This paper from 2016 introduced a new k-mer based method to estimate isoform abundance from RNA-Seq data called kallisto. The method provided a significant improvement in speed and memory usage compared to the previously used methods while yielding similar accuracy. In fact, kallisto is able to quantify expression in a matter of minutes instead of hours. The standard (previous) methods for quantifying expression rely on mapping, i.e. on the alignment of a transcriptome sequenced reads to a genome of reference. Reads are assigned to a position in the genome and the gene or isoform expression values are derived by counting the number of reads overlapping the features of interest. The idea behind kallisto is to rely on a pseudoalignment which does not attempt to identify the positions of the reads in the transcripts, only the potential transcripts of origin. Thus, it avoids doing an alignment of each read to a reference genome. In fact, kallisto only uses the transcriptome sequences (not the whole genome) in its first step which is the generation of the kallisto index. Kallisto builds a colored de Bruijn graph (T-DBG) from all the k-mers found in the transcriptome. Each node of the graph corresponds to a k-mer (a short sequence of k nucleotides) and retains the information about the transcripts in which they can be found in the form of a color. Linear stretches having the same coloring in the graph correspond to transcripts. Once the T-DBG is built, kallisto stores a hash table mapping each k-mer to its transcript(s) of origin along with the position within the transcript(s). This step is done only once and is dependent on a provided annotation file (containing the sequences of all the transcripts in the transcriptome). Then for a given sequenced sample, kallisto decomposes each read into its k-mers and uses those k-mers to find a path covering in the T-DBG. This path covering of the transcriptome graph, where a path corresponds to a transcript, generates k-compatibility classes for each k-mer, i.e. sets of potential transcripts of origin on the nodes. The potential transcripts of origin for a read can be obtained using the intersection of its k-mers k-compatibility classes. To make the pseudoalignment faster, kallisto removes redundant k-mers since neighboring k-mers often belong to the same transcripts. Figure1, from the paper, summarizes these different steps. https://i.imgur.com/eNH2kuO.png **Figure1**. Overview of kallisto. The input consists of a reference transcriptome and reads from an RNA-seq experiment. (a) An example of a read (in black) and three overlapping transcripts with exonic regions as shown. (b) An index is constructed by creating the transcriptome de Bruijn Graph (T-DBG) where nodes (v1, v2, v3, ... ) are k-mers, each transcript corresponds to a colored path as shown and the path cover of the transcriptome induces a k-compatibility class for each k-mer. (c) Conceptually, the k-mers of a read are hashed (black nodes) to find the k-compatibility class of a read. (d) Skipping (black dashed lines) uses the information stored in the T-DBG to skip k-mers that are redundant because they have the same k-compatibility class. (e) The k-compatibility class of the read is determined by taking the intersection of the k-compatibility classes of its constituent k-mers.[From Bray et al. Near-optimal probabilistic RNA-seq quantification, Nature Biotechnology, 2016.] Then, kallisto optimizes the following RNA-Seq likelihood function using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. $$L(\alpha) \propto \prod_{f \in F} \sum_{t \in T} y_{f,t} \frac{\alpha_t}{l_t} = \prod_{e \in E}\left( \sum_{t \in e} \frac{\alpha_t}{l_t} \right )^{c_e}$$ In this function, $F$ is the set of fragments (or reads), $T$ is the set of transcripts, $l_t$ is the (effective) length of transcript $t$ and **y**$_{f,t}$ is a compatibility matrix defined as 1 if fragment $f$ is compatible with $t$ and 0 otherwise. The parameters $α_t$ are the probabilities of selecting reads from a transcript $t$. These $α_t$ are the parameters of interest since they represent the isoforms abundances or relative expressions. To make things faster, the compatibility matrix is collapsed (factorized) into equivalence classes. An equivalent class consists of all the reads compatible with the same subsets of transcripts. The EM algorithm is applied to equivalence classes (not to reads). Each $α_t$ will be optimized to maximise the likelihood of transcript abundances given observations of the equivalence classes. The speed of the method makes it possible to evaluate the uncertainty of the abundance estimates for each RNA-Seq sample using a bootstrap technique. For a given sample containing $N$ reads, a bootstrap sample is generated from the sampling of $N$ counts from a multinomial distribution over the equivalence classes derived from the original sample. The EM algorithm is applied on those sampled equivalence class counts to estimate transcript abundances. The bootstrap information is then used in downstream analyses such as determining which genes are differentially expressed. Practically, we can illustrate the different steps involved in kallisto using a small example. Starting from a tiny genome with 3 transcripts, assume that the RNA-Seq experiment produced 4 reads as depicted in the image below. https://i.imgur.com/5JDpQO8.png The first step is to build the T-DBG graph and the kallisto index. All transcript sequences are decomposed into k-mers (here k=5) to construct the colored de Bruijn graph. Not all nodes are represented in the following drawing. The idea is that each different transcript will lead to a different path in the graph. The strand is not taken into account, kallisto is strand-agnostic. https://i.imgur.com/4oW72z0.png Once the index is built, the four reads of the sequenced sample can be analysed. They are decomposed into k-mers (k=5 here too) and the pre-built index is used to determine the k-compatibility class of each k-mer. Then, the k-compatibility class of each read is computed. For example, for read 1, the intersection of all the k-compatibility classes of its k-mers suggests that it might come from transcript 1 or transcript 2. https://i.imgur.com/woektCH.png This is done for the four reads enabling the construction of the compatibility matrix **y**$_{f,t}$ which is part of the RNA-Seq likelihood function. In this equation, the $α_t$ are the parameters that we want to estimate. https://i.imgur.com/Hp5QJvH.png The EM algorithm being too slow to be applied on millions of reads, the compatibility matrix **y**$_{f,t}$ is factorized into equivalence classes and a count is computed for each class (how many reads are represented by this equivalence class). The EM algorithm uses this collapsed information to maximize the new equivalent RNA-Seq likelihood function and optimize the $α_t$. https://i.imgur.com/qzsEq8A.png The EM algorithm stops when for every transcript $t$, $α_tN$ > 0.01 changes less than 1%, where $N$ is the total number of reads. ![]()
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