Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks
Aleksander Madry
Aleksandar Makelov
Ludwig Schmidt
Dimitris Tsipras
Adrian Vladu
arXiv e-Print archive - 2017 via Local arXiv
stat.ML, cs.LG, cs.NE
First published: 2017/06/19 (7 years ago) Abstract: Recent work has demonstrated that neural networks are vulnerable to
adversarial examples, i.e., inputs that are almost indistinguishable from
natural data and yet classified incorrectly by the network. In fact, some of
the latest findings suggest that the existence of adversarial attacks may be an
inherent weakness of deep learning models. To address this problem, we study
the adversarial robustness of neural networks through the lens of robust
optimization. This approach provides us with a broad and unifying view on much
of the prior work on this topic. Its principled nature also enables us to
identify methods for both training and attacking neural networks that are
reliable and, in a certain sense, universal. In particular, they specify a
concrete security guarantee that would protect against any adversary. These
methods let us train networks with significantly improved resistance to a wide
range of adversarial attacks. They also suggest the notion of security against
a first-order adversary as a natural and broad security guarantee. We believe
that robustness against such well-defined classes of adversaries is an
important stepping stone towards fully resistant deep learning models.