Summary by Martin Thoma 8 years ago
## General stuff about face recognition
Face recognition has 4 main tasks:
* **Face detection**: Given an image, draw a rectangle around every face
* **Face alignment**: Transform a face to be in a canonical pose
* **Face representation**: Find a representation of a face which is suitable for follow-up tasks (small size, computationally cheap to compare, invariant to irrelevant changes)
* **Face verification**: Images of two faces are given. Decide if it is the same person or not.
The face verification task is sometimes (more simply) a face classification task (given a face, decide which of a fixed set of people it is).
Datasets being used are:
* **LFW** (Labeled Faces in the Wild): 97.35% accuracy; 13 323 web photos of 5 749 celebrities
* **YTF** (YouTube Faces): 3425 YouTube videos of 1 595 subjects
* **SFC** (Social Face Classification): 4.4 million labeled faces from 4030 people, each 800 to 1200 faces
* **USF** (Human-ID database): 3D scans of faces
## Ideas in this paper
This paper deals with face alignment and face representation.
**Face Alignment**
They made an average face with the USF dataset. Then, for each new face, they apply the following procedure:
* Find 6 points in a face (2 eyes, 1 nose tip, 2 corners of the lip, 1 middle point of the bottom lip)
* Crop according to those
* Find 67 points in the face / apply them to a normalized 3D model of a face
* Transform (=align) face to a normalized position
Train a neural network on 152x152 images of faces to classify 4030 celebrities. Remove the softmax output layer and use the output of the second-last layer as the transformed representation.
The network is:
* C1 (convolution): 32 filters of size $11 \times 11 \times 3$ (RGB-channels) (returns $142\times 142$ "images")
* M2 (max pooling): $3 \times 3$, stride of 2 (returns $71\times 71$ "images")
* C3 (convolution): 16 filters of size $9 \times 9 \times 16$ (returns $63\times 63$ "images")
* L4 (locally connected): $16\times9\times9\times16$ (returns $55\times 55$ "images")
* L5 (locally connected): $16\times7\times7\times16$ (returns $25\times 25$ "images")
* L6 (locally connected): $16\times5\times5\times16$ (returns $21\times 21$ "images")
* F7 (fully connected): ReLU, 4096 units
* F8 (fully connected): softmax layer with 4030 output neurons
The training was done with:
* Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
* Momentum of 0.9
* Performance scheduling (LR starting at 0.01, ending at 0.0001)
* Weight initialization: $w \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu=0, \sigma=0.01)$, $b = 0.5$
* ~15 epochs ($\approx$ 3 days) of training
## Evaluation results
* **Quality**:
* 97.35% accuracy (or mean accuracy?) with an Ensemble of DNNs for LFW
* 91.4% accuracy with a single network on YTF
* **Speed**: DeepFace runs in 0.33 seconds per image (I'm not sure which size). This includes image decoding, face detection and alignment, **the** feed forward network (why only one? wasn't this the best performing Ensemble?) and final classification output
## See also
* Andrew Ng: [C4W4L03 Siamese Network](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jfw8MuKwpI)
