When machine learning models need to run on personal devices, that implies a very particular set of constraints: models need to be fairly small and low-latency when run on a limited-compute device, without much loss in accuracy. A number of human-designed architectures have been engineered to try to solve for these constraints (depthwise convolutions, inverted residual bottlenecks), but this paper's goal is to use Neural Architecture Search (NAS) to explicitly optimize the architecture against latency and accuracy, to hopefully find a good trade-off curve between the two. This paper isn't the first time NAS has been applied on the problem of mobile-optimized networks, but a few choices are specific to this paper. 1. Instead of just optimizing against accuracy, or optimizing against accuracy with a sharp latency requirement, the authors here construct a weighted loss that includes both accuracy and latency, so that NAS can explore the space of different trade-off points, rather than only those below a sharp threshold. 2. They design a search space where individual sections or "blocks" of the network can be configured separately, with the hope being that this flexibility helps NAS trade off complexity more strongly in the early parts of the network, where, at a higher spatial resolution, it implies greater computation cost and latency, without necessary dropping that complexity later in the network, where it might be lower-cost. Blocks here are specified by the type of convolution op, kernel size, squeeze-and-excitation ratio, use of a skip op, output filter size, and the number of times an identical layer of this construction will be repeated to constitute a block. Mechanically, models are specified as discrete strings of tokens (a block is made up of tokens indicating its choices along these design axes, and a model is made up of multiple blocks). These are represented in a RL framework, where a RNN model sequentially selects tokens as "actions" until it gets to a full model specification . This is repeated multiple times to get a batch of models, which here functions analogously to a RL episode. These models are then each trained for only five epochs (it's desirable to use a full-scale model for accurate latency measures, but impractical to run its full course of training). After that point, accuracy is calculated, and latency determined by running the model on an actual Pixel phone CPU. These two measures are weighted together to get a reward, which is used to train the RNN model-selection model using PPO. https://i.imgur.com/dccjaqx.png Across a few benchmarks, the authors show that models found with MNasNet optimization are able to reach parts of the accuracy/latency trade-off curve that prior techniques had not.
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