This work expands on prior techniques for designing models that can both be stored using fewer parameters, and also execute using fewer operations and less memory, both of which are key desiderata for having trained machine learning models be usable on phones and other personal devices. The main contribution of the original MobileNets paper was to introduce the idea of using "factored" decompositions of Depthwise and Pointwise convolutions, which separate the procedures of "pull information from a spatial range" and "mix information across channels" into two distinct steps. In this paper, they continue to use this basic Depthwise infrastructure, but also add a new design element: the inverted-residual linear bottleneck. The reasoning behind this new layer type comes from the observation that, often, the set of relevant points in a high-dimensional space (such as the 'per-pixel' activations inside a conv net) actually lives on a lower-dimensional manifold. So, theoretically, and naively, one could just try to use lower dimensional internal representations to map the dimensionality of that assumed manifold. However, the authors argue that ReLU non-linearities kill information (because of the region where all inputs are mapped to zero), and so having layers contain only the number of dimensions needed for the manifold would mean that you end up with too-few dimensions after the ReLU information loss. However, you need to have non-linearities somewhere in the network in order to be able to learn complex, non-linear functions. So, the authors suggest a method to mostly use smaller-dimensional representations internally, but still maintain ReLus and the network's needed complexity. https://i.imgur.com/pN4d9Wi.png - A lower-dimensional output is "projected up" into a higher dimensional output - A ReLu is applied on this higher-dimensional layer - That layer is then projected down into a smaller-dimensional layer, which uses a linear activation to avoid information loss - A residual connection between the lower-dimensional output at the beginning and end of the expansion This way, we still maintain the network's non-linearity, but also replace some of the network's higher-dimensional layers with lower-dimensional linear ones
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