize the labeled data we give them - and which yet still manage to train functions that generalize to test data. People have tried to come up with generalization bounds - that is, bounds on the expected test error of a model class - but that have all been vacuous, which here means that their upper bound is so far above the actual observed test set error that it's meaningless for the purpose of predicting which changes will enhance or detract from generalization. This paper builds on - and somewhat critiques - an earlier paper, Jiang et al, which takes the approach of assessing generalization bounds empirically. The central approach taken by both papers is to compare the empirical test error of two networks that are identical except for one axis which is varied, and test whether the ranking of the predicted generalization errors for the two networks, resulting from a particular analytical bound, aligns with the ranking of actual, empirical test error. Said succinctly: the goal is to measure how good a generalization bound is at predicting which networks will actually generalize, across the kinds of hyperparameter changes we'd be likely to experiment with in practice. An important note here is that this kind of rank-based measurement is insensitive to whether the actual magnitude of the generalization bound is; it only cares about relative bounds for different model configurations. For a given pair of environments (or pairs of hyperparameter settings), the experimental framework trains multiple seeds and averages the sign error across them. If the two models in the pair were close to one another in generalization error, they were downweighted in the overall average, or removed from the estimation if they were too close, to reduce noise. A difference in methodologies between the Jiang paper and this one is that this one puts a lot of emphasis on the need to rank generalization measures not just by their average performance over a suite of different hyperparameter perturbations, but also by a metric capturing how robust the measure is, for which they suggest the max error rather than average error. Their rationale is that simply looking at an average obscures cases where a measure performs poorly in a particular region of hyperparameter space, in a way that might tell us interesting things about its failure modes. For example, beyond just being able to say that generalization bounds based on Frobenius norms performed poorly on average at predicting the effects of changes to training set size, they were able to look at the particular settings where it performed the worst, which turn out to be on small network sizes. The plot below shows the results from all of the tested measures aggregated together. Each row represents a different axis that was being varied, and, for each measure, a number of different settings were sampled over (for the hyperparameters that were being held fixed across pairs, rather than being varied. Each distribution rectangle represents the average sign error across all of the pairs that were sampled for that measure, and that axis of variation. The measures are listed from left to right according to their average performance across all environments and all axes of variation. https://i.imgur.com/Tg3wdA3.png Some conclusions from this experiment were: - Generalization measures seem to not perform well on changes made to width, however, the authors note this was mostly because changes to width tended to not change the generalization performance in consistent ways, and so the difference in test error between the networks in the pair was more often within the range of noise - Most but not all generalization bounds correctly predict that more training data should result in better generalization - No bound does particularly well on predicting the generalization effects of changes in depth Overall, I found this paper delightfully well written, and a real pleasure to read. My one critique is that the authors explicitly point out that an important piece of data for comparing generalization bounds is the set of features they depend on. That is, if a generalization bound can only make predictions with access to the learned weights (in addition to the model class and data characteristics), it's a lot less practically useful, in terms of model design, than one that doesn't. I wish they had followed through on that and represented the dependencies of the different bounds on some way in their central figure, so that it was easier to compare them "fairly," or accounting for the information they had access to. |
Occasionally, I come across results in machine learning that I'm glad exist, even if I don't fully understand them, precisely because they remind me how little we know about the complicated information architectures we're building, and what kinds of signal they can productively use. This is one such result. The paper tests a method called self-training, and compares it against the more common standard of pre-training. Pre-training works by first training your model on a different dataset, in a supervised way, with the labels attached to that dataset, and then transferring the learned weights on that model model (except for the final prediction head) and using that as initialization for training on your downstream task. Self-training also uses an external dataset, but doesn't use that external data's labels. It works by 1) Training a model on the labeled data from your downstream task, the one you ultimately care about final performance on 2) Using that model to make label predictions (for the label set of your downstream task), for the external dataset 3) Retraining a model from scratch with the combined set of human labels and predicted labels from step (2) https://i.imgur.com/HaJTuyo.png This intuitively feels like cheating; something that shouldn't quite work, and yet the authors find that it equals or outperforms pretraining and self-supervised learning in the setting they examined (transferring from ImageNet as an external dataset to CoCo as a downstream task, and using data augmentations on CoCo). They particularly find this to be the case when they're using stronger data augmentations, and when they have more labeled CoCo data to train with from the pretrained starting point. They also find that self-training outperforms self-supervised (e.g. contrastive) learning in similar settings. They further demonstrate that self-training and pre-training can stack; you can get marginal value from one, even if you're already using the other. They do acknowledge that - because it requires training a model on your dataset twice, rather than reusing an existing model directly - their approach is more computationally costly than the pretrained-Imagenet alternative. This work is, I believe, rooted in the literature on model distillation and student/teacher learning regimes, which I believe has found that you can sometimes outperform a model by training on its outputs, though I can't fully remember the setups used in those works. The authors don't try too hard to give a rigorous theoretical account of why this approach works, which I actually appreciate. I think we need to have space in ML for people to publish what (at least to some) might be unintuitive empirical results, without necessarily feeling pressure to articulate a theory that may just be a half-baked after-the-fact justification. One criticism or caveat I have about this paper is that I wish they'd evaluated what happened if they didn't use any augmentation. Does pre-training do better in that case? Does the training process they're using just break down? Only testing on settings with augmentations made me a little less confident in the generality of their result. Their best guess is that it demonstrates the value of task-specificity in your training. I think there's a bit of that, but also feel like this ties in with other papers I've read recently on the surprising efficacy of training with purely random labels. I think there's, in general, a lot we don't know about what ostensibly supervised networks learn in the face of noisy or even completely permuted labels. |
The thing I think is happening here: It proposes a self-supervised learning scheme (which...seems fairly basic, but okay) to generate encodings. It then trains a Latent World Model, which takes in the current state encoding, the action, and the belief state (I think just the prior RNN state?) and predicts a next state. The intrinsic reward is the difference between this and the actual encoding of the next step. (This is dependent on a particular action and resulting next obs, it seems). I don't really know what the belief state is doing here. Is it a... scalar rather than a RNN state? It being said to start at 0 makes it seem that way. Summary: For years, an active area of research has been the question about how to incentivize reinforcement learning agents to more effectively explore their environment. In many environments, the state space is large, and it's quite difficult to find reward just by randomly traversing it, and, in the absence of reward signal, most reinforcement learning algorithms won't learn. To remedy this, a common approach has been to attempt to define a measure of novelty, such that you can reward policies for exploring novel states. One approach for this is to tabulate counts of how often you've seen given past states, and explore in inverse proportion to those counts. However, this is complicated to scale to image-based and continuous state spaces. Another tactic has been to use uncertainty in an agent's model of the world as an indication of that part of state space being insufficiently explored. In this way of framing the problem, exploring a part of space gives you more samples from it, and if you use those samples to train your forward predictive model - a model predicting the next state - it will increase in accuracy for that state and states like this. So, in this setting, the "novelty reward" for your agent comes from the prediction error; it's incentivized to explore states where its model is more incorrect. However, a problem with this, if you do simple pixel-based prediction, is that there are some inherent sources of uncertainty in an environment, that don't get reduced by you drawing more samples from those parts of space. The canonical example of this is static on a tv - it's just fundamentally noisy and unpredictable, and no amount of gathering data will reduce that fundamental noise. A lot of ways of naively incentivizing uncertainty draw you into those parts of state space again and again, even though they aren't really serving the purpose of getting you to explore interesting, uninvestigated parts of the space. This paper argues for a similar uncertainty-based metric, but based on prediction of a particular kind of representation of the state, which they argue the pathological property described earlier, of getting stuck in regions of high inherent uncertainty. They do this by first learning a self-supervised representation that seems *kind of* like contrastive predictive coding, but slightly different. Their approach simply pushes the Euclidean distance between the representations of nearby timesteps to be smaller, without any explicit negative set to contrast again. To avoid the network learning the degenerative solution of "always predict a constant, so everything is close to everything else", the authors propose a "whitening" (or rescaling, or normalizing" operation before the mean squared error. This involves subtracting out the mean representation, and dividing by the covariance, before doing a mean squared error. This means that, even if you've pushed your representations together in absolute space, after the whitening operation, they will be "pulled out" again to be in a spherical unit Gaussian, which stops the network from being able to get a benefit from falling into the collapsing solution. https://i.imgur.com/Psjlf4t.png Given this pretrained encoder, the method works by: - Constructing a recurrent Latent World Model (LWM) that takes in the encoded observation, the current action, and the prior belief state of the recurrent model - Encoding the current observation with the pretrained encoder - Passing that representation into the LWM to get a predicted next representation out (prediction happens in representation space, not pixel space) - Using the error between the actual encoding of the next observation, and the predicted next representation, as the novelty signal - Training a DQN on top of the encoding Something I'm a little confused by is whether the encoding network is exclusively trained via MSE loss, or whether it also gets gradients from the actual RL DQN task. Overall, this method makes sense, but I'm not quite sure why the proposed representation structure would be notably better than other, more canonical self-supervised losses, like CPC. They show Action-Conditioned CPC as a baseline when demonstrating the quality of the representations, but not as a slot-in replacement for the MSE representations in their overall architecture. It does seem to get strong performance on exploration-heavy tasks, but I'll admit I'm not familiar with the quality of the baselines they chose, and so don't have a great sense of whether the - admittedly quite strong! - performance shown in the table below is in fact comparing against the current state of the art. https://i.imgur.com/cIr2Y4w.png |
When humans classify images, we tend to use high-level information about the shape and position of the object. However, when convolutional neural networks classify images,, they tend to use low-level, or textural, information more than high-level shape information. This paper tries to understand what factors lead to higher shape bias or texture bias. To investigate this, the authors look at three datasets with disagreeing shape and texture labels. The first is GST, or Geirhos Style Transfer. In this dataset, style transfer is used to render the content of one class in the style of another (for example, a cat shape in the texture of an elephant). In the Navon dataset, a large-scale letter is rendered by tiling smaller letters. And, in the ImageNet-C dataset, a given class is rendered with a particular kind of distortion; here the distortion is considered to be the "texture label". In the rest of the paper, "shape bias" refers to the extent to which a model trained on normal images will predict the shape label rather than the texture label associated with a GST image. The other datasets are used in experiments where a model explicitly tries to learn either shape or texture. https://i.imgur.com/aw1MThL.png To start off, the authors try to understand whether CNNs are inherently more capable of learning texture information rather than shape information. To do this, they train models on either the shape or the textural label on each of the three aforementioned datasets. On GST and Navon, shape labels can be learned faster and more efficiently than texture ones. On ImageNet-C (i.e. distorted ImageNet), it seems to be easier to learn texture than texture, but recall here that texture corresponds to the type of noise, and I imagine that the cardinality of noise types is far smaller than that of ImageNet images, so I'm not sure how informative this comparison is. Overall, this experiment suggests that CNNs are able to learn from shape alone without low-level texture as a clue, in cases where the two sources of information disagree The paper moves on to try to understand what factors about a normal ImageNet model give it higher or lower shape bias - that is, a higher or lower likelihood of classifying a GST image according to its shape rather than texture. Predictably, data augmentations have an effect here. When data is augmented with aggressive random cropping, this increases texture bias relative to shape bias, presumably because when large chunks of an object are cropped away, its overall shape becomes a less useful feature. Center cropping is better for shape bias, probably because objects are likely to be at the center of the image, so center cropping has less of a chance of distorting them. On the other hand, more "naturalistic" augmentations like adding Gaussian noise or distorting colors lead to a higher shape bias in the resulting networks, up to 60% with all the modifications. However, the authors also find that pushing the shape bias up has the result of dropping final test accuracy. https://i.imgur.com/Lb6RMJy.png Interestingly, while the techniques that increase shape bias seem to also harm performance, the authors also find that higher-performing models tend to have higher shape bias (though with texture bias still outweighing shape) suggesting that stronger models learn how to use shape more effectively, but also that handicapping models' ability to use texture in order to incentivize them to use shape tends to hurt performance overall. Overall, my take from this paper is that texture-level data is actually statistically informative and useful for classification - even in terms of generalization - even if is too high-resolution to be useful as a visual feature for humans. CNNs don't seem inherently incapable of learning from shape, but removing their ability to rely on texture seems to lead to a notable drop in accuracy, suggesting there was real signal there that we're losing out on.
This is an interesting - and refreshing - paper, in that, instead of trying to go all-in on a particular theoretical point, the authors instead run a battery of empirical investigations, all centered around the question of how to explain what happens to make transfer learning work. The experiments don't all line up to support a single point, but they do illustrate different interesting facets of the transfer process. - An initial experiment tries to understand how much of the performance of fine-tuned models can be explained by (higher-level, and thus larger-scale) features, and how much is driven by lower level (and thus smaller-scale) image statistics. To start with, the authors compare the transfer performance from ImageNet onto three different datasets - clip art, sketches, and real images. As expected, transfer performance is highest with real datasets, which are the most similar to training domain. However, there still *is* positive transfer in terms of final performance across all domains, as well as benefit in optimization speed. - To try to further tease out the difference between the transfer benefits of high and low-level features, the authors run an experiment where blocks of pixels are shuffled around within the image on downstream tasks . The larger the size of the blocks being shuffled, the more that large-scale features of the image are preserved. As predicted, accuracy drops dramatically when pixel block size is small, for both randomly initialized and pretrained models. In addition, the relative value added by pretraining drops, for all datasets except quickdraw (the dataset of sketches). This suggests that in most datasets, the value brought by fine-tuning was mostly concentrated in large-scale features. One interesting tangent of this experiment was the examination of optimization speed (in the form of mean training accuracy over initial epochs). Even at block sizes too small for pretraining to offer a benefit to final accuracy, it did still contribute to faster training. (See transparent bars in right-hand plot below) https://i.imgur.com/Y8sO1da.png - On a somewhat different front, the authors look into how similar pretrained + finetuned models are to one another, compared to models trained on the same dataset from random initializations. First, they look at a measure of feature similarity, and find that the features learned by two pretrained networks are more similar to each other than a pretrained network is to a randomly initalized network, and also more than two randomly initialized networks are to one another. Randomly initialized networks are closest to one another in their final-layer features, but this is still a multiple of 4 or 5 less than the similarity between the pretrained networks - Looking at things from the perspective of optimization, the paper measures how much performance drops when you linearly interpolate between different solutions found by both randomly initialized and pretrained networks. For randomly initialized networks, interpolation requires traversing a region where test accuracy drops to 0%. However, for pretrained networks, this isn't the case, with test accuracy staying high throughout. This suggests that pretraining gets networks into a basin of the loss landscape, and that future training stays within that basin. There were also some experiments on module criticality that I believe were in a similar vein to these, but which I didn't fully follow - Finally, the paper looks at the relationship between accuracy on the original pretraining task and both accuracy and optimization speed on the downstream task. They find that higher original-task accuracy moves in the same direction as higher downstream-task accuracy, though this is less true when the downstream task is less related (as with quickdraw). Perhaps more interestingly, they find that the benefits of transfer to optimization speed happen and plateau quite early in training. Clip Art and Real transfer tasks are much more similar in the optimization speed benefits they get form ImageNet training, where on the accuracy front, the real did dramatically better. https://i.imgur.com/jBCJcLc.png While there's a lot to dig into in these results overall, the things I think are most interesting are the reinforcing of the idea that even very random and noisy pretraining can be beneficial to optimization speed (this seems reminiscent of another paper I read from this year's NeurIPS, examining why pretraining on random labels can help downstream training), and the observation that pretraining deposits weights in a low-loss bucket, from which they can learn more efficiently (though, perhaps, if the task is too divergent from the pretraining task, this difficulty in leaving the basin becomes a disadvantage). This feels consistent with some work in the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis, which has recently suggested that, after a short duration of training, you can rewind a network to a checkpoint saved after that duration, and be successfully able to train to low loss again. |
Contrastive learning works by performing augmentations on a batch of images, and training a network to match the representations of the two augmented parts of a pair together, and push the representations of images not in a pair farther apart. Historically, these algorithms have benefitted from using stronger augmentations, which has the effect of making the two positive elements in a pair more visually distinct from one another. This paper tries to build on that success, and, beyond just using a strong augmentation, tries to learn a way to perturb images that adversarially increases contrastive loss. As with adversarial training in normal supervised setting, the thinking here is that examples which push loss up the highest are the hardest and thus most informative for the network to learn from While the concept of this paper made some sense, I found the notation and the explanation of mechanics a bit confusing, particularly when it came to choice to frame a contrastive loss as a cross-entropy loss, with the "weights" of the dot product in the the cross-entropy loss being, in fact, the projection by the learned encoder of various of the examples in the batch. https://i.imgur.com/iQXPeXk.png This notion of the learned representations being "weights" is just odd and counter-intuitive, and the process of trying to wrap my mind around it isn't one I totally succeeded at. I think the point of using this frame is because it provides an easy analogue to the Fast Gradient Sign Method of normal supervised learning adversarial examples, even though it has the weird effect that, as the authors say "your weights vary by batch...rather than being consistent across training," Notational weirdness aside, my understanding is that the method of this paper: - Runs a forward pass of normal contrastive loss (framed as cross-entropy loss) which takes augmentations p and q and runs both forward through an encoder. - Calculates a delta to apply to each input image in the q that will increase the loss most, taken over all the images in the p set - I think the delta is per-image in q, and is just aggregated over all images in p, but I'm not fully confident of this, as a result of notational confusion. It could also be one delta applied for all all images in q. - Calculate the loss that results when you run forward the adversarially generated q against the normal p - Train a combined loss that is a weighted combination of the normal p/q contrastive part and the adversarial p/q contrastive part https://i.imgur.com/UWtJpVx.png The authors show a small but relatively consistent improvement to performance using their method. Notably, this improvement is much stronger when using larger encoders (presumably because they have more capacity to learn from harder examples). One frustration I have with the empirics of the paper is that, at least in the main paper, they don't discuss the increase in training time required to calculate these perturbations, which, a priori, I would imagine to be nontrivial. |
This was a really cool-to-me paper that asked whether contrastive losses, of the kind that have found widespread success in semi-supervised domains, can add value in a supervised setting as well. In a semi-supervised context, contrastive loss works by pushing together the representations of an "anchor" data example with an augmented version of itself (which is taken as a positive or target, because the image is understood to not be substantively changed by being augmented), and pushing the representation of that example away from other examples in the batch, which are negatives in the sense that they are assumed to not be related to the anchor image. This paper investigates whether this same structure - of training representations of positives to be close relative to negatives - could be expanded to the supervised setting, where "positives" wouldn't just mean augmented versions of a single image, but augmented versions of other images belonging to the same class. This would ideally combine the advantages of self-supervised contrastive loss - that explicitly incentivizes invariance to augmentation-based changes - with the advantages of a supervised signal, which allows the representation to learn that it should also see instances of the same class as close to one another. https://i.imgur.com/pzKXEkQ.png To evaluate the performance of this as a loss function, the authors first train the representation - either with their novel supervised contrastive loss SupCon, or with a control cross-entropy loss - and then train a linear regression with cross-entropy on top of that learned representation. (Just because, structurally, a contrastive loss doesn't lead to assigning probabilities to particular classes, even if it is supervised in the sense of capturing information relevant to classification in the representation) The authors investigate two versions of this contrastive loss, which differ, as shown below, in terms of the relative position of the sum and the log operation, and show that the L_out version dramatically outperforms (and I mean dramatically, with a top-one accuracy of 78.7 vs 67.4%). https://i.imgur.com/X5F1DDV.png The authors suggest that the L_out version is superior in terms of training dynamics, and while I didn't fully follow their explanation, I believe it had to do with L_out version doing its normalization outside of the log, which meant it actually functioned as a multiplicative normalizer, as opposed to happening inside the log, where it would have just become an additive (or, really, subtractive) constant in the gradient term. Due to this stronger normalization, the authors positive the L_out loss was less noisy and more stable. Overall, the authors show that SupCon consistently (if not dramatically) outperforms cross-entropy when it comes to final accuracy. They also show that it is comparable in transfer performance to a self-supervised contrastive loss. One interesting extension to this work, which I'd enjoy seeing more explored in the future, is how the performance of this sort of loss scales with the number of different augmentations that performed of each element in the batch (this work uses two different augmentations, but there's no reason this number couldn't be higher, which would presumably give additional useful signal and robustness?) |
This is another paper that was a bit of a personal-growth test for me to try to parse, since it's definitely heavier on analytical theory than I'm used to, but I think I've been able to get something from it, even though I'll be the first to say I didn't understand it entirely. The question of this paper is: why does it seem to be the case that training a neural network on a data distribution - but with your supervised labels randomly sampled - seems to afford some level of advantage when fine-tuning on those random-trained with correct labels. What is it that these networks learn from random labels that gives them a head-start on future training? To try to answer this, the authors focus on analyzing the first-layer weights of a network, and frame both the input data and the learned weights (after random training) to both be random variables, each with some mean and covariance matrix. The central argument made by the paper is: After training with random labels, the weights come to have a distributional form with a covariance matrix that is "aligned" with the covariance matrix of the data. "Aligned" here means alignment on the level of eigenvectors. Formally, it is defined as a situation where every eigenspace in the data covariance matrix is contained in, or is a subset of, an eigenspace of the weight matrix. Intuitively, it means that the principal components — the axes that define the principle dimensions of variation - of the weight space are being aligned, in a linear algebra sense, with those of the data, down to a difference of a scaling factor (that is, the fact that the eigenvalues may be different between the two). They do show some empirical evidence of this being the case, by calculating the actual covariance matrices of both the data and the learned weight matrices, and showing that you see high degrees of similarity between the vector spaces of the two (though sometimes by having to add eigenspaces of the data together to be equivalent to an eigenspace of the weights). https://i.imgur.com/TB5JM6z.png They also show some indication that this property drives the advantage in fine-tuning. They do this by just taking their analytical model of what they believe is happening during training - that weights are coming to be drawn from a distribution governed by a covariance matrix aligned with the data covariance matrix - and sample weights from a normal distribution that has that property. They show, in the plot below, that this accounts for most of the advantage that has been observed in subsequent training from training on random labels (other than the previously-discovered effect of "all training increases the scale of the weights, which helps in future training," which they account for by normalizing). https://i.imgur.com/cnT27HI.png Unfortunately, beyond this central intuition of covariance matrix alignment, I wasn't able to get much else from the paper. Some other things they mentioned, that I didn't follow were: - The actual proof for why you'd expect this property of alignment in the case of random training - An analysis of the way that "the first layer [of a network] effectively learns a function which maps each eigenvalue of the data covariance matrix to the corresponding eigenvalue of the weight covariance matrix." I understand that their notion of alignment predicts that there should be some relationship between these two eigenvalues, but I don't fully follow which part of the first layer of a neural network will *learn* that function, or produce it as an output - An analysis of how this framework explains both the cases where you get positive transfer from random-label training (i.e. fine-tuned networks training better subsequently) and the cases where you get negative transfer |
In the past year or so, contrastive learning has experienced widespread success, and has risen to be a dominant problem framing within self-supervised learning. The basic idea of contrastive learning is that, instead of needing human-generated labels to generate a supervised task, you instead assume that there exists some automated operation you can perform to a data element to generate another data element that, while different, should be considered still fundamentally the same, or at least more strongly related, and that you can contrast these related pairs against pairs constructed with the rest of the dataset, with which any given frame would not by default have this assumed relationship of sameness or quasi-similarity. One fairly central way that "different but still effectively similar" has been historically defined - at least within the realm of image-based models - is through the use of data augmentations: image transformations such as cropping, color jitter, or Gaussian blur, which are used on an image to create the counterpart in its related pair. Fundamentally, what we're doing when we define these particular augmentations is saying: these transformations don't cause a meaningful change in what the image is, and so we want the representations we get with and without the transformations to be close to one another (or at least to contain enough information to predict one another). Another way you can say this is that we're defining properties of the image that we want our representation to be invariant to. The authors of this paper make the point that, when aggressive cropping is part of your toolkit of augmentations, the crops of the image can actually contain meaningfully different content than the uncropped image. If you remove a few pixels around the edges of an image, it still fundamentally contains the same things. However, if you zoom in dramatically, you may get crops that contain different objects. From an image classification standpoint, you would expect that coding in an invariance to cropping in our representations would, in some cases, also mean coding in an invariance to object type, which would presumably be detrimental to the task of classifying objects. To explain the extent of the success that aggressive-cropping methods have had so far, they argue that ImageNet has the particular property that its images are curated to be primarily and centrally containing a single object at a time, such that, even if you zoom in, you're getting a part of the central object, rather than another object entirely. They argue that this dataset bias might explain why you haven't seen as much of this object-invariance be a problem in earlier augmentation-based contrastive work. To try to test this, they train different contrastive (MoCo v2) models on the MSCOCO dataset, which consists of pictures of rooms, and thus no longer has the property of being centrally of one object. They tried one setting where they performed contrastive loss on the images as a whole, and another where the input to the augmentation pipeline were images from the same dataset, but pre-cropped to only contain one image at a time. This was meant, as far as I can tell, to isolate the effect of "object-centric vs not" while holding other dataset factors constant. They then test how well these different models do on an object-centric classification task (Pascal Cropped Boxes). They find that the contrastive model that trains cropped versions of the dataset gets about 3.5 points higher mean accuracy (71.9 vs 75.3) compared to the contrastive loss done on the multi-object versions of images. They also explicitly try to measure different forms of invariance, through a scheme where they binarize the elements of the representation vector, and calculate what proportion of them fire on average with and without a given set of transformations. They find that the main form of invariances that contrastive learning does well at is invariance to occlusion (part of the image not being visible), where both contrastive methods give ~84 percent co-firing, and supervised pre-training only gets about 80.9. However, on other important measures of invariance - viewpoint, illumination direction, and instance (that is, specific instance within a class) - contrastive representations perform notably worse than supervised pretraining. https://i.imgur.com/7Ghbv5A.png To try to solve these two problems, they propose a method that learns from video, and that uses temporally separated frames (which are then augmented) as pairs. They call this Frame Temporal Invariance, and argue, reasonably, that by pushing the representations of adjacent frames which track a (presumably consistent, or at least slowly-evolving) scene closer together, you should expect better invariance to viewpoint change and image deformation, since those things naturally happen when an object is moving through the world. They also suggest using an off-the-shelf object bounding box model to find particular objects, and track them throughout the video, and to use contrastive learning specifically on the bounding boxes that the algorithm thinks track a consistent object. https://i.imgur.com/2GfCTog.png Overall, my take on this paper is that the analysis they do - of different kinds of invariances contrastive vs supervised loss does well on, and of the extent to which contrastive loss results might be biased by datasets - is quite interesting and a valuable contribution to our understanding of these very currently-hypey algorithms. However, I'm a bit less impressed by the novelty of their proposed solution. Temporal forms of contrastive learning have been around before - in reinforcement learning, and even in the original Contrastive Predictive Coding paper, where the related pairs were related by dint of temporal closeness. So, while using it in video is certainly a good idea, it doesn't really feel strongly novel to me. I also feel a little confused by their choice of using an off-the-shelf object detection model as a pre-requisite for a self-supervised task, since my impression was that a central goal of self-supervision was building techniques that could scale to situations where it was infeasible to get large amounts of labels, and any method that relies on a pre-existing trained object bounding box model is pretty inherently limited in that regard. |
A central problem in the domain of reinforcement learning is how to incentivize exploration and diversity of experience, since RL agents can typically only learn from states they go to, and it can often be the case that states with high reward don't have an obvious trail of high-reward states leading to them, meaning that algorithms that are naively optimizing for reward will be relatively unlikely to discover them. One potential way to promote exploration is to train an ensemble of agents, and have part of your loss that incentivizes diversity in the behavior of those agents. Intuitively, an incentive for diversity will push policies away from one another, which will force them to behave differently, and thus reach a wider range of different states. Current work in diversity tends to penalize, for each agent, the average pairwise distance between it and every other agent. The authors of this paper have two critiques with this approach: 1. Pure pairwise distance doesn't fully capture the notion of diversity we might want, since if you have policies that are clustered together into multiple clusters, average pairwise distance can be increased by moving the clusters farther apart, without having to break up the clusters themselves 2. Having the diversity term be calculated for each policy independently can lead to "cycling" behavior, where policies move in ways that increase distance at each step, but don't do so when each agent's independent steps are taken into account As an alternative, they propose calculating the pairwise Kernel function similarity between all policies (where each policy is represented as the average action probabilities it returns across a sample of states), and calculating the determinate of that matrix. The authors claim that this represents a better measure of full population diversity. I can't fully connect the dots on this intuitively, but what I think they're saying is: the determinant of the kernel matrix tells you something about the effective dimensionality spanned by the different policies. In the same way that, if a matrix is low-rank, it tells you that some vectors within it can be nearly represented by linear combinations of others, a low value of the Kernel determinant means that some policies can be sufficiently represented by combinations of other policies, such that it isn't really adding diversity value to the ensemble. https://i.imgur.com/CmlGsNP.png Another contribution of this paper is to propose an interesting bandit-based way of determining when to incentivize diversity vs focus on pure reward. The diversity term in the loss is governed by a lambda parameter, and the paper's model sets up Thompson sampling to determine what the value of the parameter should be at each training iteration. This bandit setup works by starting out uncertain over whether to include diversity in the loss, and building a model of whether reward tends to increase during steps where diversity is used. Over time, if diversity consistently doesn't produce benefits, the sampler will tend more towards excluding it from the loss. This is just a really odd, different idea, that I've never heard of before in the context of hyperparameter scheduling during training. I will say that I'm somewhat confused about the window of time that the bandit uses for calculating rewards. Is it a set of trajectories used in a single training batch, or longer than that? Questions aside, they do so fairly convincingly that the adaptive parameter schedule outperforms over a fixed schedule, though they don't test it against simpler forms of annealing, so I'm less clear on whether it would outperform those. Overall, I still have some confusions about the method proposed by this paper, but it seems to be approaching the question of exploration from an interesting direction, and I'd enjoy trying to understand it further in future.
This work attempts to use meta-learning to learn an update rule for a reinforcement learning agent. In this context, "learning an update rule" means learning the parameters of an LSTM module that takes in information about the agent's recent reward and current model and outputs two values - a scalar and a vector - that are used to update the agent's model. I'm not going to go too deep into meta-learning here, but, at a high level, meta learning methods optimize parameters governing an agent's learning, and, over the course of many training processes over many environments, optimize those parameters such that the reward over the full lifetime of training is higher. To be more concrete, the agent in a given environment learns two things: - A policy, that is, a distribution over predicted action given a state. - A "prediction vector". This fits in the conceptual slot where most RL algorithms would learn some kind of value or Q function, to predict how much future reward can be expected from a given state. However, in this context, this vector is *very explicitly* not a value function, but is just a vector that the agent-model generates and updates. The notion here is that maybe our human-designed construction of a value function isn't actually the best quantity for an agent to be predicting, and, if we meta-learn, we might find something more optimal. I'm a little bit confused about the structure of this vector, but I think it's *intended* to be a categorical 1-of-m prediction At each step, after acting in the environment, the agent passes to an LSTM: - The reward at the step - A binary of whether the trajectory is done - The discount factor - The probability of the action that was taken from state t - The prediction vector evaluated at state t - The prediction vector evaluated at state t+1 Given that as input (and given access to its past history from earlier in the training process), the LSTM predicts two things: - A scalar, pi-hat - A prediction vector, y-hat These two quantities are used to update the existing policy and prediction model according to the rule below. https://i.imgur.com/xx1W9SU.png Conceptually, the scalar governs whether to increase or decrease probability assigned to the taken action under the policy, and y-hat serves as a target for the prediction vector to be pulled towards. An important thing to note about the LSTM structure is that none of the quantities it takes as input are dependent on the action or observation space of the environment, so, once it is learned it can (hopefully) generalize to new environments. Given this, the basic meta learning objective falls out fairly easily - optimize the parameters of the LSTM to maximize lifetime reward, taken in expectation over training runs. However, things don't turn out to be quite that easy. The simplest version of this meta-learning objective is wildly unstable and difficult to optimize, and the authors had to add a number of training hacks in order to get something that would work. (It really is dramatic, by the way, how absolutely essential these are to training something that actually learns a prediction vector). These include: - A entropy bonus, pushing the meta learned parameters to learn policies and prediction vectors that have higher entropy (which is to say: are less deterministic) - An L2 penalty on both pi-hat and y-hat - A removal of the softmax that had originally been originally taken over the k-dimensional prediction vector categorical, and switching that target from a KL divergence to a straight mean squared error loss. As far as I can tell, this makes the prediction vector no longer actually a 1-of-k categorical, but instead just a continuous vector, with each value between 0 and 1, which makes it make more sense to think of k separate binaries? This I was definitely confused about in the paper overall https://i.imgur.com/EL8R1yd.png With the help of all of these regularizers, the authors were able to get something that trained, and that appeared to be able to perform comparably to or better than A2C - the human-designed baseline - across the simple grid-worlds it was being trained in. However, the two most interesting aspects of the evaluation were: 1. The authors showed that, given the values of the prediction vector, you could predict the true value of a state quite well, suggesting that the vector captured most of the information about what states were high value. However, beyond that, they found that the meta-learned vector was able to be used to predict the value calculated with discount rates different that than one used in the meta-learned training, which the hand-engineered alternative, TD-lambda, wasn't able to do (it could only well-predict values at the same discount rate used to calculate it). This suggests that the network really is learning some more robust notion of value that isn't tied to a specific discount rate. 2. They also found that they were able to deploy the LSTM update rule learned on grid worlds to Atari games, and have it perform reasonably well - beating A2C in a few cases, though certainly not all. This is fairly impressive, since it's an example of a rule learned on a different, much simpler set of environments generalizing to more complex ones, and suggests that there's something intrinsic to Reinforcement Learning that it's capturing |
This paper focuses on an effort by a Deepmind team to train an agent that can play the game Diplomacy - a complex, multiplayer game where players play as countries controlling units, trying to take over the map of Europe. Some relevant factors of this game, for the purposes of this paper, are: 1) All players move at the same time, which means you need to model your opponent's current move, and play a move that succeeds in expectation over that predicted move distribution. This also means that, in order to succeed, your policy can't be easily predictable, since, if it is, you're much easier to exploit, since your opponents can more easily optimize their response to what they predict you'll do 2) The action space is huge, even compared to something like Chess 3) The game has significant multiagent complexity: rather than being straightforwardly zero-sum in its reward structure, like Chess or Go, it's designed to require alliances between players in order to succeed Prior work - DipNet - had been able to outperform other hand-coded models through a deep network that imitated human actions, but the authors hadn't been able to get RL to successfully learn on top of that imitation baseline. The basic approach this model takes is one that will probably feel familiar if you've read Deepmind's prior work on Chess or Go: an interplay between a fast-to-evaluate neural net component, and a slower, more explicit, strategically designed component. The slower "expert" component uses the fast network component as part of its evaluation of different moves' consequences, and then, once the slow expert has generated a series of decisions, the neural net policy learns to imitate those decisions. In this case, the slower expert tries to explicitly calculate a Best Response strategy, given some belief about what your opponents will do at the state you're in. Since the action space is so large, it isn't possible to calculate a full best response (that is, your best *possible* action given the actions you expect your opponents to take), so this paper instead lays out a Sampled Best Response algorithm. It takes as input a state, as well as an opponent policy, a candidate policy, and a value network. (More on how those come to be layer). In the simplest case, the SBR algorithm works by: 1. Sampling some number (B) of actions from the opponent policy given the state. These represent a sample distribution of what moves you think your opponents are likely to play 2. Sampling some number (C) of candidate actions from your candidate policy. 3. For each candidate action, evaluating - for each opponent action - the state you'd reach if you took the candidate action and the opponent took the opponent action, according to your value network. 4. This gives you an estimated Q value for each of your candidate actions; if you pick the action with the highest Q value, this approximates your best response action to the opponent policy distribution you pass in Once you have this SBR procedure, you can use it to bootstrap a better policy and a value network by starting with a policy and value learned from pure human-imitation, and then using SBR - with your current policy as both the opponent and candidate policy - to generate a dataset of trajectories (where each action in the trajectory is chosen according to the SBR procedure). With that trajectory dataset, you can train your policy and value networks to be able to better approximate the actions that SBR would have taken. The basic version of this procedure is called IBR - Iterated Best Response. This is because, at each stage, SBR will return a policy that tries to perform well against the current version of the opponent policy. This kind of behavior is potentially troublesome, since you can theoretically have it lead to cycles, like those in Rock Paper Scissors where paper beats rock, scissors beat paper, and then rock beats scissors again. At each stage, you find the best response to what your opponent is doing right now, but you don't actually make transitive progress. A common way of improving along the axis of this particular failure mode is to learn via a "fictitious play" rather than "self play". Putting aside the name - which I don't find very usefully descriptive - this translates to simulating playing against, not the current version of your opponent, but a distribution made up of past versions of the opponent. This helps prevent cycling, because choosing a strategy that only defeats the current version but would lose to a prior version is no longer a rewarding option. The Fictitious Play-based approach this paper proposes - FPPI2 - tries to resolve this problem. Instead of sampling actions in step (1) from only your current opponent policy, it uses a sampling procedure where, for each opponent action, it first samples a point in history, and then samples the opponent policy vector at that point in history (so the multiple opponent moves collectively represent a coherent point in strategy space). Given this action profile, the final version of the algorithm continues to use the most recent/updated timestep of the policy and value network for the candidate policy and value network used in SBR, so that you're (hopefully) sampling high quality actions, and making accurate assessments of states, even while you use the distribution of (presumably worse) policies to construct the opponent action distribution that you evaluate your candidate actions against. https://i.imgur.com/jrQAAQW.png The authors don't evaluate against human players, but do show that their FPPI2 approach consistently outperforms the prior DipNet state of the art, and performed the best overall, though Iterated Best Response performs better than they say they expected. Some other thoughts: - This system is still fairly exploitable, and doesn't become meaningfully less so during training, though it does become more difficult to exploit quickly - This does seem like a problem overall where you do a lot of modeling of what you expect your opponents strategies to be, and it seems hard to be robust, especially to collusion of your opponents - I was a bit disappointed that the initial framing of the paper put a lot of emphasis on the alliance-focused nature of the game, but then neither suggested mechanisms targeting that aspect of the game, nor seemed to do any specific analysis of - I would have expected this game to benefit from some explicit modeling of different agents having different policies; possibly this just isn't something they could have had be the case under their evaluation scheme, which played against copies of a given policy? Overall, my sense is that this is still a pretty early-stage checkpoint in the effort of playing Diplomacy, and that we've still got a ways to go, but it is interesting early work, and I'm curious where it leads. |
This is an interestingly pragmatic paper that makes a super simple observation. Often, we may want a usable network with fewer parameters, to make our network more easily usable on small devices. It's been observed (by these same authors, in fact), that pruned networks can achieve comparable weights to their fully trained counterparts if you rewind and retrain from early in the training process, to compensate for the loss of the (not ultimately important) pruned weights. This observation has been dubbed the "Lottery Ticket Hypothesis", after the idea that there's some small effective subnetwork you can find if you sample enough networks. Given these two facts - the usefulness of pruning, and the success of weight rewinding - the authors explore the effectiveness of various ways to train after pruning. Current standard practice is to prune low-magnitude weights, and then continue training remaining weights from values they had at pruning time, keeping the final learning rate of the network constant. The authors find that: 1. Weight rewinding, where you rewind weights to *near* their starting value, and then retrain using the learning rates of early in training, outperforms fine tuning from the place weights were when you pruned but, also 2. Learning rate rewinding, where you keep weights as they are, but rewind learning rates to what they were early in training, are actually the most effective for a given amount of training time/search cost To me, this feels a little bit like burying the lede: the takeaway seems to be that when you prune, it's beneficial to make your network more "elastic" (in the metaphor-to-neuroscience sense) so it can more effectively learn to compensate for the removed neurons. So, what was really valuable in weight rewinding was the ability to "heat up" learning on a smaller set of weights, so they could adapt more quickly. And the fact that learning rate rewinding works better than weight rewinding suggests that there is value in the learned weights after all, that value is just outstripped by the benefit of rolling back to old learning rates. All in all, not a super radical conclusion, but a useful and practical one to have so clearly laid out in a paper. |
One of the most notable flaws of modern model-free reinforcement learning is its sample inefficiency; where humans can learn a new task with relatively few examples, model that learn policies or value functions directly from raw data need huge amounts of data to train properly. Because the model isn't given any semantic features, it has to learn a meaningful representation from raw pixels using only the (often sparse, often noisy) signal of reward. Some past approaches have tried learning representations separately from the RL task (where you're not bottlenecked by agent actions), or by adding more informative auxiliary objectives to the RL task. Instead, the authors of this paper, quippily titled "Image Augmentation Is All You Need", suggest using data augmentation of input observations through image modification (in particular, by taking random different crops of an observation stack), and integrating that augmentation into the native structure of a RL loss function (in particular, the loss term for Q learning). There are two main reasons why you might expect image augmentation to be useful. 1. On the most simplistic level, it's just additional data for your network 2. But, in particular, it's additional data designed to exhibit ways an image observation can be different on a pixel level, but still not be meaningfully different in terms of its state within the game. You'd expect this kind of information to make your model robust to overfitting. The authors go into three different ways they could add image augmentation to a Q Learning model, and show that each one provides additional marginal value. The first, and most basic, is to just add augmented versions of observations to your training dataset. The basic method being used, Soft Actor Critic, uses a replay buffer of old observations, and this augmentation works by simply applying a different crop transformation each time an observation is sampled from a replay buffer. This is a neat and simple trick, that effectively multiplies the number of distinct observations your network sees by the number of possible crops, making it less prone to overfitting. The next two ways involve integrating transformed versions of an observation into the structure of the Q function itself. As a quick background, Q learning is trained using a Bellman consistency loss, and Q tries to estimate the value of a (state, action) pair, assuming that you do the best possible thing at every point after you take the action at the state. The consistency loss tries to push your Q estimate of the value of a (state, action) pair closer to the sum of reward you got by taking that action and your current max Q estimate for the next state. The second term in this loss, the combined reward and next-step Q value, is called the target, since it's what you push your current-step Q value closer towards. This paper suggests both: - Averaging your current-step Q estimate over multiple different crops the observation stack at the current state - Averaging the next-step Q estimate used in the target over multiple different crops (that aren't the ones used in the current-step averaging) This has the nice side effect that, in addition to telling your network about image transformations (like small crops) that shouldn't impact its strategic assessment, it also makes your Q learning process overall lower variance, because both the current step and next step quantities are averages rather than single-sample values. https://i.imgur.com/LactlFq.png Operating in a lower data regime, the authors found that simply adding augmentations to their replay buffer sampling (without the two averaging losses) gave them a lot of gains in how efficiently they could learn, but all three combined gave the best performance. |
This paper out of DeepMind is an interesting synthesis of ideas out of the research areas of meta learning and intrinsic rewards. The hope for intrinsic reward structures in reinforcement learning - things like uncertainty reduction or curiosity - is that they can incentivize behavior like information-gathering and exploration, which aren't incentivized by the explicit reward in the short run, but which can lead to higher total reward in the long run. So far, intrinsic rewards have mostly been hand-designed, based on heuristics or analogies from human intelligence and learning. This paper argues that we should use meta learning to learn a parametrized intrinsic reward function that more directly succeeds our goal of facilitating long run reward. They do this by: - Creating agents that have multiple episodes within a lifetime, and learn a policy network to optimize Eta, a neural network mapping from the agent's life history to scalars, that serves as an intrinsic reward. The learnt policy is carried over from episode to episode. - The meta learner then optimizes the Eta network to achieve higher lifetime reward according to the *true* extrinsic reward, which the agent itself didn't have access to - The learned intrinsic reward function is then passed onto the next "newborn" agent, so that, even though its policy is reinitialized, it has access to past information in the form of the reward function This neatly mimics some of the dynamics of human evolution, where our long term goals of survival and reproduction are distilled into effective short term, intrinsic rewards through chemical signals. The idea is, those chemical signals were evolved over millennia of human evolution to be ones that, if followed locally, would result in the most chance of survival. The authors find that they're able to learn intrinsic rewards that "know" that they agent they're attached to will be dropped in an environment with a goal, but doesn't know the location, and so learns to incentivize searching until a goal is found, and then subsequently moving towards it. This smooth tradeoff between exploration and exploitation is something that can be difficult to balance between intrinsic exploration-focused reward and extrinsic reward. While the idea is an interesting one, an uncertainty I have with the paper is whether it'd be likely to scale beyond the simple environments it was trained on. To really learn a useful reward function in complex environments would require huge numbers of timesteps, and it seems like it'd be difficult to effectively assign credit through long lifetimes of learning, even with the lifetime value function used in the paper to avoid needing to mechanically backpropogate through entire lifetimes. It's also worth saying that the idea seems quite similar to a 2017 paper written by Singh et al; having not read that one in detail, I can't comment on the extent to which this work may just build incrementally on that one. |
The Transformer architecture - which uses a structure entirely based on key-value attention mechanisms to process sequences such as text - has taken over the worlds of language modeling and NLP in the past three years. However, Transformers at the scale used for large language models have huge computational and memory requirements. This is largely driven by the fact that information at every step in the sequence (or, in the so-far-generated sequence during generation) is used to inform the representation at every other step. Although the same *parameters* are used for each of these pairwise calculation between keys and queries at each step, this is still a pairwise, and thus N^2, calculation, which can get very costly when processing long sequences on the scale of tens of thousands of tokens. This cost comes from both computation and memory, with memory being the primary focus of this paper, because the max memory requirements of a network step dictate the hardware it can be run on, in a way that the pure amount of computation that needs to be performed doesn't. A L^2 attention calculation, as naively implemented in a set of matrix multiplies, not only has to perform N^2 calculations, but has to be able to hold N^2 values in memory while performing the softmax and weighted sum that is the attention aggregation process. Memory requirements in Transformers are also driven by - The high parameter counts of dense layers within the network, which have less parameter use per calculation than attention does, and - The fact that needing to pass forward one representation per element in the list at each layer necessitates cumulatively keeping all the activations from each layer in the forward pass, so that you can use them to calculate derivatives in the backward pass. This paper, and the "Reformer" architecture they suggest, is less a single idea, and more a suite of solutions targeted to make Transformers more efficient in use of both compute and memory. 1. The substitution of Locality Sensitive Hashing for normal key-query attention is a strategy for reducing the L^2 compute and memory requirements of the raw attention calculation. The essential idea of attention is "calculate how well the query at position i is matched by the key at every other position, and then use those matching softmax weights to calculate a weighted sum of the representations at each other position". If you consider keys and queries to be in the same space, you can think of this as a similarity calculation between positions, where you want to most highly weight the most similar positions to you in the calculation of your own next-layer value. In this spirit, the authors argue that this weighted sum will be mostly influenced by the highest-similarity positions within the softmax, and so, instead of performing attention over the whole sequence, we can first sort positions into buckets based on similarity of their key/query vector for a given head, and perform attention weighting within those buckets. https://i.imgur.com/tQJkfGe.png This has the advantage that the first step, of assigning a position's key/query vector to a bucket, can be done for each position individually, rather than with respect to the value at another position. In this case, this bucketing is performed by a Locality Sensitive Hashing algorithm, which works by projecting each position's vector into a lower-dimensional space, and then taking the index of that vector which has the max value. This is then used as a bucket ID for performing full attention within. This shifts the time complexity of attention from O(L^2) to O(LlogL), since for each position in the length, you only need to calculate explicit pairwise similarity for the log(L) other elements in its bucket 2. Reversible layers. This addresses the problem of needing to keep activations from each layer around for computing the backward-pass derivatives. It takes an idea used in RevNets, which proposes a reversible alternative to the commonly used ResNet architecture. In a normal ResNet scenario, Y = X + F(X), where F(X) is the computation of a single layer or block, and Y are the resulting activations passed to the next layer. In this setup, you can't go back from Y to get the value of X if you discard X for memory reasons, because the difference between the two is a function of X, which you don't have. As an alternative, RevNets define a sort of odd crosswise residual structure, that starts by partitioning X into two components, X1 and X2, and the output Y into Y1 and Y2, and performing the calculation shown below. https://i.imgur.com/EK2vBkK.png This allows you to work backward, getting X2 from Y1 and Y2 (both of which you have as outputs), and then get X1 from knowing the other three parts. https://i.imgur.com/uLTrdyf.png This means that as soon as you have the activations at a given layer, you can discard earlier layer activations, which makes things a lot more memory efficient. 3. There's also a proposal to do (what I *think* is) a pretty basic chunking of feed forward calculations across sequence length, and performing feedforward calculations on parts of the sequence rather than the whole thing. The latter would be faster with vectorized computing, for parallelization reasons, but the former is more memory efficient |
I found this paper a bit difficult to fully understand. Its premise, as far as I can follow, is that we may want to use genetic algorithms (GA), where we make modifications to elements in a population, and keep elements around at a rate proportional to some set of their desirable properties. In particular we might want to use this approach for constructing molecules that have properties (or predicted properties) we want. However, a downside of GA is that its easy to end up in local minima, where a single molecule, or small modifications to that molecule, end up dominating your population, because everything else gets removed for having less-high reward. The authors proposed fix for this is by training a discriminator to tell the difference between molecules from the GA population and those from a reference dataset, and then using that discriminator loss, GAN-style, as part of the "fitness" term that's used to determine if elements stay in the population. The rest of the "fitness" term is made up of chemical desiderata - solubility, how easy a molecule is to synthesize, binding efficacy, etc. I think the intuition here is that if the GA produces the same molecule (or similar ones) over and over again, the discriminator will have an easy time telling the difference between the GA molecules and the reference ones. One confusion I had with this paper is that it only really seems to have one experiment supporting its idea of using a discriminator as part of the loss - where the discriminator wasn't used at all unless the chemical fitness terms plateaued for some defined period (shown below). https://i.imgur.com/sTO0Asc.png The other constrained optimization experiments in section 4.4 (generating a molecule with specific properties, improving a desired property while staying similar to a reference molecule, and drug discovery). They also specifically say that they'd like to be the case that the beta parameter - which controls the weight of the discriminator relative to the chemical fitness properties - lets you smoothly interpolate between prioritizing properties and prioritizing diversity/realness of images, but they find that's not the case, and that, in fact, there's a point at which you move beta a small amount and switch sharply to a regime where chemical fitness values are a lot lower. Plots of eventual chemical fitness found over time seem to be the highest for models with beta set to 0, which isn't what you'd expect if the discriminator was in fact useful for getting you out of plateaus and into long-term better solutions. Overall, I found this paper an interesting idea, but, especially since it was accepted into ICLR, found it had confusingly little empirical support behind it. |
This preprint is a bit rambling, and I don't know that I fully followed what it was doing, but here's my best guess: https://i.imgur.com/xC2ryzp.png - We think it's probably the case that SARS-COV2 (COVID19) uses a protease (enzyme involved in its reproduction) that isn't available and co-optable in the human body, and is also quite similar to the comparable protease protein in the original SARS virus. Therefore, it is hoped that we might be able to take inhibitors that bind to SARS, and modify them in small ways to make them bond to SARS-COV2 - The paper notes that it's specifically interested in targeted covalent inhibitors. These are drugs that inhibit the function of a protein by actually covalently binding with the relevant binding pocket, as opposed to most drugs, which by default just fit neatly inside the pocket and occupy it much of the time in equilibrium, but don't actually form permanent, stable covalent bonds with the protein. This class of drugs can be more effective, because its binding is stronger and more permanent, but it can also be more dangerous, because its potential side effects if it binds with a non-intended protein pocket can be more severe. - In order to get a covalently-binding drug that fits with the pocket of SARS-COV2, the authors start with a known inhibitor from SARS, and then use reinforcement learning to make modifications to it. The allowed modification actions consist of adding or removing "fragments" rather than atoms, where "fragments" here refers to coherent subcomponents of other drugs from similar families that were broken up according to hand-coded chemical rules. This approach is more stable than just adding on molecules, because at every stage in generation, the generated molecule will be coherent and chemically sound. - The part I don't fully follow is what they use for the reward function for compounds that are in the process of being made. They specify that they do reward intermediate compounds, rather than just ones at the end of generation, but don't specify what goes into the reward. If I had to guess, I'd imagine it consists of (1) a molecular docking simulation that can't be differentiated through, and thus can't be used directly as a loss function, and/or (2) hand-coded heuristics from chemists for what makes a stable binding |
This paper, presented this week at ICLR 2020, builds on existing applications of message-passing Graph Neural Networks (GNN) for molecular modeling (specifically: for predicting quantum properties of molecules), and extends them by introducing a way to represent angles between atoms, rather than just distances between them, as current methods are limited to. The basic version of GNNs on molecule data works by creating features attached to atoms at each level (starting at level 0 with the element-specific embedding of that atom), and constructing "messages" between neighboring atoms that are a function of the neighbor atom's feature vector and the distance between the two neighbors. (This is the minimal version; some methods also include the bond type along with the distance as part of the edge-specific features). At a given layer, an atom's features are updated by applying an update function to both its own prior value and the sum of all the messages it receives from neighbors. The trouble with this method is that it doesn't account for angular relationships between sets of atoms, which are physically important to quantum properties of a molecule. The naive way you might imagine representing angle is by situating the molecule in a 2D grid, and applying spherical convolutions, so your contribution to a neighbor's features would be based on your spherical distance away. However, this doesn't work, because molecules don't have a canonical frame of reference - there is no fixed left or right, or up and down, and operating in this way would mean that a molecule and its horizontal flip would have different representations. Instead, the authors propose an interesting inversion of the existing approaches, where feature vectors are attached to atoms, and are updated using the features of other atoms. In this model, features live on "messages" between pairs of atoms, and are updated by incorporating information from all messages within some local distance window. Importantly, each pair of atoms has a vector associated with their relationship in the molecule, and so when you combine two such messages together, you can calculate the angle between the associated vectors. This angle is invariant to flipping or rotation, because it's defined based on reference points internal to the molecule, which move together when the molecule is moved. https://i.imgur.com/mw46gWz.png Messages are updated from other messages using a combination of the distance between the non-shared endpoints of the messages (that is, if both message vectors share an endpoint i, and go to j and k respectively, this would be the distance between j and k), and the angle between the (i-j) vector and the (i-j) vector. For physics-based reasons I admit I didn't fully follow, these two pieces of information are embedded in a spherical basis function, so messages will update from each other differently based on their relative positions in a sphere. https://i.imgur.com/Tvc7Gex.png The representation of a given atom is then simply the sum of all its incoming messages, conditioned by the distance between the reference atom and the paired neighbor for which the message is defined. A concatenation of atom representations across layers is used to create a final atom representation, which is used for final quantum property prediction. The authors tested on two datasets, and found dramatic improvements, with an average of 31% relative gain on the prior state of the art over different quantum property targets. |
In the last three years, Transformers, or models based entirely on attention for aggregating information from across multiple places in a sequence, have taken over the world of NLP. In this paper, the authors propose using a Transformer to learn a molecular representation, and then building a model to predict drug/target interaction on top of that learned representation. A drug/target interaction model takes in two inputs - a protein involved in a disease pathway, and a (typically small) molecule being considered as a candidate drug - and predicts the binding affinity they'll have for one another. If binding takes place between the two, that protein will be prevented from playing its role in the chain of disease progression, and the drug will be effective. The mechanics of the proposed Molecular Transformer DTI (or MT-DTI) model work as follows: https://i.imgur.com/ehfjMK3.png - Molecules are represented as SMILES strings, a character-based representation of atoms and their structural connections. Proteins are represented as sequences of amino acids. - A Transformer network is constructed over the characters in the SMILES string, where, at each level, the representation of each character comes from taking an attention-weighted average of the representations at other positions in the character string at that layer. At the final layer, the aggregated molecular representation is taken from a special "REP" token. - The molecular transformer is pre-trained in BERT-like way: by taking a large corpus (97M molecules) of unsupervised molecular representations, masking or randomizing tokens within the strings, and training the model to predict the true correct token at each point. The hope is that this task will force the representations to encode information relevant to the global structures and chemical constraints of the molecule in question - This pre-trained Transformer is then plugged into the DTI model, alongside a protein representation model in the form of multiple layers convolutions acting on embedded representations of amino acids. The authors noted that they considered a similar pretrained transformer architecture for the protein representation side of the model, but that they chose not to because (1) the calculations involved in attention are N^2 in the length of the sequence, and proteins are meaningfully longer than the small molecules being studied, and (2) there's no comparably large dataset of protein sequences that could be effectively used for pretraining - The protein and molecule representations are combined with multiple dense layers, and then produce a final affinity score. Although the molecular representation model starts with a set of pretrained weights, it also fine tunes on top of them. https://i.imgur.com/qybLKvf.png When evaluated empirically on two DTI datasets, this attention based model outperforms the prior SOTA, using a convolutional architecture, by a small but consistent amount across all metrics. Interestingly, their model is reasonably competitive even if they don't fine-tune the molecular representation for the DTI task, but only pretraining and fine-tuning together get the MT-DTI model over the threshold of prior work. |
In January of this year (2020), DeepMind released a model called AlphaFold, which uses convolutional networks atop sequence-based and evolutionary features to predict protein folding structure. In particular, their model was designed to predict a distribution for how far away each pair of amino acids will be from one another in the final folded structure. Given such a trained model, you can score a candidate structure according to how likely it is under the model, and - if your process for generating candidates is differentiable, as it is in this case - you can directly optimize the structure to increase its probability. https://i.imgur.com/9ZBhqRo.png The distance-prediction model takes as input two main categories of feature: 1. Per-residue features characterizing which amino acid that residue is based on different techniques that produce one-hot amino acid type, or a distribution over amino acids. 2. Residue pair features based on parameters of Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) models. I don't deeply understand the details of how the specific models here work, but at a high level: MSA features are based on the evolutionary intuition that residues that make contact within a protein will likely evolve in a correlation with one another, and that you can simulate these evolutionary timestep correlations by comparing highly similar proteins (which were likely close in evolutionary time). https://i.imgur.com/h16lPwU.png These features are stacked in a LxL grid, with the per-residue-pair features differing at each point in the grid, and the per-residue features staying constant for a full row or column (since they correspond to a given i for all j). One relevant note here is that proteins can be hundreds or thousands of residues long, and, so you can't actually construct a full LxL matrix, either on the input or output end. Instead, the notional full LxL grid is subdivided into a courser grid of 64-residue square regions, and a single one of these 64x64 regions (which could be either adjacent or far away in the protein) is passed into the model at a time. Given these 64x64x<features> input, the model performs several layers of dilated convolutions - which allow features at a given point in the grid to be informed by information farther away - still in a 2D arrangement. The model then outputs a 64x64 grid (one element for each [i, j] amino acid pair), where each element in the grid is a 64-deep discretized probability distribution over the distance between those two residues. When I say "discretized probability distribution," what I actually mean is "histogram". This discretization of an output distribution, where you predict how much probability mass will be in each possible distance bin, allows for flexible and finer-grained predicted distributions than, for example, you could get with a continuous Gaussian model centered around a single point. Amusingly, because the model predicts distance histograms for each residue pair, the authors term the output a "distogram". During training, the next-to-last layer of the model is also used to predict per-residue auxiliary features: the accessible surface area of the residue in the folded structure, and the secondary structure type (helix, strand, etc) that the residue will be a part of. However, these are just used to provide more signal during training, and aren't used for either protein structure optimization or calculation of test scores. To actually generated predicted fold structures, the authors construct a generative model of fold structure where each amino acid is assigned two torsion angles that govern its connection to its neighbor. By setting these torsion angles to different values, you can twist and reshape the protein as a whole. Given this generative model, things proceed as you might suspect: you generate a candidate, calculate the resulting inter-residue distances, calculate a likelihood of those distances under the model you've learned, and send back a gradient to change your torsion angles to make that likelihood higher. Empirically, the Deepmind authors evaluated on a competition dataset, and specifically compared themselves against other approaches that (like theirs) didn't make predictions for a new protein by comparing against similar templates (Template Modeling, or TM) but instead modeled from raw features (Free Modeling, or FM). AlphaFold was able to achieve high accuracy on 24 out of the 43 test domains (where a domain is a cluster of highly related proteins) compared to the next best method, which only got 14 out of the 43. Definitely still not perfect, since almost half of the test proteins were out of its reach, but fairly compelling evidence that there's value to DeepMind's approach. |
Most of the interesting mechanics within living things are mediated by interactions between proteins, making it important and useful to have good predictive models of whether proteins will interact with one another, for validating possible interaction graph structures. Prior methods for this problem - which takes as its input sequence representations of two proteins, and outputs a probability of interaction - have pursued different ideas for how to combine information from the two proteins. On a basic level, you need your method to be independent to the ordering of the proteins, since the property we care about is a property of a pair of proteins, not a property of a particular ordering of proteins. Some examples of those have included: - A kernel function between some representation of proteins - Representing a protein pair according to whether and how often given k-mer sequences co-occur in both proteins This paper's DPPI method is built on a Siamese network, which applies a single shared set of convolutional layers to each of the two proteins, and then calculates a "binding score," that structurally acts a bit like a similarity score, but with allowances for proteins to be complementary, rather than just similar. In more detail: https://i.imgur.com/8ruY9es.png 1. Crop each protein into multiple overlapping subsequences of length 512 amino acids. Perform all following steps for every combination of cropped subsequences between the two proteins. (If A is divided into A1 and A2, you'd do the following steps for A1 x B and A2 x B and take the max score out of the two) 2. Each cropped protein is represented as a probabilistic sequence. Since we can't get fully certain sequences of what amino acid is at each point in the chain, we instead pass in a 20x512 representation, where at each of the 512 locations we have a distribution over 20 possible amino acids. This tensor is passed into multiple layers of convolutional network, with the same network weights applied to each of the two proteins. 3. A random projection is applied to the outputs of the convolutional network. The features that come out of the projection are conceptually similar to feature maps that might come out of a neural network layer, except that the weights aren't learned. This random projection has a specialized structure, in that it's composed of two (randomly-weighted) networks, A and B, each of which result in feature maps A1...K and B1...K. For protein 1, the outputs of the network are ordered A1...AK B1...BK, whereas for protein 2, the weights are swapped, and so the outputs are ordered B1...BK A1...AK. 4. A Hadamard product between the two random projection outputs. This is basically a dot product, but for matrices (you multiply each element in the matrix by the corresponding element in the other matrix). This is basically like calculating a similarity score between the feature values of the randomly projected features. One benefit of doing the odd reordering in the prior step is that it breaks symmetry: if we took a dot product between features calculated by a fully shared-weight network, then we'd be looking explicitly for similarity between sequence features, which might not be sufficient to know if proteins interact in a complementary way. Another benefit is that it makes the final fully connected layer (which predicts interaction) agnostic to the order of inputs. (Caveat: I only about 70% follow the logic of this) In the example above, the 1st element will end up being A1(Prot1) x B1(ProtB), and the K+1th element will end up being B1(Prot1) x A1(ProtB). Since multiplication is order-independent, both values 1 and K+1 represent the similarity between the proteins according to features A/B1. 5. Once you have this final representation, feed it into a fully connected layer https://i.imgur.com/3LsgZNn.png The authors show superior performance to past methods, and even show that they can get 96% accuracy on protein interactions within humans from training on a non-human species, showing that a lot of the biomechanical logic transfers. https://i.imgur.com/REoU3Ab.png They did an ablation test and showed that the random projection layer added value, but also that it was better to have the weights be random than learned, which was surprising to me, and suggests the model as a whole is prone to overfit. |
Prior to this paper, most methods that used machine learning to generate molecular blueprints did so using SMILES representations - a string format with characters representing different atoms and bond types. This preference came about because ML had existing methods for generating strings that could be built on for generating SMILES (a particular syntax of string). However, an arguably more accurate and fundamental way of representing molecules is as graphs (with atoms as nodes and bonds as edges). Dealing with molecules as graphs avoids the problem of a given molecule having many potential SMILES representations (because there's no canonical atom to start working your way around the molecule on), and, hopefully, would have an inductive bias that somewhat more closely matches the actual biomechanical interactions within a molecule. One way you could imagine generating a graph structure is by adding on single components (atoms or bonds) at a time. However, the authors of this paper argue that this approach is harder to constrain to only construct valid molecular graphs, since, in the course of sampling out a molecule, you'd have to go through intermediate stages that you expect to be invalid (for example, bonds with no attached atoms), making it hard to add in explicit validity checks. The alternate approach proposed here works as follows: - Atoms within molecules are grouped into valid substructures, based on a combination of biologically-motivated rules (like treating aromatic rings as a single substructure) and computational heuristics. For the purpose of this paper, substructures are generally either 1) a ring, 2) two particular atoms on either end of a bond, or 3) a "tail" with a bond and an atom. Importantly, these substructures are designed to be overlapping - if you had a N bonded with O, and then O with C (this example are entirely made up, and I expect chemically incoherent), then you could have "N-O" as one substructure, and "O-C" as another. https://i.imgur.com/yGzRPjT.png - Using these substructures (or clusters), you can form a simplified representation of a molecule, as a connected, non-cyclic junction tree of clusters connected together. This doesn't give you all the information you'd need to construct the molecule - since there could be multiple different ways, on a molecular level, to connect two substructures, but it does give a blueprint of what the molecule will look like. - Given these two representations, the paper proposes a two-step encoding and decoding process. For a given molecule, we encode both the full molecular graph and the simplified junction tree, getting out vectors Zg and Zt respectively. - The first step of decoding generates a tree given the Zt representation. This generation process works via graph message-passing, taking in the Zt vector in addition to whatever part of the tree exists, and predicting a probability for whether that node has a child, and, if it exists, a probability for what cluster is at that child node. Given this parametrized set of probabilities, we can calculate the probability of the junction tree representation of whatever ground truth molecule we're decoding, and train the tree decoder to increase that model likelihood. (Importantly, although we frame this step as "reconstruction," during training, we're not actually sampling discrete nodes and edges, because we couldn't backprop through that, we're just defining a probability distribution and trying to increase the probability of our real data under it). - The second step of decoding takes in a tree - which at this point is a set of cluster labels with connections specified between one another - as well as the Zg vector, and generates a full, atom-level graph. This is done by enumerating all the ways that two substructures could be attached (this number is typically small, ≤4), and learning a parametrized function that scores each possible type of connection, based on the full tree "blueprint", the Zg embedding, and the molecule that has been generated so far. - When you want to sample a new molecule, you can draw a sample from the prior distributions of Zg and Zt, and run the decoding process in a sampling mode, actually making discrete draws from the distributions given by your model https://i.imgur.com/QdSY25u.png The authors perform three empirical tests: ability to successfully sample-reconstruct a given molecule, ability to optimize for a desired chemical property by finding a Z that scores high on that property according to an auxiliary predictive model, and ability to optimize for a property while staying within a given similarity radius to an original anchor molecule. The Junction Tree approach outperforms on all three tasks. On reconstruction, it matches the best alternative method on reconstruction reliability, but with 100% valid molecules, rather than 43.5% on the competing method. Overall, I found this paper really enjoyable and satisfying to read. Occasionally, ML-for-bio papers err on the side of too little domain thought (just throwing the most generic-for-images model structure at a problem), or too little machine learning thought (take hand-designed features and throw them at a whole range of models), where I think this one struck a nice balance of some amount of domain knowledge (around what makes for valid substructures) but embedded in a complex and thoughtfully designed neural network framework. |
This paper's proposed method, the cleverly named ORGAN, combines techniques from GANs and reinforcement learning to generate candidate molecular sequences that incentivize desirable properties while still remaining plausibly on-distribution. Prior papers I've read on molecular generation have by and large used approaches based in maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) - where you construct some distribution over molecular representations, and maximize the probability of your true data under that distribution. However, MLE methods can't be less powerful when it comes to incentivizing your model to precisely conform with structural details of your target data distribution. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) on the other hand, use a discriminator loss that directly penalizes your generator for being recognizably different from the true data. However, GANs have historically been difficult to use on data like the string-based molecular representations used in this paper. That's because strings are made up of discrete characters, which need to be sampled from underlying distributions, and we don't naively have good ways of making sampling from discrete distributions a differentiable process. SeqGAN was proposed to remedy this: instead of using the discriminator loss directly as the generator's loss - which would require backpropogating through the sampling operation - the generator is trained with reinforcement learning, using the discriminator score as a reward function. Each addition of an element to the sequence - or, in our case, each addition of a character to our molecular representation string - represents an action, and full sequences are rewarded based on the extent to which they resemble true sequences. https://i.imgur.com/dqtcJDU.png This paper proposes taking that model as a base, but then adding a more actually-reward-oriented reward onto it, incentivizing the model to produce molecules that have certain predicted properties, as determined by a (also very not differentiable) external molecular simulator. So, just taking a weighted sum of discriminator loss and reward, and using that as your RL reward. After all, if you're already using the policy gradient structures of RL to train the underlying generator, you might as well add on some more traditional-looking RL rewards. The central intuition behind using RL in both of these cases is that it provides a way of using training signals that are unknown or - more to the point - non-differentiable functions functions of model output. In their empirical tests focusing on molecules, the authors target the RL to optimize for one of solubility, synthesizability, and druggability (three well-defined properties within molecular simulator RDKit), as well as for uniqueness, penalizing any molecule that had been generated already. https://i.imgur.com/WszVd1M.png For all that this is an interesting mechanic, the empirical results are more equivocal. Compared to Naive RL, which directly optimizes for reward without the discriminator loss, ORGAN (Or, ORWGAN, the better-performing method using a Wasserstein GAN) doesn't have notably better rates of how often its generated strings are valid, and (as you would expect) performs comparably or slightly worse when it comes to optimizing the underlying reward. It does exhibit higher diversity than naive RL on two of the three tasks, but it's hard to get an intuition for the scales involved, and how much that scale of diversity increase would impact real results. |
Over the past few days, I've been reading about different generative neural networks being tried out for molecular generation. So far this has mostly focused on latent variable space models like autoencoders, but today I shifted attention to a different approach rooted in reinforcement learning. The goal of most of these methods is 1) to build a generative model that can sample plausible molecular structures, but more saliently 2) specifically generate molecules optimized to exhibit some property of interest. The two autoencoder methods I read about did this by building a model to predict properties from latent space, and then optimizing the latent space vector to push up the value of those predictions. A central difficulty of this, and something that was a challenge for the autoencoder methods I read about, was the difficulty of explicitly incentivizing and promoting structurally valid molecular representations when going "off distribution" in search of molecules not in your training set that you predict will be better along some axis, since optimizing any direction - particularly a direction governed by a imperfect predictive model - without constraints is likely to lead to models that find the easy route of finding edge cases of your property-prediction model, rather than more difficult, truly valid and novel structures. https://i.imgur.com/NafoeDr.png An advantage of using reinforcement learning as a framework here is that, because your loss doesn't need to be a continuous analytic function of your outputs, you can explicitly add molecular validity, as calculated by some external program, as part of your reward signal. This allows you to penalize a model for optimizing away from valid outputs. The specific approach proposed by the authors of this paper has two phases of training. 1) A RNN sequence model trained to do character-by-character prediction of SMILES strings (a character-based molecular representation). This is just a probability distribution over SMILES strings, with no RL involved yet, and is referred to as the Prior. 2) Taking that pretrained sequence model, caching it, and then fine-tuning on top with a hybrid RL and maximum likelihood loss. As seen in the equation below, this loss creates a hybrid, posterior-esque likelihood that combines the probability of an action sequence (where an action is "the choice of next character given currently generated string") under the prior with the reward (or "score", S(A)) of the action sequence, and tries to push the probability under the learned policy to be closer to that hybrid likelihood. https://i.imgur.com/U4ZvKsJ.png https://i.imgur.com/b28Ea7m.png The notion here is that by including the prior in your RL loss, you keep your generated molecules closer to the learned molecular distribution, rather than letting it push towards edge cases that are improbable, but not in ways you were able to directly disincentivize with your reward function. This is an interesting framing of this problem as having two failure modes: generating molecules that are structurally invalid, in that they don't correspond to syntactically feasible representations, and generating molecules that are technically feasible but are unlikely under the actual distribution of molecules, which captures more nuanced and hard-to-hardcode facts about energetic feasibility. The authors experiment with three tasks: - Learning to avoid structures that contain sulphur (with a reward function that penalizes both invalid molecules and the presence of sulphur). On this task, they show that methods that make use of the prior (compared to ablations that are only incentivized to increase reward, or that are pulled towards the prior in a less direct way) do a better job of solving the problem in realistic ways rather than overly simplified ones. - Learning to generate structures with high similarity to a particular reference molecule. Here, they perform an interesting test where they remove the reference molecule and things similar to it from the training set of the Prior, which leads to the model not immediately falling into the easy solution of just generating exact copies of the reference molecule, but instead more interesting similar-but-not-identical analogues - Learning to generate structures that are predicted - by a separate predictive model - to be active against a target of interest. A similar Prior-limitation test was performed, where all the true positives from the bioactivity model are removed from sequence training, and this led to a more diverse set of solutions that did less of just mimicking the existing known positives Overall, while this paper was relatively straightforward from a machine learning perspective, I enjoyed it, thought the methods were a sensible improvement over prior work I'd read, and that the evaluations performed were an interesting test of some of the paper's ideas. |
I'll admit that I found this paper a bit of a letdown to read, relative to expectations rooted in its high citation count, and my general excitement and interest to see how deep learning could be brought to bear on molecular design. But before a critique, let's first walk through the mechanics of how the authors' approach works. The method proposed is basically a very straightforward Variational Auto Encoder, or VAE. It takes in a textual SMILES string representation of a molecular structure, uses an encoder to map that into a continuous vector representation, a decoder to map the vector representation back into a a SMILES string, and an auxiliary predictor to predict properties of a molecule given the continuous representation. So, the training loss is a combination of the reconstruction loss (log probability of the true molecule under the distribution produced by the decoder) and the semi-supervised predictive loss. The hope with this model is that it would allow you to sample from a space of potential molecules by starting from an existing molecule, and then optimizing the the vector representation of that molecule to make it score higher on whatever property you want to optimize for. https://i.imgur.com/WzZsCOB.png The authors acknowledge that, in this setup, you're just producing a probability distribution over characters, and that the continuous vectors sampled from the latent space might not actually map to valid SMILES strings, and beyond that may well not correspond to chemically valid molecules. Empirically, they said that the proportion of valid generated molecules ranged between 1 and 70%. But they argue that it'd be too difficult to enforce those constraints, and instead just sample from the model and run the results through a hand-designed filter for molecular validity. In my view, this is the central weakness of the method proposed in this paper: that they seem to have not tackled the question of either chemical viability or even syntactic correctness of the produced molecules. I found it difficult to nail down from the paper what the ultimate percentage of valid molecules was from points in latent space that were off of the training . A table reports "percentage of 5000 randomly-selected latent points that decode to valid molecules after 1000 attempts," but I'm confused by what the 1000 attempts means here - does that mean we draw 1000 samples from the distribution given by the decoder, and see if *any* of those samples are valid? That would be a strange metric, if so, and perhaps it means something different, but it's hard to tell. https://i.imgur.com/9sy0MXB.png This paper made me really curious to see whether a GAN could do better in this space, since it would presumably be better at the task of incentivizing syntactic correctness of produced strings (given that any deviation from correctness could be signal for the discriminator), but it might also lead to issues around mode collapse, and when I last checked the literature, GANs on text data in particular were still not great. |
In the years before this paper came out in 2017, a number of different graph convolution architectures - which use weight-sharing and order-invariant operations to create representations at nodes in a graph that are contextualized by information in the rest of the graph - had been suggested for learning representations of molecules. The authors of this paper out of Google sought to pull all of these proposed models into a single conceptual framework, for the sake of better comparing and testing the design choices that went into them. All empirical tests were done using the QM9 dataset, where 134,000 molecules have predicted chemical properties attached to them, things like the amount of energy released if bombs are sundered and the energy of electrons at different electron shells. https://i.imgur.com/Mmp8KO6.png An interesting note is that these properties weren't measured empirically, but were simulated by a very expensive quantum simulation, because the former wouldn't be feasible for this large of a dataset. However, this is still a moderately interesting test because, even if we already have the capability to computationally predict these features, a neural network would do much more quickly. And, also, one might aspirationally hope that architectures which learn good representations of molecules for quantum predictions are also useful for tasks with a less available automated prediction mechanism. The framework assumes the existence of "hidden" feature vectors h at each node (atom) in the graph, as well as features that characterize the edges between nodes (whether that characterization comes through sorting into discrete bond categories or through a continuous representation). The features associated with each atom at the lowest input level of the molecule-summarizing networks trained here include: the element ID, the atomic number, whether it accepts electrons or donates them, whether it's in an aromatic system, and which shells its electrons are in. https://i.imgur.com/J7s0q2e.png Given these building blocks, the taxonomy lays out three broad categories of function, each of which different architectures implement in slightly different ways. 1. The Message function, M(). This function is defined with reference to a node w, that the message is coming from, and a node v, that it's being sent to, and is meant to summarize the information coming from w to inform the node representation that will be calculated at v. It takes into account the feature vectors of one or both nodes at the next level down, and sometimes also incorporates feature vectors attached to the edge connecting the two nodes. In a notable example of weight sharing, you'd use the same Message function for every combination of v and w, because you need to be able to process an arbitrary number of pairs, with each v having a different number of neighbors. The simplest example you might imagine here is a simple concatenation of incoming node and edge features; a more typical example from the architectures reviewed is a concatenation followed by a neural network layer. The aggregate message being sent to the receiver node is calculated by summing together the messages from each incoming vector (though it seems like other options are possible; I'm a bit confused why the paper presented summing as the only order-invariant option). 2. The Update function, U(). This function governs how to take the aggregated message vector sent to a particular node, and combine that with the prior-layer representation at that node, to come up with a next-layer representation at that node. Similarly, the same Update function weights are shared across all atoms. 3. The Readout function, R(), which takes the final-layer representation of each atom node and aggregates the representations into a final graph-level representation an order-invariant way Rather than following in the footsteps of the paper by describing each proposed model type and how it can be described in this framework, I'll instead try to highlight some of the more interesting ways in which design choices differed across previously proposed architectures. - Does the message function being sent from w to v depend on the feature value at both w and v, or just v? To put the question more colloquially, you might imagine w wanting to contextually send different information based on different values of the feature vector at node v, and this extra degree of expressivity (not present in the earliest 2015 paper), seems like a quite valuable addition (in that all subsequent papers include it) - Are the edge features static, categorical things, or are they feature vectors that get iteratively updated in the same way that the node vectors do? For most of the architectures reviewed, the former is true, but the authors found that the highest performance in their tests came from networks with continuous edge vectors, rather than just having different weights for different category types of edge - Is the Readout function something as simple as a summation of all top-level feature vectors, or is it more complex? Again, the authors found that they got the best performance by using a more complex approach, a Set2Set aggregator, which uses item-to-item attention within the set of final-layer atom representations to construct an aggregated grap-level embedding The empirical tests within the paper highlight a few more interestingly relevant design choices that are less directly captured by the framework. The first is the fact that it's quite beneficial to explicitly include Hydrogen atoms as part of the graph, rather than just "attaching" them to their nearest-by atoms as a count that goes on that atom's feature vector. The second is that it's valuable to start out your edge features with a continuous representation of the spatial distance between atoms, along with an embedding of the bond type. This is particularly worth considering because getting spatial distance data for a molecule requires solving the free-energy problem to determine its spatial conformation, a costly process. We might ideally prefer a network that can work on bond information alone. The authors do find a non-spatial-information network that can perform reasonably well - reaching full accuracy on 5 of 13 targets, compared to 11 with spatial information. However, the difference is notable, which, at least from my perspective, begs the question of whether it'd ever be possible to learn representations that can match the performance of spatially-informed ones without explicitly providing that information. |
The goal of one-shot learning tasks is to design a learning structure that can perform a new task (or, more canonically, add a new class to an existing task) using only one a small number of examples of the new task or class. So, as an example: you'd want to be able to take one positive and one negative example of a given task and correctly classify subsequent points as either positive or negative. A common way of achieving this, and the way that the paper builds on, is to learn a parametrized function projecting both your labeled points (your "support set") and your unlabeled point (your "query") into an embedding space, and then assigning a class to your query according to how close it is to the support set points associated with each label. The hope is that, in the course of training on different but similar tasks, you've learned a metric space where nearby things tend to be of similar classes. This method is called a "matching network". This paper has the specific objective of using such one-shot methods for drug discovery, and evaluates on tasks drawn from that domain, but most of the mechanics of the paper can be understood without reference to molecular dat in particular. In the simplest version of such a network, the query and support set points are embedded unconditionally - meaning that the query would be embedded in the same way regardless of the values in the support set, and that each point in the support set would be embedded without knowledge of each other. However, given how little data we're giving our model to work with, it might be valuable to allow our query embedder (f(x)) and support set embedder (g(x)) to depend on the values within the support set. Prior work had achieved this by: 1) Creating initial f'(x) and g'(x) query and support embedders. 2) Concatenating the embedded support points g'(x) into a single vector and running a bidirectional LSTM over the concatenation, which results in a representation g(x) of each input that incorporates information from g'(x_i) for all other x_i (albeit in a way that imposes a concatenation ordering that may not correspond to a meaningful order) 3) Calculating f(x) of your embedding point by using an attention mechanism to combine f'(x) with the contextualized embeddings g(x) The authors of the current paper argue that this approach is suboptimal because of the artificially imposed ordering, and because it calculated g(x) prior to f(x) using asymmetrical model structures (though it's not super clear why this latter point is a problem). Instead, they propose a somewhat elaborate and difficult-to-follow attention based mechanism. As best as I can understand, this is what they're suggesting: https://i.imgur.com/4DLWh8H.png 1) Update the query embedding f(x) by calculating an attention distribution over the vector current embeddings of support set points (here referred to as bolded <r>), pooling downward to a single aggregate embedding vector r, and then using a LSTM that takes in that aggregate vector and the prior update to generate a new update. This update, dz, is added to the existing query embedding estimate to get a new one 2) Update the vector of support set embeddings by iteratively calculating an attention mapping between the vector of current support set embeddings and the original features g'(S), and using that attention mapping to create a new <r>, which, similar to the above, is fed into an LSTM to calculate the next update. Since the model is evaluated on molecular tasks, all of the embedding functions are structured as graph convolutions. Other than the obvious fact that attention is a great way of aggregating information in an order-independent way, the authors give disappointingly little justification of why they would expect their method to work meaningfully better than past approaches. Empirically, they do find that it performs slightly better than prior contextualized matching networks on held out tasks of predicting toxicity and side effects with only a small number from the held out task. However, neither this paper's new method nor previous one-shot learning work is able to perform very well on the challenging MUV dataset, where held-out binding tasks involve structurally dissimilar molecules from those seen during training, suggesting that whatever generalization this method is able to achieve doesn't quite rise to the task of making inferences based on molecules with different structures. |
This is a paper released by the creators of the DeepChem library/framework, explaining the efforts they've put into facilitating straightforward and reproducible testing of new methods. They advocate for consistency between tests on three main axes. 1. On the most basic level, that methods evaluate on the same datasets 2. That they use canonical train/test splits 3. That they use canonical metrics. To that end, they've integrated a framework they call "MoleculeNet" into DeepChem, containing standardized interfaces to datasets, metrics, and test sets. **Datasets** MoleculeNet contains 17 different datasets, where "dataset" here just means a collection of data labeled for a certain task or set of tasks. The tasks fall into one of four groups: - quantum mechanical prediction (atomization energy, spectra) - prediction of properties of physical chemistry (solubility, lipophilicity) - prediction of biophysical interactions like bonding affinity - prediction of human-level physiological properties (toxicity, side effects, whether it passes the blood brain barrier) An interesting thing to note here is that only some datasets contain 3D orientations of molecules, because spatial orientations are properties of *a given conformation* of a molecule, and while some output measures (like binding geometry) depend on 3D arrangement, others (like solubility) don't. **Metrics** The metrics chosen were pretty straightforward - Root Mean Squared Error or Absolute Error for continuous prediction tasks, and ROC-AUC or PRC-AUC for prediction ones. The only notable nuance was that the paper argued for PRC-AUC as the standard metric for datasets with a low number of positives, since that metric is the strictest on false positives. **Test/Train Split** Most of these were fairly normal - random split and time-based split - but I found the idea of a scaffold split (where you cluster molecules by similarity, and assign each cluster to either train or test), interesting. The idea here is that if molecules are similar enough to one another, seeing one of a pair during training might be comparable to seeing an actual shared example between training and test, and have the same propensity for overconfident results. **Models** DeepChem has put together implementations of a number of standard machine learning methods (SVM, Random Forest, XGBoost, Logistic Regression) on molecular features, as well as a number of molecule-specific graph-structured methods. At a high level, these are: https://i.imgur.com/x4yutlp.png - Graph Convolutions, which update atom representations by combining transformations of the features of bonded neighbor atoms - DAGs, which create an "atom-centric" graph for each atom in the molecule and "pull" information inwards from farther away nodes (for the record, I don't fully follow how this one works, since I haven't read the underlying paper) - Weave Model, which maintains both atom representations and pair representations between all pairs of atoms, not just ones bonded to one another, and updates each in a cross-cutting way: updating an atom representation from all of its pairs (as well as itself), and then updating a pair representation from the atoms in its pairing (as well as itself). This has the benefit of making information from far-away molecules available immediately, rather than having to propagate through a graph, but is also more computationally taxing - Message Passing Neural Network, which operates like Graph Convolutions except that the feature transform used to pull in information from neighboring atoms changes depending on the type of the bond between atoms - Deep Tensor Neural Network - Instead of bonds, this approach represents atoms in 3D space, and pulls in information based on other atoms nearby in spatial distance **Results** As part of creating its benchmark, MoleculeNet also tested its implementations of its models on all its datasets. It's interesting the extent to which the results form a narrative, in terms of which tasks benefit most from flexible structure-based methods (like graph approaches) vs hand-engineered features. https://i.imgur.com/dCAdJac.png Predictions of quantum mechanical properties and properties of physical chemistry do consistently better with graph-based methods, potentially suggesting that the features we've thought to engineer aren't in line with useful features for those tasks. By contrast, on biophysical tasks, hand-engineered features combined with traditional machine learning mostly comes out on top, a fact I found a bit surprising, given the extent to which I'd read about deep learning methods claiming strong results on prediction of things like binding affinity. This was a useful pointer of things I should do some more work to resolve clarity on. And, when it came to physiological properties like toxicity and side effects, results are pretty mixed between graph-based and traditional methods. |
This paper was published after the 2015 Duvenaud et al paper proposing a differentiable alternative to circular fingerprints of molecules: substituting out exact-match random hash functions to identify molecular structures with learned convolutional-esque kernels. As far as I can tell, the Duvenaud paper was the first to propose something we might today recognize as graph convolutions on atoms. I hoped this paper would build on that one, but it seems to be coming from a conceptually different direction, and it seems like it was more or less contemporaneous, for all that it was released later. This paper introduces a structure that allows for more explicit message passing along bonds, by calculating atom features as a function of their incoming bonds, and then bond features as a function of their constituent atoms, and iterating this procedure, so information from an atom can be passed into a bond, then, on the next iteration, pulled in by another atom on the other end of that bond, and then pulled into that atom's bonds, and so forth. This has the effect of, similar to a convolutional or recurrent network, creating representations for each atom in the molecular graph that are informed by context elsewhere in the graph, to different degrees depending on distance from that atom. More specifically, it defines: - A function mapping from a prior layer atom representation to a subsequent layer atom representation, taking into account only information from that atom (Atom to Atom) - A function mapping from a prior layer bond representation (indexed by the two atoms on either side of the bond), taking into account only information from that bond at the prior layer (Bond to Bond) - A function creating a bond representation by applying a shared function to the atoms at either end of it, and then combining those representations with an aggregator function (Atoms to Bond) - A function creating an atom representation by applying a shared function all the bonds that atom is a part of, and then combining those results with an aggregator function (Bonds to Atom) At the top of this set of layers, when each atom has had information diffused into it by other parts of the graph, depending on the network depth, the authors aggregate the per-atom representations into histograms (basically, instead of summing or max-pooling feature-wise, creating course distributions of each feature), and use that for supervised tasks. One frustration I had with this paper is that it doesn't do a great job of highlighting its differences with and advantages over prior work; in particular, I think it doesn't do a very good job arguing that its performance is superior to the earlier Duvenaud work. That said, for all that the presentation wasn't ideal, the idea of message-passing is an important one in graph convolutions, and will end up becoming more standard in later works. |
If you read modern (that is, 2018-2020) papers using deep learning on molecular inputs, almost all of them use some variant of graph convolution. So, I decided to go back through the citation chain and read the earliest papers that thought to apply this technique to molecules, to get an idea of lineage of the technique within this domain. This 2015 paper, by Duvenaud et al, is the earliest one I can find. It focuses the entire paper on comparing differentiable, message-passing networks to the state of the art standard at the time, circular fingerprints (more on that in a bit). I really appreciated this approach, which, rather than trying to claim an unrealistic level of novelty, goes into detail on the prior approach, and carves out specific areas of difference. At a high level, the authors' claim is: our model is, in its simplest case, a more flexible and super version of existing work. The unspoken corollary, which ended up being proven true, is that the flexibility of the neural network structure makes it easy to go beyond this initial level of simplicity. Circular Fingerprinting (or, more properly, Extended-Connectivity Circular Fingerprints), is a fascinating algorithm that captures many of the elements of convolution: shared weights, a hierarchy of kernels that match patterns at different scales, and a clever way of aggregating information across an arbitrary number of input nodes. Mechanistically, Circular Fingerprints work by: 1) Taking each atom, and creating a concatenated vector of its basic features, along with the basic features of each atom it's bonded to (with bonded neighbors quasi-randomly) 2) Calculating next-level features by applying some number of hash functions (roughly equivalent to convolutional kernels) to the neighborhood feature vector at the lower level to produce an integer 3) For each feature, setting the value of the fingerprint vector to 1 at the index implied by the integer in step (2) 4) Iterating this process at progressively higher layers, using the hash The effect of this is to assign each index of the vector to an binary feature (modulo hash collisions), where that feature is activated if an exact match is found to a structure within a given atom. Its main downside is that (a) its "kernel" equivalents are fixed and not trainable, since they're just random hashes, and (b) its features represent *exact* matches to lower-level feature patterns, which means you can't have one feature activated to different degrees by variations on a pattern it's identifying. https://i.imgur.com/V8FpfVE.png Duvenaud et al present their alternative in terms of keeping a similar structure, but swapping out fixed and binary components for trainable (because differentiable) and continuous ones. Instead of concatenating a random sorting of atom neighbors to enforce invariance to sorting, they simply sum feature vectors across neighbors, which is also an order-invariantoperation. Instead of applying hash functions, they apply parametrized kernel functions, with the same parameters used across all aggregated neighborhood vectors . This will no longer look for exact matches, but will activate to the extent a structure within an atom matches against a kernel pattern. Then, these features are put into a softmax, which instead setting an index of a vector to a sharp one value, activates different feature indices in the final vector to differing degrees. The final fingerprint is simply the sum of these softmax feature activations for each atom. The authors do a few tests to confirm their substitution is working well, including starting out with a random network (to better approximate the random hash functions), comparing distances between atoms according to either the circular or neural footprint (which had a high correlation), and confirming that that performs similarly to circular fingerprints on a set of supervised learning tasks on modules. When they trained weights to be better than random on three such supervised tasks, they found that their model was comparable or better than circular fingerprints on all three (to break that down: it was basically equivalent on one, and notably better on the other two, according to mean squared error) This really is the simplest possible version of a message-passing or graph convolutional network (it doesn't use edge features, it doesn't calculate features of a neighbor-connection according to the features of each node, etc), but it's really satisfying to see it laid out as a next-step alternative that offered value just by stepping away from exact-match feature dynamics and non-random functions, even without all the sophisticated additions that would later be added to such models.
My objective in reading this paper was to gain another perspective on, and thus a more well-grounded view of, machine learning scoring functions for docking-based prediction of ligand/protein binding affinity. As quick background context, these models are useful because many therapeutic compounds act by binding to a target protein, and it can be valuable to prioritize doing wet lab testing on compounds that are predicted to have a stronger binding affinity. Docking systems work by predicting the pose in which a compound (or ligand) would bind to a protein, and then scoring prospective poses based on how likely such a pose would be to have high binding affinity. It's important to note that there are two predictive components in such a pipeline, and thus two sources of potential error: the searching over possible binding poses, done by physics-based systems, and scoring of the affinity of a given pose, assuming that were actually the correct one. Therefore, in the second kind of modeling, which this paper focuses on, you take in features *of a particular binding pose*, which includes information like which atoms of the compound are nearby to which atoms of the protein. The actual neural network structure used here was admittedly a bit underwhelming (though, to be fair, many of the ideas it seems to be gesturing at wouldn't be properly formalized until Graph Convolutional Networks came around). I'll describe the network mechanically first, and then offer some commentary on the design choices. https://i.imgur.com/w9wKS10.png 1. For each atom (a) in the compound, a set of neighborhood features are defined. The neighborhood is based on two hyperparameters, one for "how many atoms from the protein should be included," and one for "how many atoms from the compound should be included". In both cases, you start by adding the closest atom from either the compound or protein, and as hyperparameter values of each increase, you add in farther-away atoms. The neighborhood features here are (i) What are the types of the atoms? (ii) What are the partial charges of the atoms? (iii) How far are the atoms from the reference atom? (iiii) What amino acid within the protein do the protein atoms come? 2. All of these features are turned into embeddings. Yes, all of them, even the ones (distance and charge) that are continuous values. Coming from a machine learning perspective, this is... pretty weird as a design choice. The authors straight-up discretize the distance values, and then use those as discrete values for the purpose of looking up embeddings. (So, you'd have one embedding vector for distance (0.25-0.5, and a different one for 0.0-0.25, say). 3. The embeddings are concatenated together into a single "atom neighborhood vector" based on a predetermined ordering of the neighbor atoms and their property vectors. We now have one atom neighborhood vector for each atom in the compound. 4. The authors then do what they call a convolution over the atom neighborhood vectors. But it doesn't act like a normal convolution in the sense of mixing information from nearby regions of atom space. It just is basically a fully connected layer that's applied to atom neighborhood vector separately, but with shared weights, so the same layer is applied to each neighborhood vector. They then do a feature-wise max pool across the layer-transformed version of neighborhood vectors, getting you one vector for the full compound 5. This single vector is then put into a softmax, which predicts whether this ligand (in in this particular pose) will have strong binding with the protein Some thoughts on what's going on here. First, I really don't have a good explanation for why they'd have needed to embed a discretized version of the continuous variables, and since they don't do an ablation test of that design choice, it's hard to know if it mattered. Second, it's interesting to see, in their "convolution" (which I think is more accurately described as a Siamese Network, since it's only convolution-like insofar as there are shared weights), the beginning intuitions of what would become Graph Convolutions. The authors knew that they needed methods to aggregate information from arbitrary numbers of atoms, and also that they need should learn representations that have visibility onto neighborhoods of atoms, rather than single ones, but they do so in an entirely hand-engineered way: manually specifying a fixed neighborhood and pulling in information from all those neighbors equally, in a big concatenated vector. By contrast, when Graph Convolutions come along, they act by defining a "message-passing" function for features to aggregate across graph edges (here: molecular bonds or binaries on being "near enough" to another atom), which similarly allows information to be combined across neighborhoods. And, then, the 'convolution' is basically just a simple aggregation: necessary because there's no canonical ordering of elements within a graph, so you need an order-agnostic aggregation like a sum or max pool. The authors find that their method is able to improve on the hand-designed scoring functions within the docking programs. However, they also find (similar to another paper I read recently) that their model is able to do quite well without even considering structural relationships of the binding pose with the protein, which suggests the dataset (DUD - a dataset of 40 proteins with ~4K correctly binding ligands, and ~35K ligands paired with proteins they don't bind to) and problem given to the model is too easy. It's also hard to tell how I should consider AUCs within this problem - it's one thing to be better than an existing method, but how much value do you get from a given unit of AUC improvement, when it comes to actually meaningfully reducing wetlab time used on testing compounds? I don't know that there's much to take away from this paper in terms of useful techniques, but it is interesting to see the evolution of ideas that would later be more cleanly formalized in other works. |
This paper focuses on the application of deep learning to the docking problem within rational drug design. The overall objective of drug design or discovery is to build predictive models of how well a candidate compound (or "ligand") will bind with a target protein, to help inform the decision of what compounds are promising enough to be worth testing in a wet lab. Protein binding prediction is important because many small-molecule drugs, which are designed to be small enough to get through cell membranes, act by binding to a specific protein within a disease pathway, and thus blocking that protein's mechanism. The formulation of the docking problem, as best I understand it, is: 1. A "docking program," which is generally some model based on physical and chemical interactions, takes in a (ligand, target protein) pair, searches over a space of ways the ligand could orient itself within the binding pocket of the protein (which way is it facing, where is it twisted, where does it interact with the protein, etc), and ranks them according to plausibility 2. A scoring function takes in the binding poses (otherwise known as binding modes) ranked the highest, and tries to predict the affinity strength of the resulting bond, or the binary of whether a bond is "active". The goal of this paper was to interpose modern machine learning into the second step, as alternative scoring functions to be applied after the pose generation . Given the complex data structure that is a highly-ranked binding pose, the hope was that deep learning would facilitate learning from such a complicated raw data structure, rather than requiring hand-summarized features. They also tested a similar model structure on the problem of predicting whether a highly ranked binding pose was actually the empirically correct one, as determined by some epsilon ball around the spatial coordinates of the true binding pose. Both of these were binary tasks, which I understand to be 1. Does this ranked binding pose in this protein have sufficiently high binding affinity to be "active"? This is known as the "virtual screening" task, because it's the relevant task if you want to screen compounds in silico, or virtually, before doing wet lab testing. 2. Is this ranked binding pose the one that would actually be empirically observed? This is known as the "binding mode prediction" task The goal of this second task was to better understand biases the researchers suspected existed in the underlying dataset, which I'll explain later in this post. The researchers used a graph convolution architecture. At a (very) high level, graph convolution works in a way similar to normal convolution - in that it captures hierarchies of local patterns, in ways that gradually expand to have visibility over larger areas of the input data. The distinction is that normal convolution defines kernels over a fixed set of nearby spatial coordinates, in a context where direction (the pixel on top vs the pixel on bottom, etc) is meaningful, because photos have meaningful direction and orientation. By contrast, in a graph, there is no "up" or "down", and a given node doesn't have a fixed number of neighbors (whereas a fixed pixel in 2D space does), so neighbor-summarization kernels have to be defined in ways that allow you to aggregate information from 1) an arbitrary number of neighbors, in 2) a manner that is agnostic to orientation. Graph convolutions are useful in this problem because both the summary of the ligand itself, and the summary of the interaction of the posed ligand with the protein, can be summarized in terms of graphs of chemical bonds or interaction sites. Using this as an architectural foundation, the authors test both solo versions and ensembles of networks: https://i.imgur.com/Oc2LACW.png 1. "L" - A network that uses graph convolution to summarize the ligand itself, with no reference to the protein it's being tested for binding affinity with 2. "LP" - A network that uses graph convolution on the interaction points between the ligand and protein under the binding pose currently being scored or predicted 3. "R" - A simple network that takes into account the rank assigned to the binding pose by the original docking program (generally used in combination with one of the above). The authors came to a few interesting findings by trying different combinations of the above model modules. First, they found evidence supporting an earlier claim that, in the dataset being used for training, there was a bias in the positive and negative samples chosen such that you could predict activity of a ligand/protein binding using *ligand information alone.* This shouldn't be possible if we were sampling in an unbiased way over possible ligand/protein pairs, since even ligands that are quite effective with one protein will fail to bind with another, and it shouldn't be informationally possible to distinguish the two cases without protein information. Furthermore, a random forest on hand-designed features was able to perform comparably to deep learning, suggesting that only simple features are necessary to perform the task on this (bias and thus over-simplified) Specifically, they found that L+LP models did no better than models of L alone on the virtual screening task. However, the binding mode prediction task offered an interesting contrast, in that, on this task, it's impossible to predict the output from ligand information alone, because by construction each ligand will have some set of binding modes that are not the empirically correct one, and one that is, and you can't distinguish between these based on ligand information alone, without looking at the actual protein relationship under consideration. In this case, the LP network did quite well, suggesting that deep learning is able to learn from ligand-protein interactions when it's incentivized to do so. Interestingly, the authors were only able to improve on the baseline model by incorporating the rank output by the original docking program, which you can think of an ensemble of sorts between the docking program and the machine learning model. Overall, the authors' takeaways from this paper were that (1) we need to be more careful about constructing datasets, so as to not leak information through biases, and (2) that graph convolutional models are able to perform well, but (3) seem to be capturing different things than physics-based models, since ensembling the two together provides marginal value. |
This paper is a bit provocative (especially in the light of the recent DeepMind MuZero paper), and poses some interesting questions about the value of model-based planning. I'm not sure I agree with the overall argument it's making, but I think the experience of reading it made me hone my intuitions around why and when model-based planning should be useful. The overall argument of the paper is: rather than learning a dynamics model of the environment and then using that model to plan and learn a value/policy function from, we could instead just keep a large replay buffer of actual past transitions, and use that in lieu of model-sampled transitions to further update our reward estimators without having to acquire more actual experience. In this paper's framing, the central value of having a learned model is this ability to update our policy without needing more actual experience, and it argues that actual real transitions from the environment are more reliable and less likely to diverge than transitions from a learned parametric model. It basically sees a big buffer of transitions as an empirical environment model that it can sample from, in a roughly equivalent way to being able to sample transitions from a learnt model. An obvious counter-argument to this is the value of models in being able to simulate particular arbitrary trajectories (for example, potential actions you could take from your current point, as is needed for Monte Carlo Tree Search). Simply keeping around a big stock of historical transitions doesn't serve the use case of being able to get a probable next state *for a particular transition*, both because we might not have that state in our data, and because we don't have any way, just given a replay buffer, of knowing that an available state comes after an action if we haven't seen that exact combination before. (And, even if we had, we'd have to have some indexing/lookup mechanism atop the data). I didn't feel like the paper's response to this was all that convincing. It basically just argues that planning with model transitions can theoretically diverge (though acknowledges it empirically often doesn't), and that it's dangerous to update off of "fictional" modeled transitions that aren't grounded in real data. While it's obviously definitionally true that model transitions are in some sense fictional, that's just the basic trade-off of how modeling works: some ability to extrapolate, but a realization that there's a risk you extrapolate poorly. https://i.imgur.com/8jp22M3.png The paper's empirical contribution to its argument was to argue that in a low-data setting, model-free RL (in the form of the "everything but the kitchen sink" Rainbow RL algorithm) with experience replay can outperform a model-based SimPLe system on Atari. This strikes me as fairly weak support for the paper's overall claim, especially since historically Atari has been difficult to learn good models of when they're learnt in actual-observation pixel space. Nonetheless, I think this push against the utility of model-based learning is a useful thing to consider if you do think models are useful, because it will help clarify the reasons why you think that's the case. |
Arguably, the central achievement of the deep learning era is multi-layer neural networks' ability to learn useful intermediate feature representations using a supervised learning signal. In a supervised task, it's easy to define what makes a feature representation useful: the fact that's easier for a subsequent layer to use to make the final class prediction. When we want to learn features in an unsupervised way, things get a bit trickier. There's the obvious problem of what kinds of problem structures and architectures work to extract representations at all. But there's also a deeper problem: when we ask for a good feature representation, outside of the context of any given task, what are we asking for? Are there some inherent aspects of a representation that can be analyzed without ground truth labels to tell you whether the representations you've learned are good are not? The notion of "disentangled" features is one answer to that question: it suggests that a representation is good when the underlying "factors of variation" (things that are independently variable in the underlying generative process of the data) are captured in independent dimensions of the feature representation. That is, if your representation is a ten-dimensional vector, and it just so happens that there are ten independent factors along which datapoints differ (color, shape, rotation, etc), you'd ideally want each dimension to correspond to each factor. This criteria has an elegance to it, and it's previously been shown useful in predicting when the representations learned by a model will be useful in predicting the values of the factors of variation. This paper goes one step further, and tests the value representations for solving a visual reasoning task that involves the factors of variation, but doesn't just involve predicting them. In particular, the authors use learned representations to solve a task patterned on a human IQ test, where some factors stay fixed across a row in a grid, and some vary, and the model needs to generate the image that "fits the pattern". https://i.imgur.com/O1aZzcN.png To test the value of disentanglement, they looked at a few canonical metrics of disentanglement, including scores that represent "how many factors are captured in each dimension" and "how many dimensions is a factor spread across". They measured the correlation of these metrics with task performance, and compared that with the correlation between simple autoencoder reconstruction error and performance. They found that at early stages of training on top of the representations, the disentanglement metrics were more predictive of performance than reconstruction accuracy. This distinction went away as the model learning on top of the representations had more time to train. It makes reasonable sense that you'd mostly see value for disentangled features in a low-data regime, since after long enough the fine-tuning network can learn its own features regardless. But, this paper does appear to contribute to evidence that disentangled features are predictive of task performance, at least when that task directly involves manipulation of specific, known, underlying factors of variation. |
Summary: An odd thing about machine learning these days is how far you can get in a line of research while only ever testing your method on image classification and image datasets in general. This leads one occasionally to wonder whether a given phenomenon or advance is a discovery of the field generally, or whether it's just a fact about the informatics and learning dynamics inherent in image data. This paper, part of a set of recent papers released by Facebook centering around the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis, exists in the noble tradition of "lets try <thing> on some non-image datasets, and see if it still works". This can feel a bit silly in the cases where the ideas or approaches do transfer, but I think it's still an important impulse for the field to have, lest we become too captured by ImageNet and its various descendants. This paper test the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis - the idea that there are a small subset of weights in a trained network whose lucky initializations promoted learning, such that if you reset those weights to their initializations and train only them you get comparable or near-comparable performance to the full network - on reinforcement learning and NLP datasets. In particular, within RL, they tested on both simple continuous control (where the observation state is a vector of meaningful numbers) and Atari from pixels (where the observation is a full from-pixels image). In NLP, they trained on language modeling and translation, with both a LSTM and a Transformer respectively. (Prior work had found that Transformers didn't exhibit lottery ticket like phenomenon, but this paper found a circumstance where they appear to. ) Some high level interesting results: https://i.imgur.com/kd03bQ4.png https://i.imgur.com/rZTH7FJ.png - So as to not bury the lede: by and large, "winning" tickets retrained at their original initializations outperform random initializations of the same size and configuration on both NLP and Reinforcement Learning problems - There is wide variability in how much pruning in general (a necessary prerequisite operation) impacts reinforcement learning. On some games, pruning at all crashes performance, on others, it actually improves it. This leads to some inherent variability in results https://i.imgur.com/4o71XPt.png - One thing that prior researchers in this area have found is that pruning weights all at once at the end of training tends to crash performance for complex models, and that in order to find pruned models that have Lottery Ticket-esque high-performing properties, you need to do "iterative pruning". This works by training a model for a period, then pruning some proportion of weights, then training again from the beginning, and then pruning again, and so on, until you prune down to the full percentage you want to prune. The idea is that this lets the model adapt gradually to a drop in weights, and "train around" the capacity reduction, rather than it just happening all at once. In this paper, the authors find that this is strongly necessary for Lottery Tickets to be found for either Transformers or many RL problems. On a surface level, this makes sense, since Reinforcement Learning is a notoriously tricky and non-stationary learning problem, and Transformers are complex models with lots of parameters, and so dramatically reducing parameters can handicap the model. A weird wrinkle, though, is that the authors find that lottery tickets found without iterative pruning actually perform worse than "random tickets" (i.e. initialized subnetworks with random topology and weights). This is pretty interesting, since it implies that the topology and weights you get if you prune all at once are actually counterproductive to learning. I don't have a good intuition as to why, but would love to hear if anyone does. https://i.imgur.com/9LnJe6j.png - For the Transformer specifically, there was an interesting divergence in the impact of weight pruning between the weights of the embedding matrix and the weights of the rest of the network machinery. If you include embeddings in the set of weights being pruned, there's essentially no difference in performance between random and winning tickets, whereas if you exclude them, winning tickets exhibit the more typical pattern of outperforming random ones. This implies that whatever phenomenon that makes winning tickets better is more strongly (or perhaps only) present in weights for feature calculation on top of embeddings, and not very present for the embeddings themselves |
In my view, the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis is one of the weirder and more mysterious phenomena of the last few years of Machine Learning. We've known for awhile that we can take trained networks and prune them down to a small fraction of their weights (keeping those weights with the highest magnitudes) and maintain test performance using only those learned weights. That seemed somewhat surprising, in that there were a lot of weights that weren't actually necessary to encoding the learned function, but, the thinking went, possibly having many times more weights than that was helpful for training, even if not necessary once a model is trained. The authors of the original Lottery Ticket paper came to the surprising realization that they could take the weights that were pruned to exist in the final network, re-initialize them (and only them) to the values they had during initial training, and perform almost as well as the final pruned model that had all weights active during training. And, performance using the specific weights and their particular initialization values is much higher than training a comparable topology of weights with random initial values. This paper out of Facebook AI adds another fascinating experiment to the pile of off evidence around lottery tickets: they test whether lottery tickets transfer *between datasets*, and they find that they often do (at least when the dataset on which the lottery ticket is found is more complex (in terms of in size, input complexity, or number of classes) than the dataset the ticket is being transferred to. Even more interestingly, they find that for sufficiently simple datasets, the "ticket" initialization pattern learned on a more complex dataset actually does *better* than ones learned on the simple dataset itself. They also find that tickets by and large transfer between SGD and Adam, so whatever kind of inductive bias or value they provide is general across optimizers in addition to at least partially general across datasets. https://i.imgur.com/H0aPjRN.png I find this result fun to think about through a few frames. The first is to remember that figuring out heuristics for initializing networks (as a function of their topology) was an important step in getting them to train at all, so while this result may at first seem strange and arcane, in that context it feels less surprising that there are still-better initialization heuristics out there, possibly with some kind of interesting theoretical justification to them, that humans simply haven't been clever enough to formalize yet, and have only discovered empirically through methods like this. This result is also interesting in terms of transfer: we've known for awhile that the representations learned on more complex datasets can convey general information back to smaller ones, but it's less easy to think about what information is conveyed by the topology and connectivity of a network. This paper suggests that the information is there, and has prompted me to think more about the slightly mind-bending question of how training models could lead to information compressed in this form, and how this information could be better understood. |
VQ-VAE is a Variational AutoEncoder that uses as its information bottleneck a discrete set of codes, rather than a continuous vector. That is: the encoder creates a downsampled spatial representation of the image, where in each grid cell of the downsampled image, the cell is represented by a vector. But, before that vector is passed to the decoder, it's discretized, by (effectively) clustering the vectors the network has historically seen, and substituting each vector with the center of the vector it's closest to. This has the effect of reducing the capacity of your information bottleneck, but without just pushing your encoded representation closer to an uninformed prior. (If you're wondering how the gradient survives this very much not continuous operation, the answer is: we just pretend that operation didn't exist, and imagine that the encoder produced the cluster-center "codebook" vector that the decoder sees). The part of the model that got a (small) upgrade in this paper is the prior distribution model that's learned on top of these latent representations. The goal of this prior is to be able to just sample images, unprompted, from the distribution of latent codes. Once we have a trained decoder, if we give it a grid of such codes, it can produce an image. But these codes aren't one-per-image, but rather a grid of many codes representing features in different part of the image. In order to generate a set of codes corresponding to a reasonable image, we can either generate them all at once, or else (as this paper does) use an autoregressive approach, where some parts of the code grid are generated, and then subsequent ones conditioned on those. In the original version of the paper, the autoregressive model used was a PixelCNN (don't have the space to fully explain that here, but, at a high level: a model that uses convolutions over previously generated regions to generate a new region). In this paper, the authors took inspiration from the huge rise of self-attention in recent years, and swapped that operation in in lieu of the convolutions. Self-attention has the nice benefit that you can easily have a global receptive range (each region being generated can see all other regions) which you'd otherwise need multiple layers of convolutions to accomplish. In addition, the authors add an additional layer of granularity: generating both a 32x32 and 64x64 grid, and using both to generate the decoded reconstruction. They argue that this allows one representation to focus on more global details, and the other on more precise ones. https://i.imgur.com/zD78Pp4.png The final result is the ability to generate quite realistic looking images, that at least are being claimed to be more diverse than those generated by GANs (examples above). I'm always a bit cautious of claims of better performance in the image-generation area, because it's all squinting at pixels and making up somewhat-reasonable but still arbitrary metrics. That said, it seems interesting and useful to be aware of the current relative capabilities of two of the main forms of generative modeling, and so I'd recommend this paper on that front, even if it's hard for me personally to confidently assess the improvements on prior art. |
When talking about modern machine learning, particularly on images, it can feel like deep neural networks are a world unto themselves when it comes to complexity. On one hand, there are straightforward things like hand-designed features and linear classifiers, and then on the other, there are these deep, heavily-interacting networks that dazzle us with their performance but seem almost unavoidably difficult to hold in our heads or interpret. This paper, from ICLR 2019 earlier this year, investigates another point along this trade-off curve of complexity: a model that uses deep layers of convolutions, but limits the receptive field of those convolutions so that each feature is calculated using only a small spatial area of the image. https://i.imgur.com/NR0vFbN.png This approach, termed BagNet, essentially predicts class logits off of a small area of the image, without using information from anywhere else. Then, to aggregate the local predictions, a few simple and linear steps are performed: the predictions from each spatial area are averaged together into one vector containing the "aggregate information" for each class, and then that class information vector is passed into a linear (non-interacting!) model to predict final class probabilities. This is quite nice for interpretability, because you can directly identify the areas of the image that contributed evidence to the prediction, and you can know that the impact of those areas wasn't in fact amplified by feature values elsewhere, because there are no interaction effects outside of these small regions Now, it's fairly obvious that you're not going to get any state-of-the-art results off of this: the entire point is to handicap a network in ways believed to make it more interpretable. So the interesting question is instead what degree of performance loss comes from such a (fairly drastic) limitation of model capacity and receptive field? And the answer of the paper is: less than you might think. (Or, at least, less than *they* think you think). If you only use features calculated from 33x33 pixel chunks of image net, and aggregate their evidence together in a purely linear way, you can get to 87.6% top-5 image accuracy on ImageNet, which is about where we were with AlexNet in 2012. The authors also do some comparisons of their network to more common neural networks, to try to argue that even fully nonlinear neural nets don't use spatial information very much in their predictions. One way they did this was by masking different areas of the image, and comparing the effect of masking each individually to the effect of masking all areas together. In a purely linear model like BagNet, where the effects of different areas are just aggregated together, these would sum together perfectly, and the performance loss of all areas at once would be equal to the sum of each individually. To measure "effective spatial linearity" of each network, they measured the correlation between the sum of the individual effects and the joint effect. For VGG, they found a correlation of 0.75 here (compared to 1.0 for BagNet), which they use to argue that VGG doesn't use very much spatial information. I found this result hard to really get a grounding on, since I don't have a good intuitive grasp for what differences in this correlation value would mean. Is a difference of 0.25 a small difference, or a dramatic one? https://i.imgur.com/hA58AKM.png That aside, I found this paper interesting, and I'm quite pleased it was written. On one hand, you can say: well, obviously, we've done a lot of work in 7 years to build ResNet and DenseNet and whatnot, so of course if you apply those more advanced architectures, even on a small region of image space, you'll get good performance. That said, I still think this is an interesting finding, because it helps us understand how much of the added value in recent research requires a high (and uninterpretable) interaction complexity, and what proportion of the overall performance can be achieved with a simpler-to-understand model. Machine learning is used in a lot of settings, and it always practically exists on a trade-off curve, where performance is important, but it's often worth trading off performance to do better on other considerations, and this paper does a good job of illustrating that trade-off curve more fully. |
The successes of deep learning on complex strategic games like Chess and Go have been largely driven by the ability to do tree search: that is, simulating sequences of actions in the environment, and then training policy and value functions to more speedily approximate the results that more exhaustive search reveals. However, this relies on having a good simulator that can predict the next state of the world, given your action. In some games, with straightforward rules, this is easy to explicitly code, but in many RL tasks like Atari, and in many contexts in the real world, having a good model of how the world responds to your actions is in fact a major part of the difficulty of RL. A response to this within the literature has been systems that learn models of the world from trajectories, and then use those models to do this kind of simulated planning. Historically these have been done by designing models that predict the next observation, given past observations and a passed-in action. This lets you "roll out" observations from actions in a way similar to how a simulator could. However, in high-dimensional observation spaces it takes a lot of model capacity to accurately model the full observation, and many parts of a given observation space will often be irrelevant. https://i.imgur.com/wKK8cnj.png To address this difficulty, the MuZero architecture uses an approach from Value Prediction Networks, and learns an internal model that can predict transitions between abstract states (which don't need to match the actual observation state of the world) and then predict a policy, value, and next-step reward from the abstract state. So, we can plan in latent space, by simulating transitions from state to state through actions, and the training signal for that space representation and transition model comes from being able to accurately predict the reward, the empirical future value at a state (discovered through Monte Carlo rollouts) and the policy action that the rollout search would have taken at that point. If two observations are identical in terms of their implications for these quantities, the transition model doesn't need to differentiate them, making it more straightforward to learn. (Apologies for the long caption in above screenshot; I feel like it's quite useful to gain intuition, especially if you're less recently familiar with the MCTS deep learning architectures DeepMind typically uses) https://i.imgur.com/4nepG6o.png The most impressive empirical aspect of this paper is the fact that it claims (from what I can tell credibly) to be able to perform as well as planning algorithms with access to a real simulator in games like Chess and Go, and as well as model-free models in games like Atari where MFRL has typically been the state of the art (because world models have been difficult to learn). I feel like I've read a lot recently that suggests to me that the distinction between model-free and model-based RL is becoming increasingly blurred, and I'm really curious to see how that trajectory evolves in future. |
Recently, DeepMind released a new paper showing strong performance on board game tasks using a mechanism similar to the Value Prediction Network one in this paper, which inspired me to go back and get a grounding in this earlier work. A goal of this paper is to design a model-based RL approach that can scale to complex environment spaces, but can still be used to run simulations and do explicit planning. Traditional, model-based RL has worked by learning a dynamics model of the environment - predicting the next observation state given the current one and an action, and then using that model of the world to learn values and plan with. In addition to the advantages of explicit planning, a hope is that model-based systems generalize better to new environments, because they predict one-step changes in local dynamics in a way that can be more easily separated from long-term dynamics or reward patterns. However, a downside of MBRL is that it can be hard to train, especially when your observation space is high-dimensional, and learning a straight model of your environment will lead to you learning details that aren't actually unimportant for planning or creating policies. The synthesis proposed by this paper is the Value Prediction Network. Rather than predicting observed state at the next step, it learns a transition model in latent space, and then learns to predict next-step reward and future value from that latent space vector. Because it learns to encode latent-space state from observations, and also learns a transition model from one latent state to another, the model can be used for planning, by simulating multiple transitions between latent state. However, unlike a normal dynamics model, whose training signal comes from a loss against observational prediction, the signal for training both latent → reward/value/discount predictions, and latent → latent transitions comes from using this pipeline to predict reward values. This means that if an aspect of the environment isn't useful for predicting reward, it won't generally be encoded into latent state, meaning you don't waste model capacity predicting irrelevant detail. https://i.imgur.com/4bJylms.png Once this model exists, it can be used for generating a policy through a tree-search planning approach: simulating future trajectories and aggregating the predicted reward along those trajectories, and then taking the highest-value one. The authors find that their model is able to do better than both model-free and model-based methods on the tasks they tested on. In particular, they find that it has many of the benefits of a model that predicts full observations, but that the Value Prediction Network learns more quickly, and is more robust to stochastic environments where there's an inherent ceiling on how well a next-step observation prediction can work. My main question coming into this paper is: how is this different from simply a value estimator like those used in DQN or A2C, and my impression is that the difference comes from this model's ability to do explicit state simulation in latent space, and then predict a value off of the *latent* state, whereas a value network predicts value from observational state. |
Given the tasks that RL is typically used to perform, it can be easy to equate the problem of reinforcement learning with "learning dynamically, online, as you take actions in an environment". And while this does represent most RL problems in the literature, it is possible to learn a reinforcement learning system in an off-policy way (read: trained off of data that the policy itself didn't collect), and there can be compelling reasons to prefer this approach. In this paper, which seeks to train a chatbot to learn from implicit human feedback in text interactions, the authors note prior bad experiences with Microsoft's Tay bot, and highlight the value of being able to test and validate a learned model offline, rather than have it continue to learn in a deployment setting. This problem, of learning a RL model off of pre-collected data, is known as batch RL. In this setting, the batch is collected by simply using a pretrained language model to generate interactions with a human, and then extracting reward from these interactions to train a Q learning system once the data has been collected. If naively applied, Q learning (a good approach for off-policy problems, since it directly estimates the value of states and actions rather than of a policy) can lead to some undesirable results in a batch setting. An interesting one, that hadn't occurred to me, was the fact that Q learning translates its (state, action) reward model into a policy by taking the action associated with the highest reward. This is a generally sensible thing to do if you've been able to gather data on all or most of a state space, but it can also bias the model to taking actions that it has less data for, because high-variance estimates will tend make up a disproportionate amount of maximum values of any estimated distribution. One approach to this is to learn two separate Q functions, and take the minimum over them, and then take the max of that across actions (in this case: words in a sentence being generated). The idea here is that low-data, high-variance parts of state space might have one estimate be high, but might have the other be low, because high variance. However, it's costly to train and run two separate models. Instead, the authors here propose the simpler solution of training a single model with dropout, and using multiple "draws" from that model to simulate a distribution over Q value estimates. This will have a similar effect of penalizing actions whose estimate varies across different dropout masks (which can be hand-wavily thought of as different models). The authors also add a term to their RL training that penalizes divergence from the initial language model that they used to collect the data, and also that is the initialization point for the parameters of the model. This is done via KL-divergence control: the model is penalized for outputting a distribution over words that is different in distributional-metric terms from what the language model would have output. This makes it costlier for the model to diverge from the pretrained model, and should lead to it only happening in cases of convincing high reward. Out of these two approaches, it seems like the former is more convincing to me as a general-purpose method to use in batch RL settings. The latter is definitely something I would have expected to work well (and, indeed, KL-controlled models performed much better in empirical tests in the paper!), but more simply because language modeling is hard, and I would expect it to be good to constrain a model to be close to realistic outputs, since the sentiment-based reward signal won't reward realism directly. This seems more like something generally useful for avoiding catastrophic forgetting when switching from an old task to a new one (language modeling to sentiment modeling), rather than a particularly batch-RL-centric innovation. https://i.imgur.com/EmInxOJ.png An interesting empirical observation of this paper is that models without language-model control end up drifting away from realism, and repeatedly exploit part of the reward function that, in addition to sentiment, gave points for asking questions. By contrast, the KL-controlled models appear to have avoided falling into this local minimum, and instead generated realistic language that was polite and empathetic. (Obviously this is still a simplified approximation of what makes a good chat bot, but it's at least a higher degree of complexity in its response to reward). Overall, I quite enjoyed this paper, both for its thoughtfulness and its clever application of engineering to use RL for a problem well outside of its more typical domain. |
At a high level, this paper is a massive (34 pgs!) and highly-resourced study of many nuanced variations of language pretraining tasks, to see which of those variants produce models that transfer the best to new tasks. As a result, it doesn't lend itself *that* well to being summarized into a central kernel of understanding. So, I'm going to do my best to pull out some high-level insights, and recommend you read the paper in more depth if you're working particularly in language pretraining and want to get the details. The goals here are simple: create a standardized task structure and a big dataset, so that you can use the same architecture across a wide range of objectives and subsequent transfer tasks, and thus actually compare tasks on equal footing. To that end, the authors created a huge dataset by scraping internet text, and filtering it according to a few common sense criteria. This is an important and laudable task, but not one with a ton of conceptual nuance to it. https://i.imgur.com/5z6bN8d.png A more interesting structural choice was to adopt a unified text to text framework for all of the tasks they might want their pretrained model to transfer to. This means that the input to the model is always a sequence of tokens, and so is the output. If the task is translation, the input sequence might be "translate english to german: build a bed" and the the desired output would be that sentence in German. This gets particularly interesting as a change when it comes to tasks where you're predicting relationships of words within sentences, and would typically have a categorical classification loss, which is changed here to predicting the word of the correct class. This restructuring doesn't seem to hurt performance, and has the nice side effect that you can directly use the same model as a transfer starting point for all tasks, without having to add additional layers. Some of the transfer tasks include: translation, sentiment analysis, summarization, grammatical checking of a sentence, and checking the logical relationship between claims. All tested models followed a transformer (i.e. fully attentional) architecture. The authors tested performance along many different axes. A structural variation was the difference between an encoder-decoder architecture and a language model one. https://i.imgur.com/x4AOkLz.png In both cases, you take in text and predict text, but in an encoder-decoder, you have separate models that operate on the input and output, whereas in a language model, it's all seen as part of a single continuous sequence. They also tested variations in what pretraining objective is used. The most common is simple language modeling, where you predict words in a sentence given prior or surrounding ones, but, inspired by the success of BERT, they also tried a number of denoising objectives, where an original sentence was corrupted in some way (by dropping tokens and replacing them with either masks, nothing, or random tokens, dropping individual words vs contiguous spans of words) and then the model had to predict the actual original sentence. https://i.imgur.com/b5Eowl0.png Finally, they performed testing as to the effect of dataset size and number of training steps. Some interesting takeaways: - In almost all tests, the encoder-decoder architecture, where you separately build representations of your input and output text, performs better than a language model structure. This is still generally (though not as consistently) true if you halve the number of parameters in the encoder-decoder, suggesting that there's some structural advantage there beyond just additional parameter count. - A denoising, BERT-style objective works consistently better than a language modeling one. Within the set of different kinds of corruption, none work obviously and consistently better across tasks, though some have a particular advantage at a given task, and some are faster to train with due to different lengths of output text. - Unsurprisingly, more data and bigger models both lead to better performance. Somewhat interestingly, training with less data but the same number of training iterations (such that you see the same data multiple times) seems to be fine up to a point. This potentially gestures at an ability to train over a dataset a higher number of times without being as worried about overfitting. - Also somewhat unsurprisingly, training on a dataset that filters out HTML, random lorem-ipsum web text, and bad words performs meaningfully better than training on one that doesn't |
Coming from the perspective of the rest of machine learning, a somewhat odd thing about reinforcement learning that often goes unnoticed is the fact that, in basically all reinforcement learning, performance of an algorithm is judged by its performance on the same environment it was trained on. In the parlance of ML writ large: training on the test set. In RL, most of the focus has historically been on whether automatic systems would be able to learn a policy from the state distribution of a single environment, already a fairly hard task. But, now that RL has had more success in the single-environment case, there comes the question: how can we train reinforcement algorithms that don't just perform well on a single environment, but over a range of environments. One lens onto this question is that of meta-learning, but this paper takes a different approach, and looks at how straightforward regularization techniques pulled from the land of supervised learning can (or can't straightforwardly) be applied to reinforcement learning. In general, the regularization techniques discussed here are all ways of reducing the capacity of the model, and preventing it from overfitting. Some ways to reduce capacity are: - Apply L2 weight penalization - Apply dropout, which handicaps the model by randomly zeroing out neurons - Use Batch Norm, which uses noisy batch statistics, and increases randomness in a way that, similar to above, deteriorates performance - Use an information bottleneck: similar to a VAE, this approach works by learning some compressed representation of your input, p(z|x), and then predicting your output off of that z, in a way that incentivizes your z to be informative (because you want to be able to predict y well) but also penalizes too much information being put in it (because you penalize differences between your learned p(z|x) distribution and an unconditional prior p(z) ). This pushes your model to use its conditional-on-x capacity wisely, and only learn features if they're quite valuable in predicting y However, the paper points out that there are some complications in straightforwardly applying these techniques to RL. The central one is the fact that in (most) RL, the distribution of transitions you train on comes from prior iterations of your policy. This means that a noisier and less competent policy will also leave you with less data to train on. Additionally, using a noisy policy can increase variance, both by making your trained policy more different than your rollout policy (in an off-policy setting) and by making your estimate of the value function higher-variance, which is problematic because that's what you're using as a target training signal in a temporal difference framework. The paper is a bit disconnected in its connection between justification and theory, and makes two broad, mostly distinct proposals: 1. The most successful (though also the one least directly justified by the earlier-discussed theoretical difficulties of applying regularization in RL) is an information bottleneck ported into a RL setting. It works almost the same as the classification-model one, except that you're trying to increase the value of your actions given compressed-from-state representation z, rather than trying to increase your ability to correctly predict y. The justification given here is that it's good to incentivize RL algorithms in particular to learn simpler, more compressible features, because they often have such poor data and also training signal earlier in training 2. SNI (Selective Noise Injection) works by only applying stochastic aspects of regularization (sampling from z in an information bottleneck, applying different dropout masks, etc) to certain parts of the training procedure. In particular, the rollout used to collect data is non-stochastic, removing the issue of noisiness impacting the data that's collected. They then do an interesting thing where they calculate a weighted mixture of the policy update with a deterministic model, and the update with a stochastic one. The best performing of these that they tested seems to have been a 50/50 split. This is essentially just a knob you can turn on stochasticity, to trade off between the regularizing effect of noise and the variance-increasing-negative effect of it. https://i.imgur.com/fi0dHgf.png https://i.imgur.com/LLbDaRw.png Based on my read of the experiments in the paper, the most impressive thing here is how well their information bottleneck mechanism works as a way to improve generalization, compared to both the baseline and other regularization approaches. It does look like there's some additional benefit to SNI, particularly in the CoinRun setting, but very little in the MultiRoom setting, and in general the difference is less dramatic than the difference from using the information bottleneck. |
Domain translation - for example, mapping from a summer to a winter scene, or from a photorealistic image to an object segmentation map - is often performed by GANs through something called cycle consistency loss. This model works by having, for each domain, a generator to map domain A into domain B, and a discriminator to differentiate between real images from domain B, and those that were constructed through the cross-domain generator. With a given image in domain A, training happens by using the A→B generator to map it into domain B, and then then B→ A generator to map it back the original domain. These generators are then trained using two losses: one based on the B-domain discriminator, to push the generated image to look like it belongs from that domain, and another based on the L2 loss between the original domain A image, and the image you get on the other end when you translate it into B and back again. This paper addresses an effect (identified originally in an earlier paper) where in domains with a many to one mapping between domains (for example, mapping a realistic scene into a domain segmentation map, where information is inherently lost by translating pixels to object outlines), the cycle loss incentivizes the model to operate in a strange, steganographic way, where it saves information about the that would otherwise be lost in the form of low-amplitude random noise in the translated image. This low-amplitude information can't be isolated, but can be detected in a few ways. First, we can simply examine images and notice that information that could not have been captured in the lower-information domain is being perfectly reconstructed. Second, if you add noise to the translation in the lower-information domain, in such a way as to not perceptibly change the translation to human eyes, this can cause the predicted image off of that translation to deteriorate considerably, suggesting that the model was using information that could be modified by such small additions of noise to do its reconstruction. https://i.imgur.com/08i1j0J.png The authors of this paper ask whether it's possible to train models that don't perform this steganographic information-storing (which they call "self adversarial examples"). A typical approach to such a problem would be to train generators to perform translations with and without the steganographic information, but even though we can prove the existence of the information, we can't isolate it in a way that would allow us to remove it, and thus create these kinds of training pairs. The two tactics the paper uses are: 1) Simply training the generators to be able to translate a domain-mapped image with noise as well as one without noise, in the hope that this would train it not use information that can be interfered with by the application of such noise. 2) In addition to a L2 cycle loss, adding a discriminator to differentiate between the back-translated image and the original one. I believe the idea here is that if both of the encoders are adding in noise as a kind of secret signal, this would be a way for the discriminator to distinguish between the original and reconstructed image, and would thus be penalized. They find that both of these methods reduce the use of steganographic information, as determined both by sensitivity to noise (where less sensitivity of reconstruction to noise means less use of coded information) and reconstruction honesty (which constrains accuracy of reconstruction in many to one domains to be no greater than the prediction that a supervised predictor could make given the image from the compressed domain |
In Machine Learning, our models are lazy: they're only ever as good as the datasets we train them on. If a task doesn't require a given capability in order for a model to solve it, then the model won't gain that capability. This fact motivates a desire on the part of researchers to construct new datasets, to provide both a source of signal and a not-yet-met standard against which models can be measured. This paper focuses on the domain of reasoning about videos and the objects within them across frames. It observes that, on many tasks that ostensibly require a model to follow what's happening in a video, models that simply aggregate some set of features across frames can do as well as models that actually track and account for temporal evolution from one frame for another. They argue that this shows that, on these tasks, which often involve real-world scenes, the model can predict what's happening within a frame simply based on expectations of the world that can be gleaned from single frames - for example, if you see a swimming pool, you can guess that swimming is likely to take place there. As an example of the kind of task they'd like to get a model to solve, they showed a scene from the Godfather where a character leaves the room, puts a gun in his pocket, and returns to the room. Any human viewer could infer that the gun is in his pocket when it returns, but there doesn't exist any single individual frame that could give evidence of that, so it requires reasoning across frames. https://i.imgur.com/F2Ngsgw.png To get around this inherent layer of bias in real-world scenes, the authors decide to artificially construct their own dataset, where objects are moved, and some objects are moved to be contained and obscured within others, in an entirely neutral environment, where the model can't generally get useful information from single frames. This is done using the same animation environment as is used in CLEVR, which contains simple objects that have color, texture, and shape, and that can be moved around a scene. Within this environment, called CATER, the benchmark is made up of three tasks: - Simply predicting what action ("slide cone" or "pick up and place box") is happening in a given frame. For actions like sliding, where in a given frame a sliding cone is indistinguishable from a static one, this requires a model to actually track prior position in order to correctly predict an action taking place - Being able to correctly identify the order in which a given pair of actions occurs - Watching a single golden object that can be moved and contained within other objects (entertainingly enough, for Harry Potter fans, called the snitch), and guessing what frame it's in at the end of the scene. This is basically just the "put a ball in a cup and move it around" party trick, but as a learning task https://i.imgur.com/bBhPnFZ.png The authors do show that the "frame aggregation/pooling" methods that worked well on previous datasets don't work well on this dataset - which accords with both expectations and the authors goals. Obviously, it's still a fairly simplified environment, but they hope CATER can still be a useful shared benchmark for people working in the space to solve a task that is known to require more explicit spatiotemporal reasoning. |
A common critique of deep learning is its brittleness off-distribution, combined with its tendency to give confident predictions for off-distribution inputs, as is seen in the case of adversarial examples. In response to this critique, a number of different methods have cropped up in recent years, that try to capture a model's uncertainty as well as its overall prediction. This paper tries to do a broad evaluation of uncertainty methods, and, particularly, to test how they perform on out of distribution data, including both data that is perturbed from its original values, and fully OOD data from ground-truth categories never seen during training. Ideally, we would want an uncertainty method that is less confident in its predictions as data is made more dissimilar from the distribution that the model is trained on. Some metrics the paper uses for capturing this are: - Brier Score (The difference between predicted score and ground truth 0/1 label, averaged over all examples) - Negative Log Likelihood - Expected Calibration Error (Within a given bucket, this is calculated as the difference between accuracy to ground truth labels, and the average predicted score in that bucket, capturing that you'd ideally want to have a lower predicted score in cases where you have low accuracy, and vice versa) - Entropy - For labels that are fully out of distribution, and don't map to any of the model's categories, you can't directly calculate ground truth accuracy, but you can ideally ask for a model that has high entropy (close to uniform) probabilities over the classes it knows about when the image is drawn from an entirely different class The authors test over image datasets small (MNIST) and large (ImageNet and CIFAR10), as well as a categorical ad-click-prediction dataset. They came up with some interesting findings. https://i.imgur.com/EVnjS1R.png 1. More fully principled Bayesian estimation of posteriors over parameters, in the form of Stochastic Variational Inference, works well on MNIST, but quite poorly on either categorical data or higher dimensional image datasets https://i.imgur.com/3emTYNP.png 2. Temperature scaling, which basically performs a second supervised calibration using a hold-out set to push your probabilities towards true probabilities, performs well in-distribution but collapses fairly quickly off-distribution (which sort of makes sense given that it too is just another supervised method that can do poorly when off-distribution) 3. In general, ensemble methods, where you train different models on different subsets of the data and take their variance as uncertainty, perform the best across the bigger image models as well as the ad click model, likely because SVI (along with many other Bayesian methods) is too computationally intensive to get to work well on higher-dimensional data 4. Overall, none of the methods worked particularly well, and even the best-performing ones were often confidently wrong off-distribution I think it's fair to say that we're far from where we wish we were when it comes to models that "know when they don't know," and this paper does a good job of highlighting that in specific fashion.
This paper combines imitation learning algorithm GAIL with recent advances in goal-conditioned reinforcement learning, to create a combined approach that can make efficient use of demonstrations, but can also learn information about a reward that can allow the agent to outperform the demonstrator. Goal-conditioned learning is a form of reward-driven reinforcement learning where the reward is a defined to be 1 when an agent reaches a particular state, and 0 otherwise. This can be a particularly useful form of learning for navigation tasks, where, instead of only training your agent to reach a single hardcoded goal (as you would with a reward function) you teach it to reach arbitrary goals when information about the goal is passed in as input. A typical difficulty with this kind of learning is that its reward is sparse: for any given goal, if an agent never reaches it, it won't ever get reward signal it can use to learn to find it again. A clever solution to this, proposed by earlier method HER (Hindsight Experience Replay), is to perform rollouts of the agent trajectory, and then train your model to reach all the states it actually reached along that trajectory. Said another way, even if your agent did a random, useless thing with respect to one goal, if you retroactively decided that the goal was where it ended up, then it'd be able to receive reward signal after all. In a learning scenario with a fixed reward, this trick wouldn't make any sense, since you don't want to train your model to only go wherever it happened to initially end up. But because the policy here is goal-conditioned, we're not giving our policy wrong information about how to go to the place we want, we're incentivizing it to remember ways it got to where it ended up, in the hopes that it can learn generalizable things about how to reach new places. The other technique being combined in this paper is imitation learning, or learning from demonstrations. Demonstrations can be highly useful for showing the agent how to get to regions of state space it might not find on its own. The authors of this paper advocate creating a goal-conditioned version of one particular imitation learning algorithm (Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning, or GAIL), and combining that with an off-policy version of Hindsight Experience Replay. In their model, a discriminator tries to tell the behavior of the demonstrator from that of the agent, given some input goal, and uses that as loss, combined with the loss of a more normal Q learning loss with a reward set to 1 when a goal is achieved. Importantly, they amplify both of these methods using the relabeling trick mentioned before: for both the demonstrators and the actual agent trajectories, they take tuples of (state, next state, goal) and replace the intended goal with another state reached later in the trajectory. For the Q learner, this performs its normal role as a way to get reward in otherwise sparse settings, and for the imitation learner, it is a form of data amplification, where a single trajectory + goal can be turned into multiple trajectories "successfully" reaching all of the intermediate points along the observed trajectory. The authors show that their method learns more quickly (as a result of the demonstrations), but also is able to outperform demonstrators, which it wouldn't generally be able to do without an independent, non-demonstrator reward signal |
Adversarial examples and defenses to prevent them are often presented as a case of inherent model fragility, where the model is making a clear and identifiable mistake, by misclassifying a label humans would classify correctly. But, another frame on the adversarial examples research is that they're a way of imposing a certain kind of prior requirement on our models: that they be sensitive to certain scales of perturbation to their inputs. One reason to want to do this is because you believe the model might reasonably need to interact with such perturbed inputs in future. But, another is that smoothness of model outputs, in the sense of an output that doesn't change sharply in the immediate vicinity of an example, can be a useful inductive bias that improves generalization. In images, this is often not the case, as training on adversarial examples empirically worsens performance on normal examples. In text, however, it seems like you can get more benefit out of training on adversarial examples, and this paper proposes a specific way of doing that. An interesting up-front distinction is the one between generating adversarial examples in embeddings vs raw text. Raw text is generally harder: it's unclear how to permute sentences in ways that leave them grammatically and meaningfully unchanged, and thus mean that the same label is the "correct" one as before, without human input. So the paper instead works in embedding space: adding a delta vectors of adversarial noise to the learned word embeddings used in a text model. One salient downside of generating adversarial examples to train on is that doing so is generally costly: it requires calculating the gradients with respect to the input to calculate the direction of the delta vector, which requires another backwards pass through the network, in addition to the ones needed to calculate the parameter gradients to update those. It happens to be the case that once you've calculated gradients w.r.t inputs, doing so for parameters is basically done for you for free, so one possible solution to this problem is to do a step of parameter gradient calculation/model training every time you take a step of perturbation generation. However, if you're generating your adversarial examples via multi-step Projected Gradient Descent, doing a step of model training at each of the K steps in multi-step PGD means that by the time you finish all K steps and are ready to train on the example, your perturbation vector is out of sync with with your model parameters, and so isn't optimally adversarial. To fix this, the authors propose actually training on the adversarial example generated by each step in the multi-step generation process, not just the example produced at the end. So, instead of training your model on perturbations of a given size, you train them on every perturbation up to and including that size. This also solves the problem of your perturbation being out of sync with your parameters, since you "apply" your perturbation in training at the same step where you calculate it. The authors sole purpose in this was to make models that generalize better, and they show reasonably convincing evidence that this method works slightly better than competing alternatives on language modeling tasks. More saliently, in my view, they come up with a straightforward and clever solution to a problem, which could potentially be used in other domains. |
An interesting category of machine learning papers - to which this paper belongs - are papers which use learning systems as a way to explore the incentive structures of problems that are difficult to intuitively reason about the equilibrium properties of. In this paper, the authors are trying to better understand how different dynamics of a cooperative communication game between agents, where the speaking agent is trying to describe an object such that the listening agent picks the one the speaker is being shown, influence the communication protocol (or, to slightly anthropomorphize, the language) that the agents end up using. In particular, the authors experiment with what happens when the listening agent is frequently replaced during training with a untrained listener who has no prior experience with the agent. The idea of this experiment is that if the speaker is in a scenario where listeners need to frequently "re-learn" the mapping between communication symbols and objects, this will provide an incentive for that mapping to be easier to quickly learn. https://i.imgur.com/8csqWsY.png The metric of ease of learning that the paper focuses on is "topographic similarity", which is a measure of how compositional the communication protocol is. The objects they're working with have two properties, and the agents use a pair of two discrete symbols (two letters) to communicate about them. A perfectly compositional language would use one of the symbols to represent each of the properties. To mathematically measure this property, the authors calculate (cosine) similarity between the two objects property vectors, and the (edit) distance between the two objects descriptions under the emergent language, and calculate the correlation between these quantities. In this experimental setup, if a language is perfectly compositional, the correlation will be perfect, because every time a property is the same, the same symbol will be used, so two objects that share that property will always share that symbol in their linguistic representation. https://i.imgur.com/t5VxEoX.png The premise and the experimental setup of this paper are interesting, but I found the experimental results difficult to gain intuition and confidence from. The authors do show that, in a regime where listeners are reset, topographic similarity rises from a beginning-of-training value of .54 to an end of training value of .59, whereas in the baseline, no-reset regime, the value drops to .51. So there definitely is some amount of support for their claim that listener resets lead to higher compositionality. But given that their central quality is just a correlation between similarities, it's hard to gain intuition for whether the difference is a meaningful. It doesn't naively seem particularly dramatic, and it's hard to tell otherwise without more references for how topographic similarity would change under a wider range of different training scenarios. |
If you've been at all aware of machine learning in the past five years, you've almost certainly seen the canonical word2vec example demonstrating additive properties of word embeddings: "king - man + woman = queen". This paper has a goal of designing embeddings for agent plans or trajectories that follow similar principles, such that a task composed of multiple subtasks can be represented by adding the vectors corresponding to the subtasks. For example, if a task involved getting an ax and then going to a tree, you'd want to be able to generate an embedding that corresponded to a policy to execute that task by summing the embeddings for "go to ax" and "go to tree". https://i.imgur.com/AHlCt76.png The authors don't assume that they know the discrete boundaries between subtasks in multiple-task trajectories, and instead use a relatively simple and clever training structure in order to induce the behavior described above. They construct some network g(x) that takes in information describing a trajectory (in this case, start and end state, but presumably could be more specific transitions), and produces an embedding. Then, they train a model on an imitation learning problem, where, given one demonstration of performing a particular task (typically generated by the authors to be composed of multiple subtasks), the agent needs to predict what action will be taken next in a second trajectory of the same composite task. At each point in the sequence of predicting the next action, the agent calculates the embedding of the full reference trajectory, and the embedding of the actions they have so far performed in the current stage in the predicted trajectory, and calculates the difference between these two values. This embedding difference is used to condition the policy function that predicts next action. At each point, you enforce this constraint, that the embedding of what is remaining to be done in the trajectory be close to the embedding of (full trajectory) - (what has so far been completed), by making the policy that corresponds with that embedding map to the remaining part of the trajectory. In addition to this core loss, they also have a few regularization losses, including: 1. A loss that goes through different temporal subdivisions of reference, and pushes the summed embedding of the two parts to be close to the embedding of the whole 2. A loss that simply pushes the embeddings of the two paired trajectories performing the same task closer together The authors test mostly on relatively simple tasks - picking up and moving sequences of objects with a robotic arm, moving around and picking up objects in a simplified Minecraft world - but do find that their central partial-conditioning-based loss gives them better performance on demonstration tasks that are made up of many subtasks. Overall, this is an interesting and clever paper: it definitely targeted additive composition much more directly, rather than situations like the original word2vec where additivity came as a side effect of other properties, but it's still an idea that I could imagine having interesting properties, and one I'd be interested to see applied to a wider variety of tasks. |
Reinforcement learning is notoriously sample-inefficient, and one reason why is that agents learn about the world entirely through experience, and it takes lots of experience to learn useful things. One solution you might imagine to this problem is the ones humans by and large use in encountering new environments: instead of learning everything through first-person exploration, acquiring lots of your knowledge by hearing or reading condensed descriptions of the world that can help you take more sensible actions within it. This paper and others like it have the goal of learning RL agents that can take in information about the world in the form of text, and use that information to solve a task. This paper is not the first to propose a solution in this general domain, but it claims to be unique by dint of having both the dynamics of the environment and the goal of the agent change on a per-environment basis, and be described in text. The precise details of the architecture used are very much the result of particular engineering done to solve this problem, and as such, it's a bit hard to abstract away generalizable principles that this paper showed, other than the proof of concept fact that tasks of the form they describe - where an agent has to learn which objects can kill which enemies, and pursue the goal of killing certain ones - can be solved. Arguably the most central design principle of the paper is aggressive and repeated use of different forms of conditioning architectures, to fully mix the information contained in the textual and visual data streams. This was done in two main ways: - Multiple different attention summaries were created, using the document embedding as input, but with queries conditioned on different things (the task, the inventory, a summarized form of the visual features). This is a natural but clever extension of the fact that attention is an easy way to generate conditional aggregated versions of some input https://i.imgur.com/xIsRu2M.png - The architecture uses FiLM (Featurewise Linear Modulation), which is essentially a many-generations-generalized version of conditional batch normalization in which the gamma and lambda used to globally shift and scale a feature vector are learned, taking some other data as input. The canonical version of this would be taking in text input, summarizing it into a vector, and then using that vector as input in a MLP that generates gamma and lambda parameters for all of the convolutional layers in a vision system. The interesting innovation of this paper is essentially to argue that this conditioning operation is quite neutral, and that there's no essential way in which the vision input is the "true" data, and the text simply the auxiliary conditioning data: it's more accurate to say that each form of data should conditioning the process of the other one. And so they use Bidirectional FiLM, which does just that, conditioning vision features on text summaries, but also conditioning text features on vision summaries. https://i.imgur.com/qFaH1k3.png - The model overall is composed of multiple layers that perform both this mixing FiLM operation, and also visually-conditioned attention. The authors did show, not super surprisingly, that these additional forms of conditioning added performance value to the model relative to the cases where they were ablated |
Reinforcement Learning is often broadly separated into two categories of approaches: model-free and model-based. In the former category, networks simply take observations and input and produce predicted best-actions (or predicted values of available actions) as output. In order to perform well, the model obviously needs to gain an understanding of how its actions influence the world, but it doesn't explicitly make predictions about what the state of the world will be after an action is taken. In model-based approaches, the agent explicitly builds a dynamics model, or a model in which it takes in (past state, action) and predicts next state. In theory, learning such a model can lead to both interpretability (because you can "see" what the model thinks the world is like) and robustness to different reward functions (because you're learning about the world in a way not explicitly tied up with the reward). This paper proposes an interesting melding of these two paradigms, where an agent learns a model of the world as part of an end-to-end policy learning. This works through something the authors call "observational dropout": the internal model predicts the next state of the world given the prior one and the action, and then with some probability, the state of the world that both the policy and the next iteration of the dynamics model sees is replaced with the model's prediction. This incentivizes the network to learn an effective dynamics model, because the farther the predictions of the model are from the true state of the world, the worse the performance of the learned policy will be on the iterations where the only observation it can see is the predicted one. So, this architecture is model-free in the sense that the gradient used to train the system is based on applying policy gradients to the reward, but model-based in the sense that it does have an internal world representation. https://i.imgur.com/H0TNfTh.png The authors find that, at a simple task, Swing Up Cartpole, very low probabilities of seeing the true world (and thus very high probabilities of the policy only seeing the dynamics model output) lead to world models good enough that a policy trained only on trajectories sampled from that model can perform relatively well. This suggests that at higher probabilities of the true world, there was less value in the dynamics model being accurate, and consequently less training signal for it. (Of course, policies that often could only see the predicted world performed worse during their original training iteration compared to policies that could see the real world more frequently). On a more complex task of CarRacing, the authors looked at how well a policy trained using the representations of the world model as input could perform, to examine whether it was learning useful things about the world. https://i.imgur.com/v9etll0.png They found an interesting trade-off, where at high probabilities (like before) the dynamics model had little incentive to be good, but at low probabilities it didn't have enough contact with the real dynamics of the world to learn a sensible policy. |
In the last two years, the Transformer architecture has taken over the worlds of language modeling and machine translation. The central idea of Transformers is to use self-attention to aggregate information from variable-length sequences, a task for which Recurrent Neural Networks had previously been the most common choice. Beyond that central structural change, one more nuanced change was from having a single attention mechanism on a given layer (with a single set of query, key, and value weights) to having multiple attention heads, each with their own set of weights. The change was framed as being conceptually analogous to the value of having multiple feature dimensions, each of which focuses on a different aspect of input; these multiple heads could now specialize and perform different weighted sums over input based on their specialized function. This paper performs an experimental probe into the value of the various attention heads at test time, and tries a number of different pruning tests across both machine translation and language modeling architectures to see their impact on performance. In their first ablation experiment, they test the effect of removing (that is, zero-masking the contribution of) a single head from a single attention layer, and find that in almost all cases (88 out of 96) there's no statistically significant drop in performance. Pushing beyond this, they ask what happens if, in a given layer, they remove all heads but the one that was seen to be most important in the single head tests (the head that, if masked, caused the largest performance drop). This definitely leads to more performance degradation than the removal of single heads, but the degradation is less than might be intuitively expected, and is often also not statistically significant. https://i.imgur.com/Qqh9fFG.png This also shows an interesting distribution over where performance drops: in machine translation, it seems like decoder-decoder attention is the least sensitive to heads being pruned, and encoder-decoder attention is the most sensitive, with a very dramatic performance dropoff observed if particularly the last layer of encoder-decoder attention is stripped to a single head. This is interesting to me insofar as it shows the intuitive roots of attention in these architectures; attention was originally used in encoder-decoder parts of models to solve problems of pulling out information in a source sentence at the time it's needed in the target sentence, and this result suggests that a lot of the value of multiple heads in translation came from making that mechanism more expressive. Finally, the authors performed an iterative pruning test, where they ordered all the heads in the network according to their single-head importance, and pruned starting with the least important. Similar to the results above, they find that drops in performance at high rates of pruning happen eventually to all parts of the model, but that encoder-decoder attention suffers more quickly and more dramatically if heads are removed. https://i.imgur.com/oS5H1BU.png Overall, this is a clean and straightforward empirical paper that asks a fairly narrow question and generates some interesting findings through that question. These results seem reminiscent to me of the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis line of work, where it seems that having a network with a lot of weights is useful for training insofar as it gives you more chances at an initialization that allows for learning, but that at test time, only a small percentage of the weights have ultimately become important, and the rest can be pruned. In order to make the comparison more robust, I'd be interested to see work that does more specific testing of the number of heads required for good performance during training and also during testing, divided out by different areas of the network. (Also, possibly this work exists and I haven't found it!) |
Self-Supervised Learning is a broad category of approaches whose goal is to learn useful representations by asking networks to perform constructed tasks that only use the content of a dataset itself, and not external labels. The idea with these tasks is to design tasks such that solving them requires the network to have learned useful Some examples of this approach include predicting the rotation of rotated images, reconstructing color from greyscale, and, the topic of this paper, maximizing mutual information between different areas of the image. The hope behind this last approach is that if two areas of an image are generated by the same set of underlying factors (in the case of a human face: they're parts of the same person's face), then a representation that correctly captures those factors for one area will give you a lot of information about the representation of the other area. Historically, this conceptual desire for representations that are mutually informative has been captured by mutual information. If we define the representation distribution over the data of area 1 as p(x) and area 2 as q(x), the mutual information is the KL divergence between the joint distribution of these two distributions and the product of their marginals. This is an old statistical intuition: the closer the joint is to the product of marginals, the closer the variables are to independent; the farther away, the closer they are to informationally identical. https://i.imgur.com/2SzD5d5.png This paper argues that the presence of the KL divergence in this mutual information formulation impedes the ability of networks to learn useful representations. This argument is theoretically based on a result from a recent paper (which for the moment I'll just take as foundation, without reading it myself) that empirical lower-bound measurements of mutual information, of the kind used in these settings, are upper bounded by log(n) where n is datapoints. Our hope in maximizing a lower bound to any quantity is that the bound is fairly tight, since that means that optimizing a network to push upward a lower bound actually has the effect of pushing the actual value up as well. If the lower bound we can estimate is constrained to be far below the actual lower bound in the data, then pushing it upward doesn't actually require the value to move upward. The authors identify this as a particular problem in areas where the underlying mutual information of the data is high, such as in videos where one frame is very predictive of the next, since in those cases the constraint imposed by the dataset size will be small relative to the actual possible maximum mutual information you could push your network to achieve. https://i.imgur.com/wm39mQ8.png Taking a leaf out of the GAN literature, the authors suggest keeping replacing the KL divergence component of mutual information and replacing it with the Wasserstein Distance; otherwise known as the "earth-mover distance", the Wasserstein distance measures the cost of the least costly way to move probability mass from one distribution to another, assuming you're moving that mass along some metric space. A nice property of the Wasserstein distance, in both GANs and in this application) is that they don't saturate quite as quickly: the value of a KL divergence can shoot up if the distributions are even somewhat different, making it unable to differentiate between distributions that are somewhat and very far away, whereas a Wasserstein distance continues to have more meaningful signal in that regime. In the context of the swap for mutual information, the authors come up with the "Wasserstein Dependency Measure", which is just the Wasserstein Distance between the joint distributions and the product of the marginals. https://i.imgur.com/3s2QRRz.png In practice, they use the dual formulation of the Wasserstein distance, which amounts to applying a (neural network) function f(x) to values from both distributions, optimizing f(x) so that the values are far apart, and using that distance as your training signal. Crucially, this function has to be relatively smooth in order for the dual formulation to work: in particular it has to have a small Lipschitz value (meaning its derivatives are bounded by some value). Intuitively, this has the effect of restricting the capacity of the network, which is hoped to incentivize it to use its limited capacity to represent true factors of variation, which are assumed to be the most compact way to represent the data. Empirically, the authors found that their proposed Wasserstein Dependency Measure (with a slight variation applied to reduce variance) does have the predicted property of performing better for situations where the native mutual information between two areas is high. I found the theoretical points of this paper interesting, and liked the generalization of the idea of Wasserstein distances from GANs to a new area. That said, I wish I had a better mechanical sense for how it ground out in actual neural network losses: this is partially just my own lack of familiarity with how e.g. mutual information losses are actually formulated as network objectives, but I would have appreciated an appendix that did a bit more of that mapping between mathematical intuition and practical network reality. |
In response to increasing calls for ways to explain and interpret the predictions of neural networks, one major genre of explanation has been the construction of salience maps for image-based tasks. These maps assign a relevance or saliency score to every pixel in the image, according to various criteria by which the value of a pixel can be said to have influenced the final prediction of the network. This paper is an interesting blend of ideas from the saliency mapping literature with ones from adversarial examples: it essentially shows that you can create adversarial examples whose goal isn't to change the output of a classifier, but instead to keep the output of the classifier fixed, but radically change the explanation (their term for the previously-described pixel saliency map that results from various explanation-finding methods) to resemble some desired target explanation. This is basically a targeted adversarial example, but targeting a different property of the network (the calculated explanation) while keeping an additional one fixed (keeping the output of the original network close to the original output, as well as keeping the input image itself in a norm ball around the original image. This is done in a pretty standard way: by just defining a loss function incentivizing closeness to the original output and also closeness of the explanation to the desired target, and performing gradient descent to modify pixels until this loss was low. https://i.imgur.com/N9uReoJ.png The authors do a decent job of showing such targeted perturbations are possible: by my assessment of their results their strongest successes at inducing an actual targeted explanation are with Layerwise Relevance Propogation and Pattern Attribution (two of the 6 tested explanation methods). With the other methods, I definitely buy that they're able to induce an explanation that's very unlike the true/original explanation, but it's not as clear they can reach an arbitrary target. This is a bit of squinting, but it seems like they have more success in influencing propogation methods (where the effect size of the output is propogated backwards through the network, accounting for ReLus) than they do with gradient ones (where you're simply looking at the gradient of the output class w.r.t each pixel. In the theory section of the paper, the authors do a bit of differential geometry that I'll be up front and say I did not have the niche knowledge to follow, but which essentially argues that the manipulability of an explanation has to do with the curvature of the output manifold for a constant output. That is to say: how much can you induce a large change in the gradient of the output, while moving a small distance along the manifold of a constant output value. They then go on to argue that ReLU activations, because they are by definition discontinuous, induce sharp changes in gradient for points nearby one another, and this increase the ability for networks to be manipulated. They propose a softplus activation instead, where instead of a sharp discontinuity, the ReLU shape becomes more curved, and show relatively convincingly that at low values of Beta (more curved) you can mostly eliminate the ability of a perturbation to induce an adversarially targeted explanation. https://i.imgur.com/Fwu3PXi.png For all that I didn't have a completely solid grasp of some of the theory sections here, I think this is a neat proof of concept paper in showing that neural networks can be small-perturbation fragile on a lot of different axes: we've known this for a while in the area of adversarial examples, but this is a neat generalization of that fact to a new area. |
If your goal is to interpret the predictions of neural networks on images, there are a few different ways you can focus your attention. One approach is to try to understand and attach conceptual tags to learnt features, to form a vocabulary with which models can be understood. However, techniques in this family have to content with a number of challenges, from the difficulty in attaching clear concepts to the sheer number of neurons to interpret. An alternate approach, and the one pursued by this paper, is to frame interpretability as a matter of introspecting on *where in an image* the model is pulling information from to make its decision. This is the question for which hard attention provides an answer: identify where in an image a model is making a decision by learning a meta-model that selects small patches of an image, and then makes a classification decision by applying a network to only those patches which were selected. By definition, if only a discrete set of patches were used for prediction, those were the ones that could be driving the model's decision. This central fact of the model only choosing a discrete set of patches is a key complexity, since the choice to use a patch or not is a binary, discontinuous action, and not something through which one can back-propogate gradients. Saccader, the approach put forward by this paper, proposes an architecture which extracts features from locations within an image, and uses those spatially located features to inform a stochastic policy that selects each patch with some probability. Because reinforcement learning by construction is structured to allow discrete actions, the system as a whole can be trained via policy gradient methods. https://i.imgur.com/SPK0SLI.png Diving into a bit more detail: while I don't have a deep familiarity with prior work in this area, my impression is that the notion of using policy gradient to learn a hard attention policy isn't a novel contribution of this work, but rather than its novelty comes from clever engineering done to make that policy easier to learn. The authors cite the problem of sparse reward in learning the policy, which I presume to mean that if you start in more traditional RL fashion by just sampling random patches, most patches will be unclear or useless in providing classification signal, so it will be hard to train well. The Saccader architecture works by extracting localized features in an architecture inspired by the 2019 BagNet paper, which essentially applies very tall and narrow convolutional stacks to spatially small areas of the image. This makes it the case that feature vectors for different overlapping patches can be computed efficiently: instead of rerunning the network again for each patch, it just combined the features from the "tops" of all of the small column networks inside the patch, and used that aggregation as a patch-level feature. These features from the "representation network" were then used in an "attention network," which uses larger receptive field convolutions to create patch-level features that integrated the context of things around them. Once these two sets of features were created, they were fed into the "Saccader cell", which uses them to calculate a distribution over patches which the policy then samples over. The Saccader cell is a simplified memory cell, which sets a value to 1 when a patch has been sampled, and applies a very strong penalization on that patch being sampled on future "glimpses" from the policy (in general, classification is performed by making a number of draws and averaging the logits produced for each patch). https://i.imgur.com/5pSL0oc.png I found this paper fairly conceptually clever - I hadn't thought much about using a reinforcement learning setup for classification before - though a bit difficult to follow in its terminology and notation. It's able to perform relatively well on ImageNet, though I'm not steeped enough in that as a benchmark to have an intuitive sense for the paper's claim that their accuracy is meaningfully in the same ballpark as full-image models. One interesting point the paper made was that their system, while limited to small receptive fields for the patch features, can use an entirely different model for mapping patches to logits once the patches are selected, and so can benefit from more powerful generic classification models being tacked onto the end. |
The fundamental unit of Reinforcement Learning is the reward function, with a core assumption of the area being that actions induce rewards, with some actions being higher reward than others. But, reward functions are just artificial objects we design to induce certain behaviors; the universe doesn’t hand out “true” rewards we can build off of. Inverse Reinforcement Learning as a field is rooted in the difficulty of designing reward functions, and has the aspiration of, instead of requiring a human to hard code a reward function, inferring rewards from observing human behavior. The rough idea is that if we imagine a human is (even if they don’t know it) operating so as to optimize some set of rewards, we might be able to infer that set of underlying incentives from their actions, and, once we’ve extracted a reward function, use that to train new agents. This is a mathematically quite tricky problem, for the basic reason that a human’s actions are often consistent with a wide range of possible underlying “policy” parameters, and also that a given human policy could be an optimal for a wide range of underlying reward functions. This paper proposes using an adversarial frame on the problem, where you learn a reward function by trying to make reward higher for the human demonstrations you observe, relative to the actions the agent itself is taking. This has the effect of trying to learn an agent that can imitate human actions. However, it specifically designs its model structure to allow it to go beyond just imitation. The problem with learning a purely imitative policy is that it’s hard for the model to separate out which actions the human is taking because they are intrinsically high reward (like, perhaps, eating candy), versus actions which are only valuable in a particular environment (perhaps opening a drawer if you’re in a room where that’s where the candy is kept). If you didn’t realize that the real reward was contained in the candy, you might keep opening drawers, even if you’re in a room where the candy is laying out on the table. In mathematical terms, separating out intrinsic vs instrumental (also known as "shaped") rewards is a matter of making sure to learn separate out the reward associated with a given state from value of taking a given action at that state, because the value of your action is only born out based on assumptions about how states transition between each other, which is a function of the specific state to state dynamics of the you’re in. The authors do this by defining a g(s) function, and a h(s) function. They then define their overall reward of an action as (g(s) + h(s’)) - h(s), where s’ is the new state you end up in if you take an action. https://i.imgur.com/3ENPFVk.png This follows the natural form of a Bellman update, where the sum of your future value at state T should be equal to the sum of your future value at time T+1 plus the reward you achieve at time T. https://i.imgur.com/Sd9qHCf.png By adopting this structure, and learning a separate neural network to capture the h(s) function representing the value from here to the end, the authors make it the case that the g(s) function is a purer representation of the reward at a state, regardless of what we expect to happen in the future. Using this, they’re able to use this learned reward to bootstrap good behavior in new environments, even in contexts where a learned value function would be invalid because of the assumptions of instrumental value. They compare their method to the baseline of GAIL, which is a purely imitation-learning approach, and show that theirs is more able to transfer to environments with similar states but different state-to-state dynamics. |
In the area of explaining model predictions over images, there are two main strains of technique: methods that look for pixels that have the highest gradient effect on the output class, and assign those as the “reason” for the class, and approaches that ask which pixel regions are most responsible for a given classification, in the sense that the classification would change the most if they were substituted with some uninformative reference value. The tricky thing about the second class of methods is that you need to decide what to use as your uninformative fill-in value. It’s easy enough to conceptually pose the problem of “what would our model predict if it couldn’t see this region of pixels,” but as a practical matter, these models take in full images, and you have to put *something* to give the classifier in a region, if you’re testing what the score would be if you removed the information contained in the pixels in that region. What should you fill in instead? The simplest answers are things like “zeros”, or “a constant value” or “white noise”. But all of these are very off-distribution for the model; it wouldn’t have typically seen images that resemble white noise, or all zeros, or all a single value. So if you measure the change in your model score from an off-distribution baseline to your existing pixels, you may not be getting the marginal value of the pixels, so much as the marginal disutility of having something so different from what the model has previously seen. There are other, somewhat more sensible approaches, like blurring out the areas around the pixel region of interest, but these experience less intense forms of the same issue. This paper proposes instead, using generative models to fill in the regions conditioned on the surrounding pixels, and use that as a reference. The notion here is that a conditioned generative model, like a GAN or VAE, can take into account the surrounding pixels, and “imagine” a fill-in that flows smoothly from the surrounding pixels, and looks generally like an image, but which doesn’t contain the information from the pixels in the region being tested, since it wasn’t conditioned on that. https://i.imgur.com/2fKnY0M.png Using this approach, the authors run two types of test: one where they optimize to find the smallest region they can remove from the image, and have it switch class (Smallest Deletion Region, or SDR), and also the smallest informative region that can be added to an otherwise uninformative image, and have the model predict the class connected to that region. They find that regions calculated using their generative model fill in, and specifically with GANs, find a smaller and more compact pixel region as their explanation for the prediction, which is consistent with both human intuitions and also with a higher qualitative sensibleness of the explanations found. |
This paper tries to do an exhaustive empirical evaluation of the question of how effectively you can reduce the number of training steps needed to train your model, by increasing the batch size. This is an interesting question because it’s becoming increasingly the case that computational costs scale very slowly with additional datapoints added to a batch, and so your per-example cost will be lower, the larger a batch you do your gradient calculation in. In the most ideal world, we might imagine that there’s a perfect trade-off relationship between batch size and training steps. As a simplistic example, if it were the case that your model only needed to see each observation in the dataset once in order to obtain some threshold of accuracy, and there was an unbounded ability to trade off batch size against training steps, then one might imagine that you could just take one large step based on the whole dataset (in which case you’d then be doing not Stochastic Gradient Descent, but just Batch Gradient Descent). However, there’s reason to suspect that this won’t be possible; for one thing, it seems like having multiple noisier steps is better for optimization than taking one single step of training. https://i.imgur.com/uwCfBJR.png This paper set out to do a large-scale evaluation of what this behavior looks like over a range of datasets. They did so by setting a target test error rate, and then measuring how many training steps were necessary to reach that error rate, for a given batch size. For fairness, they trained hyperparameters separately for each batch size. They found that, matching some theoretical predictions, at small to medium batch sizes, your increase in batch size pays off 1:1 in fewer needed training steps. As batch size increases more, the tradeoff curve diverges from 1:1, and eventually goes flat, meaning that, even if you increase your batch size more, you can no longer go any lower in terms of training steps. This seems to me connected to the idea that having a noisy, multi-step search process is useful for the non-convex environments that neural net optimizers are working in. https://i.imgur.com/ycigYVX.png A few other notes from the paper: - Different model architectures can extend 1:1 scaling to higher batch sizes, and thus plateau at a lower number of training steps - Momentum also has the effect of plateauing at a lower number of needed training steps - It’s been previously suggested that you need to scale optimal learning rate linearly or according to the square root of the batch size, in order to maintain best performance. The authors find that there are different learning rates across batch size, but that they aren’t well-approximated by a linear or square-root relationship |
This was definitely one of the more conceptually nuanced and complicated papers I’ve read recently, and I’ve only got about 60% confidence that I fully grasp all of its intuitions. However, I’m going to try to collect together what I did understand. There is a lot of research into generative models of text or image sequences, and some amount of research into building “models” in the reinforcement learning sense, where your model can predict future observations given current observations and your action. There’s an important underlying distinction here between model-based RL (where you learn a model of how the world evolves, and use that to optimize reward) and model-free RL (where you leave don’t bother explicitly learning a world model, and just directly try to optimize rewards) However, this paper identifies a few limitations of this research. 1) It’s largely focused on predicting observations, rather than predicting *state*. State is a bit of a fuzzy concept, and corresponds to, roughly, “the true underlying state of the game”. An example I like to use is a game where you walk in one door, and right next to it is a second door, which requires you to traverse the space and find rewards and a key before you can open. Now, imagine that the observation of your agent is it looking at the door. If the game doesn’t have any on-screen representation of the fact that you’ve found the key, it won’t be present in your observations, and you’ll observe the same thing at the point you have just entered and once you found the key. However, the state of the game at these two points will be quite different, in that in the latter case, your next states might be “opening the door” rather than “going to collect rewards”. Scenarios like this are referred to broadly as Partially Observable games or environments. This paper wants to build a model of how the game evolves into the future, but it wants to build a model of *state-to-state* evolution, rather than observation-to-observation evolution, since observations are typically both higher-dimensionality and also more noisy/less informative. 2) Past research has typically focused on predicting each next-step observation, rather than teaching models to be able to directly predict a state many steps in the future, without having to roll out the entire sequence of intermediate predictions. This is arguably quite valuable for making models that can predict the long term consequences of their decision This paper approaches that with an approach inspired by the Temporal Difference framework used in much of RL, in which you update your past estimate of future rewards by forcing it to be consistent with the actual observed rewards you encounter in the future. Except, in this model, we sample two a state (z1) and then a state some distance into the future (z2), and try to make our backwards-looking prediction of the state at time 1, taking into account observations that happened in between, match what our prediction was with only the information at time one. An important mechanistic nuance here is the idea of a “belief state”, something that captures all of your knowledge about game history up to a certain point. We can then directly sample a state Zt given the belief state Bt at that point. This isn’t actually possible with a model where we predict a state at time T given the state at time T-1, because the state at time Z-1 is itself a sample, and so in order to get a full distribution of Zt, you have to sample Zt over the distribution of Zt-1, and in order to get the distribution of Zt-1 you have to sample over the distribution of Zt-2, and so on and so on. Instead, we have a separate non-state variable, Bt that is created conditional on all our past observations (through a RNN). https://i.imgur.com/N0Al42r.png All said and done, the mechanics of this model look like: 1) Pick two points along the sequence trajectory 2) Calculate the belief state at each point, and, from that, construct a distribution over states at each timestep using p(z|b) 3) Have an additional model that predicts z1 given z2, b1, and b2 (that is, the future beliefs and states), and push the distribution over z1 from this model to be close to the distribution over z1 given only the information available at time t1 4) Have a model that predicts Z2 given Z1 and the time interval ahead that we’re jumping, and try to have this model be predictive/have high likelihood over the data 5) And, have a model that predicts an observation at time T2 given the state Z2, and train that so that we can convert our way back to an observation, given a state They mostly test it on fairly simple environments, but it’s an interesting idea, and I’d be curious to see other people develop it in future. (A strange aspect of this model is that, as far as I can tell, it’s non-interventionist, in that we’re not actually conditioning over agent action, or trying to learn a policy for an agent. This is purely trying to learn the long term transitions between states) |
Current work in image generation (and generative models more broadly) can be split into two broad categories: implicit models, and likelihood-based models. Implicit models is a categorically that predominantly creates GANs, and which learns how to put pixels in the right places without actually learning a joint probability model over pixels. This is a detriment for applications where you do actually want to be able to calculate probabilities for particular images, in addition to simply sampling new images from your model. Within the class of explicit probability models, the auto-encoder and the autoregressive model are the two most central and well-established. An auto-encoder works by compressing information about an image into a central lower-dimensional “bottleneck” code, and then trying to reconstruct the original image using the information contained in the code. This structure works well for capturing global structure, but is generally weaker at local structure, because by convention images are generated through stacked convolutional layers, where each pixel in the image is sampled separately, albeit conditioned on the same latent state (the value of the layer below). This is in contrast to an auto-regressive decoder, where you apply some ordering to the pixels, and then sample them in sequence: starting the prior over the first pixel, and then the second conditional on the first, and so on. In this setup, instead of simply expecting your neighboring pixels to coordinate with you because you share latent state, the model actually has visibility into the particular pixel sampled at the prior step, and has the ability to condition on that. This leads to higher-precision generation of local pixel structure with these models . If you want a model that can get the best of all of these worlds - high-local precision, good global structure, and the ability to calculate probabilities - a sensible approach might be to combine the two: to learn a global-compressed code using an autoencoder, and then, conditioning on that autoencoder code as well as the last sampled values, generate pixels using an autoregressive decoder. However, in practice, this has proved tricky. At a high level, this is because the two systems are hard to balance with one another, and different kinds of imbalance lead to different failure modes. If you try to constrain the expression power of your global code too much, your model will just give up on having global information, and just condition pixels on surrounding (past-sampled) pixels. But, by contrast, if you don’t limit the capacity of the code, then the model puts even very local information into the code and ignores the autoregressive part of the model, which brings it away from playing our desired role as global specifier of content. This paper suggests a new combination approach, whereby we jointly train an encoder and autoregressive decoder, but instead of training the encoder on the training signal produced by that decoder, we train it on the training signal we would have gotten from decoding the code into pixels using a simpler decoder, like a feedforward network. The autoregressive network trains on the codes from the encoder as the encoder trains, but it doesn’t actually pass any signal back to it. Basically, we’re training our global code to believe it’s working with a less competent decoder, and then substituting our autoregressive decoder in during testing. https://i.imgur.com/d2vF2IQ.png Some additional technical notes: - Instead of using a more traditional continuous-valued bottleneck code, this paper uses the VQ-VAE tactic of discretizing code values, to be able to more easily control code capacity. This essentially amounts to generating code vectors as normal, clustering them, passing their cluster medians forward, and then ignoring the fact that none of this is differentiable and passing back gradients with respect to the median - For their auxiliary decoders, the authors use both a simple feedforward network, and also a more complicated network, where the model needs to guess a pixel, using only the pixel values outside of a window of size of that pixel. The goal of the latter variant is to experiment with a decoder that can’t use local information, and could only use global |
Unsupervised representation learning is a funny thing: our aspiration in learning representations from data is typically that they’ll be useful for future tasks, but, since we (by definition) don’t have access to labels, our approach has historically been to define heuristics, such as representing the data distribution in a low-dimensional space, and hope that those heuristics translate to useful learned representations. And, to a fair extent, they have. However, this paper’s goal is to attach this problem more directly, by explicitly meta-learning an unsupervised update rule so that performs well in future tasks. They do this by: https://i.imgur.com/EEkpW9g.png 1) Defining a parametrized weight update function, to slot into the role that Stochastic Gradient Descent on a label-defined loss function would play in a supervised network. This function calculates a “hidden state”, is defined for each neuron in each layer, and takes in the pre and post-nonlinearity activations for that batch, the hidden state of the next layer, and a set of learned per-layer “backwards weights”. The weight update for that neuron is then calculated using the current hidden state, the last batch's hidden state, and the current value of the weight. In the traditional way of people in this field who want to define some generic function, they instantiate these functions as a MLP. 2) Using that update rule on the data from a new task, taking the representing resulting from applying the update rule, and using it in a linear regression with a small number of samples. The generalization performance from this k-shot regression, taken in expectation over multiple tasks, acts as our meta training objective. By back-propagating from this objective, to the weight values of the representation, and from there to the parameters of the optimization step, they incentivize their updater to learn representations that are useful across some distribution of tasks. A slightly weird thing about this paper is that they train on image datasets, but shuffle the pixels and use a fully connected network rather than a conv net. I presume this has to do with the complexities of defining a weight update rule for a convolution, but it does make it harder to meaningfully compare with other image-based unsupervised systems, which are typically done using convolution. An interesting thing they note is that, early in meta-training on images, their update rules generalize fairly well to text data. However, later in training the update rules seem to have specialized to images, and generalize more poorly to images. |
In the two years since it’s been introduced, the Transformer architecture, which uses multi-headed self-attention in lieu of recurrent models to consolidate information about input and output sequences, has more or less taken the world of language processing and understanding by storm. It has become the default choice for language for problems like translation and questioning answering, and was the foundation of OpenAI’s massive language-model-trained GPT. In this context, I really appreciate this paper’s work to try to build our collective intuitions about the structure, specifically by trying to understand how the multiple heads that make up the aforementioned multi-head attention divide up importance and specialize function. As a quick orientation, attention works by projecting each value in the sequence into query, key, and value vectors. Then, each element in the sequence creates its next-layer value by calculating a function of query and key (typically dot product) and putting that in a softmax against the query results with every other element. This weighting distribution is then used as the weights of a weighted average, combining the values together. By default this is a single operation, with a single set of projection matrices, but in the Transformer approach, they use multi-headed attention, which simply means that they learn independent parameters for multiple independent attention “filters”, each of which can then notionally specialize to pull in and prioritize a certain kind of information. https://i.imgur.com/yuC91Ja.png The high level theses of this paper are: - Among attention heads, there’s a core of the most crucial and important ones, and then a long tail of heads that can be pruned (or, have their weight in the concatenation of all attention heads brought to nearly zero) and have a small effect on performance - It’s possible and useful to divide up the heads according to the kinds of other tokens that it is most consistently pulling information from. The authors identify three: positional, syntactic, and rare. Positional heads consistently (>90% of the time) put their maximum attention weight on the same position relative to the query word. Syntactic heads are those that recurringly in the same grammatical relation to the query, the subject to its verb, or the adjective to its noun, for example. Rare words is not a frequently used head pattern, but it is a very valuable head within the first layer, and will consistently put its highest weight on the lowest-frequency word in a given sentence. An interesting side note here is that the authors tried at multiple stages in pruning to retrain a network using only the connections between unpruned heads, and restarting from scratch. However, in a effect reminiscent of the Lottery Ticket Thesis, retraining from scratch cannot get quite the same performance. |
https://i.imgur.com/JJFljWo.png This paper follows in a recent tradition of results out of Samsung: in the wake of StyleGAN’s very impressive generated images, it uses a lot of similar architectural elements, combined with meta-learning and a new discriminator framework, to generate convincing “talking head” animations based on a small number of frames of a person’s face. Previously, models that generated artificial face videos could only do so by training by a large number of frames of each individual speaker that they wanted to simulate. This system instead is able to generate video in a few-shot way: where they only need one or two frames of a new speaker to do convincing generation. The structure of talking head video generation as a problem relies on the idea of “landmarks,” explicit parametrization of where the nose, the eyes, the lips, the head, are oriented in a given shot. The model is trained to be able to generate frames of a specified person (based on an input frame), and in a specific pose (based on an input landmark set). While the visual quality of the simulated video generated here is quite stunning, the most centrally impressive fact about this paper is that generation was only conditioned on a few frames of each target person. This is accomplished through a combination of meta-learning (as an overall training procedure/regime) and adaptive instance normalization, a way of dynamically parametrizing models that was earlier used in a StyleGAN paper (also out of the Samsung lab). Meta-learning works by doing simulated few-shot training iterations, where a model is trained for a small number of steps on a given “task” (where here a task is a given target face), and then optimized on the meta-level to be able to get good test set error rates across many such target faces. https://i.imgur.com/RIkO1am.png The mechanics of how this meta-learning approach actually work are quite interesting: largely a new application of existing techniques, but with some extensions and innovations worked in. - A convolutional model produces an embedding given an input image and a pose. An average embedding is calculated by averaging over different frames, with the hopes of capturing information about the video, in a pose-independent way. This embedding, along with a goal set of landmarks (i.e. the desired facial expression of your simulation) is used to parametrize the generator, which is then asked to determine whether the generated image looks like it came from the sequence belonging to the target face, and looks like it corresponds to the target pose - Adaptive instance normalization works by having certain parameters of the network (typically, per the name, post-normalization rescaling values) that are dependent on the properties of some input data instance. This works by training a network to produce an embedding vector of the image, and then multiplying that embedding by per-layer, per-filter projection matrices to obtain new parameters. This is in particular a reasonable thing to do in the context of conditional GANs, where you want to have parameters of your generator be conditioned on the content of the image you’re trying to simulate - This model structure gives you a natural way to do few-shot generation: you can train your embedding network, your generator, and your projection matrices over a large dataset, where they’ve hopefully learned how to compress information from any given target image, and generate convincing frames based on it, so that you can just pass in your new target image, have it transformed into an embedding, and have it contain information the rest of the network can work with - This model uses a relatively new (~mid 2018) formulation of a conditional GAN, called the projection discriminator. I don’t have time to fully explain this here, but at a high level, it frames the problem of a discriminator determining whether a generated image corresponds to a given conditioning class by projecting both the class and the image into vectors, and calculating a similarity-esque dot product. - During few-shot application of this model, it can get impressively good performance without even training on the new target face at all, simply by projecting the target face into an embedding, and updating the target-specific network parameters that way. However, they do get better performance if they fine-tune to a specific person, which they do by treating the embedding-projection parameters as an initialization, and then taking a few steps of gradient descent from there |
[Machine learning is a nuanced, complicated, intellectually serious topic...but sometimes it’s refreshing to let ourselves be a bit less serious, especially when it’s accompanied by clear, cogent writing on a topic. This particular is a particularly delightful example of good-natured silliness - from the dataset name HellaSwag to figures containing cartoons of BERT and ELMO representing language models - combined with interesting science.] https://i.imgur.com/CoSeh51.png This paper tackles the problem of natural language comprehension, which asks: okay, our models can generate plausible looking text, but do they actually exhibit what we would consider true understanding of language? One natural structure of task for this is to take questions or “contexts”, and, given a set of possible endings or completion, pick the correct one. Positive examples are relatively easy to come by: adjacent video captions and question/answer pairs from WikiHow are two datasets used in this paper. However, it’s more difficult to come up with *negative* examples. Even though our incorrect endings won’t be a meaningful continuation of the sentence, we want them to be “close enough” that we can feel comfortable attributing a model’s ability to pick the correct answer as evidence of some meaningful kind of comprehension. As an obvious failure mode, if the alternative multiple choice options were all the same word repeated ten times, that would be recognizable as being not real language, and it would be easy for a model to select the answer with the distributional statistics of real language, but it wouldn’t prove much. Typically failure modes aren’t this egregious, but the overall intuition still holds, and will inform the rest of the paper: your ability to test comprehension on a given dataset is a function of how contextually-relevant and realistic your negative examples are. Previous work (by many of the same authors as are on this paper), proposed a technique called Adversarial Filtering to try to solve this problem. In Adversarial Filtering, a generative language model is used to generate possible many endings conditioned on the input context, to be used as negative examples. Then, a discriminator is trained to predict the correct ending given the context. The generated samples that the discriminator had the highest confidence classifying as negative are deemed to be not challenging enough comparisons, and they’re thrown out and replaced with others from our pool of initially-generated samples. Eventually, once we’ve iterated through this process, we have a dataset with hopefully realistic negative examples. The negative examples are then given to humans to ensure none of them are conceptually meaningful actual endings to the sentence. The dataset released by the earlier paper, which used as it’s generator a relatively simple LSTM model, was called Swag. However, the authors came to notice that the performance of new language models (most centrally BERT) on this dataset might not be quite what it appears: its success rate of 86% only goes down to 76% if you don’t give the classifier access to the input context, which means it can get 76% (off of a random baseline of 25%, with 4 options) simply by evaluating which endings are coherent as standalone bits of natural language, without actually having to understand or even see the context. Also, shuffling the words in the words in the possible endings had a similarly small effect: the authors are able to get BERT to perform at 60% accuracy on the SWAG dataset with no context, and with shuffled words in the possible answers, meaning it’s purely selecting based on the distribution of words in the answer, rather than on the meaningfully-ordered sequence of words. https://i.imgur.com/f6vqJWT.png The authors overall conclusion with this is: this adversarial filtering method is only as good as the generator, and, more specifically, the training dynamic between the generator that produces candidate endings, and the discriminator that filters them. If the generator is too weak, the negative examples can be easily detected as fake by a stronger model, but if the generator is too strong, then the discriminator can’t get good enough to usefully contribute by weeding samples out. They demonstrate this by creating a new version of Swag, which they call HellaSwag (for the expected acronym-optimization reasons), with a GPT generator rather than the simpler one used before: on this new dataset, all existing models get relatively poor results (30-40% performance). However, the authors’ overall point wasn’t “we’ve solved it, this new dataset is the end of the line,” but rather a call in the future to be wary, and generally aware that with benchmarks like these, especially with generated negative examples, it’s going to be a constantly moving target as generation systems get better. |
This paper out of DeepMind used a Google StreetView dataset and set out to train a network capable of navigating to a given goal destination, without knowing where it was on any birds-eye map, and with its only input being photographic viewpoint images of its current location and orientation. This was done through a framework of reinforcement learning, where the model is conditioned on a representation of its goal, and given the image features of its current view of the world, and has to take actions like “turn left,” “turn sharply left”, “go forward”, etc, in order to navigate. Rather than lat-long, goals are specified in city-specific ways, in terms of the distance between the goal position and a reference set of landmarks. I don’t entirely understand the motivation behind this approach; the authors say it’s more scalable, but it wasn’t obvious to me why that would be the case. https://i.imgur.com/V3UATsK.png - The authors construct different architectures that combine these two fundamental pieces of input data - current image and the goal you’re trying to reach - in different ways. In the simplest model, called GoalNav, there’s a single LSTM that combines the goal information with the output of a convolutional encoder processing images of your current viewpoint. - In the next most complex, CityNav, there are two LSTMs: one for processing your goal, and the other for combining the output of the goal network with your convolutional inputs, in order to decide on an action. Notionally, this separation of tasks corresponds to “figure out what absolute to go in, given your goal”, and “figure out how to go in that absolute direction from where you are now”. As a way to support training, the goal network is trained with an auxiliary loss function where it needs to predict how far its current orientation is from North. Note that this does pass some amount of information about current location into the model (since the network gets to know its actual orientation relative to true north), but this is only available during training, with the hope that the model will have gotten good enough at predicting orientation to perform well. - The final model, similar to above, is called MultiCityNav, and is explicitly designed for transfer learning. Instead of training multiple cities on a single shared network, only the convolutional encoder and policy network (the “how do I go in the absolute direction needed to reach my goal” parts) are shared between cities, and the goal processing LSTM (the “which direction should I be going in” part) is re-trained per city. This is designed to allow for transfer in the parts of learning you would expect to generalize, but allow the network to learn a city-specific approach for converting between goal specifications (in terms of city landmarks) and direction. In order to get over the fact that reward in this setting is very sparse (i.e. you only get reward when you reach the goal), the authors (1) train in a curriculum fashion, starting with tasks very nearby the model’s starting point, and gradually getting longer, and (2) add a small amount of reward shaping, where you get rewarded for moving in the direction of the goal, but only if you’re within 200m of it. This last is a bit of a concession on the realism front, and the authors say as much, but it’s just quite hard to train RL with purely dense rewards, and it makes sense that reward shaping would help here. Ultimately, they were able to get performance (in terms of goal-reaching rewards) around ¾ as strong as an Oracle model, who had access to the full map and could calculate the true shortest path. |
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis is the idea that you can train a deep network, set all but a small percentage of its high-magnitude weights to zero, and retrain the network using the connection topology of the remaining weights, but only if you re-initialize the unpruned weights to the the values they had at the beginning of the first training. This suggests that part of the value of training such big networks is not that we need that many parameters to use their expressive capacity, but that we need many “draws” from the weight and topology distribution to find initial weight patterns that are well-disposed for learning. This paper out of Uber is a refreshingly exploratory experimental work that tries to understand the contours and contingencies of this effect. Their findings included: - The pruning criteria used in the original paper, where weights are kept according to which have highest final magnitude, works well. However, an alternate criteria, where you keep the weights that have increased the most in magnitude, works just as well and sometimes better. This makes a decent amount of sense, since it seems like we’re using magnitude as a signal of “did this weight come to play a meaningful role during training,” and so weights whose influence increased during training fall in that category, regardless of their starting point https://i.imgur.com/wTkNBod.png - The authors’ next question was: other than just re-initialize weights to their initial values, are there other things we can do that can capture all or part of the performance effect? The answer seems to be yes; they found that the most important thing seems to be keeping the sign of the weights aligned with what it was at its starting point. As long as you do that, redrawing initial weights (but giving them the right sign), or re-setting weights to a correctly signed constant value, both work nearly as well as the actual starting values https://i.imgur.com/JeujUr3.png - Turning instead to the weights on the pruning chopping block, the authors find that, instead of just zero-ing out all pruned weights, they can get even better performance if they zero the weights that moved towards zero during training, and re-initialize (but freeze) the weights that moved away from zero during training. The logic of the paper is “if the weight was trying to move to zero, bring it to zero, otherwise reinitialize it”. This performance remains high at even lower levels of training than does the initial zero-masking result - Finally, the authors found that just by performing the masking (i.e. keeping only weights with large final values), bringing those back to their values, and zeroing out the rest, *and not training at all*, they were able to get 40% test accuracy on MNIST, much better than chance. If they masked according to “large weights that kept the same sign during training,” they could get a pretty incredible 80% test accuracy on MNIST. Way below even simple trained models, but, again, this model wasn’t *trained*, and the only information about the data came in the form of a binary weight mask This paper doesn’t really try to come up with explanations that wrap all of these results up neatly with a bow, and I really respect that. I think it’s good for ML research culture for people to feel an affordance to just run a lot of targeted experiments aimed at explanation, and publish the results even if they don’t quite make sense yet. I feel like on this problem (and to some extent in machine learning generally), we’re the blind men each grabbing at one part of an elephant, trying to describe the whole. Hopefully, papers like this can bring us closer to understanding strange quirks of optimization like this one |
A few years ago, a paper came out demonstrating that adaptive gradient methods (which dynamically scale gradient updates in a per-parameter way according to the magnitudes of past updates) have a tendency to generalize less well than non-adaptive methods, even they adaptive methods sometimes look more performant in training, and are easier to hyperparameter tune. The 2017 paper offered a theoretical explanation for this fact based on Adam learning less complex solutions than SGD; this paper offers a different one, namely that Adam performs poorly because it is typically implemented alongside L2 regularization, which has importantly different mechanical consequences than it does in SGD. Specifically, in SGD, L2 regularization, where the loss includes both the actual loss and a L2 norm of the weights, can be made equivalent to weight decay, by choosing the right parameters for each. (see proof below). https://i.imgur.com/79jfZg9.png However, for Adam, this equivalence doesn’t hold. This is true because, in SGD, all the scaling factors are just constants, and for each learning rate value and regularization parameter, a certain weight decay parameter is implied by that. However, since Adam scales its parameter updates not by a constant learning rate but by a matrix, it’s not possible to pick other hyperparameters in a way that could get you something similar to constant-parameter weight decay. To solve this, the authors suggest using an explicit weight decay term, rather than just doing implicit weight decay via L2 regularization. This is salient because the L2 norm is added to the *loss function*, and it makes up part of the gradient update, and thus gets scaled down by Adam by the same adaptive mechanism that scales down historically large gradients. When weight decay is moved outside of the form of being a norm calculation inside a loss function, and just something applied to the final update but not actually part of the adaptive scaling calculation, the authors find that 1) Adam is able to get comparable performance on image and sequence tasks (where it has previously had difficult), and 2) that even for SGD, where it was possible to find a optimal parameter setting to reproduce weight decay, having an explicit and decoupled weight decay parameter made parameters that were previously dependent on one another in their optimal values (regularization and learning rate) more independent. |
Meta learning, or, the idea of training models on some distribution of tasks, with the hope that they can then learn more quickly on new tasks because they have “learned how to learn” similar tasks, has become a more central and popular research field in recent years. Although there is a veritable zoo of different techniques (to an amusingly literal degree; there’s an emergent fad of naming new methods after animals), the general idea is: have your inner loop consist of training a model on some task drawn from a distribution over tasks (be that maze learning with different wall configurations, letter identification from different languages, etc), and have the outer loop that updates some structural part of your model be based on improving generalization error on each task within the distribution. It’s been demonstrated that meta-learned systems can in fact learn more quickly (at least when their tasks are “in distribution” relative to the distribution they were trained on, which is an important point to be cognizant of), but this paper is less interested with how much better or faster they’re learning, and more interested in whether there are qualitative differences in the way normal learning systems and meta-trained learning systems go about learning a new task. The author (oddly for DeepMind, which typically goes in for super long author lists, there’s only the one on this paper) goes about this by studying simple learning tasks where it’s easier for us to introspect into what each model is learning over time. https://i.imgur.com/ceycq46.png In the first test, he looks at linear regression in a simple setting: where for each individual “task” data is generated according a known true weight matrix (sampled from a prior over weight matrices), with some noise added in. Given this weight matrix, he takes the singular value decomposition (think: PCA), and so ends up with a factorized representation of the weights, where higher eigenvalues on the factors, or “modes”, represent that those factors represent larger-scale patterns that explain more variance, and lower eigenvalues are smaller scale refinements on top of that. He can apply this same procedure to the weights the network has learned at any given point in training, and compare, to see how close the network is to having correctly captured each of these different modes. When normal learners (starting from a raw initialization) approach the task, they start by matching the large scale (higher eigenvalue) factors of variation, and then over the course of training improve performance on the higher-precision factors. By contrast, meta learners, in addition to learning faster, also learn large scale and small scale modes at the same rate. Similar analysis was performed and similar results found for nonlinear regression, where instead of PCA-style components, the function generating data were decomposed into different Fourier frequencies, and the normal learner learned the broad, low-frequency patterns first, where the meta learner learned them all at the same rate. The paper finds intuition for this by showing that the behavior of the meta learners matches quite well against how a Bayes-optimal learner would update on new data points, in the world where that learner had a prior over the data-generating weights that matched the true generating process. So, under this framing, the process of meta learning is roughly equivalent to your model learning a prior correspondant with the task distribution it was trained on. This is, at a high level, what I think we all sort of thought was happening with meta learning, but it’s pretty neat to see it laid out in a small enough problem where we can actually validate against an analytic model. A bit of a meta (heh) point: I wish this paper had more explanation of why the author chose to use the specific eigenvalue-focused metrics of progression on task learning that he did. They seem reasonable, but I’d have been curious to see an explication of what is captured by these, and what might be captured by alternative metrics of task progress. (A side note: the paper also contained a reinforcement learning experiment, but I both understood that one less well and also feel like it wasn’t really that analogous to the other tests) |
As per the “holistic” in the paper title, the goal of this work is to take a suite of existing work within semi-supervised learning, and combine many of its ideas into one training pipeline that can (with really impressive empirical success) leverage the advantages of those different ideas. The core premise of supervised learning is that, given true-label training signal from a small number of labels, you can leverage large amounts of unsupervised data to improve your model. A central intuition of many of these methods is that, even if you don’t know the class of a given sample, you know it *has* a class, and you can develop a loss by pushing your model to predict the class for an example and a modified or perturbed version of that example, since, if you have a prior belief that that modification should not change your true class label, then your unlabeled data point should have the same class prediction both times. Entropy minimization is built off similar notions: although we don’t know a point’s class, we know it must have one, and so we’d like our model to make a prediction that puts more of its weight on a single class, rather than be spread out, since we know the “correct model” will be a very confident prediction of one class, though we don’t know which it is. These methods will give context and a frame of mind for understanding the techniques merged together into the MixMatch approach. At its very highest level, MixMatch’s goal is to take in a dataset of both labeled and unlabeled data, and produce a training set of inputs, predictions, and (occasionally constructed or modified labels) to calculate a model update loss from. https://i.imgur.com/6lHQqMD.png - First, for each unlabeled example in the dataset, we produce K different augmented versions of that image (by cropping it, rotating it, flipping it, etc). This is in the spirit of the consistency loss literature, where you want your model to make the same prediction across augmentations - Do the same augmentation for each labeled example, but only once per input, rather than k times - Run all of your augmented examples through your model, and take the average of their predictions. This is based on the idea that the average of the predictions will be a lower variance, more stable pseudo-target to pull each of the individual predictions towards. Also in the spirit of making something more shaped like a real label, they undertake a sharpening step, turning down the temperature of the averaged distribution. This seems like it would have the effect of more confidently pulling the original predictions towards a single “best guess” label - At this point, we have a set of augmented labeled data, with a true label, and also a set of augmented unlabeled data, with a label based off of an averaged and sharpened best guess from the model over different modifications. At this point, the pipeline uses something called “MixUp” (on which there is a previous paper, so I won’t dive into it too much here), which takes pairs of data points, calculates a convex combination of the inputs, runs it through the model, and uses as the loss-function target a convex combination of the outputs. So, in the simple binary case, if you have a positive and negatively labeled image and sample a combination parameter of 0.75, you have an image that is 0.75 positive, 0.25 negative, and the new label that you’re calculating cross entropy loss against is 0.75. - MixMatch generates pairs for its MixUp calculation by mixing (heh) labeled and unlabeled data together, and pairing each labeled and unlabeled pair with one observation from the merged set. At this point, we have combined inputs, and we have combined labels, and we can calculate loss between them With all of these methods combined, this method takes the previous benchmark of 38% error, for a CIFAR dataset with only 250 labels, and drops that to 11%, which is a pretty astonishing improvement in error rate. After performing an ablation study, they find that MixUp itself, temperature sharpening, and calculating K>1 augmentations of unlabeled data rather than K=1 are the strongest value-adds; it doesn’t appear like there’s that much difference that comes from mixing between unlabeled and labeled for the MixUp pairs. |
This paper blends concepts from variational inference and hierarchical reinforcement learning, learning skills or “options” out of which master policies can be constructed, in a way that allows for both information transfer across tasks and specialization on any given task. The idea of hierarchical reinforcement learning is that instead of maintaining one single policy distribution (a learned mapping between world-states and actions), a learning system will maintain multiple simpler policies, and then learn a meta-policy for transitioning between these object-level policies. The hope is that this setup leads to both greater transparency and compactness (because skills are compartmentalized), and also greater ability to transfer across tasks (because if skills are granular enough, different combinations of the same skills can be used to solve quite different tasks). The differentiating proposal of this paper is that, instead of learning skills that will be fixed with respect to the master, task-specific policy, we instead learning cross-task priors over different skills, which can then be fine-tuned for a given specific task. Mathematically, this looks like a reward function that is a combination of (1) actual rewards on a trajectory, and (2) the difference in the log probability of a given trajectory under the task-specific posterior and under the prior. https://i.imgur.com/OCvmGSQ.png This framing works in two directions: it allows a general prior to be pulled towards task-specific rewards, to get more specialized value, but it also pulls the per-task skill towards the global prior. This is both a source of transfer knowledge and general regularization, and also an incentive for skills to be relatively consistent across tasks, because consistent posteriors will be more locally clustered around their prior. The paper argues that one advantage of this is a symmetry-breaking effect, avoiding a local minimum where two skills are both being used to solve subtask A, and it would be better for one of them to specialize on subtask B, but in order to do so the local effect would be worse performance of that skill on subtask A, which would be to the overall policy’s detriment because that skill was being actively used to solve that task. Under a prior-driven system, the model would have an incentive to pick one or the other of the options and use that for a given subtask, based on whichever’s prior was closest in trajectory-space. https://i.imgur.com/CeFQ9PZ.png On a mechanical level, this set of priors is divided into a few structural parts: 1) A termination distribution, which chooses whether to keep drawing actions from the skill/subpolicy you’re currently on, or trade it in for a new one. This one has a prior set at a Bernoulli distribution with some learned alpha 2) A skill transition distribution, which chooses, conditional on sampling a “terminate”, which skill to switch to next. This has a prior of a uniform distribution over skills, which incentivizes the learning system to not put all its sampling focus on one policy too early 3) A distribution of actions given a skill choice, which, as mentioned before, has both a cross-task prior and a per-task learned posterior |
This paper came on my radar after winning Best Paper recently at ICLR, and all in all I found it a clever way of engineering a somewhat complicated inductive bias into a differentiable structure. The empirical results weren’t compelling enough to suggest that this structural shift made a regime-change difference in performing, but it does seem to have some consistently stronger ability to do syntactic evaluation across large gaps in sentences. The core premise of this paper is that, while language is to some extent sequence-like, it is in a more fundamental sense tree-like: a recursive structure of modified words, phrases, and clauses, aggregating up to a fully complete sentence. In practical terms, this cashes out to parse trees, labels akin to the sentence diagrams that you or I perhaps did once upon a time in grade school. https://i.imgur.com/GAJP7ji.png Given this, if you want to effectively model language, it might be useful to have a neural network structure explicitly designed to track where you are in the tree. To do this, the authors of this paper use a clever activation function scheme based on the intuition that you can think of jumping between levels of the tree as adding information to the stack of local context, and then removing that information from the stack when you’ve reached the end of some local phrase. In the framework of a LSTM, which has explicit gating mechanisms for both “forgetting” (removing information from cell memory) and input (adding information to the representation within cell memory) this can be understood as forcing a certain structure of input and forgetting, where you have to sequentially “close out” or add nodes as you move up or down the tree. To represent this mathematically, the authors use a new activation function they developed, termed cumulative max or cumax. In the same way that the softmax is a differentiable (i.e. “soft”) version of an argmax, the cumulative max is a softened version of a vector that has zeros up to some switch point k, and ones thereafter. If you had such a vector as your forget mask, then “closing out” a layer in your tree would be equivalent to shifting the index where you switch from 0 to 1 up by one, so that a layer that previously had a “remember” value of 1.0 now is removing its content from the stack. However, since we need to differentiate, this notional 0/1 vector is instead represented as a cumulative sum of a softmax, which can be thought of as the continuous-valued probability that you’ve reached that switch-point by any given point in the vector. Outside of the abstractions of what we’re imagining this cumax function to represent, in a practical sense, it does strictly enforce that you monotonically remember or input more as you move along the vector. This has the practical fact that the network will be biased towards remembering information at one end of the representation vector for longer, meaning it could be a useful inductive bias around storing information that has a more long-term usefulness to it. One advantage that this system has over a previous system that, for example, had each layer of the LSTM operate on a different forgetting-decay timescale, is that this is a soft approximation, so, up to the number of neurons in the representation, the model can dynamically approximate whatever number of tree nodes it likes, rather than being explicitly correspondent with the number of layers. Beyond being a mathematically clever idea, the question of whether it improves performance is a little mixed. It does consistently worse at tasks that require keeping track of short term dependency information, but seems to do better at more long-term tasks, although not in a perfectly consistent or overly dramatic way. My overall read is that this is a neat idea, and I’m interested to see if it gets built on, as well as interested to see later papers that do some introspective work to validate whether the model is actually using this inductive bias in the tree-like way that we’re hoping and imagining it will. |
It’s possible I’m missing something here, but my primary response to reading this paper is just a sense of confusion: that there is an implicit presenting of an approach as novel, when there doesn’t seem to me to be a clear mechanism that is changed from prior work. The premise of this paper is that self-supervised learning techniques (a subcategory of unsupervised learning, where losses are constructed based on reconstruction or perturbation of the original image) should be made into supervised learning by learning on a loss that is a weighted combination of the self-supervised loss and the supervised loss, making the overall method a semi-supervised one. The self-supervision techniques that they identify integrating into their semi-supervised framework are: - Rotation prediction, where an image is rotated to one of four rotation angles, and then a classifier is applied to guess what angle - Exemplar representation invariance, where an imagenet is cropped, mirrored, and color-randomized in order to provide inputs, whose representations are then pushed to be closer to the representation for the unmodified image My confusion is due to the fact that the I know that I’ve read several semi-supervised learning papers that do things of this ilk (insofar as combining unsupervised and supervised losses together) and it seems strange to identify it as a novel contribution. That said, this paper does give an interesting overview of self-supervisation techniques, I found it valuable to read for that purpose. |
It didn’t hit me how much this paper was a pun until I finished it, and in retrospect, I say, bravo. This paper focuses on adversarial examples, and argues that, at least in some cases, adversarial perturbations aren’t purely overfitting failures on behalf of the model, but actual features that generalize to the test set. This conclusion comes from a set of two experiments: - In one, the authors create a dataset that only contains what they call “robust features”. They do this by taking a classifier trained to be robust using adversarial training (training on adversarial examples), and doing gradient descent to modify the input pixels until the final-layer robust model activations of the modified inputs match the final layer activations when the unmodified inputs are passed in. Operating under the premise that features identified by a robust model are themselves robust, because by definition they don’t change in the presence of an adversarial perturbation, creating a training set that matches these features means that you’ve created some kind of platonic, robust version of the training set, with only robust features present. They then take this dataset, and train a new model on it, and show that it has strong test set performance, in both normal settings, and adversarial ones. This is not enormously surprising, since the original robust classifier performed well, but still interesting. - The most interesting and perhaps surprising experiment is where the authors create a dataset by taking normal images, and layering on top an adversarial perturbation. They then label these perturbed images with the label corresponding to the perturbation class, and train a model off of that. They then find that this model, which is trained on images which correspond to their labeled class only in their perturbation features, and not in the underlying visual features a human would recognize, achieves good test set performance under normal conditions. However, it performs poorly on adversarial perturbations of the test set. https://i.imgur.com/eJQXb0i.png Overall, the authors claim that the perturbations that are “tricking” models are features that can genuinely provide some amount of test set generalization, due to real but unintuitive regularities in the data, but that these features are non-robust, in that small amounts of noise can cause them to switch sign. |
In modern machine learning, gradient descent has diversified into a zoo of subtly distinct techniques, all designed, analytically, heuristically, or practically, to ease or accelerate our model’s path through multidimensional loss space. A solid contingent of these methods are Adaptive Gradient methods, which scale the size of gradient updates according to variously calculated historical averages or variances of the vector update, which has the effect of scaling down the updates along feature dimensions that have experienced large updates in the past. The intuition behind this is that we may want to effectively reduce the learning rate (by dividing by a larger number) along dimensions where there have been large or highly variable updates. These methods are commonly used because, as the name suggests, they update to the scale of your dataset and particular loss landscape, avoiding what might otherwise be a lengthy process of hyperparameter tuning. But this paper argues that, at least on a simplified problem, adaptive methods can reach overly simplified and overfit solutions that generalize to test data less well than a non-adaptive, more standard gradient descent method. The theoretical core of the paper is a proof showing limitations of the solution reached by adaptive gradient on a simple toy regression problem, on linearly separable data. It’s a little dodgy to try to recapitulate a mathematical proof in verbal form, but I’ll do my best, on the understanding that you should really read the fully thing to fully verify the logic. The goal of the proof is to characterize the solution weight vector learned by different optimization systems. In this simplified environment, a core informational unit of your equations is X^T(y), which (in a world where labels are either -1 or 1), goes through each feature, and for each feature, takes a dot product between that feature vector (across examples) and the label vector, which has the effect of adding up a positive sum of all the feature values attached to positive examples, and then subtracting out (because of the multiply by -1) all the feature values attached to positive examples. When this is summed, we get a per feature value that will be positive if positive values of the feature tend to indicate positive labels, and negative if the opposite is true, in each case with a magnitude relating to the strength of that relationship. The claim made by the paper, supported by a lot of variable transformations, is that the solution learned by Adaptive Gradient methods reduces to a sign() operation on top of that vector, where magnitude information is lost. This happens because the running gradients that you divide out happen to correspond to the absolute value of this vector, and dividing a vector (which would be the core of the solution in the non-adaptive case) by its absolute value gives you a simple sign. The paper then goes on to show that this edge case can lead to cases of pathological overfitting in cases of high feature dimensionality relative to data points. (I wish I could give more deep insight on why this is the case, but I wasn’t really able to translate the math into intuition, outside of this fact of scaling by gradient magnitudes having the effect of losing potentially useful gradient information. The big question from all this is...does this matter? Does it matter, in particular, beyond a toy dataset, and an artificially simple problem? The answer seems to be a pretty strong maybe. The authors test adaptive methods against hyperparameter-optimized SGD and momentum SGD (a variant, but without the adaptive aspects), and find that, while adaptive methods often learn more quickly at first, SGD approaches pick up later in training, first in terms of test set error at a time when adaptive methods’ training set error still seems to be decreasing, and later even in training set error. So there seems to be evidence that solutions learned by adaptive methods generalize worse than ones learned by SGD, at least on some image recognition and language-RNN models. (Though, interestingly, RMS-Prop comes close to the SGD test set levels, doing the best out of the adaptive methods). Overall, this suggests to me that doing fully hyperparameter optimized SGD might be a stronger design choice, but that adaptive methods retain popularity because of their (very appealing, practically) lack of need for hyperparameter tuning to at least to a *reasonable* job, even if their performance might have more of a ceiling than that of vanilla SGD. |
[I do occasionally wonder if people will look back on the “Is All You Need” with genuine confusion in a few years. “Really…all you need?”] This paper merges the ideas of curiosity-based learning and hierarchical reinforcement learning, to propose an architecture for learning distinctive skills based solely on an incentive to make those skills distinguishable from one another and relatively internally random, rather than because they’re directly useful in achieving some reward. The notion of hierarchical reinforcement learning is that, instead of learning a single joint policy, we learn some discrete number of subpolicies, and then treat the distribution over those subpolicies as you would a distribution over actions in a baseline RL policy. In order to achieve a reward, a model jointly optimizes the action distribution of the subpolicies, and also the distribution over subpolicies. One issue with this approach, which is raised by this paper (though I don’t really have strong enough domain background here to know how much of a problem this is in practice) is that this joint optimization process means that, early in the process, we choose subpolicies that are doing the best, and sample more from and thus improve those. This “early exploitation” problem (in the explore vs exploit frame) means that we might not learn skills that would be valuable to know later on, but that don’t give us any reward until we’ve developed them further. To address this, this paper proposes DIAYN, an algorithm which (1) samples discrete latent skill vectors according to a uniform, high-entropy prior, rather than according to how useful we think they are now, and (2) doesn’t even have a direct notion of usefulness, but instead incentivizes shaping of skills to be more distinct from one another, in terms of the states that are visited by each skill’s policy. The network then learns policies conditioned on each skill vector, and at each point operates according to whichever has been sampled. This idea of distinctiveness is encapsulated by saying “we want to have high mutual information between the states visited by a skill, and the discrete ID of that skill,” or, in more practical terms, “we want to be able to train a discriminator to do a good job predicting which skill we’re sampling from, based on the states it sees. (I swear, every time I read a paper where someone uses mutual information these days, it’s actually a discriminator under the hood). https://i.imgur.com/2a378Bo.png This incentivizes the model to take actions associated with each skill that will get it to states that are unlikely to occur in any of the existing skills. Depending on what set of observations you give the discriminator to work with, you can shape what axes your skills are incentivized to vary on; if you try to discriminate skills based solely on an agent’s center of mass, you’ll end up with policies that vary their center of mass more wildly. The paper shows that, at least on simple environments, agents can learn distinctive clusters of skills based on this objective. An interesting analogy here is to unsupervised pretraining of e.g. large language models and other similar settings, where we first train a model without (potentially costly) explicit reward, and this gives us a starting point set of representations that allow us to reach good performance more quickly once we start training on supervised reward signal. There is some evidence that this pretraining effect could be captured by this kind of purely-exploratory approach, as suggested by experiments done to take the learned skills or subpolicies, hold them fixed, and train a meta-controller to pick subpolicies according to an external reward, where the “pretrained” policy reaches high reward more quickly. |
Reward functions are a funny part of modern reinforcement learning: enormously salient from the inside, if you’re coding or working with RL systems, yet not as clearly visible from the outside perspective, where we just see agents playing games in what seem to be human-like ways. Just seeing things from this angle, it can be easy to imagine that the mechanisms being used to learn are human-like as well. And, it’s true that some of the Atari games being examined are cases where there is in fact a clear, explicit reward in the form of points, that human players would also be trying to optimize. But in most cases, the world isn’t really in the habit of producing clear reward signals, and it definitely doesn’t typically do so on time scales that account for most of the learning humans do. So, it’s generally hypothesized that in addition to updating on (sparse) environmental rewards, humans also operate according to certain pre-coded, possibly evolutionarily-engineered heuristics, of which one is curiosity. The intuition is: it sure seems like, especially early in life, humans learn by interacting with objects purely driven by curiosity, and we’d love to somehow harness that same drive to allow our learning systems to function in environments lacking dense, informative reward signals. One such environment is the video game Montezuma’s Revenge, which in addition to being amusingly difficult to search for, is a game with sparse, long-range rewards, on which typical reward-based agents have historically performed poorly, and on which this current paper focuses. A strong existing tradition of curiosity objectives focuses on incentivizing agents to be able to better predict the next observation, given the current observation and their action within it. Intuitively, by training such a network on historical observations, and giving agents a bonus according to that prediction’s error on a given observation. The theory behind this is that if an agent isn’t able to predict the observation-transition dynamics at a given state, that probably means it hasn’t visited many nearby states, and so we want to incentivize it doing so to gain information. If this sounds familiar to the classic “explore vs exploit” trade-off, it’s very much a similar idea: in cases of clear reward, we should take the reward, but in cases of low or uncertain reward, there’s value to exploration. One difficulty of systems like the one described above is that they reward the agent for being in environments where the next observation is difficult to predict from the current one. And while that could describe novel states about which the agent needs to gain information, it can also describe states that are inherently stochastic; the canonical example being random static on a TV screen. The agent has a lot of trouble predicting the next observation because it’s fundamentally non-deterministic to a greater degree than even the random-but-causal dynamics of most games. The proposed alternative of this paper is a little strange, but makes more sense in the context of responding to this stochasticity problem. The authors propose to create a random mapping, in the form of an initialized but untrained neural network, taking in observations and spitting out embedding vectors. Then, they incentivize their agent to go to places that have high prediction error on a network designed to predict these random embeddings. Since the output is just a function mapping, it’s deterministic with respect to observations. The idea here is that if you’ve seen observations similar to your current observation, you’ll be more able to predict the corresponding embedding, even if there’s no meaningful relationship that you’re learning. https://i.imgur.com/Ds5gHDE.png The authors found that this performed well on Montezuma’s Revenge and Private Eye, but only middlingly-well on other environments. I’m a bit torn on this paper overall. On one hand, it seems like a clever idea, and I’m in general interested in seeing more work on curiosity. It does clearly seem to be capturing something that corresponds to novelty-seeking, and the agent trained using it explores a higher number of rooms than alternative options. On the other, I’m a little skeptical of the fact that it only has consistent performance in two environments, and wish there had been more comparisons to simpler forms of observation similarity, since this really does just seem like a metric of “how similar of observation vectors to this have you seen before”. I find myself wondering if some sort of density modeling could even be effective here, especially if (as may be the case, I’m unsure) the input observations are metadata rather than pixels. |
Language seems obviously useful to humans in coordinating on complicated tasks, and, the logic goes, you might expect that if you gave agents in a multi-agent RL system some amount of shared interest, and the capacity to communicate, that they would use that communication channel to coordinate actions. This is particularly true in cases where some part of the environment is only visible to one of the agents. A number of papers in the field have set up such scenarios, and argued that meaningful communication strategies developed, mostly in the form of one agent sending a message to signal its planned action to the other agent before both act. This paper tries to tease apart the various quantitative metrics used to evaluate whether informative message are being sent, and tries to explain why they can diverge from each other in unintuitive ways. The experiments in the paper are done in quite simple environments, where there are simple one-shot actions and a payoff matrix, as well as an ability for the agents to send messages before acting. Some metrics identified by the paper are: - Speaker Consistency: There’s high mutual information shown between the message a speaker sends, and what action it takes. Said another way, you could use a speaker’s message to predict their action at a rate higher than random, because it contains information about the action - Heightened reward/task completion under communication: Fairly straightforward, this metric argues that informative communication happened when pairs of agents do better in the presence of communication channels than when they aren’t available - Instantaneous coordination: Measures the mutual information between the message sent by agent A and the action of agent B, in a similar way to Speaker Consistency. This work agrees that it’s important to measure the causal impact of messages on other-agent actions, but argues that instantaneous communication is flawed because the mutual information metric between messages and response actions doesn’t properly condition on the state of the game under whcih the message is being sent. Even if you successfully communicate your planned action to me, the action I actually take in response will be conditioned on my personal payoff matrix, and may average out to seeming unrelated or random if you take an expectation over every possible state the message could be recieved in. Instead, they suggest doing an explicit causal causal approach, where for each configuration of the game (different payoff matrix), they sample different messages, and calculate whether you see messages driving more consistent actions when you condition on other factors in the game. An interesting finding of this paper is that, at least in these simple environments, you’re able to find cases where there is Speaker Consistency (SC; messages that contain information about the speaker’s next action), but no substantial Causal Influence of Communication (CIC). This may seem counterintuitive, since, why would you as an agent send a message containing information about your action, if not because you’re incentivized to communicate with the other agent? It seems like the answer is that it’s possible to have this kind of shared information *on accident,* as a result of the shared infrastructure between the action network and the messaging network. Because both use a shared set of early-layer representations, you end up having one contain information about the other as an incidental fact; if the networks are fully separated with no shared weights, the Speaker Consistency values drop. An important caveat to make here is that this paper isn’t, or at least shouldn’t be, arguing that agents in multi-agent systems don’t actually learn communication. The environments used here are quite simple, and just might not plausibly be difficult enough to incentivize communication. However, it is a fair point that it’s valuable to be precise in what exactly we’re measuring, and test how that squares with what we actually care about in a system, to try to avoid cases like these where we may be liable to be led astray by our belief about how the system *should* be learning, rather than how it actually is |
In 2018, a group including many of the authors of this updated paper argued for a theory of deep neural network optimization that they called the “Lottery Ticket Hypothesis”. It framed itself as a solution to what was otherwise a confusing seeming-contradiction: that you could prune or compress trained networks to contain a small percentage of their trained weights without loss of performance, but also that if you tried to train a comparably small network (comparable to the post-training pruned network) from initialization, you wouldn’t be able to achieve similar performance. They showed that, at least for some set of tasks, you could in fact train a smaller network to equivalent performance, but only if you kept the same connectivity patterns as in the pruned network, and if you re-initialized those neurons to the same values they were initialized at during the initial training. These lucky initialization patterns are the lottery tickets being referred to in the eponymous hypothesis: small subnetworks of well-initialized weights that are set up to be able to train well. This paper assesses whether and under what conditions the LTH holds on larger problems, and does a bit of a meta-analysis over different alternate theories in this space. One such alternate theory, from Liu et al, proposes that, in fact, there is no value in re-initializing to the specific initial values, and that you can actually get away with random initialization if you keep the connectivity patterns of the pruned weights. The “At Scale” paper compares the two methods over a wide range of pruning percentages, and convincingly shows that while random initialization with the same connectivity can perform well up to 80% of the weights being removed, after 80%, the performance of the random initialization drops, whereas the performance of the “winning ticket” approach remains comparable with full network training up to 99% of the weights being pruned. This seems to provide support for the theory that there is value in re-initializing the weights to how they were, especially when you prune to very small subnetworks. https://i.imgur.com/9O2aAIT.png The core of the current paper focuses on a difficulty in the original LTH paper: that the procedure of iterative pruning (train, then prune some weights, then train again) wasn’t able to reliably find “winning tickets” for deep networks of the type needed to solve ImageNet or CIFAR. To be precise, re-initializing pruned networks to their original values did no better than initializing them randomly in these networks. In order to actually get these winning tickets to perform well, the original authors had to do a somewhat arcane process of of starting the learning rate very small and scaling it up, called “warmup”. Neither paper gave a clear intuition as to why this would be the case, but the updated paper found that they could avoid the need for this approach if, instead of re-initializing weights to their original value, they set them to the values they were at after some small number of iterations into training. They justify this by showing that performance under this new initialization is related to something they call “stability to pruning,” which measures how close the learned weights after re-initialization are to the original learned weights in the full model training. And, while the weights of deeper networks are unstable (by this metric) when first initialized, they become stable fairly early on. I was a little confused by this framing, since it seemed fairly tautological to me, since you’re using “how stably close are the weights to the original weights” as a way to explain “when can you recover performance comparable to original performance.” This was framed as being a mechanistic explanation of why you can see a lottery ticket phenomenon to some extent, but only if you do a “late reset” to several iterations after initialization, but it didn’t feel quite mechanistically satisfying enough to me. That said, I think this is overall an intriguing idea, and I’d love to see more papers discuss it. In particular, I’d love to read more qualitative analysis about whether there are any notable patterns shared by “winning tickets”. |
The Transformer, a somewhat confusingly-named model structure that uses attention mechanisms to aggregate information for understanding or generating data, has been having a real moment in the last year or so, with GPT-2 being only the most well-publicized tip of that iceberg. It has lots of advantages: the obvious attractions of strong performance, as well as the ability to train in parallel across parts of a sequence, which RNNs can’t do because of the need to build up and maintain state. However, a problematic fact about the Transformer approach is how it scales to large sequences of input data. Because attention is based on performing pairwise queries between each point in the data sequence and each other point, to allow for aggregation of information from places throughout the sequence, it scales as O(N^2), because every new element in the sequence needs to be queried by N other ones. This makes it resource-intensive to run transformer models on large architectures. The Sparse Transformer design proposed in this OpenAI paper tries to cut down on this resource cost by loosening the requirement that, in every attention operation, each element directly pulls information from every other element. In this new system, each point doesn’t get information about each other point in a single operation, but, having two operations such limited operations being chained in a row provides that global visibility. This is done in one of two ways. (1) The first, called the “strided” version, performs two operations in a row, one masked attention that only looks at the last k timesteps (for example, the last 7), and then a second masked attention that only looks at every kth timestep. So, at the end of the second operation, each point has pulled information from points at checkpoints 7, 14, 21 steps ago, and each of these has pulled information from the window between it and its preceding checkpoint, giving visibility into a full global receptive frame in the course of two operations (2) The second, called the “fixed” version, uses a similar sort of logic, but instead of having the “window accumulation points” be defined in reference to the point doing the querying, you instead have fixed accumulation points responsible for gathering information from the windows around them. So, using the example given in the paper, if you imagine a window of size 128, and an “accumulation points per window” of 8, then the points in indices 120-128 (say) would have visibility into points 0-128. That represents the first operation, and in the second one, all other points in the sequence pull in information by querying the designated accumulation points for all the windows that aren’t masked for it. The paper argues that, between these two systems, the Strided system should work best when the data has some inherent periodicity, but I don’t know that I particularly follow that intuition. I have some sense that the important distinction here is that in the strided case you have many points of accumulation, each with not much context, whereas in the fixed case you have very few accumulation points each with a larger window, but I don’t know what performance differences exactly I’d expect these mechanical differences to predict. This whole project of reducing access to global information seems initially a little counterintuitive, since the whole point of a transformer design, in some sense, was its ability to gain global context in a single layer, as opposed to a convnet needing multiple layers to build receptive field, or a RNN needing to maintain state throughout the sequence. However, I think this paper makes the most sense as a way of interpolating the space between something like a CNN and a full attention design, for the sake of efficiency. With a CNN, you have a fixed kernel, and so as your sequence gets longer, you need to add more and more layers in order for any given point to be able to incorporate into its representation information from the complete other side of the sequence. With a RNN, as your sequence gets longers, you pay the cost of needing to backpropogate state farther. So, by contrast, even though the Sparse Transformer seems to be giving up its signal advantage, it’s instead just trading one constant number of steps to achieve global visibility (1), for another (2, in this paper, but conceptually could be more), but still in a way that’s constant with respect to the length of the data. And, in exchange for this trade, they get very sparse, very masked operations, where many of the multiplications involved in these big query calculations can be ignored, making for faster computation speeds. On the datasets tried, the Sparse Transformer increased speed, and in fact in I think all cases increased performance - not by much, the performance gain by itself isn’t that dramatic, but in the context of expecting if anything worse performance as a result of limiting model structure, it’s encouraging and interesting that it either stays about the same or possible improves. |
This paper focuses on taking advances from the (mostly heuristic, practical) world of data augmentation for supervised learning, and applying those to the unsupervised setting, as a way of inducing better performance in a semi-supervised environment (with many unlabeled points, and few labeled ones) Data augmentation has been a mostly behind-the-scenes implementation detail in modern deep learning: minor modifications like shifting a dataset by a few pixels, rotating it slightly, or flipping it horizontally, to generate additional pseudoexamples for the model to train on. The core idea motivating such approaches is that the tactics of data augmentation are modifications that should not change the class label in a platonic, ground truth sense, which allows us to use them as training examples of the same class label as the original image from which the perturbations were made. In addition to just giving then network generically more data, this approach communicates to the network the specific kinds of modifications that can be made to an image and have it still be of the same class. The Unsupervised Data Augmentation (UDA) tactic from this paper notices two things: (1) Within the sphere of supervised learning, there has been dataset-specific innovation in generating augmented data that will be particularly helpful to a given dataset. Inlanguage modeling, an example of this is having a sentence go into another language and back again through two well-trained translation networks, and use the resulting sentence as another example of the same class. For ImageNet, there’s an approach called AutoAugment that uses reinforcement learning on a validation set to learn a policy of image operations (rotate, shear, change color) in order to increase validation accuracy. [I am a little confused about this as an approach, since I worry about essentially overfitting to the validation set. That said, I don’t have time to delve specifically into the AutoAugment paper today, so I’ll just leave this here as a caveat] (2) Within semi-supervised learning, there’s a growing tendency to use consistency loss as a way of making use of unlabeled data. The basic idea of consistency loss is that, even if you don’t know the class of a given datapoint, if you modify it in some small way, you can be confident that the model’s prediction should be consistent between the point and its perturbation, even if you don’t have knowledge of what the actual ground truth is. Often, systems like this have been designed using simple Gaussian noise on top of original unlabeled images. The key proposal of this paper is to substitute this more simplified perturbation procedure with the augmentation approaches being iterated on in supervised learning, since the goal of both - to modify inputs so as to capture ways in which they might differ but still be notionally of the same class - is nearly identical On top of this core idea, the UDA paper also proposes an additional clever training tactic: in cases where you have many unlabeled examples and few labeled ones, you may need a large model to capture the information from the unlabeled examples, but this may result in overfitting on the labeled ones. To avoid this, they use an approach called “Training Signal Annealing,” where at each point in training they remove from the loss calculation any examples that the model is particularly confident about: where the prediction of the true class is above some threshold eta. As training goes on, the network is gradually allowed to see more of the training signals. In this kind of a framework, the model can’t overfit as easily, because once it starts getting the right answer on supervised examples, they drop out of the loss calculation. In terms of empirical results, the authors find that in UDA they’re able to improve on many semi-supervised benchmarks with quite small numbers of labeled examples. At one point, they use as a baseline a BERT model that was fine-tuned in an unsupervised way prior to its semi-supervised training, and show that their augmentation method can add value even on top of the value that the unsupervised pre-training adds. |
The Magenta group at Google is a consistent source of really interesting problems for machine learning to solve, in the vein of creative generation of art and music, as well as mathematically creative ways to solve those problem. In this paper, they tackle a new problem with some interesting model-structural implications: generating Bach chorales composed of polyphonic multi-instrument arrangements. On one layer, this is similar to music generation problems that have been studied before, in that generating a musically coherent sequence requires learning both local and larger-scale structure between time steps in the music sequence. However, an additional element here is that there’s dependence of multiple instruments’ notes on one another at a given time step, so, in addition to generating time steps conditional on one another, you ideally want to learn how to model certain notes in a given harmony conditional on the other notes already present there. Understanding the specifics of the approach was one of those scenarios where the mathematical arguments were somewhat opaque, but the actual mechanical description of the model gave a lot of clarity. I find this frequently the case with machine learning, where there’s this strange set of dual incentives between the engineering impulse towards designing effective system, and the academic need to connect the approach to a more theoretical mathematical foundation. The approach taken here has a lot in common with the autoregressive model structures used in PixelCNN or WaveNet. These are all based, theoretically speaking, on the autoregressive property of joint probability distributions, that they can sampled from by sampling first from the prior over the first variable (or pixel, or wave value), and then the second conditional on the first, then the third conditional on the first two, and so on. In practice, autoregressive models don’t necessary condition on the *entire* previous rest of the input in generating a conditional distribution for a new point (for example, because they use a convolutional structure that doesn’t have a receptive field big enough to reach back through the entire previous sequence), but they are based on that idea. A unique aspect of this model is that, instead of defining one specific conditional dependence relationship (where pixel J is conditioned on wave values J-5 through J, or some such), they argue that they instead learn conditional relationships over any possible autoregressive ordering of both time steps and instrument IDs. This is a bit of a strange idea, that, like I mentioned, is simplified by going through the mechanics. The model works in a way strikingly similar to recent large scale language modeling: by, for each sample, masking some random subset of the tokens, and asking the model to predict the masked values given the unmasked ones. In this case, an interesting nuance is that the values to be masked are randomly sampled across both time step and instrument, such that in some cases you’ll have a prior time step but no other instruments at your time step, or other instruments at your time step but no prior time steps to work from, and so on. The model needs to flexibly use various kinds of local context to predict the notes that are masked. (As an aside, in addition to the actual values, the network is given the actual 0/1 mask, so it can better distinguish between “0, no information” and “0 because in the actual data sample there wasn’t a pitch here”.) The model refers to these unmasked points as “context points”. An interesting capacity that this gives the model, and which the authors use as their sampling technique, is to create songs that are hybrids of existing chorales by randomly keeping some chunks and dropping out others, and using the model to interpolate through the missing bits. |
Attention mechanisms are a common subcomponent within language models, initially as a part of recurrent models, and more recently as their own form of aggregating information over sequences, independent from the recurrence structure. Attention works by taking as input some sequence of inputs, in the most typical case embedded representations of words in a sentence, and learning a distribution of weights over those representations, which allows the network to aggregate the representations, typically by taking a weighted sum. One effect of using an attention mechanism is that, for each instance being predicted, the network produces this weight distribution over inputs, which intuitively feels like it’s the network demonstrating which input words were most important in constructing its decision. As a result, uses of attention have often been accompanied by examples that show attention distributions for examples, implicitly using them as a form of interpretability or model explanation. This paper has the goal of understanding whether attention distributions can be seen as a valid form of feature importance, and takes the position that they shouldn’t be. At a high level, I think the paper makes some valid criticisms, but ultimately I didn’t find the evidence it presented quite as strong as I would have liked. The paper performs two primary analyses of the attention distributions produced by a trained LSTM model: (1) It calculates the level of correlation between the importance that would be implied by attention weights and the importance as calculated using more canonical gradient-based methods (generally things in the shape of “which words contributed the most towards the prediction being what it was). It finds correlation values that range across random seeds, but are generally centered around 0.5. The paper frames this as a negative result, implying that, in the case where attention was a valid form of importance, the correlation with existing metrics would be higher. I definitely follow the intuition that you would expect there be a significant and positive correlation between methods in this class, but it’s unclear to me what a priori reasoning chooses to draw the threshold on “significant” in a way that makes 0.5 fall below it. It just feels like one of those cases where I could imagine someone showing the same plots and coming to a different interpretation, and it’s not clear to me what criteria support one threshold of magnitude vs another (2) It measures how much it can permute the weights of an attention distribution, and have the prediction made by the network not change in a meaningful way. It does this both by random tests, and also by measuring the maximum adversarial perturbation: the farthest-away distribution (in terms of Jenson-Shannon distance) that still produces a prediction within some epsilon of the original prediction. There are a few concerns I have about this as an analysis. First off, it makes a bit of an assumption that attention can only be a valid form of explanation if it’s a causal mechanism within the model. You could imagine that attention distributions still give you information about the internal state of the model, even if they are just reporting that state rather than directly influencing it. Secondly, it seems possible to me that you could get a relatively high Jenson-Shannon distance from an initial distribution just by permuting the indexes of the low-value weights, and shifting distributional weight between them in a way that doesn’t fundamentally change what the network is primarily attending to. Even if this is not the case in this paper, I’d love to see an example or some kind of quantitative measure showing that the J-S Shannon distances they demonstrate require a substantive change in weight priorities, rather than a trivial one. Another general critique is that the experiments in this paper only focused on attention within a LSTM structure, where the embedding associated with each word isn’t really strictly an embedding of that specific word, but also contains a lot of information about things before and after, because of the nature of a BiLSTM. So, there is some specificity in the embedding corresponding to just that word, but a lot less than in a pure attention model, like some being used in NLP these days, where you’re learning an attention distribution over the raw, non-LSTM-ed representations. In this case, it makes sense that attention would be blurry, and not map exactly to our notions of which words are more important, since the word level representations are themselves already aggregations. I think it’s totally fair to only focus on the LSTM case, but would prefer the paper scoped its claims in better accordance with its empirical results. I feel a bit bad: overall, I really approve of papers like this being done to put a critical empirical frame on ML’s tendency to get conceptually ahead of itself. And, I do think that the evidentiary standard for “prove that X metric isn’t a form of interpretability” shouldn’t be that high, becuase on priors, I would expect most things not to be. I think that they may well be right in their assessment, I would just like a more surefooteded set of analyses and interpretation behind it. |
One of the dominant narratives of the deep learning renaissance has been the value of well-designed inductive bias - structural choices that shape what a model learns. The biggest example of this can be found in convolutional networks, where models achieve a dramatic parameter reduction by having features maps learn local patterns, which can then be re-used across the whole image. This is based on the prior belief that patterns in local images are generally locally contiguous, and so having feature maps that focus only on small (and gradually larger) local areas is a good fit for that prior. This paper operates in a similar spirit, except its input data isn’t in the form of an image, but a graph: the social graph of multiple agents operating within a Multi Agent RL Setting. In some sense, a graph is just a more general form of a pixel image: where a pixel within an image has a fixed number of neighbors, which have fixed discrete relationships to it (up, down, left, right), nodes within graphs have an arbitrary number of nodes, which can have arbitrary numbers and types of attributes attached to that relationship. The authors of this paper use graph networks as a sort of auxiliary information processing system alongside a more typical policy learning framework, on tasks that require group coordination and knowledge sharing to complete successfully. For example, each agent might be rewarded based on the aggregate reward of all agents together, and, in the stag hunt, it might require collaborative effort by multiple agents to successfully “capture” a reward. Because of this, you might imagine that it would be valuable to be able to predict what other agents within the game are going to do under certain circumstances, so that you can shape your strategy accordingly. The graph network used in this model represents both agents and objects in the environment as nodes, which have attributes including their position, whether they’re available or not (for capture-able objects), and what their last action was. As best I can tell, all agents start out with directed connections going both ways to all other agents, and to all objects in the environment, with the only edge attribute being whether the players are on the same team, for competitive environments. Given this setup, the graph network works through a sort of “diffusion” of information, analogous to a message passing algorithm. At each iteration (analogous to a layer), the edge features pull in information from their past value and sender and receiver nodes, as well as from a “global feature”. Then, all of the nodes pull in information from their edges, and their own past value. Finally, this “global attribute” gets updated based on summations over the newly-updated node and edge information. (If you were predicting attributes that were graph-level attributes, this global attribute might be where you’d do that prediction. However, in this case, we’re just interested in predicting agent-level actions). https://i.imgur.com/luFlhfJ.png All of this has the effect of explicitly modeling agents as entities that both have information, and have connections to other entities. One benefit the authors claim of this structure is that it allows them more interpretability: when they “play out” the values of their graph network, which they call a Relational Forward Model or RFM, they observe edge values for two agents go up if those agents are about to collaborate on an action, and observe edge values for an agent and an object go up before that object is captured. Because this information is carefully shaped and structured, it makes it easier for humans to understand, and, in the tests the authors ran, appears to also help agents do better in collaborative games. https://i.imgur.com/BCKSmIb.png While I find graph networks quite interesting, and multi-agent learning quite interesting, I’m a little more uncertain about the inherent “graphiness” of this problem, since there aren’t really meaningful inherent edges between agents. One thing I am curious about here is how methods like these would work in situations of sparser graphs, or, places where the connectivity level between a node’s neighbors, and the average other node in the graph is more distinct. Here, every node is connected to every other node, so the explicit information localization function of graph networks is less pronounced. I might naively think that - to whatever extent the graph is designed in a way that captures information meaningful to the task - explicit graph methods would have an even greater comparative advantage in this setting. |
It is a fact universally acknowledged that a reinforcement learning algorithm not in possession of a model must be in want of more data. Because they generally are. Joking aside, it is broadly understood that model-free RL takes a lot of data to train, and, even when you can design them to use off-policy trajectories, collecting data in the real environment might still be too costly. Under those conditions, we might want to learn a model of the environment and generate synthesized trajectories, and train on those. This has the advantage of not needing us to run the actual environment, but the obvious disadvantage that any model will be a simplification of the true environment, and potentially an inaccurate one. These authors seek to answer the question of: “is there a way to generate trajectories that has higher fidelity to the true environment.” As you might infer from the fact that they published a paper, and that I’m now writing about it, they argue that, yes, there is, and it’s through explicit causal/counterfactual modeling. Causal modeling is one of those areas of statistics that seems straightforward at its highest level of abstraction, but tends to get mathematically messy and unintuitive when you dive into the math. So, rather than starting with equations, I’m going to try to verbally give some intuitions for the way causal modeling is framed here. Imagine you’re trying to understand what would happen if a person had gone to college. There’s some set of information you know about them, and some set of information you don’t, that’s just random true facts about them and about the universe. If, in the real world, they did go to college, and you want to simulate what would have happened if they didn’t, it’s not enough to just know the observed facts about them, you want to actually isolate all of the random other facts (about them, about the world) that weren’t specifically “the choice to go to college”, and condition on those as well. Obviously, in the example given here, it isn’t really practically possible to isolate all the specific unseen factors that influence someone’s outcome. But, conceptually, this quantity, is what we’re going to focus on in this paper. Now, imagine a situation where a RL agent has been dropped into a maze-like puzzle. It has some set of dynamics, not immediately visible to the player, that make it difficult, but ultimately solvable. The best kind of simulated data, the paper argues, would be to keep that state of the world (which is partially unobservable) fixed, and sample different sets of actions the agent might take in that space. Thus, “counterfactual modeling”: for a given configuration of random states in the world, sampling different actions within it. To do this, you first have to infer the random state the agent is experiencing. In the normal model-based case, you’d have some prior over world states, and just sample from it. However, if you use the experience of the agent’s trajectory, you can make a better guess as to what world configuration it was dropped into. If you can do this, which is, technically speaking, sampling from the posterior over unseen context, conditional on an agent’s experience, then the paper suggests you’ll be able to generate data that’s more realistic, because the trajectories will be direct counterfactuals of “real world” scenarios, rather than potentially-unsolvable or unrealistic draws from the prior. This is, essentially, the approach proposed by the paper: during training, they make this “world state” visible to the agent, and let it learn a model predicting what state it started with, given some trajectory of experience. They also learn a model that predicts the outcome and ultimately the value of actions taken, conditioned on this random context (as well as visible context, and the agent’s prior actions). They start out by using this as a tool for policy evaluation, which is a nice problem setup because you can actually check how well you’re doing against some baseline: if you want to know how good your simulated data is at replicating the policy reward on real data, you can just try it out on real data and see. The authors find that they reduce policy reward estimation error pretty substantially by adding steps of experience (in Bayesian terms, bit of evidence moving them from the prior, towards the posterior). https://i.imgur.com/sNAcGjZ.png They also experiment with using this for actual policy search, but, honestly, I didn’t quite follow the intuitions behind Guided Policy Search, so I’m just going to not dive into that for now, since I think a lot of the key contributions of the paper are wrapped up in the idea of “estimate the reward of a policy by simulating data from a counterfactual trajectory” |
This paper feels a bit like watching a 90’s show, and everyone’s in denim and miniskirts, except it’s a 2017 ML paper, and everything uses attention. (I’ll say it again, ML years are like dog years, but more so). That said, that’s not a critique of the paper: finding clever ways to cobble together techniques for your application can be an important and valuable contribution. This paper addresses the problem of text to image generation: how to take a description of an image and generate an image that matches it, and it makes two main contributions: 1) a GAN structure that seems to merge insights from Attention and Progressive GANs in order to select areas of the sentence to inform details in specific image regions, and 2) a novel discriminator structure to evaluate whether a sentence matches an image. https://i.imgur.com/JLuuhJF.png Focusing on the first of these first: their generation system works by an iterative process, that gradually builds up image resolution, and also pulls specific information from the sentence to inform details in each region. The first layer of the network generates a first “hidden state” based on a compressed representation of the sentence as a whole (the final hidden state of a LSTM text encoder, I believe), as well as random noise (typical input to a GAN). Subsequent “hidden states” are calculated by calculating attention weightings between each region of the image, and each word in the sentence, and pulling together a per-region context vector based on that attention map. (As far as I understand it, “region” here refers to the fact that when you’re at lower spatial scales of what is essentially a progressive generation process, 64x64 rather than 256x256, for example, each “pixel” actually represents a larger region of the image). I’m using quotes around “hidden state” in the above paragraph because I think it’s actually pretty confusing terminology, since it suggests a recurrent structure, but this model isn’t actually recurrent: there’s a specific set of weights for resolution block 0, and 1, and 2. This whole approach, of calculating a specific attention-weighted context vector over input words based on where you are in the generation process is very conceptually similar to the original domain of attention, where the attention query would be driven by the hidden state of the LSTM generating the translated version of some input sentence, except, here, instead of translating between languages, you’re translating across mediums. The loss for this model is a combination of per-layer loss, and a final, special, full-resolution loss. At each level of resolution, there exists a separate discriminator, which seems to be able to take in both 1) only an image, and judge whether it thinks that image looks realistic on it’s own, and 2) an image and a global sentence vector, and judge whether the image matches the sentence. It’s not fully clear from the paper, but it seems like this is based on just feeding in the sentence vector as additional input? https://i.imgur.com/B6qPFax.png For each non-final layer’s discriminator, the loss is a combination of both of these unconditional and conditional losses. The final contribution of this paper is something they call the DAMSM loss: the Deep Attention Multimodal Similarity Model. This is a fairly complex model structure, whose ultimate goal is to assess how closely a final generated image matches a sentence. The whole structure of this loss is based on projecting region-level image features (from an intermediate, 17x17 layer of a pretrained Inception Net) and word features into the same space, and then calculating dot product similarities between them, which are then used to build “visual context vectors” for each word (for each word, created a weighted sum of visual vectors, based on how similar each is to the word). Then, we take each word’s context vector, and see how close it is to the original word vector. If we, again, imagine image and word vectors as being in a conceptually shared space, then this is basically saying “if I take a weighted average of all the things that are the most similar to me, how ultimately similar is that weighted average to me”. This allows there to be a “concept representation” match found when, for example, a particular word’s concept, like “beak”, is only present in one region, but present there very strongly: the context vector will be strongly weighted towards that region, and will end up being very close, in cosine similarity terms, to the word itself. By contrast, if none of the regions are a particularly good match for the word’s concept, this value will be low. DAMSM then aggregates up to an overall “relevance” score between a sentence and image, that’s simply a sum over a word’s “concept representation”, for each word in a sentence. It then calculates conditional probabilities in two directions: what’s the probability of the sentence, given the image (relevance score of (Sent, Imag), divided by that image’s summed relevance with all possible sentences in the batch), and, also, what’s the probability of the image, given the sentence (relevance score of the pair, divided by the sentence’s summed relevance with all possible images in the batch). In addition to this word-level concept modeling, DAMSM also has full sentence-level versions, where it simply calculates the relevance of each (sentence, image) pair by taking the cosine similarity between the global sentence and global image features (the final hidden state of an encoder RNN, and the final aggregated InceptionNet features, respectively). All these losses are aggregated together, to get one that uses both global information, and information as to whether specific words in a sentence are represented well in an image. |
This is a paper where I keep being torn between the response of “this is so simple it’s brilliant; why haven’t people done it before,” and “this is so simple it’s almost tautological, and the results I’m seeing aren’t actually that surprising”. The basic observation this paper makes is one made frequently before, most recently to my memory by Geoff Hinton in his Capsule Net paper: sometimes the translation invariance of convolutional networks can be a bad thing, and lead to worse performance. In a lot of ways, translation invariance is one of the benefits of using a convolutional architecture in the first place: instead of having to learn separate feature detectors for “a frog in this corner” and “a frog in that corner,” we can instead use the same feature detector, and just move it over different areas of the image. However, this paper argues, this makes convolutional networks perform worse than might naively be expected at tasks that require them to remember or act in accordance with coordinates of elements within an image. For example, they find that normal convolutional networks take nearly an hour and 200K worth of parameters to learn to “predict” the one-hot encoding of a pixel, when given the (x,y) coordinates of that pixel as input, and only get up to about 80% accuracy. Similarly, trying to take an input image with only one pixel active, and predict the (x,y) coordinates as output, is something the network is able to do successfully, but only when the test points are sampled from the same spatial region as the training points: if the test points are from a held-out quadrant, the model can’t extrapolate to the (x, y) coordinates there, and totally falls apart. https://i.imgur.com/x6phN4p.png The solution proposed by the authors is a really simple one: at one or more layers within the network, in addition to the feature channels sent up from the prior layer, add two addition channels: one with a with deterministic values going from -1 (left) to 1 (right), and the other going top to bottom. This essentially adds two fixed “features” to each pixel, which jointly carry information about where it is in space. Just by adding this small change, we give the network the ability to use spatial information or not, as it sees fit. If these features don’t prove useful, their weights will stay around their initialization values of expectation-zero, and the behavior should be much like a normal convolutional net. However, if it proves useful, convolution filters at the next layer can take position information into account. It’s easy to see how this would be useful for this paper’s toy problems: you can just create a feature detector for “if this pixel is active, pass forward information about it’s spatial position,” and predict the (x, y) coordinates out easily. You can also imagine this capability helping with more typical image classification problems, by having feature filters that carry with them not only content information, but information about where a pattern was found spatially. The authors do indeed find comparable performance or small benefits to ImageNet, MNIST, and Atari RL, when applying their layers in lieu of normal convolutional layer. On GANs in particular, they find less mode collapse, though I don’t yet 100% follow the intuition of why this would be the case. https://i.imgur.com/wu7wQZr.png |
This paper was a real delight to read, and even though I’m summarizing it here, I’d really encourage you, if you’re reading this, to read the paper itself, since I found it to be unusually clearly written. It tackles the problem of understanding how features of loss functions - these integral, yet arcane, objects defined in millions of parameter-dimensions - impact model performance. Loss function analysis is generally a difficult area, since the number of dimensions and number of points needed to evaluate to calculate loss are both so high. The latter presents computational challenges, the former ones of understanding: human brains and many-dimensional spaces are not a good fit. Overall, this paper contributes by 1) arguing for a new way of visualizing loss functions, 2) demonstrating how and in what cases “flatness” of loss function contributes to performance and trainability, and 3)) The authors review a few historically common ways of visualizing loss functions, before introducing their variant. The simplest, one-dimensional visualization technique, 1-D Linear Interpolation, works by taking two parameter settings (say, a random initialization, and the final network minimum), and smoothly interpolating between the two, by taking a convex combination mediated by alpha. Then, you can plot the value of the loss at all of these parameter configurations as a function of alpha. If you want to plot in 2D, with a contour plot, you can do so in a pretty similar manner, by picking two random “direction vectors” of the same size as the parameter vector, and then adding amounts of those directions, weighted by alpha and beta, to your starting point. These random directions become your axes, and you get a snapshot of the change in your loss function as you move along them. The authors then make the observation that these techniques can’t natively be used to compare two different models, if the parameters of those models are on different scales. If you take a neural net, multiply one layer by 10, and then divide the next layer by 10, you’ve essentially done a no-op that won’t impact the outcome. However, if you’re moving by a fixed amount along your random direction in parameter space, you’ll have to move much farther to go the commensurate amount of distance in the network that’s been multiplied by 10. To address this problem, they suggest a simple fix: after you’ve selected each of your random directions, scale the value in each direction vector by the norm of the filter that corresponds to that value. This gets rid of the sensitivity of your plots to the scale of weights. (One thing I admit I’m a little confused by here is the fact that each value in the direction vector corresponds to a filter, rather than to a weight; I would have natively thought theta, and all the direction vectors, are of length number-of-model-parameters, and each value is a single weight. I think I still broadly grasp the intuition, but I’d value having a better sense of this). To demonstrate the value of their normalization system, they compare the interpolation plots for a model with small and large batch size, with and without weight decay. Small batches are known to increase flatness of the loss function around the eventual minimum, which seems co-occurrent with good generalization results. And, that bears out in the original model’s linear interpolation (figs a, b, c), where the small model has the wider solution basin, and also better performance. However, once weight decay is applied (figs d, e, f), the small-batch basin appears to shrink to be very narrow, although small-batch still has dominant performance. At first glance, this would seem to be a contradiction of the “flatter solutions mean more generalization” rule. https://i.imgur.com/V0H13kK.png But this is just because weight decay hits smaller models more strongly, because they have more distinct updates during which they apply the weight decay penalty. This means that when weight decay is applied, the overall scale of weights in the small-batch network is lower, and so it’s solution looked “sharp” when plotted on the same weight scale as the large-batch network. When normalization was used, this effect by and large went away, and you once again saw higher performance with flatter loss functions. (batch size and performance with and without weight decay, shown normalized below) https://i.imgur.com/vEUIgo0.png A few other, more scattered observations from the paper: - I’ve heard explanations of skip connections in terms of “giving the model shorter gradient paths between parameters and output,” but haven’t really seen an argument for why skip connections lead to smoother loss functions, even they empirically seem to https://i.imgur.com/g3QqRzh.png - The authors also devise a technique for visualizing the change in loss function along the trajectory taken by the optimization algorithm, so that different ones can be compared. The main problem in previous methods for this has been that optimization trajectories happen in a low-dimensional manifold within parameter space, so if you just randomly select directions, you won’t see any interesting movement along the trajectory. To fix this, they choose as their axes the principal components you get from making a matrix out of the parameter values at each epoch: this prioritizes the parameters that had the most variance throughout training. |
This paper focuses on the well-known fact that adversarial examples are often transferable: that is, that an adversarial example created by optimizing loss on a surrogate model trained on similar data can often still induce increased loss on the true target model, though typically not to the same magnitude as an example optimized against the target itself. Its goal is to come up with clearer theoretical formulation for transferred examples, and more clearly understand what kinds of models transfer better than others. The authors define their two scenarios of interest as white box (where the parameters of the target model are known), and limited knowledge, or black box, where only the data type and feature representation is known, but the exact training dataset is unknown, as well as the parameters of the target model. Most of the mathematics of this paper revolve around this equation, which characterizes how to find a delta to maximize loss on the surrogate model: https://i.imgur.com/Y0mD35x.png In words: you’re finding a delta (perturbations of each input value) such that the p-norm of delta is less than some radius epsilon, and such that delta maximizes the dot product between delta and the model gradient with respect to the inputs. The closer two vectors are to one another, the higher their dot product. So, having your delta just *be* the model gradient w.r.t inputs maximizes that quantity. However, we also need to meet the requirement of having our perturbation’s norm be less than epsilon, so we in order to find the actual optimal value, we divide by the norm of the gradient (to get ourselves a norm of 1), and multiply by epsilon (to get ourselves a norm of epsilon). This leads to the optimal value of delta being, for a norm of 2: https://i.imgur.com/Op0H7KL.png An important thing to remember is that all of the above has been using w-hat, meaning it’s been an examination of what the optimal delta is when we’re calculating against the surrogate model. But, if we plug in the optimal transfer value of delta we found above, how does this compare to the increase in loss if we were able to optimize against the true model? https://i.imgur.com/RHILZK1.png Loss on the true model is, as above, calculated as the dot product of the delta perturbation with the gradient w.r.t inputs of the true model. Using the same logic as above, this quantity is maximized when our perturbation is as close as possible to the target model’s gradient vector. So, the authors show, the degree to which adversarial examples calculated on one model transfer to another is mediated by the cosine distance between surrogate model’s gradient vector and the target model’s one. The more similar these gradients w.r.t the input are to one another, the closer surrogate-model loss increase will be to target-model loss increase. This is one of those things that makes sense once it’s laid out, but it’s still useful to have a specific conceptual quality to point to when predicting whether adversarial examples will transfer, rather than just knowing that they do, at least some of the time, to at least some extent. Another interesting thing to notice from the above equation, though not directly related to transfer examples, is the right hand of the equation, the upper bound on loss increase, which is the p-norm of the gradient vector of the target model. In clearer words, this means that the amount of loss that it’s possible to induce on a model using a given epsilon of perturbation is directly dependent on the norm of that model’s gradient w.r.t inputs. This suggests that more highly regularized models, which are by definition smoother and have smaller gradients with respect to inputs, will be harder to attack. This hypothesis is borne out by the authors’ experiments. However, they also find, consistent with my understanding of prior work, that linear models are harder to attack than non-linear ones. This draws a line between two ways we’re used to thinking about model complexity/simplicity: having a less-smooth function with bigger gradients increases your vulnerability, but having nonlinear model structure seems to decrease it. https://i.imgur.com/mw9exLU.png One final intriguing empirical finding of this paper is that, in addition to being the hardest models to attack when they are the target, highly regularized models work the best as surrogate models. There’s a simplistic way in which this makes sense, in that if you create your examples against a “harder” adversary to begin with, they’ll be in some sense stronger, and transfer better. However, I’m not sure that intuition is a correct one here. |
In the literature of adversarial examples, there’s this (to me) constant question: is it the case that adversarial examples are causing the model to objectively make a mistake, or just displaying behavior that is deeply weird, and unintuitive relative to our sense of what these models “should” be doing. A lot of the former question seems to come down to arguing over about what’s technically “out of distribution”, which has an occasional angels-dancing-on-a-pin quality, but it’s pretty unambiguously clear that the behavior displayed in this paper is weird, and beyond what I naively expected a network to be able to be manipulated to do. The goal these authors set for themselves is what they call “reprogramming” of a network; they want the ability to essentially hijack the network’s computational engine to perform a different task, predicting a different set of labels, on a different set of inputs than the ones the model was trained on. For example, one task they perform is feeding in MNIST images at the center of a bunch of (what appear to be random, but are actually carefully optimized) pixels, and getting a network that can predict MNIST labels out the other end. Obviously, it’s not literally possible to change the number of outputs that a network produces once it’s trained, so the authors would arbitrarily map ImageNet outputs to MNIST categories (like, “when this model predicts Husky, that actually means the digit 7”) and then judge how well this mapped output performs as a MNIST classifier. I enjoyed the authors’ wry commentary here about the arbitrariness of the mapping, remarking that “a ‘White Shark’ has nothing to do with counting 3 squares in an image, and an ‘Ostrich’ does not at all resemble 10 squares”. https://i.imgur.com/K02cwK0.png This paper assumes a white box attack model, which implies visibility of all of the parameters, and ability to directly calculate gradients through the model. So, given this setup of a input surrounded by modifiable pixel weights, and a desire to assign your “MNIST Labels” correctly, this becomes a straightforward optimization problem: modify the values of your input weights so as to maximize your MNIST accuracy. An important point to note here is that the same input mask of pixel values is applied for every new-task image, and so these values are optimized over a full training set of inserted images, the way that normal weights would be. One interesting observation the authors make is that, counter to the typical setup of adversarial examples, this attack would not work with a fully linear model, since you actually need your “weights” to interact with your “input”, which is different each time, but these are both just different areas of your true input. This need to have different regions of input determine how other areas of input are processed isn’t possible in a linear model where each input has a distinct impact on the output, regardless of other input values. By contrast, when you just need to optimize a single perturbation to get the network to jack up the prediction for one class, that can be accomplished by just applying a strong enough bias everywhere in the input, all pointing in the same direction, which can be added together linearly and still get the job done. The authors are able to perform MNIST and the task of “count the squares in this small input” to relatively high levels of accuracy. They perform reasonably on CIFAR (as well as a fully connected network, but not as well as a convnet). They found that performance was higher when using a pre-trained ImageNet, relative to just random weights. There’s some suggestion made that this implies there’s a kind of transfer learning going on, but honestly, this is weird enough that it’s hard to say. https://i.imgur.com/bj2MUnk.png They were able to get this reprogramming work on different model structures, but, fascinatingly, saw distinctive patterns to the "weight pixels" they needed to add to each model structure, with ResNet easily differentiable from Inception. One minor quibble I have with the framing of this paper - which I overall found impressive, creative, and well-written - is that I feel like it’s stretching the original frame of “adversarial example” a bit too far, to the point of possible provoking confusion. It’s not obvious that the network is making a mistake, per se, when it classifies this very out-of-distribution input as something silly. I suppose, in an ideal world, we may want our models to return to something like a uniform-over-outputs state of low confidence when predicting out of distribution, but that’s a bit different than seeing a gibbon in a picture of a panda. I don’t dispute the authors claim that the behavior they’re demonstrating is a vulnerability in terms of its ability to let outside actors “hijack” networks compute, but I worry we might be overloading the “adversarial example” to cover too many types of network failure modes. |
This paper tries to solve the problem of how to learn systems that, given a starting state and a desired target, can earn the set of actions necessary to reach that target. The strong version of this problem requires a planning algorithm to learn a full set of actions to take the agent from state A to B. However, this is a difficult and complex task, and so this paper tries to address a relaxed version of this task: generating a set of “waypoint” observations between A and B, such that each successive observation is relatively close to one another in terms of possible actions (the paper calls this ‘h-reachable’, if observations are reachable from one another in h timesteps). With these checkpoint observations in hand, the planning system can them solve many iterations of a much shorter-time-scale version of the problem. However, the paper asserts, applying pre-designed planning algorithms in observation space (sparse, high-dimensional) is difficult, because planning algorithms apparently do better with denser representations. (I don’t really understand, based on just reading this paper, *why* this is the case, other than the general fact that high dimensional, sparse data is just hard for most things). Historically, a typical workflow for applying planning algorithms to an environment would have been to hand-design feature representations where nearby representations were close in causal decision space (i.e. could be easily reached from one another). This paper’s goal is to derive such representations from data, rather than hand-designing them. The system they design to do this is a little unwieldy to follow, and I only have about 80% confidence that I fully understand all the mechanisms. One basic way you might compress high-dimensional space into a low-dimensional code is by training a Variational Autoencoder, and pulling the latent code out of the bottleneck in the middle. However, we also want to be able to map between our low-dimensional code and a realistic observation space, once we’re done planning and have our trajectory of codes, and VAE typically have difficulty generating high-dimensional observations with high fidelity. If what you want is image-generation fidelity, the natural step would be to use a GAN. However, GANs aren’t really natively designed to learn an informative representation; their main goal is generation, and there’s no real incentive for the noise variables used to seed generation to encode any useful information. One GAN design that tries to get around this is the InfoGAN, which gets its name from the requirement that there be high mutual information between (some subset of) the noise variables used to seed the generator, and the actual observation produced. I’m not going to get into the math of the variational approximation, but what this actually mechanically shakes out to is: in addition to generating an observation from a code, an InfoGAN also tries to predict the original code subset given the observation. Intuitively, this requirement, for the observation to contain information about the code, also means the code is forced to contain meaningful information about the image generated from it. However, even with this system, even if each code separately corresponds to a realistic observation, there’s no guarantee that closeness in state space corresponds to closeness in “causality space”. This feature is valuable for planning, because it means that if you chart out a trajectory through state space, it actually corresponds to a reasonable trajectory through observation space. In order to solve this problem, the authors added their final, and more novel, modification to the InfoGAN framework: instead of giving the GAN one latent code, and having it predict one observation, they would give two at a time, and have the GAN try to generate a pair of temporally nearby (i.e. less than h actions away) observations. Importantly, they’d also define some transition or sampling function within state space, so that there would be a structured or predictable way that adjacent pairs of states looked. So, if the GAN were able to learn to map adjacent points in state space to adjacent points in observation space, then you’d be able to plan out trajectories in state space, and have them be realistic in observation space. https://i.imgur.com/oVlVc0x.png They do some experiments and do show that both adding the “Info” structure of the InfoGAN, and adding the paired causal structure, lead to states with improved planning properties.They also compared the clusters derived from their Causal InfoGAN states to the clusters you’d get from just naively assuming that nearness in observation space meant nearness in causality space. https://i.imgur.com/ddQpIdH.png They specifically tested this on an environment divided into two “rooms”, where there were many places where there were two points, nearby in Euclidean space, but far away (or mutually inaccessible) in action space. They showed that the Causal InfoGAN (b) was successfully able to learn representations such that points nearby in action space clustered together, whereas a Euclidean representation (c) didn't have this property. |
This paper builds very directly on the idea of “empowerment” as an intrinsic reward for RL agents. Where empowerment incentivizes agents to increase the amount of influence they’re able to have over the environment, “social influence,” this paper’s metric, is based on the degree which the actions of one agent influence the actions of other agents, within a multi-agent setting. The goals between the two frameworks are a little different. The notion of “empowerment” is built around a singular agent trying to figure out a short-term proxy for likelihood of long-term survival (which is a feedback point no individual wants to hit). By contrast, the problems that the authors of this paper seek to solve are more explicitly multi-agent coordination problems: prisoner’s dilemma-style situations where collective reward requires cooperation. However, they share a mathematical basis: the idea that an agent’s influence on some other element of its environment (be it the external state, or another agent’s actions) is well modeled by calculating the mutual information between its agents and that element. While this is initially a bit of an odd conceptual jump, it does make sense: if an action can give statistical information to help you predict an outcome, it’s likely (obviously not certain, but likely) that that action influenced that outcome. In a multi-agent problem, where cooperation and potentially even communication can help solve the task, being able to influence other agents amounts to “finding ways to make oneself useful to other agents”, because other agents aren’t going to change behavior based on your actions, or “listen” to your “messages” (in the experiment where a communication channel was available between agents) if these signals don’t help them achieve *their* goals. So, this incentive, to influence the behavior of other (self-interested) agents, amounts to a good proxy for incentivizing useful cooperation. Zooming in on the exact mathematical formulations (which differ slightly from, though they’re in a shared spirit with, the empowerment math): the agent’s (A’s) Causal Influence reward is calculated by taking a KL divergence between the action distribution of the other agent (B) conditional on the action A took, compared to other actions A might have taken. (see below. Connecting back to empowerment: Mutual Information is just the expected value of this quantity, taken over A’s action distribution). https://i.imgur.com/oxXCbdK.png One thing you may notice from the above equation is that, because we’re working in KL divergences, we expect agent A to have access to the full distribution of agent B’s policy conditional on A’s action, not just the action B actually took. We also require the ability to sample “counterfactuals,” i.e. what agent B would have done if agent A had done something differently. Between these two requirements. If we take a realistic model of two agents interacting with each other, in only one timeline, only having access to the external and not internal parameters of the other, it makes it clear that these quantities can’t be pulled from direct experience. Instead, they are calculated by using an internal model: each agent builds its own MOA (Model of Other Agents), where they build a predictive model of what an agent will do at a given time, conditional on the environment and the actions of all other agents. It’s this model that is used to sample the aforementioned counterfactuals, since that just involves passing in a different input. I’m not entirely sure, in each experiment, whether the MOAs are trained concurrent with agent policies, or in a separate prior step. https://i.imgur.com/dn2cBg4.png Testing on, again, Prisoner’s Dilemma style problems requiring agents to take risky collaborative actions, the authors did find higher performance using their method, compared to approaches where each agent just maximizes its own external reward (which, it should be said, does depend on other agents’ actions), with no explicit incentive towards collaboration. Interestingly, when they specifically tested giving agents access to a “communication channel” (the ability to output discrete signals or “words” visible to other agents), they found that it was able to train just as effectively with only an influence reward, as it was with both an influence and external reward. |
This paper performs a fascinating toy experiment, to try to see if something language-like in structure can be effectively induced in a population of agents, if they are given incentives that promote it. In some sense, a lot of what they find “just makes sense,” but it’s still a useful proof of concept to show that it can be done. The experiment they run takes place in a simple, two-dimensional world, with a fixed number of landmarks (representing locations goals need to take place), and agents, and actions. In this construction, each agent has a set of internal goals, which can either be actions (like “go to green landmark”) they themselves need to perform, or actions that they want another agent to perform. Agents’ goals are not visible to other agents, but all agents’ reward is defined to be the aggregated reward of all agents together, so if agent A has a goal involving an action of agent B’s, it’s in B’s “interest” to do that action, if it can be communicated to them. In order to facilitate other agents performing goals, at each step, each agent both takes an action, and also emits an “utterance”, which is just a discrete symbolic “word” out of some some fixed vocabulary of words (Note that applying “word” here is a but fuzzy; the agents do not pronounce or spell a character-based word, they just pick a discrete symbol that is playing the role of a word”. Even though other agents cannot see a given agent’s goals, they can see its public utterances, and so agents learn that communication is a way to induce other agents to perform desired actions. As a mathematically interesting aside: this setup, of allowing each agent to sample a single discrete word out of a small vocabulary at each setting, takes the deployment of some interesting computational tricks to accomplish. First off, in general, sampling a discrete single symbol out of a set of possible symbols is not differentiable, since it’s a discrete rather than continuous action, and derivatives require continuous functions. However, a paper from 2016 proposed a (heuristic) solution to this problem by means of the Gumbel Softmax Trick. This derives from the older “Gumbel Max Trick”, which is the mathematical fact that if you want to sample from a categorical distribution, a computationally easy way to do so is to add a variable sampled from a (0,1) Gumbel distribution to the log probability of each category, and then take the argmax of this as the index of the sample category (I’m not going to go another level down into why this is true, since I think it’s too far afield of the scope of this summary). Generally, argmax functions are also not differentiable. However, they can be approximated with softmaxes, which interpolate between a totally uniform and very nearly discrete-sample distribution based on a temperature parameter. In practice, or, at least, if this paper does what the original Gumbel Softmax paper did, during training, a discrete sample is taken, but a low-temperature continuous approximation is used for actual gradient calculation (i.e. for gradients, the model pretends that it used the continuous approximation rather than the discrete sample). https://i.imgur.com/0RpRJG2.png Coming back to the actual communication problem, the authors do find that under these (admittedly fairly sanitized and contrived) circumstances, agents use series of discrete symbols to communicate goals to other agents, which ends up looking a lot like a very simple language. https://i.imgur.com/ZF0EbN4.png As one might expect, in environments where there were only two agents, there was no symbol that ended up corresponding to “red agent” or “blue agent”, since each could realize that the other was speaking to it. However, in three-agent environments, the agents did develop symbols that clearly mapped to these categories, to specify who directions were being given to. The authors also tried cutting off verbal communication; in these situations, the agents used gaze and movement to try to signal what they wanted other agents to do. Probably most entertainingly, when neither verbal nor visual communication was allowed, agents would move to and “physically” push other agents to the location where their action needed to be performed. |
This paper continues in the tradition of curiosity-based models, which try to reward models for exploring novel parts of their environment, in the hopes this can intrinsically motivate learning. However, this paper argues that it’s insufficient to just treat novelty as an occasional bonus on top of a normal reward function, and that instead you should figure out a process that’s more specifically designed to increase novelty. Specifically: you should design a policy whose goal is to experience transitions and world-states that are high novelty. In this setup, like in other curiosity-based papers, “high novelty” is defined in terms of a state being unpredictable given a prior state, history, and action. However, where other papers saw novelty reward as something only applied when the agent arrived at somewhere novel, here, the authors build a model (technically, an ensemble of models) to predict the state at various future points. The ensemble is important here because it’s (quasi) bootstrapped, and thus gives us a measure of uncertainty. States where the predictions of the ensemble diverge represent places of uncertainty, and thus of high value to explore. I don’t 100% follow the analytic specification of this idea (even though the heuristic/algorithmic description makes sense). The authors frame the Utility function of a state and action as being equivalent to the Jenson Shannon Divergence (~distance between probability distributions) shown below. https://i.imgur.com/YIuomuP.png Here, P(S | S, a, T) is the probability of a state given prior state and action under a given model of the environment (Transition Model), and P(gamma) is the distribution over the space of possible transition models one might learn. A “model” here is one network out of the ensemble of networks that makes up our bootstrapped (trained on different sets) distribution over models. Conceptually, I think this calculation is measuring “how different is each sampled model/state distribution from all the other models in the distribution over possible models”. If the models within the distribution diverge from one another, that indicates a location of higher uncertainty. What’s important about this is that, by building a full transition model, the authors can calculate the expected novelty or “utility” of future transitions it might take, because it can make a best guess based on this transition model (which, while called a “prior”, is really something trained on all data up to this current iteration). My understanding is that these kinds of models function similarly to a Q(s,a) or V(s) in a pure-reward case: they estimate the “utility reward” of different states and actions, and then the policy is updated to increase that expected reward. I’ve recently read papers on ICM, and I was a little disappointed that this paper didn’t appear to benchmark against that, but against Bootstrapped DQN and Exploration Bonus DQN, which I know less well and can less speak to the conceptual differences from this approach. Another difficulty in actually getting a good sense of results was that the task being tested on is fairly specific, and different from RL results coming out of the world of e.g. Atari and Deep Mind Labs. All of that said, this is a cautiously interesting idea, if the results generate to beat more baselines on more environments.
This paper proposes a new curiosity-based intrinsic reward technique that seeks to address one of the failure modes of previous curiosity methods. The basic idea of curiosity is that, often, exploring novel areas of an environment can be correlated with gaining reward within that environment, and that we can find ways to incentivize the former that don’t require a hand-designed reward function. This is appealing because many useful-to-learn environments either lack inherent reward altogether, or have reward that is very sparse (i.e. no signal until you reach the end, at which point you get a reward of 1). In both of these cases, supplementing with some kind of intrinsic incentive towards exploration might improve performance. The existing baseline curiosity technique is called ICM, and works based on “surprisal”: asking the agent to predict the next state as a function of its current state, and incentivizing exploration of areas where the gap between these two quantities is high, to promote exploration of harder-to-predict (and presumably more poorly sampled) locations. However, one failure mode of this approach is something called the “noisy TV” problem, whereby if the environment contains something analogous to a television where one can press a button and go to a random channel, that is highly unpredictable, and thus a source of easy rewards, and thus liable to distract the agent from any other actions. As an alternative, the authors here suggest a different way of defining novelty: rather than something that is unpredictable, novelty should be seen as something far away from what I as an agent have seen before. This is more direct than the prior approach, which takes ‘hard to predict’ as a proxy for ‘somewhere I haven’t explored’, which may not necessary be a reasonable assumption. https://i.imgur.com/EfcAOoI.png They implement this idea by keeping a memory of past (embedded) observations that the agent has seen during this episode, and, at each step, check whether the current observation is predicted to be more than K steps away than any of the observations in memory (more on that in a moment). If so, a bonus reward is added, and this observation is added to the aforementioned memory. (Which, waving hands vigorously, kind of ends up functioning as a spanning set of prior experience). https://i.imgur.com/gmHE11s.png The question of “how many steps is observation A from observation B” is answered by a separate Comparator network which is trained in pretty straightforward fashion: a random-samplling policy is used to collect trajectories, which are then turned into pairs of observations as input, and a 1 if they occurred > k + p steps apart, and a 0 if they occurred < k steps apart. Then, these paired states are passed into a shared-weight convolutional network, which creates an embedding, and, from that embedding, a prediction is made as to whether they’re closer than the thresholds or farther away. This network is pre-trained before the actual RL training starts. (Minor sidenote: at RL-training time, the network is chopped into two, and the embedding read out and stored, and then input as a pair with each current observation to make the prediction). https://i.imgur.com/1oUWKyb.png Overall, the authors find that their method works better than both ICM and no-intrinsic-reward for VizDoom (a maze + shooting game), and the advantage is stronger in situations more sparse settings of the external reward. https://i.imgur.com/4AURZbX.png On DeepMind Lab tasks, they saw no advantage on tasks with already-dense extrinsic rewards, and little advantage on the “normally sparse”, which they suggest may be due to it actually being easier than expected. They added doors to a maze navigation task, to ensure the agent couldn’t find the target right away, and this situation brought better performance of their method. They also tried a fully no-extrinsic-reward situation, and their method strongly performed both the ICM baseline and (obviously) the only-extrinsic-reward baseline, which was basically an untrained random policy in this setting. Regarding the poor performance of the ICM baseline in this environment, “we hypothesise that the agent can most significantly change its current view when it is close to the wall — thus increasing one-step prediction error — so it tends to get stucknear “interesting” diverse textures on the walls.”. |
I really enjoyed this paper - in addition to being a clean, fundamentally empirical work, it was also clearly written, and had some pretty delightful moments of quotable zen, which I’ll reference at the end. The paper’s goal is to figure out how far curiosity-driven learning alone can take reinforcement learning systems, without the presence of an external reward signal. “Intrinsic” reward learning is when you construct a reward out of internal, inherent features of the environment, rather than using an explicit reward function. In some ways, intrinsic learning in RL can be thought of as analogous to unsupervised learning in classification problems, since reward functions are not inherent to most useful environments, and (when outside of game environments that inherently provide rewards), frequently need to be hand-designed. Curiosity-driven learning is a subset of intrinsic learning, which uses as a reward signal the difference between a prediction made by the dynamics model (predicting next state, given action) and the true observed next state. Situations where the this prediction area are high generate high reward for the agent, which incentivizes it to reach those states, which allows the dynamics model to then make ever-better predictions about them. Two key questions this paper raises are: 1) Does this approach even work when used on it’s own? Curiosity had previously most often been used as a supplement to extrinsic rewards, and the authors wanted to know how far it could go separately. 2) What is the best feature to do this “surprisal difference” calculation in? Predicting raw pixels is a high-dimensional and noisy process, so naively we might want something with fewer, more informationally-dense dimensions, but it’s not obvious which methods that satisfy these criteria will work the best, so the paper empirically tried them. The answer to (1) seems to be: yes, at least in the video games tested. Impressively, when you track against extrinsic reward (which, again, these games have, but we’re just ignoring in a curiosity-only setting), the agents manage to increase it despite not optimizing against it directly. There were some Atari games where this effect was stronger than others, but overall performance was stronger than might have been naively expected. One note the authors made, worth keeping in mind, is that it’s unclear how much of this is an artifact of the constraints and incentives surrounding game design, which might reflect back a preference for gradually-increasing novelty because humans find it pleasant. https://i.imgur.com/zhl39vo.png As for (2), another interesting result of this paper is that random features performed consistently well as a feature space to do these prediction/reality comparisons in. Random features here is really just as simple as “design a convolutional net that compresses down to some dimension, randomly initialize it, and then use those randomly initialized weights to run forward passes of the network to get your lower-dimensional state”. This has the strong disadvantage of (presumably) not capturing any meaningful information about the state, but also has the advantage of being stable: the other techniques tried, like pulling out the center of a VAE bottleneck, changed over time as they were being trained on new states, so they were informative, but non-stationary. My two favorite quotable moments from this paper were: 1) When the authors noted that they had removed the “done” signal associated with an agent “dying,” because it is itself a sort of intrinsic reward. However, “in practice, we do find that the agent avoids dying in the games since that brings it back to the beginning of the game, an area it has already seen many times and where it can predict the dynamics well.”. Short and sweet: “Avoiding death, because it’s really boring” https://i.imgur.com/SOfML8d.png 2) When they noted that an easy way to hack the motivation structure of a curiosity-driven agent was through a “noisy tv”, which, every time you pressed the button, jumped to a random channel. As expected, when they put this distraction inside a maze, the agent spent more time jacking up reward through that avenue, rather than exploring. Any resemblance to one’s Facebook feed is entirely coincidental. |
This paper posits that one of the central problems stopping multi-task RL - that is, single models trained to perform multiple tasks well - from reaching better performance, is the inability to balance model resources and capacity between the different tasks the model is being asked to learn. Empirically, prior to this paper, multi-task RL could reach ~50% of human accuracy on Atari and Deepmind Lab tasks. The fact that this is lower than human accuracy is actually somewhat less salient than the fact that it’s quite a lot lower than single-task RL - how a single model trained to perform only that task could do. When learning a RL model across multiple tasks, the reward structures of the different tasks can vary dramatically. Some can have high-magnitude, sparse rewards, some can have low magnitude rewards throughout. If a model learns it can gain what it thinks is legitimately more reward by getting better at a game with an average reward of 2500 than it does with an average reward of 15, it will put more capacity into solving the former task. Even if you apply normalization strategies like reward clipping (which treats all rewards as a binary signal, regardless of magnitude, and just seeks to increase the frequency of rewards), that doesn’t deal with some environments having more frequent rewards than others, and thus more total reward when summed over timestep. The authors here try to solve this problem by performing a specific kind of normalization, called Pop Art normalization, on the problem. PopArt normalization (don’t worry about the name) works by adaptively normalizing both the target and the estimate of the target output by the model, at every step. In the Actor-Critic case that this model is working on, the target and estimate that are being normalized are, respectively, 1) the aggregated rewards of the trajectories from state S onward, and 2) the value estimate at state S. If your value function is perfect, these two things should be equivalent, and so you optimize your value function to be closer to the true rewards under your policy. And, then, you update your policy to increase probability of actions with higher advantage (expected reward with that action, relative to the baseline Value(S) of that state). The “adaptive” part of that refers to correcting for the fact when you’re estimating, say, a Value function to predict the total future reward of following a policy at a state, that V(S) will be strongly non-stationary, since by improving your policy you are directly optimizing to increase that value. This is done by calculating “scale” and “shift” parameters off of a recent data. The other part of the PopArt algorithm works by actually updating the estimate our model is producing, to stay normalized alongside the continually-being-re-normalized target. https://i.imgur.com/FedXTfB.png It does this by taking the new and old versions of scale (sigma) and shift (mu) parameters (which will be used to normalize the target) and updates the weights and biases of the last layer, such that the movement of the estimator moves along with the movement in the target. Using this toolkit, this paper proposes learning one *policy* that’s shared over all task, but keeping shared value estimation functions for each task. Then, it normalizes each task’s values independently, meaning that each task ends up contributing equal weight to the gradient updates of the model (both for the Value and Policy updates). In doing this, the authors find dramatically improved performance at both Atari and Deepmind, relative to prior IMPALA work https://i.imgur.com/nnDcjNm.png https://i.imgur.com/Z6JClo3.png |
This reinforcement learning paper starts with the constraints imposed an engineering problem - the need to scale up learning problems to operate across many GPUs - and ended up, as a result, needing to solve an algorithmic problem along with it. In order to massively scale up their training to be able to train multiple problem domains in a single model, the authors of this paper implemented a system whereby many “worker” nodes execute trajectories (series of actions, states, and reward) and then send those trajectories back to a “learner” node, that calculates gradients and updates a central policy model. However, because these updates are queued up to be incorporated into the central learner, it can frequently happen that the policy that was used to collect the trajectories is a few steps behind from the policy on the central learner to which its gradients will be applied (since other workers have updated the learner since this worker last got a policy download). This results in a need to modify the policy network model design accordingly. IMPALA (Importance Weighted Actor Learner Architectures) uses an “Actor Critic” model design, which means you learn both a policy function and a value function. The policy function’s job is to choose which actions to take at a given state, by making some higher probability than others. The value function’s job is to estimate the reward from a given state onward, if a certain policy p is followed. The value function is used to calculate the “advantage” of each action at a given state, by taking the reward you receive through action a (and reward you expect in the future), and subtracting out the value function for that state, which represents the average future reward you’d get if you just sampled randomly from the policy from that point onward. The policy network is then updated to prioritize actions which are higher-advantage. If you’re on-policy, you can calculate a value function without needing to explicitly calculate the probabilities of each action, because, by definition, if you take actions according to your policy probabilities, then you’re sampling each action with a weight proportional to its probability. However, if your actions are calculated off-policy, you need correct for this, typically by calculating an “importance sampling” ratio, that multiplies all actions by a probability under the desired policy divided by the probability under the policy used for sampling. This cancels out the implicit probability under the sampling policy, and leaves you with your actions scaled in proportion to their probability under the policy you’re actually updating. IMPALA shares the basic structure of this solution, but with a few additional parameters to dynamically trade off between the bias and variance of the model. The first parameter, rho, controls how much bias you allow into your model, where bias here comes from your model not being fully corrected to “pretend” that you were sampling from the policy to which gradients are being applied. The trade-off here is that if your policies are far apart, you might downweight its actions so aggressively that you don’t get a strong enough signal to learn quickly. However, the policy you learn might be statistically biased. Rho does this by weighting each value function update by: https://i.imgur.com/4jKVhCe.png where rho-bar is a hyperparameter. If rho-bar is high, then we allow stronger weighting effects, whereas if it’s low, we put a cap on those weights. The other parameter is c, and instead of weighting each value function update based on policy drift at that state, it weights each timestep based on how likely or unlikely the action taken at that timestep was under the true policy. https://i.imgur.com/8wCcAoE.png Timesteps that much likelier under the true policy are upweighted, and, once again, we use a hyperparameter, c-bar, to put a cap on the amount of allowed upweighting. Where the prior parameter controlled how much bias there was in the policy we learn, this parameter helps control the variance - the higher c-bar, the higher the amount of variance there will be in the updates used to train the model, and the longer it’ll take to converge. |
This paper’s high-level goal is to evaluate how well GAN-type structures for generating text are performing, compared to more traditional maximum likelihood methods. In the process, it zooms into the ways that the current set of metrics for comparing text generation fail to give a well-rounded picture of how models are performing. In the old paradigm, of maximum likelihood estimation, models were both trained and evaluated on a maximizing the likelihood of each word, given the prior words in a sequence. That is, models were good when they assigned high probability to true tokens, conditioned on past tokens. However, GANs work in a fundamentally new framework, in that they aren’t trained to increase the likelihood of the next (ground truth) word in a sequence, but to generate a word that will make a discriminator more likely to see the sentence as realistic. Since GANs don’t directly model the probability of token t, given prior tokens, you can’t evaluate them using this maximum likelihood framework. This paper surveys a range of prior work that has evaluated GANs and MLE models on two broad categories of metrics, occasionally showing GANs to perform better on one or the other, but not really giving a way to trade off between the two. - The first type of metric, shorthanded as “quality”, measures how aligned the generated text is with some reference corpus of text: to what extent your generated text seems to “come from the same distribution” as the original. BLEU, a heuristic frequently used in translation, and also leveraged here, measures how frequently certain sets of n-grams occur in the reference text, relative to the generated text. N typically goes up to 4, and so in addition to comparing the distributions of single tokens in the reference and generated, BLEU also compares shared bigrams, trigrams, and quadgrams (?) to measure more precise similarity of text. - The second metric, shorthanded as “diversity” measures how different generated sentences are from one another. If you want to design a model to generate text, you presumably want it to be able to generate a diverse range of text - in probability terms, you want to fully sample from the distribution, rather than just taking the expected or mean value. Linguistically, this would be show up as a generator that just generates the same sentence over and over again. This sentence can be highly representative of the original text, but lacks diversity. One metric used for this is the same kind of BLEU score, but for each generated sentence against a corpus of prior generated sentences, and, here, the goal is for the overlap to be as low as possible The trouble with these two metrics is that, in their raw state, they’re pretty incommensurable, and hard to trade off against one another. The authors of this paper try to address this by observing that all models trade off diversity and quality to some extent, just by modifying the entropy of the conditional token distribution they learn. If a distribution is high entropy, that is, if it spreads probability out onto more tokens, it’s likelier to bounce off into a random place, which increases diversity, but also can make the sentence more incoherent. By contrast, if a distribution is too low entropy, only ever putting probability on one or two words, then it will be only ever capable of carving out a small number of distinct paths through word space. The below table shows a good example of what language generation can look like at high and low levels of entropy https://i.imgur.com/YWGXDaJ.png The entropy of a softmax distribution be modified, without changing the underlying model, by changing the *temperature* of the softmax calculation. So, the authors do this, and, as a result, they can chart out that model’s curve on the quality/diversity axis. Conceptually, this is asking “at a range of different quality thresholds, how good is this model’s diversity,” and vice versa. I mentally analogize this to a ROC curve, where it’s not really possible to compare, say, precision of models that use different thresholds, and so you instead need to compare the curve over a range of different thresholds, and compare models on that. https://i.imgur.com/C3zdEjm.png When they do this for GANs and MLEs, they find that, while GANs might dominate on a single metric at a time, when you modulate the temperature of MLE models, they’re able to achieve superior quality when you tune them to commensurate levels of diversity. |
GANs for images have made impressive progress in recent years, reaching ever-higher levels of subjective realism. It’s also interesting to think about domains where the GAN architecture is less of a good fit. An example of one such domain is natural language. As opposed to images, which are made of continuous pixel values, sentences are fundamentally sequences of discrete values: that is, words. In a GAN, when the discriminator makes its assessment of the realness of the image, the gradient for that assessment can be backpropagated through to the pixel level. The discriminator can say “move that pixel just a bit, and this other pixel just a bit, and then I’ll find the image more realistic”. However, there is no smoothly flowing continuous space of words, and, even if you use continuous embeddings of words, it’s still the case that if you tried to apply a small change to a embedding vector, you almost certainly wouldn’t end up with another word, you’d just be somewhere in the middle of nowhere in word space. In short: the discrete nature of language sequences doesn’t allow for gradient flow to propagate backwards through to the generator. The authors of this paper propose a solution: instead of trying to treat their GAN as one big differentiable system, they framed the problem of “generate a sequence that will seem realistic to the discriminator” as a reinforcement learning problem? After all, this property - of your reward just being generated *somewhere* in the environment, not something analytic, not something you can backprop through - is one of the key constraints of reinforcement learning. Here, the more real the discriminator finds your sequence, the higher the reward. One approach to RL, and the one this paper uses, is that of a policy network, where your parametrized network produces a distribution over actions. You can’t update your model to deterministically increase reward, but you can shift around probability in your policy such that your expected reward of following that policy is higher. This key kernel of an idea - GANs for language, but using a policy network framework to get around not having backprop-able loss/reward- gets you most of the way to understanding what these authors did, but it’s still useful to mechanically walk through specifics. https://i.imgur.com/CIFuGCG.png At each step, the “state” is the existing words in the sequence, and the agent’s “action” the choosing of its next word - The Discriminator can only be applied to completed sequences, since it's difficult to determine whether an incoherent half-sentence is realistic language. So, when the agent is trying to calculate the reward of an action at a state, it uses Monte Carlo Tree Search: randomly “rolling out” many possible futures by randomly sampling from the policy, and then taking the average Discriminator judgment of all those futures resulting from each action as being its expected reward - The Generator is a LSTM that produces a softmax over words, which can be interpreted as a policy if it’s sampled from randomly - One of the nice benefits of this approach is that it can work well for cases where we don't have a hand-crafted quality assessment metric, the way we have BLEU score for translation
I should say from the outset: I have a lot of fondness for this paper. It goes upstream of a lot of research-community incentives: It’s not methodologically flashy, it’s not about beating the State of the Art with a bigger, better model (though, those papers certainly also have their place). The goal of this paper was, instead, to dive into a test set used to evaluate performance of models, and try to understand to what extent it’s really providing a rigorous test of what we want out of model behavior. Test sets are the often-invisible foundation upon which ML research is based, but like real-world foundations, if there are weaknesses, the research edifice built on top can suffer. Specifically, this paper discusses the Winograd Schema, a clever test set used to test what the NLP community calls “common sense reasoning”. An example Winograd Schema sentence is: The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so fast. A model is given this task, and asked to predict which token the underlined “it” refers to. These cases are specifically chosen because of their syntactic ambiguity - nothing structural about the order of the sentence requires “it” to refer to the delivery truck here. However, the underlying meaning of the sentence is only coherent under that parsing. This is what is meant by “common-sense” reasoning: the ability to understand meaning of a sentence in a way deeper than that allowed by simple syntactic parsing and word co-occurrence statistics. Taking the existing Winograd examples (and, when I said tiny, there are literally 273 of them) the authors of this paper surface some concerns about ways these examples might not be as difficult or representative of “common sense” abilities as we might like. - First off, there is the basic, previously mentioned fact that there are so few examples that it’s possible to perform well simply by random chance, especially over combinatorially large hyperparameter optimization spaces. This isn’t so much an indictment of the set itself as it is indicative of the work involved in creating it. - One of the two distinct problems the paper raises is that of “associativity”. This refers to situations where simple co-occurance counts between the description and the correct entity can lead the model to the correct term, without actually having to parse the sentence. An example here is: “I’m sure that my map will show this building; it is very famous.” Treasure maps aside, “famous buildings” are much more generally common than “famous maps”, and so being able to associate “it” with a building in this case doesn’t actually require the model to understand what’s going on in this specific sentence. The authors test this by creating a threshold for co-occurance, and, using that threshold, call about 40% of the examples “associative” - The second problem is that of predictable structure - the fact that the “hinge” adjective is so often the last word in the sentence, making it possible that the model is brittle, and just attending to that, rather than the sentence as a whole The authors perform a few tests - examining results on associative vs non-associative examples, and examining results if you switch the ordering (in cases like “Emma did not pass the ball to Janie although she saw that she was open,” where it’s syntactically possible), to ensure the model is not just anchoring on the identity of the correct entity, regardless of its place in the sentence. Overall, they found evidence that some of the state of the art language models perform well on the Winograd Schema as a whole, but do less well (and in some cases even less well than the baselines they otherwise outperform) on these more rigorous examples. Unfortunately, these tests don’t lead us automatically to a better solution - design of examples like this is still tricky and hard to scale - but does provide valuable caution and food for thought. |
For solving sequence modeling problems, recurrent architectures have been historically the most commonly used solution, but, recently, temporal convolution networks, especially with dilations to help capture longer term dependencies, have gained prominence. RNNs have theoretically much larger capacity to learn long sequences, but also have a lot of difficulty propagating signal forward through long chains of recurrent operations. This paper, which suggests the approach of Trellis Networks, places itself squarely in the middle of the debate between these two paradigms. TrellisNets are designed to be a theoretical bridge between between temporal convolutions and RNNs - more specialized than the former, but more generalized than the latter. https://i.imgur.com/J2xHYPx.png The architecture of TrellisNets is very particular, and, unfortunately, somewhat hard to internalize without squinting at diagrams and equations for awhile. Fundamentally: - At each layer in a TrellisNet, the network creates a “candidate pre-activation” by combining information from the input and the layer below, for both the current and former time step. - This candidate pre-activation is then non-linearly combined with the prior layer, prior-timestep hidden state - This process continues for some desired number of layers. https://i.imgur.com/f96QgT8.png At first glance, this structure seems pretty arbitrary: a lot of quantities connected together, but without a clear mechanic for what’s happening. However, there are a few things interesting to note here, which will help connect these dots, to view TrellisNet as either a kind of RNN or a kind of CNN: - TrellisNet uses the same weight matrices to process prior and current timestep inputs/hidden states, no matter which timestep or layer it’s on. This is strongly reminiscent of a recurrent architecture, which uses the same calculation loop at each timestep - TrellisNets also re-insert the model’s input at each layer. This also gives it more of a RNN-like structure, where the prior layer’s values act as a kind of “hidden state”, which are then combined with an input value - At a given layer, each timestep only needs access to two elements of the prior layer (in addition to the input); it does not require access to all the prior-timestep values of it’s own layer. This is important because it means that you can calculate an entire layer’s values at once, given the values of the prior layer: this means these models can be more easily parallelized for training Seeing TrellisNets as a kind of Temporal CNN is fairly straightforward: each timestep’s value, at a given layer, is based on a “filter” of the lower-layer value at the current and prior timestep, and this filter is shared across the whole sequence. Framing them as a RNN is certainly trickier, and anyone wanting to understand it in full depth is probably best served by returning to the paper’s equations. At at high level, the authors show that TrellisNets can represent a specific kind of RNN: a truncated RNN, where each timestep only uses history from the prior M time steps, rather than the full sequence. This works by sort of imagining the RNN chains as existing along the diagonals of a TrellisNet architecture diagram: as you reach higher levels, you can also reach farther back in time. Specifically, a TrellisNet that wants to represent a depth K truncated RNN, which is allowed to unroll through M steps of history, can do so using M + K - 1 layers. Essentially, by using a fixed operation across layers and timesteps, the TrellisNet authors blur the line between layer and timestep: any chain of operations, across layers, is fundamentally a series of the same operation, performed many times, and is in that way RNN-like. The authors have not yet taken a stab at translation, but tested their model on a number of word and character-level language modeling tasks (predicting the next word or character, given prior ones), and were able to successfully beat SOTA on many of them. I’d be curious to see more work broadly in this domain, and also gain a better understanding of areas in which a fixed, recurrently-used layer operation, like the ones used in RNNs and this paper, is valuables, and areas (like a “normal” CNN) where having specific weights for different levels of the hierarchy is valable. |
This paper is, on the whole, a refreshing jaunt into the applied side of the research word. It isn’t looking to solve a fundamental machine learning problem in some new way, but it does highlight and explore one potential beneficial application of a common and widely used technique: specifically, combining word embeddings with context-free grammars (such as: regular expressions), to make the latter less rigid. Regular expressions work by specifying specific hardcoded patterns of symbols, and matching against any strings in some search set that match those patterns. They don’t need to specify specific characters - they can work at higher levels of generality, like “uppercase alphabetic character” or “any character”, but they’re still fundamentally hardcoded, in that the designer of the expression needs to create a specification that will affirmatively catch all the desired cases. This can be a particular challenging task when you’re trying to find - for example - all sentences that match the pattern of someone giving someone else a compliment. You might want to match against “I think you’re smart” and also “I think you’re clever”. However, in the normal use of regular expressions, something like this would be nearly impossible to specify, short of writing out every synonym for “intelligent” that you can think of. The “Embedding Grammars” paper proposes a solution to this problem: instead of enumerating a list of synonyms, simply provide one example term, or, even better, a few examples, and use those term’s word embedding representation to define a “synonym bubble” (my word, not theirs) in continuous space around those examples. This is based on the oft-remarked-upon fact that, because word embedding systems are generally trained to push together words that can be used in similar contexts, closeness in word vector space frequently corresponds to words being synonyms, or close in some other sense. So, if you “match” to any term that is sufficiently nearby to your exemplar terms, you are performing something similar to the task of enumerating all of a term’s syllables. Once this general intuition is in hand, the details of the approach are fairly straightforward: the authors try a few approaches, and find that constructing a bubble of some epsilon around each example’s word vector, and matching to anything inside that bubble, works the best as an approach. https://i.imgur.com/j9OSNuE.png Overall, this seems like a clever idea; one imagines that the notion of word embeddings will keep branching out into ever more far-flung application as time goes on. There are reasons to be skeptical of this paper, though. Fundamentally, word embedding space is a “here there be dragons” kind of place: we may be able to observe broad patterns, and might be able to say that “nearby words tend to be synonyms,” but we can’t give any kind of guarantee of that being the case. As an example of this problem, often the nearest thing to an example, after direct synonyms, are direct antonyms, so if you set too high a threshold, you’ll potentially match to words exactly the opposite of what you expect. We are probably still a ways away from systems like this one being broady useful, for this and other reasons, but I do think it’s valuable to try to understand what questions we’d want answered, what features of embedding space we’d want more elucidated, before applications like these would be more stably usable. |
I admit it - the title of the paper pulled me in, existing as it does in the chain of weirdly insider-meme papers, starting with Vaswani’s 2017 “Attention Is All You Need”. That paper has been hugely influential, and the domain of machine translation as a whole has begun to move away from processing (or encoding) source sentences with recurrent architectures, to instead processing them using self-attention architectures. (Self-attention is a little too nuanced to go into in full depth here, but the basic idea is: instead of summarizing varying-length sequences by feeding each timestep into a recurrent loop and building up hidden states, generate a query, and weight the contribution of each timestep to each “hidden state” based on the dot product between that query and each timestep’s representation). There has been an overall move in recent years away from recurrence being the accepted default for sequence data, and towards attention and (often dilated) convolution taking up more space. I find this an interesting set of developments, and had hopes that this paper would address that arc. However, unfortunately, the title was quite out of sync with the actual focus of the paper - instead of addressing the contribution of attention mechanisms vs recurrence, or even directly addressing any of the particular ideas posed in the “Attention is All You Need” paper, this YMNNA instead takes aim at a more fundamental structural feature of translation models: the encoder/decoder structure. The basic idea of an encoder/decoder approach, in a translation paradigm, is that you process the entire source sentence before you start generating the tokens of the predicted, other-language target sentence. Initially, this would work by running a RNN over the full sentence, and using the final hidden state of that RNN as a compressed representation of the full sentence. More recently, the norm has been to use multiple layers of RNN, and to represent the source sentence via the hidden states at each timestep (so: as many hidden states as you have input tokens), and then at each step in the decoding process, calculate an attention-weighted average over all of those hidden states. But, fundamentally, both of these structures share the fact that some kind of global representation is calculated and made available to the decoder before it starts predicting words in the output sentence. This makes sense for a few reasons. First, and most obviously, languages aren’t naturally aligned with one another, in the sense of one word in language X corresponding to one word in language Y. It’s not possible for you to predict a word in the target sentence if its corresponding source sentence token has not yet been processed. For another, there can be contextual information from the sentence as a whole that can disambiguate between different senses of a word, which may have different translations - think Teddy Bear vs Teddy Roosevelt. However, this paper poses the question: how well can you do if you throw away this structure, and build a model that continually emits tokens of the target sequence as it reads in the source sentence? Using a recurrent model, the YMNNA model takes, at each timestep, the new source token, the previous target token, and the prior hidden state from the last time step of the RNN, and uses that to predict a token. However, that problem mentioned earlier - of languages not natively being aligned such that you have the necessary information to predict a word by the time you get to its point in the target sequence - hasn’t gone away, and is still alive and kicking. This paper solves it in a pretty unsatisfying way - by relying on an external tool, fast-align, that does the work of guessing which source tokens correspond to which target tokens, and inserting buffer tokens into the target, so that you don’t need to predict a word until it’s already been seen by the source-reading RNN; until then you just predict the buffer. This is fine and clever as a practical heuristic, but it really does make their comparisons against models that do alignment and translation jointly feel a little weak. https://i.imgur.com/Gitpxi7.png An additional heuristic that makes the overall narrative of the paper less compelling is the fact that, in order to get comparable performance to their baselines, they padded the target sequences with between 3 and 5 buffer tokens, meaning that the models learned that they could process the first 3-5 tokens of the sentence before they need to start emitting the target. Again, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with this, but, since they are consuming a portion of the sentence before they start emitting translations, it does make for a less stark comparison with the “read the whole sentence” encoder/decoder framework. A few other frustrations, and notes from the paper’s results section: As earlier mentioned, the authors don’t actually compare their work against the “Attention is All You Need” paper, but instead to a 2014 paper. This is confusing both in terms of using an old baseline for SOTA, and also in terms of their title implicitly arguing they are refuting a paper they didn’t compare to Comparing against their old baseline, their eager translation model performs worse on all sentences less than 60 tokens in length (which makes up the vast majority of all the sentences there are), and only beats the baseline on sentences > 60 tokens in length Additionally, they note as a sort of throwaway line that their model took almost three times as long to train as the baseline, with the same amount of parameters, simply because it took so much longer to converge. Being charitable, it seems like there is some argument that an eager translation framework performs well on long sentences, and can do so while only keeping a hidden state in memory, rather than having to keep the hidden states for each source sequence element around, like attention-based decoders require. However, overall, I found this paper to be a frustrating let-down, that used too many heuristics and hacks to be a compelling comparison to prior work.
The last two years have seen a number of improvements in the field of language model pretraining, and BERT - Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers - is the most recent entry into this canon. The general problem posed by language model pretraining is: can we leverage huge amounts of raw text, which aren’t labeled for any specific classification task, to help us train better models for supervised language tasks (like translation, question answering, logical entailment, etc)? Mechanically, this works by either 1) training word embeddings and then using those embeddings as input feature representations for supervised models, or 2) treating the problem as a transfer learning problem, and fine-tune to a supervised task - similar to how you’d fine-tune a model trained on ImageNet by carrying over parameters, and then training on your new task. Even though the text we’re learning on is strictly speaking unsupervised (lacking a supervised label), we need to design a task on which we calculate gradients in order to train our representations. For unsupervised language modeling, that task is typically structured as predicting a word in a sequence given prior words in that sequence. Intuitively, in order for a model to do a good job at predicting the word that comes next in a sentence, it needs to have learned patterns about language, both on grammatical and semantic levels. A notable change recently has been the shift from learning unconditional word vectors (where the word’s representation is the same globally) to contextualized ones, where the representation of the word is dependent on the sentence context it’s found in. All the baselines discussed here are of this second type. The two main baselines that the BERT model compares itself to are OpenAI’s GPT, and Peters et al’s ELMo. The GPT model uses a self-attention-based Transformer architecture, going through each word in the sequence, and predicting the next word by calculating an attention-weighted representation of all prior words. (For those who aren’t familiar, attention works by multiplying a “query” vector with every word in a variable-length sequence, and then putting the outputs of those multiplications into a softmax operator, which inherently gets you a weighting scheme that adds to one). ELMo uses models that gather context in both directions, but in a fairly simple way: it learns one deep LSTM that goes from left to right, predicting word k using words 0-k-1, and a second LSTM that goes from right to left, predicting word k using words k+1 onward. These two predictions are combined (literally: just summed together) to get a representation for the word at position k. https://i.imgur.com/2329e3L.png BERT differs from prior work in this area in several small ways, but one primary one: instead of representing a word using only information from words before it, or a simple sum of prior information and subsequent information, it uses the full context from before and after the word in each of its multiple layers. It also uses an attention-based Transformer structure, but instead of incorporating just prior context, it pulls in information from the full sentence. To allow for a model that actually uses both directions of context at a time in its unsupervised prediction task, the authors of BERT slightly changed the nature of that task: it replaces the word being predicted with the “mask” token, so that even with multiple layers of context aggregation on both sides, the model doesn’t have any way of knowing what the token is. By contrast, if it weren’t masked, after the first layer of context aggregation, the representations of other words in the sequence would incorporate information about the predicted word k, making it trivial, if another layer were applied on top of that first one, for the model to directly have access to the value it’s trying to predict. This problem can either be solved by using multiple layers, each of which can only see prior context (like GPT), by learning fully separate L-R and R-L models, and combining them at the final layer (like ELMo) or by masking tokens, and predicting the value of the masked tokens using the full remainder of the context. This task design crucially allows for a multi-layered bidirectional architecture, and consequently a much richer representation of context in each word’s pre-trained representation. BERT demonstrates dramatic improvements over prior work when fine tuned on a small amount of supervised data, suggesting that this change added substantial value. |
This recent paper, a collaboration involving some of the authors of MAML, proposes an intriguing application of techniques developed in the field of meta learning to the problem of unsupervised learning - specifically, the problem of developing representations without labeled data, which can then be used to learn quickly from a small amount of labeled data. As a reminder, the idea behind meta learning is that you train models on multiple different tasks, using only a small amount of data from each task, and update the model based on the test set performance of the model. The conceptual advance proposed by this paper is to adopt the broad strokes of the meta learning framework, but apply it to unsupervised data, i.e. data with no pre-defined supervised tasks. The goal of such a project is, as so often is the case with unsupervised learning, to learn representations, specifically, representations we believe might be useful over a whole distribution of supervised tasks. However, to apply traditional meta learning techniques, we need that aforementioned distribution of tasks, and we’ve defined our problem as being over unsupervised data. How exactly are we supposed to construct the former out of the latter? This may seem a little circular, or strange, or definitionally impossible: how can we generate supervised tasks without supervised labels? https://i.imgur.com/YaU1y1k.png The artificial tasks created by this paper are rooted in mechanically straightforward operations, but conceptually interesting ones all the same: it uses an off the shelf unsupervised learning algorithm to generate a fixed-width vector embedding of your input data (say, images), and then generates multiple different clusterings of the embedded data, and then uses those cluster IDs as labels in a faux-supervised task. It manages to get multiple different tasks, rather than just one - remember, the premise of meta learning is in models learned over multiple tasks - by randomly up and down-scaling dimensions of the embedding before clustering is applied. Different scalings of dimensions means different points close to one another, which means the partition of the dataset into different clusters. With this distribution of “supervised” tasks in hand, the paper simply applies previously proposed meta learning techniques - like MAML, which learns a model which can be quickly fine tuned on a new task, or prototypical networks, which learn an embedding space in which observations from the same class, across many possible class definitions are close to one another. https://i.imgur.com/BRcg6n7.png An interesting note from the evaluation is that this method - which is somewhat amusingly dubbed “CACTUs” - performs best relative to alternative baselines in cases where the true underlying class distribution on which the model is meta-trained is the most different from the underlying class distribution on which the model is tested. Intuitively, this makes reasonable sense: meta learning is designed to trade off knowledge of any given specific task against the flexibility to be performant on a new class division, and so it gets the most value from trade off where a genuinely dissimilar class split is seen during testing. One other quick thing I’d like to note is the set of implicit assumptions this model builds on, in the way it creates its unsupervised tasks. First, it leverages the smoothness assumptions of classes - that is, it assumes that the kinds of classes we might want our model to eventually perform on are close together, in some idealized conceptual space. While not a perfect assumption (there’s a reason we don’t use KNN over embeddings for all of our ML tasks) it does have a general reasonableness behind it, since rarely are the kinds of classes very conceptually heterogenous. Second, it assumes that a truly unsupervised learning method can learn a representation that, despite being itself sub-optimal as a basis for supervised tasks, is a well-enough designed feature space for the general heuristic of “nearby things are likely of the same class” to at least approximately hold. I find this set of assumptions interesting because they are so simplifying that it’s a bit of a surprise that they actually work: even if the “classes” we meta-train our model on are defined with simple Euclidean rules, optimizing to be able to perform that separation using little data does indeed seem to transfer to the general problem of “separating real world, messier-in-embedding-space classes using little data”. |
This paper argues for the use of normalizing flows - a way of building up new probability distributions by applying multiple sets of invertible transformations to existing distributions - as a way of building more flexible variational inference models. The central premise of a variational autoencoder is that of learning an approximation to the posterior distribution of latent variables - p(z|x) - and parameterizing that distribution according to values produced by a neural network. In typical practice, this has meant that VAEs are limited in terms of the complexity of latent variable distributions they can encode, since using an analytically specified distribution tends to limit you to simpler distributional shapes - Gaussians, uniform, and the like. Normalizing flows are here proposed as a way to allow for the model to learn more complex forms of posterior distribution. Normalizing flows work off of a fairly simple intuition: if you take samples from a distribution p(x), and then apply a function f(x) to each x in that sample, you can calculate the expected value of your new distribution f(x) by calculating the expectation of f(x) under the old distribution p(x). That is to say: https://i.imgur.com/NStm7zN.png This mathematical transformation has a pretty delightful name - The Law of the Unconscious Statistician - that came from the fact that so many statisticians just treated this identity as a definitional fact, rather than something actually in need of proving (I very much fall into this bucket as well). The implication of this is that if you apply many transformations in sequence to the draws from some simple distribution, you can work with that distribution without explicitly knowing its analytical formulation, just by being able to evaluate - and, importantly - invert the function. The ability to invert the function is key, because of the way you calculate the derivative: by taking the inverse of the determinant of the derivative of your function f(z) with respect to z. (Note here that q(z) is the original distribution you sampled under, and q’(z) is the implicit density you’re trying to estimate, after your function has been applied). https://i.imgur.com/8LmA0rc.png Combining these ideas together: a variational flow autoencoder works by having an encoder network define the parameters of a simple distribution (Gaussian or Uniform), and then running the samples from that distribution through a series of k transformation layers. This final transformed density over z is then given to the decoder to work with. Some important limitations are in place here, the most salient of which is that in order to calculate derivatives, you have to be able to calculate the determinant of the derivative of a given transformation. Due to this constraint, the paper only tests a few transformations where this is easy to calculate analytically - the planar transformation and radial transformation. If you think about transformations of density functions as fundamentally stretching or compressing regions of density, the planar transformation works by stretching along an axis perpendicular to some parametrically defined plane, and the radial transformation works by stretching outward in a radial way around some parametrically defined point. Even though these transformations are individually fairly simple, when combined, they can give you a lot more flexibility in distributional space than a simple Gaussian or Uniform could. https://i.imgur.com/Xf8HgHl.png |
This paper draws from two strains of recent work: the hierarchical music modeling of MusicVAE - which intentionally model musical structure at both local and more global levels - , and the discrete autoencoder approaches of Vector Quantized VAEs - which seek to maintain the overall structure of a VAE, but apply a less aggressive form of regularization. The goal of this paper is to build a model that can generate music, not from that music’s symbolic representation - lists of notes - but from actual waveform audio. This is a more difficult task because the model now has to learn mappings between waveforms and symbolic notes, but confers the advantage of being able to model expressive dimensions of music that are difficult to capture in a pure symbolic representation. Models of pure waveform data have been used before - Wavenet is a central example - but typically they are learned alongside some kind of text conditioning structure, which is to say, you tell the model to say “Hello there, world” and the model is only responsible for building local mappings between those phonemes and waveforms, not actually modeling coherent words to follow after “Hello”. To try to address this problem, the authors of the paper propose the solution of learning an autoencoded representation over the full music sample, to try to capture global structure. Each predicted value of the global structure sequence then represents some number of timesteps of the generated sequence: say, 20. The idea here is: learn a global model that produces 1/N (1/20, in this case) fewer sequence points, whose job is ensuring long term consistency. Then, the authors also suggest the use of a lower level decoder model that uses the conditioning information from the autoencoder, and, in a similar fashion to a text to speech wavenet, captures a high fidelity mapping between that conditioning and the output waveform. This overall structure has a lot in common with the recently released MusicVAE paper. The most salient architectural change proposed by this paper is that of Argmax VAEs, rather than VQ VAEs. Overall, the reason for training discrete autoencoders is to have a more easily adjustable way of regularizing the bottlenecked representation, to avoid the fact that for some challenging problems, excessively strong VAE regularization can lead to that high level representational space just not being used. To understand the difference, it’s worth understanding that VQ VAEs work by generating a continuous encoding vector (the same as a typical VAE) but then instead of passing that continuous vector itself directly on to the decoder, the VQ VAE instead fits what is basically a K means operation: it maps the continuous vector to one of it’s “prototypical” or “codebook” vectors based on closeness in Euclidean distance (these codebook vectors are learned in a separate trading loop, in a K Means style algorithm). The Argmax VAE is similar, but instead of needing to take that alternating step of learning the codebook vectors via K Means, it performs a much simpler quantization operation: just taking the argmax of indices across the continuous vector, so that the output is the one-hot vector closest to the continuous input. While this reduces the capacity of the model, it also limits the problem of “codebook collapse”, which is a failure mode that can happen during the K Means iteration (I’m actually not entirely clear on the prototypical example of codebook collapse, or exactly why it happens). https://i.imgur.com/H5YqSZG.png Combining these ideas together: this paper’s model works by learning an Argmax VAE over a larger and courser timeframe of the model, and then learning a local, high resolution decoder - similar to Wavenet - over the smaller time scales, conditioned on the output of the Argmax VAE making high level decisions. This combination balances the needs of coherent musical structure and local fidelity, and allows for different weighing of those trade-offs in a fairly flexible way, by changing the frequency at which you produce Argmax VAE conditioning output. |
A central question of this paper is: under what circumstances will you see agents that have been trained to optimize their own reward implement strategies - like tit for tat - that are are more sophisticated and higher overall reward than each agent simply pursuing its dominant strategy. The games under consideration here are “general sum” games like Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma, where each agent’s dominant strategy is to defect, but with some amount of coordination or reciprocity, better overall outcomes are possible. Previously, models have achieved this via explicit hardcoding, but this paper strove to use a simpler, more general approach: allowing each agent A to optimize its reward not only with regard to a fixed opponent, but with regard to an opponent that will make a predictable update move in response to the action A is about to take. Specifically, this model - shorthanded as LOLA, Learning with Opponent-Learning Awareness - maximizes a given agent’s expected discount reward, but looks at reward *conditional on* the ways the opponent will update to a given action. In a simplified world where the explicit reward function is known, it’s possible to literally take the derivative through the opponent’s expected update step, taking into account the ways your expected reward is changed by the response you expect of your opponent. Outside of this simplified framework, in the world of policy gradients, there’s no analytic loss function; you can no longer directly differentiate your reward function with respect to your opponent’s actions, but you can differentiate your expected reward estimator with respect to them. This concept is quite similar to a 2016 paper, Metz et al, that used this concept to train a more effective GAN, by allowing each network in the adversarial pair to “look ahead” to their opponent’s expected response as a way to avoid getting stuck in repetitive action/response cycles. In circumstances where the parameters of the opponent are not known - obviously closer to realistic for an adversarial scenario - the paper demonstrates proof of concept ability to model an opponent’s strategy based on their past actions, and use that to conduct response-step estimates. https://i.imgur.com/5xddJRj.png It should of course be said in all this: even though this setup did produce results closer to what we would expect in rational reciprocity, it’s still very simplified. In most of the experiments, each agent had perfect knowledge of the opponent’s priorities and likely responses; in most game theory scenarios, constructing a model of your opponent is a nontrivial part of the difficulty. Nonetheless, I found it a |
The overall goal of the paper is measure how similar different layer activation profiles are to one another, in hopes of being able to quantify the similarity of the representations that different layers are learning. If you had a measure that captured this, you could ask questions like: “how similar are the representations that are learned by different networks on the same task”, and “what is the dynamic of representational change in a given layer throughout training”? Canonical Correlation Analysis is one way of approaching this question, and the way taken by this paper. The premise of CCA is that you have two multidimensional variable sets, where each set is made up of vectors representing dimensions within that variable set. Concretely, in this paper, the sets under examination are the activation profiles of two layers (either the same layer at different points in training, or different layers in the same network, or layers in different networks). An activation profile is thought of in terms of multiple vectors, where each vector represents a given neuron’s activation value, evaluated over some observation set X. Importantly, for the two layers that you’re comparing, the set of observations X needs to be of the same length, but the layers can have different number of neurons (and, consequently, different numbers of vectors making up that layer’s multivariate set). Given this setup, the goal of CCA is to find vectors that are linear combinations of the basis vectors of each set, to satisfy some constraint. In that broad sense, this is similar to the project of PCA, which also constructs linear-combination principal components to better represent the underlying data space. However, in PCA, the constraints that define these combinations are based on one multidimensional feature space, not two. In CCA, instead of generating k principal components, you generate k *pairs* of canonical correlates. Each canonical correlate pair, (U1, V1) is a linear combination of the activation vectors of sets L1 and L2 respectively, and is chosen with the goal of minimizing the the angle (cosine) distance between the correlates in each pair. If you think about L1 and L2 each only having two activations (that is: if you think about them as being two-dimensional spaces) then the goal of CCA is to find the cosine distance between the planes defined by the two activation spaces. An important intuition here is that in this framing, vector sets that are just linear transformations of one another (scalings, rotations, swaps in the arbitrary order of activations) will look the same, which wouldn’t be the case if you just looked at raw correlations between the individual activations. This is connected to the linear algebra idea that, if you have two vectors, and a third that is just a linear combination of the first two, the span of those vectors is still just that two-dimensional space. This property is important for the analysis of neural network representations because it means it will be able to capture similarities between representational spaces that have fundamental geometric similarities, even if they’re different on a more surface level. In prior papers, CCA had been used by calculating the CCA vectors between varying sets of layers, and then taking the mean CCA value over all of the pairs of vectors. This paper argues against that approach, on the theory that network layers are probably not using the full representational capacity of their activation dimensions (think, as analogy: a matrix with three columns, that only actually spans two), and so including in your average very low-order correlations is mostly adding uninformative noise to your similarity measure. Instead, this paper weights the correlation coefficients according to the magnitudes of the correlate vectors in the pair; as best I can tell, this is roughly analogous to weighting according to eigenvalues, in a PCA setting. Using this weighted-average similarity measure, the authors do some really interesting investigations into learning dynamics. These include: * Comparing the intermediate-layer representations learned by networks that achieve low train error via memorization vs via actually-generalizing solutions, and show that, during training, the intermediate representations of generalizing networks are more similar to one another than memorizing networks are to one another. Intuitively, this aligns with the idea that there are many ways to noisily memorize, but a more constrained number of ways to actually learn meaningful information about a dataset. A super interesting implication of this is the idea that representational similarity *on the training set* across multiple bootstrapped or randomized trainings could be used as a proxy for test set performance, which could be particularly valuable in contexts where test data is limited https://i.imgur.com/JwyHFmN.png * Across networks, lower layers tend to be more similar to one another than layers closer to the output; said another way, the very simple (e.g. edge detectors) tend to be quite similar across networks, but the higher level representations are more divergent and influenceable by smaller quirks of the training set. * Within a given dataset, you can cluster learned internal representations across many training sets and recover groups trained with the same learning rate, even though the final layer softmax is inherently similar across models that achieve the same training error. This implies that metrics like this can give us some idea of the different minima that the optimization algorithm finds, as a function of different learning rates. Overall, I found this paper a great example of a straightforward idea used to clearly answer important and interesting questions, which is always refreshing amidst a sea of “tiny hack for an extra 0.05 accuracy”. |
This paper describes an architecture designed for generating class predictions based on a set of features in situations where you may only have a few examples per class, or, even where you see entirely new classes at test time. Some prior work has approached this problem in ridiculously complex fashion, up to and including training a network to predict the gradient outputs of a meta-network that it thinks would best optimize loss, given a new class. The method of Prototypical Networks prides itself on being much simpler, and more intuitive, so I hope I’ll be able to convey that in this explanation. In order to think about this problem properly, it makes sense to take a few steps back, and think about some fundamental assumptions that underly machine learning. https://i.imgur.com/Q45w0QT.png One very basic one is that you need some notion of similarity between observations in your training set, and potential new observations in your test set, in order to properly generalize. To put it very simplistically, if a test example is very similar to examples of class A that we saw in training, we might predict it to be of class A at testing. But what does it *mean* for two observations to be similar to one another? If you’re using a method like K Nearest Neighbors, you calculate a point’s class identity based on the closest training-set observations to it in Euclidean space, and you assume that nearness in that space corresponds to likelihood of two data points having come the same class. This is useful for the use case of having new classes show up after training, since, well, there isn’t really a training period: the strategy for KNN is just carrying your whole training set around, and, whenever a new test point comes along, calculating it’s closest neighbors among those training-set points. If you see a new class in the wild, all you need to do is add the examples of that class to your group of training set points, and then after a few examples, if your assumptions hold, you’ll be able to predict that class by (hopefully) finding those two or three points as neighbors. But what if some dimensions of your feature space matter much more than others for differentiating between classes? In a simplistic example, you could have twenty features, but, unbeknownst to you, only one is actually useful for separating out your classes, and the other 19 are random. If you use the naive KNN assumption, you wouldn’t expect to perform well here, because you will have distances in these 19 meaningless directions spreading out your points, due to randomness, more than the meaningful dimension spread them out due to belonging to different classes. And what if you want to be able to learn non-linear relationships between your features, which the composability of multi-layer neural networks lends itself well to? In cases like those, the features you were handed may be a woefully suboptimal metric space in which to calculate a kind of similarity that corresponds to differences in class identity, so you’ll just have to strike out for the territories and create a metric space for yourself. That is, at a very high level, what this paper seeks to do: learn a transformation between input features and some vector space, such that distances in that vector space correspond as well as possible to probabilities of belonging to a given output class. You may notice me using “vector space” and “embedding” similarity; they are the same idea: the result of that learned transformation, which represents your input observations as dense vectors in some p-dimensional space, where p is a chosen hyperparameter. What are the concrete learning steps this architecture goes through? 1. During each training episode, sample a subset of classes, and then divide those classes into training examples, and query examples 2. Using a set of weights that are being learned by the network, map the input features of each training example into a vector space. 3. Once all training examples are mapped into the space, calculate a “mean vector” for class A by averaging all of the embeddings of training examples that belong to class A. This is the “prototype” for class A, and once we have it, we can forget the values of the embedded examples that were averaged to create it. This is a nice update on the KNN approach, since the number of parameters we need to carry around to evaluate is only (num-dimensions) * (num-classes), rather than (num-dimensions) * (num-training-examples). 4. Then, for each query example, map it into the embedding space, and use a distance metric in that space to create a softmax over possible classes. (You can just think of a softmax as a network’s predicted probability, it’s a set of floats that add up to 1). 5. Then, you can calculate the (cross-entropy) error between the true output and that softmax prediction vector in the same way as you would for any classification network 6. Add up the prediction loss for all the query examples, and then backpropogate through the network to update your weights The overall effect of this process is to incentivize your network to learn, not necessarily a good prediction function, but a good metric space. The idea is that, if the metric space is good enough, and the classes are conceptually similar to each other (i.e. car vs chair, as opposed to car vs the-meaning-of-life), a space that does well at causing similar observed classes to be close to one another will do the same for classes not seen during training. I admit to not being sufficiently familiar with the datasets used for testing to have a sense for how well this method compares to more fully supervised classification schemes; if anyone does, definitely let me know! But the paper claims to get state of the art results compared to other approaches in this domain of few-shot learning (matching networks, and the aforementioned meta-learning). One interesting note is that the authors found that squared Euclidean distance, when applied within the embedded space, worked meaningfully better than cosine distance (which is a more standard way of measuring distances between vectors, since it measures only angle, rather than magnitude). They suspect that this is because Euclidean distance, but not cosine distance belongs to a category of divergence/distance metrics (called Bregman Divergences) that have a special set of properties such that the point closest on aggregate to all points in a cluster is the average of all those points. If you want to dive way deep into the minutia on this point, I found this blog post quite good: http://mark.reid.name/blog/meet-the-bregman-divergences.html
The core goal of this paper is to perform in an unsupervised (read: without parallel texts) way what other machine translation researchers had previously only effectively performed in a supervised way: the creation of a word-to-word translational mapping between natural languages. To frame the problem concretely: the researchers start with word embeddings learned in each language independently, and their desired output is a set of nearest neighbors for a source word that contains the true target (i.e. translated) word as often a possible. An interesting bit of background for this paper is that Mikilov, who was the initial progenitor of the word embedding approach, went on to posit, based on experiments he’d conducted, that the embeddings produced by different languages share characteristics in vector space, such that one could expect a linear translation (i.e. taking a set of points and rotating, shifting, and/or scaling them) to be able to map from one language to another. This assumption is relied on heavily in this paper. A notional note: when I refer to “a mapped source embedding” or “mapped source”, that just means that a matrix transformation, captured in a weight matrix W, is being used to do some form of rotation, scaling, or shifting, to “map” between the source embedding space and the shared space. The three strategies this paper employs are: 1. Using adversarial training to try to force the distributions of the embeddings in source and target languages to be similar to one another 2. Taking examples where method (1) has high confidence, and borrowing a method from supervised word-to-word translation, called the Procrustes method, to further optimize the mapping into the shared vector space 3. Calculating the nearest neighbors of a source word using an approach they develop called “Cross-Domain Similarity Local Scaling”. At a high level, this conducts nearest neighbors, but “normalizes” for density, so that, on an intuitive level, it’s basically scaling distances up in dense regions of the space, and scaling them down in sparse regions Focusing on (1) first, the notion here goes back to that assumption I mentioned earlier: that internal relationships within embedding space are similar across languages, such that if you able to align the overall distributions of target embedding with a mapped source embedding, then you might - if you take Mikilov’s assumption seriously - reasonably expect this to push words in the mapped-source space close to their corresponding words in target space. And this does work, to some degree, but the researchers found that this approach on it’s own didn’t get them to where they wanted to be in terms of accuracy. To further refine the mapping created by the adversarial training, the authors use something called the “Procrustes Method”. They go into it in more detail in the paper, but at a high level, it turns out that if you’re trying to solve the problem of minimizing the sum of squared distances between a mapped-source embedding and a target embedding, assuming that that mapping is linear, and that you want the weight matrix to be orthogonal, that problem reduces to doing the singular value decomposition of the matrix of source embeddings multiplied by the (transposed) matrix of target embeddings, for a set of ground truth shared words. Now, you may reasonably note: this is an unsupervised method, we don’t have access to ground truth embeddings across languages. And you would be correct. So, here, what the authors do is take words that are *mutual* nearest neighbors (according to the CSLS metric of nearest neighbors I’ll describe in (3) ) after conducting their adversarially-learned rotation, and take that mutual-nearest-neighbor-dom as a marker of high confidence in that word pair. They took these mutually-nearest-neighbor pairs, and used those as “ground truth” to conduct this singular value decomposition, which was applied on top of the adversarially-learned rotation to get to their final mapping. (3) is described well in equation form in the paper itself, and is just a way of constructing a similarity metric between a mapped-source embedding and a target embedding that does some clever normalization. Specifically, it takes two times the (cosine) distance between Ws (mapped source) and t (target), and subtracts out the average (cosine) distance of Ws to its k nearest target words, as well as the (average) cosine distance of t to its k nearest source words. In this way, it normalizes the distance between Ws and t based on how dense each of their neighborhoods is. Using all of these approaches together, the authors really do get quite impressive performance. For EN-ES, ES-EN, EN-FR, FR-EN, EN-DE, DE-EN, and EO (Esperanto)-EN, the performance of the adversarial method is within 0.5 accuracy score of the supervised method, with the adversarial method being higher in 5 of those 7 cases (note: I read this as "functionally equivalent"). Interestingly, though, for EN-RU, RU-EN, EN-CHN, and CHN-EN, the adversarial method was dramatically less effective, with accuracy deltas ranging from 5 to 10 points between the adversarial and the supervised method, with the supervised method prevailing in all cases. This suggests that the assumption of a simple linear mapping between the vector spaces of different languages may be a more valid one when the languages are more closely related, and thus closer in their structure. I'd be really interested in any experiments that try to actually confirm this by testing on a wider array of languages, or testing on subgroups of languages that are closer or farther (i.e. you would expect ES-FR to do even better than EN-FR, and you would expect ES-DE to do worse than EN-DE). |
A finding first publicized by Geoff Hinton is the fact that, when you train a simple, lower capacity module on the probability outputs of another model, you can often get a model that has comparable performance, despite that lowered capacity. Another, even more interesting finding is that, if you take a trained model, and train a model with identical structure on its probability outputs, you can often get a model with better performance than the original teacher, with quicker convergence. This paper addresses, and tries to specifically test, a few theories about why this effect might be observed. One idea is that the "student" model can learn more quickly because getting to see the full probability distribution over a well-trained models outputs gives it a more valuable signal, specifically because the trained model is able to better rank the classes that aren't the true class. For example, if you're training on Imagenet, on an image of a huskies, you're only told "this is a husky (1), and not one of 100 other classes, which are all 0". Whereas a trained model might say "'this is most likely a husky, but the probability of wolf is way higher than that of teapot". This inherently gives you more useful signal to train on, because you’re given a full distribution of classes that an image is most like. This theory goes by the name of the “Dark Knowledge” theory (a truly delightful name), because it pulls all of this knowledge that is hidden in a 0/1 label into the light. An alternative explanation for the strong performance of distillation techniques is that the student model is just benefitting from the implicit importance weighting of having a stronger gradient on examples where the teacher model is more confident. You could think of this as leading the student towards examples that are the most clear or unambiguous examples of a class, rather than more fuzzy and uncertain ones. Along with a few other tests (which I won’t address here, for sake of time and focus), the authors design a few experiments to test these possible mechanisms of action. The first test involved doing an explicit importance weighting of examples according to how confident the teacher model is, but including no information about the incorrect classes. The second was similar, but instead involved perturbing the probabilities of the classes that weren’t the max probability. In this situation, the student model gets some information in terms of the overall magnitudes of the not-max class, but can’t leverage it as usefully because it’s been randomized. In both situations, they found that there still was some value - in other words, that the student outperformed the teacher - but it outperformed by less than the case where the teacher could see the full probability distribution. This supports the case that both the inclusion of probabilities for the less probable classes, as well as the “confidence weighting” effect of weighting the student to learn more from examples on which the “teacher” model was more confident. |
Last year, a machine translation paper came out, with an unfortunately un-memorable name (the Transformer network) and a dramatic proposal for sequence modeling that eschewed both Recurrent NNN and Convolutional NN structures, and, instead, used self-attention as its mechanism for “remembering” or aggregating information from across an input. Earlier this month, the same authors released an extension of that earlier paper, called Image Transformer, that applies the same attention-only approach to image generation, and also achieved state of the art performance there. The recent paper offers a framing of attention that I find valuable and compelling, and that I’ll try to explicate here. They describe attention as being a middle ground between the approaches of CNNs and RNNs, and one that, to use an over-abused cliche, gets the best of both worlds. CNNs are explicitly local: each convolutional filter only gathers information from the cells that fall in specific locations along some predefined grid. And, because convolutional filters have a unique parameter for every relative location in the grid they’re applied to, increasing the size of any given filter’s receptive field would engender an exponential increase in parameters: to go from a 3x3 grid to a 4x4 one, you go from 9 parameters to 16. Convolutional networks typically increase their receptive field through the mechanism of adding additional layers, but there is still this fundamental limitation that for a given number of layers, CNNs will be fairly constrained in their receptive field. On the other side of the receptive field balance, we have RNNs. RNNs have an effectively unlimited receptive field, because they just apply one operation again and again: take in a new input, and decide to incorporate that information into the hidden state. This gives us the theoretical ability to access things from the distant past, because they’re stored somewhere in the hidden state. However, each element is only seen once and needs to be stored in the hidden state in a way that sort of “averages over” all of the ways it’s useful for various points in the decoding/translation process. (My mental image basically views RNN hidden state as packing for a long trip in a small suitcase: you have to be very clever about what you decide to pack, averaging over all the possible situations you might need to be prepared for. You can’t go back and pull different things into your suitcase as a function of the situation you face; you had to have chosen to add them at the time you encountered them). All in all, RNNs are tricky both because they have difficulty storing information efficiently over long time frames, and also because they can be monstrously slow to train, since you have to run through the full sequence to built up hidden state, and can’t chop it into localized bits the way you can with CNNs. So, between CNN - with its locally-specific hidden state - and RNN - with its large receptive field but difficulty in information storage - the self-attention approach interposes itself. Attention works off of three main objects: a query, and a set of keys, each one is attached to a value. In general, all of these objects take the form of vectors. For a given query, you calculate its similarity with each key, and then normalize those into a distribution (a set of weights, all of which sum to 1) that is used as the weights in calculating a weighted average of the values. As a motivating example, think of a model that is “unrolling” or decoding a translated sentence. In order to translate a sentence properly, the model needs to “remember” not only the conceptual content of the sentence, but what it has already generated. So, at each given point in the unrolling, the model can “query” the past and get a weighted distribution over what’s relevant to it in its current context. In the original Transformer, and also in the new one, the models use “multi-headed attention”, which I think is best compared to convolution filters: in the same way that you learn different convolution filters, each with different parameters, to pick up on different features, you learn different “heads” of the attention apparatus for the same purpose. To go back to our CNN - Attention - RNN schematic from earlier: Attention makes it a lot easier to query a large receptive field, since you don’t need an additional set of learned parameters for each location you expand to; you just use the same query weights and key weights you use for every other key and query. And, it allows you to contextually extract information from the past, depending on the needs you have right now. That said, it’s still the case that it becomes infeasible to make the length of the past you calculate your attention distribution over excessively long, but that cost is in terms of computation, not additional parameters, and thus is a question of training time, rather than essential model complexity, the way additional parameters is. Jumping all the way back up the stack, to the actual most recent image paper, this question of how best to limit the receptive field is one of the more salient questions, since it still is the case that conducting attention over every prior pixel would be a very large number of calculations. The Image Transformer paper solves this in a slightly hacky way: by basically subdividing the image into chunks, and having each chunk operate over the same fixed memory region (rather than scrolling the memory region with each pixel shift) to take better advantage of the speed of batched big matrix multiplies. Overall, this paper showed an advantage for the Image Transformer approach relevative to PixelCNN autoregressive generation models, and cited the ability for a larger receptive field during generation - without explosion in number of parameters - as the most salient reason why. |
It’s a commonly understood problem in Reinforcement Learning: that it is difficult to fully specify your exact reward function for an agent you’re training, especially when that agent will need to operate in conditions potentially different than those it was trained in. The canonical example of this, used throughout the Inverse Rewards Design paper, is that of an agent trained on an environment of grass and dirt, that now encounters an environment with lava. In a typical problem setup, the agent would be indifferent to passing or not passing over the lava, because it was never disincentivized from doing so during training. The fundamental approach this paper takes is to explicitly assume that there exists a program designer who gave the agent some proxy reward, and that that proxy reward is a good approximation of the true reward on training data, but might not be so on testing. This framing, of the reward as a noisy signal, allows the model to formalize its uncertainty about scenarios where the proxy reward might be a poor mapping to the real one. The way the paper tests this is through a pretty simplified model. In the example, the agent is given a reward function expressed by a weighting of different squares it could navigate into: it has a strong positive weight on dirt, and a strong negative one on grass. The agent then enters an environment where there is lava, which, implicitly, it has a 0 penalty for in its rewards function. However, it’s the case that, if you integrate over all possible weight values for “lava”, none of them would have produced different behavior over the training trajectories. Thus, if you assume high uncertainty, and adopt a risk-averse policy where under cases of uncertainty you assume bad outcomes, this leads to avoiding values of the environment feature vector that you didn’t have data weighting against during training. Overall, the intuition of this paper makes sense to me, but it’s unclear to me if the formulation it uses generalizes outside of a very trivial setting, where your reward function is an explicit and given function of your feature vectors, rather than (as is typical) a scalar score not explicitly parametrized by the states of game prior to the very last one. It’s certainly possible that it might, but, I don’t feel like I quite have the confidence to say at this point. |
This paper has an unusual and interesting goal, compared to those I more typically read: it wants to develop a “translation” between the messages produced by a model, and natural language used by a human. More specifically, the paper seeks to do this in the context of an two-player game, where one player needs to communicate information to the other. A few examples of this are: - Being shown a color, and needing to communicate to your partner so they can choose that color - Driving, in an environment where you can’t see the other car, but you have to send a coordinating message so that you don’t collide Recently, people have started training multi-agent that play games like these, where they send “message” vectors back and forth, in a way fully integrated with the rest of the backpropogation procedure. From just observing the agents’ actions, it’s not necessarily clear which communication strategy they’re using. That’s why this paper poses as an explicit problem: how can we map between the communication vectors produced by the agents and the words that would be produced by a human in a similar environment? Interestingly, the paper highlights two different ways you could think about structuring a translation objective. The first is “pragmatic interpretation,” under which you optimize what you communicate about something according to the operation that needs to be performed afterwards. To make that more clear, take a look at the attached picture. Imagine that player one is shown a shape, and needs to use a phrase from the bottom language (based on how many sides the shape has) to describe it to player two, who then needs to guess the size of the shape (big or small), and is rewarded for guessing correctly. Because “many” corresponds to both a large and a small shape, the strategy that optimizes the action that player two takes, conditional on getting player one’s message, is to lie and describe a hexagon as “few”, since that will lead to correct inference about the size of the shape, which is what’s most salient here. This example shows how, if you optimize a translation mapping by trying to optimize the reward that the post-translation agent can get, you might get a semantically incorrect translation. That might be good for the task at hand, but, because it leaves you with incorrect beliefs about the true underlying mapping, it will generalize poorly to different tasks. The alternate approach, championed by the paper, is to train a translation such that the utterances in both languages are similar insofar as, conditional on hearing them, and having some value for their own current state, the listening player arrives at similar beliefs about the current state of the player sending the message. This is mathematically framed as by defining a metric q, representing the quality of the translation between two z vectors, as: “taking an expectation over all possible contextual states of (player 1, player 2), what is the difference between the distribution of beliefs about the state of player 1 (the sending player) induced in player 2 by hearing each of the z vectors. Because taking the full expectation over this joint distribution is intractable, the approach is instead done by sampling. These equations require that you have reasonable models of human language, and understanding of human language, in the context of games. To do this, the authors used two types of datasets: 1. Linguistic descriptions of objects of things, like the xkcd color dataset. Here, the player’s hidden state is the color that they are trying to describe using some communication scheme. 2. Mechanical turk game runs playing the aforementioned driver game, where they have to communicate to the other driver. Here, the player’s “hidden state” represents a combination of its current location and intentions. From these datasets, they can train simple emulator models that learn “what terms is a human most likely to use for a given color” [p(z|x)], and “what colors will a human guess, conditional on those terms”. The paper closes by providing a proof as to how much reward-based value is lost by optimizing for the true semantic meaning, rather than the most pragmatically useful translation. They find that there is a bound on the gap, and that, in many empirical cases, the observed gap is quite small. Overall, this paper was limited in scope, but provided an interesting conceptual framework for thinking about how you might structure a translation, and the different implications that structure might have on your results. |
At NIPS 2017, Ali Rahimi was invited on stage to give a keynote after a paper he was on received the “Test of Time” award. While there, in front of several thousand researchers, he gave an impassioned argument for more rigor: more small problems to validate our assumptions, more visibility into why our optimization algorithms work the way they do. The now-famous catchphrase of the talk was “alchemy”; he argued that the machine learning community has been effective at finding things that work, but less effective at understanding why the techniques we use work. A central example he used in his talk is that of Batch Normalization: a now nearly-universal step in optimizing deep nets, but one where our accepted explanation of “reducing internal covariate shift” is less rigorous than one might hope. With apologies for the long preamble, this is the context in which today’s paper is such a welcome push in the direction of what Rahimi was advocating for - small, focused experimentation that tries to build up knowledge from principles, and, specifically, asks the question: “Does Batch Norm really work via reducing covariate shift”. To answer the question of whether internal covariate shift is a likely mechanism of the - empirically very solid - improved performance of Batch Norm, the authors do a few simple experience. First, and most straightforwardly, they train a basic convolutional net with and without BatchNorm, pick a layer, and visualize the activation distribution of that layer over time, both in the Batch Norm and non-Batch Norm case. While they saw the expected performance boost, the Batch Norm case didn’t seem to be meaningfully more stable over time, relative to the normal case. Second, the authors tested what would happen if they added non-zero-mean random noise *after* Batch Norm in the network. The upshot of this was that they were explicitly engineering internal covariate shift, and, if control thereof was the primary useful purpose of Batch Norm, you would expect that to neutralize BN’s good performance. In this experiment, while the authors did indeed see noisier, less stable activation distributions in the noise + BN case (in particular: look at layer 13 activations in the attached image), but noisy BN performed nearly as well as non-noisy, and meaningfully better than the standard model without noise, but also without BN. As a final test, they approached the idea of “internal covariate shift” from a different definitional standpoint. Maybe a better way of thinking about it is in terms of stability of your gradients, in the face of updates made by lower layers of the network. That is to say: each parameter of the network pushes itself in the direction of lower loss all else held equal, but in practice, you change lower-level parameters simultaneously, which could cause the directional change the higher-layer parameter thought it needed to be off. So, the authors calculated the “gradient delta” between the gradient the model trains on, and what the gradient would be if you estimated it *after* all of the lower layers of the model had updated, such that the distribution of inputs to that layer has changed. Although the expectation would be that this gradient delta is smaller for batch norm, in fact, the authors found that, if anything, the opposite was true. So, in the face of none of these ideas panning out, the authors then introduce the best idea they’ve found for what motivates BN’s improved performance: a smoothing out of the loss function that SGD is optimizing. A smoother curve means, generally speaking, that the magnitudes of your gradients will be smaller, and also that the value of the gradient will change more slowly (i.e. low second derivative). As support for this idea, they show really different results for BN vs standard models in terms of, for example, how predictive a gradient at one point is of a gradient taken after you take a step in the direction of the first gradient. BN has meaningfully more predictive gradients, tied to lower variance in the values of the loss function in the direction of the gradient. The logic for why the mechanism of BN would cause this outcome is a bit tied up in math that’s hard to explain without LaTeX visuals, but basically comes from the idea that Batch Norm decreases the magnitude of the gradient of each layer output with respect to individual weight parameters, by averaging out those magnitudes over the batch. As Rahimi said in his initial talk, a lot of modern modeling is “applying brittle optimization techniques to loss surfaces we don’t understand.” And, by and large, that is in fact true: it’s devilishly difficult to get a good handle on what loss surfaces are doing when they’re doing it in several-million-dimensional space. But, it being hard doesn’t mean we should just give up on searching for principles we can build our understanding on, and I think this paper is a really fantastic example of how that can be done well.
If you were to survey researchers, and ask them to name the 5 most broadly influential ideas in Machine Learning from the last 5 years, I’d bet good money that Batch Normalization would be somewhere on everyone’s lists. Before Batch Norm, training meaningfully deep neural networks was an unstable process, and one that often took a long time to converge to success. When we added Batch Norm to models, it allowed us to increase our learning rates substantially (leading to quicker training) without the risk of activations either collapsing or blowing up in values. It had this effect because it addressed one of the key difficulties of deep networks: internal covariate shift. To understand this, imagine the smaller problem, of a one-layer model that’s trying to classify based on a set of input features. Now, imagine that, over the course of training, the input distribution of features moved around, so that, perhaps, a value that was at the 70th percentile of the data distribution initially is now at the 30th. We have an obvious intuition that this would make the model quite hard to train, because it would learn some mapping between feature values and class at the beginning of training, but that would become invalid by the end. This is, fundamentally, the problem faced by higher layers of deep networks, since, if the distribution of activations in a lower layer changed even by a small amount, that can cause a “butterfly effect” style outcome, where the activation distributions of higher layers change more dramatically. Batch Normalization - which takes each feature “channel” a network learns, and normalizes [normalize = subtract mean, divide by variance] it by the mean and variance of that feature over spatial locations and over all the observations in a given batch - helps solve this problem because it ensures that, throughout the course of training, the distribution of inputs that a given layer sees stays roughly constant, no matter what the lower layers get up to. On the whole, Batch Norm has been wildly successful at stabilizing training, and is now canonized - along with the likes of ReLU and Dropout - as one of the default sensible training procedures for any given network. However, it does have its difficulties and downsides. One salient one of these comes about when you train using very small batch sizes - in the range of 2-16 examples per batch. Under these circumstance, the mean and variance calculated off of that batch are noisy and high variance (for the general reason that statistics calculated off of small sample sizes are noisy and high variance), which takes away from the stability that Batch Norm is trying to provide. One proposed alternative to Batch Norm, that didn’t run into this problem of small sample sizes, is Layer Normalization. This operates under the assumption that the activations of all feature “channels” within a given layer hopefully have roughly similar distributions, and, so, you an normalize all of them by taking the aggregate mean over all channels, *for a given observation*, and use that as the mean and variance you normalize by. Because there are typically many channels in a given layer, this means that you have many “samples” that go into the mean and variance. However, this assumption - that the distributions for each feature channel are roughly the same - can be an incorrect one. A useful model I have for thinking about the distinction between these two approaches is the idea that both are calculating approximations of an underlying abstract notion: the in-the-limit mean and variance of a single feature channel, at a given point in time. Batch Normalization is an approximation of that insofar as it only has a small sample of points to work with, and so its estimate will tend to be high variance. Layer Normalization is an approximation insofar as it makes the assumption that feature distributions are aligned across channels: if this turns out not to be the case, individual channels will have normalizations that are biased, due to being pulled towards the mean and variance calculated over an aggregate of channels that are different than them. Group Norm tries to find a balance point between these two approaches, one that uses multiple channels, and normalizes within a given instance (to avoid the problems of small batch size), but, instead of calculating the mean and variance over all channels, calculates them over a group of channels that represents a subset. The inspiration for this idea comes from the fact that, in old school computer vision, it was typical to have parts of your feature vector that - for example - represented a histogram of some value (say: localized contrast) over the image. Since these multiple values all corresponded to a larger shared “group” feature. If a group of features all represent a similar idea, then their distributions will be more likely to be aligned, and therefore you have less of the bias issue. One confusing element of this paper for me was that the motivation part of the paper strongly implied that the reason group norm is sensible is that you are able to combine statistically dependent channels into a group together. However, as far as I an tell, there’s no actually clustering or similarity analysis of channels that is done to place certain channels into certain groups; it’s just done so semi-randomly based on the index location within the feature channel vector. So, under this implementation, it seems like the benefits of group norm are less because of any explicit seeking out of dependant channels, and more that just having fewer channels in each group means that each individual channel makes up more of the weight in its group, which does something to reduce the bias effect anyway. The upshot of the Group Norm paper, results-wise, is that Group Norm performs better than both Batch Norm and Layer Norm at very low batch sizes. This is useful if you’re training on very dense data (e.g. high res video), where it might be difficult to store more than a few observations in memory at a time. However, once you get to batch sizes of ~24, Batch Norm starts to do better, presumably since that’s a large enough sample size to reduce variance, and you get to the point where the variance of BN is preferable to the bias of GN. |
I have a lot of fondness for this paper as a result of its impulse towards clear explanations, simplicity, and pushing back against complexity for complexity’s sake. The goal of the paper is pretty straightforward. Long Short Term Memory networks (LSTM) work by having a memory vector, and pulling information into and out of that vector through a gating system. These gates take as input the context of the network at a given timestep (the prior hidden state, and the current input), apply weight matrices and a sigmoid activation, and produce “mask” vectors with values between 0 and 1. A typical LSTM learns three separate gates: a “forget” gate that controls how much of the old memory vector is remembered, an “input” gate that controls how much new contextual information is added to the memory, an “output” gate that controls how much of the output (a sum of the gated memory information, and the gated input information) is passed outward into a hidden state context that’s visible to the rest of the network. Note here that “hidden” is an unfortunate word here, since this is actually the state that is visible to the rest of the network, whereas the “memory” vector is only visible to the next-step memory updating calculations. Also note that “forget gate” is an awkward name insofar as the higher the value of the forget gate, the more that the model *remembers* of its past memory. This is confusing, but we appear to be stuck with this terminology The Gated Recurrent Unit, or GRU, did away with the output gate. In this system, the difference between “hidden” and “memory” vectors is removed, and so the network no longer has separate information channels for communicating with subsequent layers, and simple memory passed to future timesteps. On a wide range of problems, the GRU has performed comparably to the LSTM. This makes the authors ask: if a two-gate model can do as well, can a single gate model? In particular: how well does a LSTM-style model perform, if it only has a forget gate. The answer, to not bury the probably-obvious lede, is: quite well. Models that only have a forget gate perform comparably to or better than traditional LSTM models for the tasks at which they were tried. On a mechanical level, not having an input gate means that, instead of having individual scaling for “how much old memory do you remember” and “how much new context do you take in”, so that those values could be, for example, 0.2 and 0.15, these numbers are defined as a convex combination of a single value, which is the forget gate. That’s a fancy way of saying: we calculate some x between 0 and 1, and that’s the weight on the forget gate, and then (1-x) is the weight on the input gate. This model, for reasons that are entirely unjustified, and obviously the result of some In Joke, is called JANET, because with a single gate, it’s Just Another NETwork. Image is attached to prove I’m Not Making This Shit Up. The authors go down a few pathways of explaining why this forget-only model performs well, of which the most compelling is that it gives the model an easier and more efficient way to learn a skip connection, where information is passed down more or less intact to a future point in the model. It’s more straightforward to learn because the “skip-ness” of the connection, or, how strongly the information wants to propogate into the future, is just controlled by one set of parameters, and not a complex interaction of input, forget, and output. An interesting side investigation they perform is how the initialization of the bias term in the forget gate (which is calculated by applying weights to the input and former hidden state, and then adding a constant bias term) effects a model’s ability to learn long term dependencies. In particular, they discuss the situation where the model gets some signal, and then a long string of 0 values. If the bias term of the model is quite low, then all of those 0 values being used to calculate the forget gate will mean that only the bias is left, and the more times the bias is multiplied by itself, the smaller and closer to 0 it gets. The paper suggests initializing the bias of the forget gate according to the longest dependencies you expect the model to have, with the idea that you should more strongly bias your model towards remembering old information, regardless of what new information comes in, if you expect long term dependencies to be strongly relevant. |
The general goal of meta-learning systems is to learn useful shared structure across a broad distribution of tasks, in such a way that learning on a new task can be faster. Some of the historical ways this has been done have been through initializations (i.e. initializing the network at a point such that it is easy to further optimize on each individual task, drawn from some distribution of tasks), and recurrent network structures (where you treat the multiple timesteps of a recurrent network as the training iterations on a single task, and train the recurrent weights of the network based on generalization performance on a wide range of tasks). This paper proposes a different approach: a learned proxy loss function. The idea here is that, often, early in the learning process, handcoded rewards aren’t the best or most valuable signal to use to guide a network, both because they may be high variance, and because they might not natively incentivize things like exploration rather than just exploitation. A better situation would be if we had some more far-sighted loss function we could use, that had proved to be a good proxy over a variety of different rewards. This is exactly what this method proposes to give us. Training consists of an inner loop, and an outer loop. Each instantiation of the inner loop corresponds to a single RL task, drawn from a distribution over tasks (for example, all tasks involving the robot walking to a position, with a single instantiated task being the task of walking to one specific position). Within the inner loop, we apply a typical policy gradient loop of optimizing the parameters of our policy, except, instead of expected rewards, we optimize our policy parameters according to a loss function we specifically parametrize. Within the outer loop, we take as signal the final reward on the trained policy on this task, and use that to update our parametrized loss. This parametrized loss is itself a neural network, that takes in the agent’s most recent set of states, actions, and rewards at a rolling window of recent timesteps, and performs temporal convolutions on those, to get a final loss value out the other side. In short, this auxiliary network takes in information about the agent’s recent behavior, and outputs an assessment of how well the agent is doing according to this longer-view loss criteria. Because it’s not possible to directly formulate the test performance of a policy in terms of the loss function that was used to train the policy (which would be necessary for backprop), the weights of this loss-calculating network are instead learned via evolutionary strategies. At a zoomed-out level of complexity, this means: making small random perturbations to the current parameters of the network, and moving in the direction of the random change that works the best. So, ultimately, you end up with a loss network that takes in recent environmental states and the behavior of the agent, and returns an estimate of the proxy loss value, that has hopefully been trained such that it captures environmental factors that indicate progress on the task, over a wide variety of similar tasks. Then, during testing, the RL agent can use that loss function to adapt its behavior. An interesting note here is that for tasks where the parameters of the task being learned are inferable from the environment - for example, where the goal is “move towards the green dot”, you don’t actually need to give the agent the rewards from a new task; ideally, it will have learned how to infer the task from the environment. One of the examples they use to prove their method has done something useful is train their model entirely on tasks where an ant-agent’s goal is to move towards various different targets on the right, and then shift it to a scenario where its target is towards the left. In the EPG case, the ant was able to quickly learn to move left, because it’s loss function was able to adapt to the new environment where the target had moved. By contrast, RL^2 (a trained learning algorithm implemented as a recurrent network) kept on moving right as its initial strategy, and seemed unable to learn the specifics of a task outside its original task distribution of “always move right”. I think this paper could benefit from being a little bit more concrete about what it’s expected use cases are (like: what kinds of environments lend themselves to having proxy loss functions inferred from environmental data? Which don’t?), but overall, I find the kernel of idea this model introduces interesting, and will be interested to see if other researchers run with it. |
Meta learning is an area sparking a lot of research curiosity these days. It’s framed in different ways: models that can adapt, models that learn to learn, models that can learn a new task quickly. This paper uses a somewhat different lens: that of neural plasticity, and argues that applying the concept to modern neural networks will give us an effective, and biologically inspired way of building adaptable models. The basic premise of plasticity from a neurobiology perspective (at least how it was framed in the paper: I’m not a neuroscientist myself, and may be misunderstanding) is that plasticity performs a kind of gating function on the strength of a neural link being upregulated by experience. The most plastic a connection is, the more quickly it can get modified by new data; the less plastic, the more fixed it is. In concrete terms, this is implemented by subdividing the weight on each connection in the network into two parts: the “fixed” component, and the “plastic” component. (see picture). The fixed component acts like a typical weight: it gets modified during training, but stays fixed once training is done. The plastic component is composed of an alpha weight, multiplied by a term H. H is basically a decaying running average of the past input*output activations of this weight. Activations that are high in magnitude, and the same sign, for both the input and the output will lead to H being pushed higher. Note that that this H can continue to be updated even after the model is done training, because it builds up information whenever you pass a new input X through the network. The plastic component’s learned weight, alpha, controls how strong the influence of this is on the model. If alpha is near zero, then the connection behaves basically identically to a “typical” neural network, with weights that don’t change as a function of activation values. If alpha is positive, that means that strong co-activation within H will tend to make the connection weight higher. If alpha is negative, the opposite is true, and strong co-activation will make the connection weight more negative. (As an aside, I’d be really interested to see the distribution over alpha values in a trained model, relative to the weight values, and look at how often they go in the same direction as the weights, and increase magnitude, and how often they have the opposite direction and attenuate the weight towards zero). These models are trained by running them for fixed size “episodes” during which the H value gets iteratively changed, and then the alpha parameters of H get updated in the way that would have reduced error over the episode. One area in which they seem to show strong performance is that of memorization (where the network is shown an image once, and needs to reconstruct it later). The theory for why this is true is that the weights are able to store short-term information about which pixels are in the images it sees by temporarily boosting themselves higher for inputs and activations they’ve recently seen. There are definitely some intuitional gaps for me in this paper. The core one is: this framework just makes weights able to update themselves as a function of the values of their activations, not as a function of an actual loss function. That is to say: it seems like a potentially better analogy to neural plasticity is just a network that periodically gets more training data, and has some amount of connection plasticity to update as a result of that. |
DeepMind’s recently released paper (one of a boatload coming out in the wake of ICLR, which just finished in Vancouver) addresses the problem of building an algorithm that can perform well on tasks that don’t just stay fixed in their definition, but instead evolve and change, without giving the agent a chance to re-train in the middle. An example of this, is one used at various points in the paper: of an agent trying to run East, that finds two of its legs (a different two each time) slowly less functional. The theoretical framework they use to approach this problem is that of meta learning. Meta Learning is typically formulated as: how can I learn to do well on a new task, given only a small number of examples of that task? That’s why it’s called “meta”: it’s an extra, higher-level optimization loop applied around the process of learning. Typical learning learns parameters of some task, meta learning learns longer-scale parameters that make the short-scale, typical learning work better. Here, the task that evolves and changes over time (i.e. a nonstationary task) is seen as a close variant of the the multi-task problem. And, so, the hope is that a model that can quickly adapt to arbitrary new tasks can also be used to learn the ability to adapt to a gradually changing task environment. The meta learning algorithm that got most directly adapted for this paper is MAML: Model Agnostic Meta Learning. This algorithm works by, for a large number of tasks, initializing the model at some parameter set theta, evaluating the loss for a few examples on that task, and moving the gradients from the initialization theta, to a task-specific parameter set phi. Then, it calculating the “test set” performance of the one-step phi parameters, on the task. But then - the crucial thing here - the meta learning model updates its initialization parameters, theta. So, the meta learning model is learning a set of parameters that provides a good jumping off point for any given task within the distribution of tasks the model is trained on. In order to do this well, the theta parameters need to both 1) learn any general information, shared across all tasks, and 2) position the parameters such that an initial update step moves the model in the profitable direction. They adapted this idea, of training a model that could quickly update to multiple tasks, to the environment of a slowly/continuously changing environment, where certain parameters of the task the agent is facing. In this formulation, our set of tasks is no longer random draws from the distribution of possible tasks, but a smooth, Markov-walk gradient over tasks. The main change that the authors made to the original MAML algorithm was to say that each general task would start at theta, but then, as that task gradually evolved, it would perform multiple updates: theta to phi1, phi1 to phi2, and so on. The original theta parameters would then be updated according to a similar principle as the MAML parameters: so as to make the loss, summed over the full non-stationary task (notionally composed of many little sub-tasks) is as low as possible. |
The problem setting of the paper is the desire to perform translation in a monolingual setting, where datasets exist of each language independently, but little or no paired sentence data (paired here meaning that you know you have the same sentence or text in both languages). The paper outlines the prior methods in this area as being, first, training a single-language language model (i.e. train a model to take in a sentence, and return how coherent of a sentence it is in a given language) and using that to supplement a machine translation system. The authors honestly don’t go into this much, so I can’t tell exactly what they mean by it. The second baseline they talk about is bootstrapping themselves additional training data, by training a model using a small amount of training data, then using that mediocre model to translate additional sentences, which they use as additional training data to train the mediocre model to a higher performance. It doesn’t seem like this should work, but I’ve seen this or similar approaches used in a few cases, and it typically does add benefit. But, the authors claim, they can do better. The core intuition of this paper is pretty simple, and will be familiar to anyone who read my summary of CycleGAN, lo these many weeks ago. Their approach rests on the idea that, even if you can’t push translation models to be objectively correct in a paired sense, you can push translation models to be symmetric with one another, insofar as translating from language A to B (let’s say English to French), and then back from French to English, gets you something in English that looks like your original input. This forces the model to maintain an informative mapping, so that enough information about the English sentence is stored to allow it to be reconstructed.However, unconstrained, the model could just develop a 1:1 word mapping that gives you information about the English input, but doesn’t actually map to the translation in French. If you can additionally confirm that the translation into French looks like a coherent French sentence (which, recall, we can do with a language model trained on French independently), we can get closer to to generating a mapping that is hopefully more coherent. One interesting aspect of this paper is the fact that the model they describe is trained with reinforcement learning. Typically, reinforcement learning is used for scenarios where you don’t have direct visibility into how the actions you take impact your loss function. Compare this to a supervised network (where you can take the derivative of your loss with respect to the last layer, and backpropogate that back through to your inputs), or even a GAN, where you can take the derivative of the discriminator-created loss back through the input the discriminator, and through into the GAN that created it. This model treats the translation models that are learned as policies; that is, probability distributions over sets of words. It samples multiple A -> B translations using something called beam search, which, as it samples the sequence of words, samples several at each timestep, and then keeps that chain alive by continuing to sample along it. This helps the sequential translation not fall into a pit where it samples one highly probable word, but then, as you add more words, it doesn’t lead towards a good sentence. This ultimately results in taking multiple (k=12, in this case) samples from each translation distribution, and so the model uses as its objective the expected rewards over these samples, where the rewards is constructed as a combination of in-language coherence loss (scored by using the log likelihood of a trained single-language model) and reconstruction loss (scored by close the A -> B -> A’ is to the original A). My confusion about the use of reinforcement loss here mostly comes from the question of whether it just wasn’t possible to build an end to end model, where, like a GAN, you backpropogated through a constructed input, back to the model that constructed it (in this case, through both translator models). Is the issue just that a sequence of words is fundamentally discrete, in a way that images aren’t, and in a way that impedes backprop? That seems possible, but also, I think it’s the case that a typical encoder-decoder model, that outputs softmaxes over words, is able to be backpropogated through. Overall, it’s hard for me to tell if I’m missing something basic about why reinforcement learning is the obvious choice here, or if other more GAN-like approaches were an option, but that meme hadn’t spread into the literature yet, and RL was the more historically canonical choice. One other minor disappointing note: it looks like their results are based on a scenario that does use a small number of bilingual training pairs, as a way to pretrain the translation models to a reasonable, non-random starting point. It’s not clear whether this method would have worked with an actual cold start, i.e. a translation model that has no idea what it’s doing, and is using only this as signal. That said, they used a much smaller number of bilingual pairs than a true supervised method, and so even with a need for a warm start, a method like this could still give you leverage over language pairs where there exists some paired data, but not enough to build a full, sophisticated model on top of. |
This paper builds on the paper "Learned in Translation: Contextualized Word Vectors" , which learned contextualized word representations by using the sequence of encodings generated by a Bidirectional LSTM as the representation of the sequence of input words. This paper says “if we're learning a deep LSTM, ie one with more than one layer, why should we use only the last layer that it produces as the representation of the word?”. This paper instead suggests that it could be valuable for transfer learning if each task can learn a weighting of layer encodings that is most valuable for that task. In a prime example of “your model is a special case of my model,” they note that this framework can easily learn the approach of only using the final encoding layer by just only giving that layer a non-zero weight. As intuition for why this might be a valuable thing to do: different layers tend to capture different levels of meaning, with lower layers more likely to capture part of speech information, and higher layers more likely to capture more rich semantic context. https://i.imgur.com/s8Qn6YY.png One difficulty in comparing this paper directly to the “take the top layer encoding from a LSTM” paper is that they were trained on different problems: the top layer paper learned using a machine translation objective, where, by contrast, this one learns by using a much simpler language model. Here, a simple language model means a RNN that is trained to predict the next word, given the hidden state built up over all prior words. Because we want to pull in word context from both directions, this is’t just a LSTM but a bidirectional LSTM, which - surprise surprise - tries to pick the word *before* a word in a sentence by using all of the words that come after it. This has the advantage of not requiring parallel data, the way machine translation does, but also makes it difficult to make direct comparisons to prior work that isolate the effect of multi-layer combination, as separate from the switch between machine translation and direct language modeling. Although this is likely also a benefit you see with just top-layer contextual vectors, it is interesting to examine the attached table, and look at how effectively the model is able to learn different representations of the word “play” depending on the context in which it appears; in each case, the nearest neighbor of a context of “play” is a sentence in which the word is used in the same context. |
This paper is a clever but conceptually simple idea to improve the vectors learned for individual words. In this proposed approach, instead of learning a distinct vector per word in the word, the model instead views a word as being composed of overlapping n-grams, which are combined to make the full word. Recall: in the canonical skipgram approach to learning word embeddings, each word is represented by a single vector. The word might be tokenized first (for example, de-pluralized), but, fundamentally, there isn’t any way for the network to share information about the meanings of “liberty” and “liberation”; even though a human could see that they share root structure, for a skipgram model, they are two totally distinct concepts that need to be separately learned. The premise of this paper is that this approach leaves valuable information on the table, and that by learning vectors for subcomponents of words, and combining them to represent the whole word, we can more easily identify and capture shared patterns. On a technical level, this is done by: - For each n value in the range selected (typically 3-6 inclusive), representing each input word as a set of overlapping windows of that n, with special characters for Start and End. For example, if n=3, and the word is “where”, it could be represented as [“<wh”, “whe”, “her”, “ere>”] - In addition to the set of ngrams, additionally representing each word through its full-word representation of “<where>”, to “catch” any leftover meaning not captured in the smaller ngrams. - When you’re calculating loss, representing each word as simply being the sum of all of its component ngrams https://i.imgur.com/NP5qFEV.png This has some interesting consequences. First off, the perplexity of the model, which you can think of as a measure of unsupervised goodness of fit, is equivalent or improved by this approach relative to baselines on all but one model. Intriguingly, and predictably once you think about it, the advantage of the subword approach is much stronger for languages like German, Russian, and Arabic, which have strong re-use and aggregation of root words, and also strong patterns of morphological mutation of words. Additionally, the authors found that the subword model got to its minimum loss value using much less data than the canonical approach. This makes decent sense if you think about the fact that subcomponent re-use means there are fewer meaningful word subcomponents than their are unique words, and seeing a subcomponent used across many words means that you need fewer words to learn the patterns it corresponds to. https://i.imgur.com/EmN167L.png A lot of the benefit of this approach seems to be through better representation of syntax; when tested on an analogy task, embeddings trained with subword information did meaningfully better on syntactic analogies (“swim is to swum as ran is to <>”) but equivalent or worse on semantic analogies (“mother is to girl as father is to <>”). One theory about this is that focusing on the subword elements does a better job of more quickly getting the representation of the word to be close to it’s exact meaning, but has a harder time learning precise semantics, relative to a full-word model. |
This paper’s approach goes a step further away from the traditional word embedding approach - of training embeddings as the lookup-table first layer of an unsupervised monolingual network - and proposes a more holistic form of transfer learning that involves not just transferring over learned knowledge contained in a set of vectors, but a fully trained model. Transfer learning is the general idea of using part or all of a network trained on one task to perform a different task. The most common kind of transfer learning is in the image domain, where models are first trained on the enormous ImageNet dataset, and then several of the lower layers of the network (where more local, small-pixel-range patterns are detected) are transferred, with their weights fixed in place to a new network. The modeler then attaches a few more layers to the top, connects it to a new target, and then is able to much more quickly learn their new target, because the pre-training has gotten them into a useful region of parameter-space. https://i.imgur.com/wjloHdi.png Within NLP, the most common form of transfer learning is initializing the lookup table of vectors that’s used to convert discrete words in to vectors (also known as an embedding) with embeddings pre-trained on huge unsupervised datasets, like GloVe, trained on all of English Wikipedia. Again, this makes your overall task easier to train, because you’ve already converted words from their un-useful binary representation (where the word cat is just as far from Peru as it is from kitten) to a meaningful real-valued representation. The approach suggested in this paper goes beyond simply learning the vector input representation of words. Instead, the authors suggest using as word vectors the sequence of encodings produced by an encoder-decoder bi-directional recurrent model. An encoder-decoder model means that you have one part of the network that maps from input sentence to an “encoded” representation of the sentence, and then another part that maps that encoded representation into the proper tokens in the target language. Historically, this encoding had been a single vector for the whole sentence, which tried to conceptually capture all of the words into one vector. More recently, a different approach has grown popular, where the RNN produces a number of encodings equal to the number of input words. Then, when the decoder is producing words in the target sentence, it uses something called “attention” to select a weighted combination of these encodings at each point in time. Under this scheme, the decoder might pull out information about verbs when its own hidden state suggests it needs a verb, and might pull out information about pronoun referents when its own hidden state asks for that. The upshot of all of this is that you end up with a sequence of encoded vectors equal in length to your number of inputs. Because the RNN is bidirectional, which means the encoding is a concatenation of the forward RNN and backward RNN, that means that each of these encodings captures both information about its corresponding word, and contextual information about the rest of the sentence. The proposal of the authors is to train the encoder-decoder outlined above, and, once it is trained, lop off the decoder, and use the encoded sequence of words as your representation of the input sequence of words. An important note in all this is that recurrent encoder-decoder model was itself trained using a lookup table initialized with learned GloVe vectors, so in a sense they’re not substituting for the unsupervised embeddings so much as learning marginal information on top of them. The authors went on to test this approach on a few problems - question answering, logical entailment, and sentiment classification. They compared their use of the RNN encoded word vectors (which they call Context Vectors, or CoVE) with models initialized just using the fixed GloVE word vectors. One important note here is that, because each word vector is learned fully in context, the same word will have a different vector in each sentence it appears in. That’s why you can’t transfer one single vector per word, but instead have to transfer the recurrent model that can produce the vectors. All in all, the authors found that concatenating CoVe vectors to GloVe vectors, and using the concatenated version as input, produced sizable gains on the problems where it was tried. That said, it’s a pretty heavy lift to integrate someone else’s learned weights into your own model, just in terms of getting all the code to play together nicely. I’m not sure if this is a compelling enough result, a la ImageNet pretraining, for practitioners to want to go to the trouble of tacking a non-training RNN onto the bottom of all their models. If I ever get a chance, I’d be interested to play with the vectors you get out of this model, and look at how much variance you see in the vectors learned for different words across different sentences. Do you see clusters that correspond to sense disambiguation, (a la state of mind, vs a rogue state)? And, how does this contextual approach to the paper I reviewed yesterday, that also learns embeddings on a machine translation task, but does so in terms of training a lookup table, rather than using trained encodings? All in all, I enjoyed this paper: it was a simple idea, and I’m not sure whether it was a compelling one, but it did leave me with some interesting questions. |
If you’ve been paying any attention to the world of machine learning in the last five years, you’ve likely seen everyone’s favorite example for how Word2Vec word embeddings work: king - man + woman = queen. Given the ubiquity of Word2Vec, and similar unsupervised embeddings, it can be easy to start thinking of them as the canonical definition of what a word embedding *is*. But that’s a little oversimplified. In the context of machine learning, an embedding layer simply means any layer structured in the form of a lookup table, where there is some pre-determined number of discrete objects (for example: a vocabulary of words), each of which corresponds to a d-dimensional vector in the lookup table (where d is the number of dimensions you as the model designer arbitrarily chose). These embeddings are initialized in some way, and trained jointly with the rest of the network, using some kind of objective function. Unsupervised, monolingual word embeddings are typically learned by giving a model as input a sample of words that come before and after a given target word in a sentence, and then asking it to predict the target word in the center. Conceptually, if there are words that appear in very similar contexts, they will tend to have similar word vectors. This happens because scores are calculated using the dot product of the target vector with each of the context words, and if two words are to both score highly in that context, the dot product with their common-context vectors must be high for both, which pushes them towards similar values. For the last 3-4 years, unsupervised word vectors like these - which were made widely available for download - became a canonical starting point for NLP problems; this starting representation of words made it easier to learn from smaller datasets, since knowledge about the relationships between words was being transferred from the larger original word embedding training set, through the embeddings themselves. This paper seeks to challenge the unitary dominance of monolingual embeddings, by examining the embeddings learned when the objective is, instead, machine translation, where given a sentence in one language, you must produce it in another. Remember: an embedding is just a lookup table of vectors, and you can use it as the beginning of a machine translation model just as you can the beginning of a monolingual model. In theory, if the embeddings learned by a machine translation model had desirable properties, they could also be widely shared and used for transfer learning, like Word2Vec embeddings often are. When the authors of the paper dive into comparing the embeddings from both of these two approaches, they find some interesting results, such as: while the monolingual embeddings do a better job at analogy-based tests, machine translation embeddings do better at having similarity, within their vector space, map to true similarity of concept. Put another way, while monolingual systems push together words that appear in similar contexts (Teacher, Student, Principal), machine translation systems push words together when they map to the same or similar words in the target language (Teacher, Professor). The attached image shows some examples of this effect; the first three columns are all monolingual approaches, the final two are machine translation ones. When it comes to analogies, machine translation embeddings perform less well at semantic analogies (Ottowa is to Canada as Paris is to France) but does better at syntactic analogies (fast is to fastest as heavier is to heaviest). While I don’t totally understand why monolingual would be better at semantic analogies, it does make sense that the machine translation model would do a better job of encoding syntactic information, since such information is necessarily to sensibly structure a sentence. |
This paper outlines (yet another) variation on a variational autoencoder (VAE), which is, at a high level, a model that seeks to 1) learn to construct realistic samples from the data distribution, and 2) capture meaningful information about the data within its latent space. The “latent space” is a way of referring to the information bottleneck that happens when you compress the input (typically for these examples: an image) into a low-dimensional vector, before trying to predict that input out again using that low-dimensional vector as a seed or conditional input. In a typical VAE, the objective function is composed of two terms: a reconstruction loss that captures how well your Decoder distribution captures the X that was passed in as input, and a regularization loss that pushes the latent z code you create to be close to some input prior distribution. Pushing your learned z codes to be closer to a prior is useful because you can then sample using that prior, and have those draws map to the coheret regions of the space, where you’ve trained in the past. The Implicit Autoencoder proposal changes both elements of this objective function, but since one - the modification of the regularization term - is actually drawn from another (Adversarial Autoencoders), I’m primarily going to be focusing on the changes to the reconstruction term. In a typical variational autoencoder, the model is incentivized to perform an exact reconstruction of the input X, by using the latent code as input. Since this distance is calculated on a pixelwise basis, this puts a lot of pressure on the latent z code to learn ways of encoding this detailed local information, rather than what we’d like it to be capturing, which is broader, global structure of the data. In the IAE approach, instead of incentivizing the input x to be high probability in the distribution conditioned by the z that the encoder embedded off of x, we instead try to match the joint distributions of (x, z) and (reconstructed-x, z). This is done by taking these two pairs, and running them through a GAN, which needs to tell which pair represents the reconstructed x, and which the input x. Here, the GAN takes as input a concatenation of z (the embedded code for this image), and n, which is a random vector. Since a GAN is a deterministic mapping, this random vector n is what allows for sampling from this model, rather than just pulling the same output every time. Under this system, the model is under less pressure to recreate the details from the particular image that was input. Instead, it just needs to synchronize the use of z between the encoder and the decoder. To understand why this is true, imagine if you had an MNIST set of 1 and 2s, and a binary number for your z distribution. If you encode a 2, you can do so by setting that binary float to 0. Now, as long as your decoder realizes what the encoder was trying to do, and reconstructs a 2, then the joint distribution will be similar between the encoder and decoder, and our new objective function will be happy. An important fact here is: this doesn’t require that the decoder reconstruct the *exact* 2 that was passed in, as long as it matches, in distribution, the set of images that the encoder is choosing to map to the same z code, the decoder can do well. A consequence of this approach is an ability to modulate how much information you actually want to pull out into your latent vector, and how much you just want to be represented by your random noise vector, which will control randomness in the GAN and, to continue the example above, allow you to draw more than one distinct 2 off of the ‘2” latent code. If you have a limited set of z dimensionality, the they will represent high level concepts (for example: MNIST digits) and the rest of the variability in images will be modeled through the native GAN framework. If you have a high dimensional z, then more and more detail-level information will get encoded into the z vector, rather than just being left to the noise. |
These days, a bulk of recent work in Variational AutoEncoders - a type of generative model - focuses on the question of how to add recently designed, powerful decoders (the part that maps from the compressed information bottleneck to the reconstruction) to VAEs, but still cause them to capture high level, conceptual information within the aforementioned information bottleneck (also know as a latent code). In the status quo, it’s the case that the decoder can do well enough even without conditioning on conceptual variables stored in the latent codes, that it’s not worth storing information there. The reason why VAEs typically make it costly to store information in latent codes is the typical inclusion of a term that measures the KL divergence (distributional distance, more or less) between an uninformative unit Gaussian (the prior) and distribution of latent z codes produced for each individual input x (the posterior). Intuitively, if the distribution for each input x just maps to the prior, then that gives the decoder no information about what x was initially passed in: this means the encoder has learned to ignore the latent code. The question of why this penalty term is included in the VAE has two answers, depending on whether you’re asking from a theoretical or practical standpoint. Theoretically, it’s because the original VAE objective function could be interpreted as a lower bound on the true p(x) distribution. Practically, pulling the individual distributions closer to that prior often has a regularizing effect, that causes z codes for individual files to be closer together, and also for closeness in z space to translate more to closeness in recreation concept. That happens because the encoder is disincentivized from making each individual z distribution that far from a prior. The upshot of this is that there’s a lot of overlap between the distributions learned for various input x values, and so it’s in the model’s interest to make the reconstruction of those nearby elements similar as well. The argument of this paper starts from the compression cost side. If you look at the KL divergence term with the prior from an information theory, you can see it as the “cost of encoding your posterior, using a codebook developed from your prior”. This is a bit of an opaque framing, but the right mental image is the morse code tree, the way that the most common character in the English language corresponds to the shortest morse symbol, and so on. This tree was optimized to make messages as short as possible, and was done so by mapping common letters to short symbols. But, if you were to encode a message in, say, Russian, you’d no longer be well optimized for the letter distribution in Russian, and your messages would generally be longer. So, in the typical VAE setting, we’re imagining a receiver who has no idea what message he’ll be sent yes, and so uses the global prior to inform their codebook. By contrast, the authors suggest a world in which we meaningfully order the entries sent to the receiver in terms of similarity. Then, if you use the heuristic “each message provides a good prior for the next message I’ll receive, you incur a lot less coding cost than, because the “prior” is designed to be a good distribution to use to encode this sample, which will hopefully be quite similar to the next one. On a practical level, this translates to: 1. Encoding a z distribution 2. Choosing one of that z code’s K closest neighbors 3. Putting that as input into a “prior network” that takes in the randomly chosen nearby c, and spits out distributional parameters for another distribution over zs, which we’ll call the “prior”. Intuitively, a lot of the trouble with the constraint that all z encodings be close to the same global prior is that that was just too restrictive. This paper tries to impose a local prior instead, that’s basically enforcing local smoothness, by pulling the z value closer to others already nearby it,but without forcing everything to look like a global prior. |
Variational Autoencoders are a type of generative model that seek to learn how to generate new data by incentivizing the model to be able to reconstruct input data, after compressing it to a low-dimensional space. Typically, the way that the reconstruction is scored against the original is by comparing the pixel by pixel values: a reconstruction gets a high score if it is able to place pixels of color in the same places that the original did. However, there are compelling reasons why this is a sub-par way of scoring images. The central one is: it focuses on and penalizes superficial differences, so if the model accurately reproduces the focal object of the image, but does so, say, 10 pixels to the right of where it was previously, that will incur a penalty we might not actually want to apply. The flip side of this is that a direct pixel-comparison loss doesn’t differentiate between pixel differences that do or don’t change the fundamental substance of the image. For instance, having 100 pixels wrong around the border of a dog, making it seem very slightly larger, would be the same amount of error as having 100 pixels concentrated in a weird bulb that appears to be growing out of a dog’s ear, even though the former does a better job of being recognizable as a dog. The authors of the VAE/GAN paper have a clever approach to solving this problem, that involves taking the typical pixel loss, and breaking it up into two conceptual parts. The first focuses on aligning the conceptual features of the reconstructed image with the conceptual features of the input image. It does so by running both the input and the reconstruction through a discriminative convolutional model which - in the typical way of deep learning - learns ever more abstract features at each layer of the network. These “conceptual features” abstract out the precise pixel values, and instead capture the higher level features of the image. So, instead of calculating the pixelwise squared loss between the specific input x, and its after-bottleneck reconstruction x~, you take the squared loss between the feature maps at some layer for both x and x~, and push them to be closer together, so that the reconstruction shares the same features as the original. The second focuses on detail-level specifics of images, but, cleverly, does so in a general, rather than a observation-specific way. This is done by training a GAN-style discriminator to tell the difference between generated images* and original image, and then using that loss to train the decoder part of the VAE. The cleverness of this comes from the fact that they are still enforcing that the details and structural features of the reconstructed image are not distinguishable from real images, but doing so in a general sense, rather than requiring the details to be an exact match to the details found in a given input x. https://i.imgur.com/Bmtmac2.png The authors freely admit that existing metrics of scoring images (which themselves *use* pixelwise similarity) rate their method as being worse than existing VAEs. However, they argue, that’s inherently a flawed metric, that doesn’t capture the aspects of clean visual quality we want in generated image. A metric they propose instead involves using an dataset where a list of attributes are attached to each image (old, black, blond, etc). They add these as additional input while training the network, so that whatever signals the decoder part of the model needs to turn someone blonde, it gets those from the externally-given attribute vector, rather than a learned representation. This means that, once the model is trained, we can set some value of the attribute vector, and have the decoder generate samples conditional on that. The metric is constructed by taking the decoded samples conditioned on some attribute set, and then taking a classifier model that is trained on the real images to detect attribute values from the images. The generated images are then scored by how closely the predictions from the classifier model match the true values of the attributes. If the generator model were working perfectly, this error rate would as low as for real data. By this metric (which: grain of salt, since they invented), the VAE/GAN model is superior to both GANs and vanilla VAEs. |
There are mathematicians, still today, who look at deep learning, and get real salty over the lack of convex optimization. That is to say: convex functions are ones where you have an actual guarantees that gradient descent will converge, and mathematicians of olden times (i.e. 2006) spent reams of paper arguing that this or that function had convex properties, and thus could be guaranteed to converge, under this or that set of arcane conditions. And then, Deep Learning came along, with its huge, nonlinear, very much nonconvex objective functions, that it was nonetheless trying to optimize via gradient descent. From the perspective of an optimization theorist, this had the whiff of heresy, but exceptionally effective heresy. And, so, the field of DL has half-exploded, half-stumbled along, showcasing a portfolio of very impressive achievements, but with theory very much a secondary priority relative to performance. Something else that gradient descent isn’t supposed to be able to do is learn models that include discrete (i.e. non-continuous) operators. Without continuous gradients, the functions don’t have an obvious way to “push” in a certain direction, to modulate the loss at the end of the network. Discrete nodes mean that the value just jumps from being in one state, to being in the other, with no intermediate values. This has historically posed a problem for algorithms fueled by gradient descent. The authors of this paper came up with a solution that is 60% cleverness, and 40% just guessing that “even if we ignore the theory, things will probably work well enough”. But, first, their overall goal: to create a Variational Auto Encoder where the latent states, the compressed internal representation that is typically an array of continuous values, is instead an array of categorical values. The goal of this was 1) to have a representation type that was a better match for the discrete nature of data types like speech (which has distinct phonemes we might like to discretely capture), and, 2) to have a more compressed latent space that would (of necessity) focus on more global information, and leave local pixel-level information to be learned by the expressive PixelCNN decoder. The way they do this is remarkably simple. First, they learn a typical VAE encoder, mapping from the input pixels to a continuous z space. (An interesting sidenote here is that this paper uses spatially organized z; instead of using one single z vector to represent the whole image, they may have 32x32 spatial locations, each of which has its own z vector, to represent at 128x128 image). Then, for each of the spatial regions, they take the continuous vector produced by the network, and compare it to a fixed set of “embedding” vectors, of the same shape. That spatial location is then lumped into the category of the embedding that it’s closest to, meaning that you end up with a compressed layer of 32x32 (in this case) spatial regions, each of which is represented by a categorical number between 0 and max-num-categories. Then, the network passes forward the embedding that this input vector was just “snapped” to being, Then, the decoder uses the full spatial location set of embeddings to do its decoding. https://i.imgur.com/P8LQRYJ.png The clever thing here comes when you ask how to train the encoder to produce a different embedding, when there was this discrete “jump” that happened. The authors choose to just avoid the problem, more or less. They do that by just taking the gradient signals that come back from the end of the network to the embedding, and just pass those directly to the vector that was used to nearest-neighbors-lookup the embedding. Basically, they pretend that they passed the vector through the rest of the network, rather than the embedding. The embeddings are then trained in a K Means Clustering kind of way; with the embeddings being iteratively updated to be closer to the points that were assigned to their embedding in each round of training. This is the “Vector Quantization” part of VQ-VAE Overall, this seems to perform quite well: with the low capacity of the latente space meaning that it is incentivized to handle more global structure, while leaving low level pixel details to the decoder. It is also much easier to fit after-the-fact distributions over; once we’ve trained a VQ-VAE, we can easily learn a global model that represents the location by location dependencies between the categories (i.e. a 1 in this corner means at 5 in this other corner is more probable). This gives us the ability to have an analytically specified distribution, in latent space, that actually represents the structure of how these “concept level categories” relate to each other. By contrast, with most continuous latent spaces, it’s intractable to learn an explicit density function after the fact, and thus if we want to be able to sample we need to specify and enforce a prior distribution over z ahead of time. |
I’ve spent the last few days pretty deep in the weeds of GAN theory - with all its attendant sample-squinting and arcane training diagnosis - and so today I’m shifting gears to an applied paper, that mostly showcases some clever modifications of an underlying technique. The goal of the MusicVAE is as you might expect: to make music. But the goal isn’t just the ability to produce patterns of notes that sound musical, it’s the ability to learn a vector space where we can modify the values along each dimension, and cause the music we produce to vary along conceptually meaningful directions. In an ideal world, we might learn a dimension that corresponds to tempo, another that corresponds to the key we’re in, etc. To achieve this goal, the modelers use the structure of a Variational AutoEncoder, a model where we pass in the input, compress it down to some latent code (read: a low-dimensional vector of continuous values), and then, starting from that latent code, use a decoder to try to recreate (or “reconstruct”) the output. Think of this as describing a scene to a friend behind their back, and trying to describe it in a maximally informative way, so that they can draw it themselves, and get as close as possible to the original. Ideally, this set of constraints incentives you to learn an informative code, which will contain the kind of conceptually meaningful information that we want it to. One problem this can run into is that, given certain mathematical facts about the structure of autoencoders, if you use a decoder with a lot of capacity, like a RNN, the model can “decide” to use the RNN to model the data directly, storing all that conceptual information we’d like to have pulled out in the latent code in the parameters of the RNN instead. And, so, to solve this, the authors of the paper came up with a clever solution: instead of generating the full piece of music at once, they would instead build a hierarchical model, with a “conductor” layer that prescribes what a medium-sized chunk of the reconstructed piece will sound like, and a lower level “decoder” layer that takes the conductor’s direction for that chunk, and unspools it into a series of notes. On a more mechanical level, when the encoder spits out a latent code for a given piece of music, we pass that to the conductor. The conductor then produces - say - 10 embeddings, with each embedding corresponding to a set of 4 measures. Each decoder only sees the embedding for its chunk, and is only responsible for mapping that embedding into a series of concrete notes. This inability of each decoder to see what the decoders before and after it are doing means that, in order for the piece to sound coherent, the network needs to learn to develop a condensed set of instructions to give to the conductor. https://i.imgur.com/PQKoraX.png In practice, they come up with some really neat results: the example they show on the linked page demonstrates a learned concept-dimension that maps to “how much is this piece composed of long, held notes, vs short staccato ones”. They show that they can “interpolate” across this dimension (that is: slowly change its value) and see that the output slowly morphs from very long held notes, to a high density of different ones. |
Despite their difficulties in training, Generative Adversarial Networks are still one of the most exciting recent ideas in machine learning; a way to generate data without the fuzziness and averaging of earlier methods. However, up until recently, there had been major way in which the GAN’s primary competitor in the field, the Variational Autoencoder, was superior: it could do inference. Intuitively, inference is the inverse of generation. Whereas generation works by taking some source of randomness - a random vector, the setting of some latent code - and transforming that recipe into an observation, an inference process tries to work in reverse, taking in the observation as input and trying to guess what “recipe” was used to generate it. (As a note: in real world data, it’s generally not the case that there were explicit numerical factors used to generate data; this framing is a simplified model meant to represent the way a small set of latent settings of an object jointly cause a lot of that object’s feature values). The authors of this paper proposed the BiGAN to fix that deficiency in GAN literature. https://i.imgur.com/vZZzWH5.png The BiGAN - short for Bidirectional GAN - works by having two generators, not one. One generator works in the typical fashion of a GAN: taking in a random vector z, and transforming that into G(z) = x. The second generator works in reverse, taking in as input data from the underlying dataset, and transforming it into a code z, E(x) = z. Once these generators are in place, the discriminators work, not by trying to differentiate the x and z values separately, but all together. That works by giving the discriminator a pair, (x, z), and asking the discriminator to decide whether that pair came from the z -> x decoder, or the x -> z encoder. If this model fully converges, it becomes the case that G(z) and E(x) are inverse transformations, giving us a way to take in a new input x, and infer its underlying factors z. This is valuable because it’s been shown that, in typical GANs, changes in z often correspond to latent values we care about, and it would be useful to be able to generate z from x for purposes of representation learning. The authors offer quite a nice intuitive proof for why the model learns this inverse mapping. For each pair of (x, z), it’s either the case that E(x) = z (if the pair came from the encoder), or that G(z) = x (if the pair came from the decoder). But if only one of those is the case, then it’s easy for the discriminator to tell which generation process produced the pair. So, in order to fool the discriminator, G(z) and E(x) need to synchronize their decoding and encoding processes. The authors also tried a method where, instead of having this bidirectional GAN structure, they instead simply built a network on top of the generated samples, that tries to predict the original z used, taking the generated x as input. They show that this performs less well on subjective quality measures of the learned representation, which they attribute to the fact that GANs notoriously only learn some modes of the data, and thus a x -> z encoder that only takes the generated z as input will not have good coverage over the full distribution of x. |
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are an exciting technique, a kernel of an effective concept that has been shown to be able to overcome many of the problems of previous generative models: particularly the fuzziness of VAEs. But, as I’ve mentioned before, and as you’ve doubtless read if you’re read any material about the topic, they’re finicky things, difficult to train in a stable way, and particularly difficult to not devolve into mode collapse. Mode collapse is a phenomenon where, at each iteration, the generator places all of its mass on one single output or dense cluster of outputs, instead of representing the full distribution of output space, they way we’d like it to. One proposed solution to this is the one I discussed yesterday, of explicitly optimizing the generator according to not only what the discriminator thinks about its current allocation of probability, but what the discriminator’s next move will be (thus incentivizing the generator not to take indefensible strategies like “put all your mass in one location the discriminator can push down next round”. An orthogonal approach to that one is the one described in LSGANs: to change the objective function of the network, away from sigmoid cross-entropy, and instead to a least squares loss. While I don’t have the latex capabilities to walk through the exact mathematics in this format, what this means on a conceptual level is that instead of incentivizing the generator to put all of its mass on places that the discriminator is sure is a “true data” region, we’re instead incentivizing the generator to put mass right on the true/fake data decision boundary. Likely this doesn’t make very much sense yet (it didn’t for me, at this point in reading). Occasionally, delving deeper into math and theory behind an idea provides you rigor, but without much intuition. I found the opposite to be true in this case, where learning more (for the first time!) about f divergences actually made this method make more sense. So, bear with me, and hopefully trust me not to take you to deep into the weeds without a good reason. On a theoretical level, this paper’s loss function means that you end up minimizing a chi squared divergence between the distributions, instead of a KL divergence. "F divergences" are a quantity that calculates a measure of how different two distributions are from one another, and does that by taking an average of the density q, weighted at each point by f, which is some function of the ratio of densities, p/q. (You could also think of this as being an average of the function f, weighted by the density q; they’re equivalent statements). For the KL divergence, this function is x*logx. For chi squared it’s (x-1)^2. All of this starts to coalesce into meaning with the information that, typically the behavior of a typical GAN looks like the divergence FROM the generator’s probability mass, TO the discriminator’s probability mass. That means that we take the ratio of how much mass a generator puts somewhere to how much mass the data has there, and we plug it into the x*logx function seen below. https://i.imgur.com/BYRfi0u.png Now, look how much the function value spikes when that ratio goes over 1. Intuitively, what this means is that we heavily punish the generator when it puts mass in a place that’s unrealistic, i.e. where there isn’t representation from the data distribution. But - and this is the important thing - we don’t symmetrically punish it when it its mass at a point is far higher than the mass put their in the real data; or when the ratio is much smaller than one. This means that we don’t have a way of punishing mode collapse, the scenario where the generator puts all of its mass on one of the modes of the data; we don’t do a good job of pushing the generator to have mass everywhere that the data has mass. By contrast, the Chi Squared divergence pushes the ratio of (generator/data) to be equal to 1 *from both directions*. So, if there’s more generator mass than data mass somewhere, that’s bad, but it’s also bad for there to be more data mass than generator mass. This gives the network a stronger incentive to not learn mode collapsed solutions. |
If you’ve ever read a paper on Generative Adversarial Networks (from now on: GANs), you’ve almost certainly heard the author refer to the scourge upon the land of GANs that is mode collapse. When a generator succumbs to mode collapse, that means that, instead of modeling the full distribution, of input data, it will choose one region where there is a high density of data, and put all of its generated probability weight there. Then, on the next round, the discriminator pushes strongly away from that region (since it now is majority-occupied by fake data), and the generator finds a new mode. In the view of the authors of the Unrolled GANs paper, one reason why this happens is that, in the typical GAN, at each round the generator implicitly assumes that it’s optimizing itself against the final and optimal discriminator. And, so, it makes its best move given that assumption, which is to put all its mass on a region the discriminator assigns high probability. Unfortunately for our short-sighted robot friend, this isn’t a one-round game, and this mass-concentrating strategy gives the discriminator a really good way to find fake data during the next round: just dramatically downweight how likely you think data is in the generator’s prior-round sweet spot, which it’s heavy concentration allows you to do without impacting your assessment of other data. Unrolled GANs operate on this key question: what if we could give the generator an ability to be less short-sighted, and make moves that aren’t just optimizing for the present, but are also defensive against the future, in ways that will hopefully tamp down on this running-around-in-circles dynamic illustrated above. If the generator was incentivized not only to make moves that fool the current discriminator, but also make moves that make the next-step discriminator less likely to tell it apart, the hope is that it will spread out its mass more, and be less likely to fall into the hole of a mode collapse. This intuition was realized in UnrolledGANs, through a mathematical approach that is admittedly a little complex for this discussion format. Essentially, in addition to the typical GAN loss (which is based on the current values of the generator and discriminator), this model also takes one “step forward” of the discriminator (calculates what the new parameters of the discriminator would be, if it took one update step), and backpropogates backward through that step. The loss under the next-step discriminator parameters is a function of both the current generator, and the next-step parameters, which come from the way the discriminator reacts to the current generator. When you take the gradient with respect to the generator of both of these things, you get something very like the ideal we described earlier: a generator that is trying to put its mass into areas the current discriminator sees as high-probability, but also change its parameters such that it gives the discriminator a less effective response strategy. https://i.imgur.com/0eEjm0g.png Empirically: UnrolledGANs do a quite good job at their stated aim of reducing mode collapse, and the unrolled training procedure is now a common building-block technique used in other papers. |
Over the last five years, artificial creative generation powered by ML has blossomed. We can now imagine buildings based off of a sketch, peer into the dog-tiled “dreams” of a convolutional net, and, as of 2017, turn images of horses into ones of zebras. This last problem - typically termed image-to-image translation- is the one that CycleGAN focuses on. The kinds of transformations that can full under this category is pretty conceptually broad: zebras to horses, summer scenes to winter ones, images to Monet paintings. (Note: I switch between using horse/zebra as my explanatory example, and using summer/winter. Both have advantages for explaining different conceptual poinfts) However, the idea is the same: you start with image a, which belongs to set A, and you want to generate a mapping of that image into set B, where the only salient change is that it’s now in set B. As a clarifying example: if you started out with a horse, and your goal was to translate it into a zebra, you would hope that the animal is in the same size, relative position, and pose, and that the only element that changed was changing the quality of “horseness” for the quality of “zebraness”. https://i.imgur.com/NCExS7A.png The real trick of CycleGAN is the fact that, unlike prior attempts to solve this problem, they didn’t use paired data. This is understandable, given the prior example: while it’s possible to take a picture of a scene in both summer and winter, you obviously can’t convert a horse into a zebra so that you can take a “paired” picture of it in both forms. When you have paired data, this is a reasonably well-defined problem: you want to learn some mathematical transformation to turn a specific summer image into a specific winter one, and you can use the ground truth winter image as explicit supervision. Since they lack this per-image cross-domain ground truth, the authors of this paper take what would be one question (“is the winter version of this image that the network generated close to the actual known winter version of this image”) and decompose it into two: Does the winter version of this original summer image looks like it belongs to the set of winter images? This is enforced by a GAN-style discriminator, which takes in outputs of the summer->winter generator, and true images of winter, and tries to tell them apart. This loss component pushes generated winter images to have the quality of “winterness”. This is the “Adversarial Loss” Does the winter version of this image contain enough information about this specific original summer image to accurately reconstruct it with an inverted (winter -> summer) generator? This constraint pushes the generator to actually translate aspects of this specific image between summer and winter. Without it, as the authors of the paper showed, the model has no incentive to actually do translation, and instead just generates winter images that have nothing to do with the summer image (and, frequently experience mode collapse: only generating a single winter image over and over again). This is termed the “Cycle Consistency Loss” It’s actually the case that there are two versions of both of the above networks; that’s what puts the “cycle” in CycleGAN. In addition to a loss ensuring you can map summer -> winter -> summer, there’s another one ensuring the other direction, winter -> summer -> winter holds as well. And, for both of those directions, we use the adversarial loss on the middle “translated” image, and a cycle consistency loss on the last “reconstructed” image. A key point here is that, because of the inherent structure of this loss function requires mapping networks going in both directions, training a winter->summer generator gets you a summer-> winter one for free. (Note: this is a totally different model architecture than most of the “style transfer” applications you likely previously seen, though when applied to photograph -> painting translation, it can have similar results) |