Strong consistency increases latency; weak consistency is hard to reason about. Compromising between the two, a number of databases allow each operation to run with either strong or weak consistency. Ideally, users choose the minimal set of strongly consistent operations needed to enforce some application specific invariant. However, deciding which operations to run with strong consistency and which to run with weak consistency can be very challenging. This paper - introduces a formal hybrid consistency model which subsumes many existing consistency models, - introduces a modular proof rule which can determine whether a given consistency model enforces an invariant, and - implements a prototype using a standard SMT solver. Consistency Model, Informally. Consider - a set of states $s, s_{init} \in$ State, - a set of operations Op = {o, ...}, - a set of values $\bot$ in Val, and - a set of replicas $r_1, r_2,$ .... The denotation of an operation is denoted F_o where - F_o: State -> (Val x (State -> State)), - F_o^val(s) = F_o(s)[0] (the value returned by the operation), and - F_o^eff(s) = F_o(s)[1] (the effect of the operation). For example, a banking operation may let states range over natural numbers where - F_deposit_a(s) = (\bot, fun s' -> s' + a) - F_interest(s) = (\bot, fun s' -> s' + 0.05 * s) - F_query(s) = (s, fun s' -> s') If all operations commute (i.e. forall o1, o2, s1, s2. F_o1(s1) o F_o2(s2) = F_o2(s2) o F_o1(s1)), then all replicas are guaranteed to converge. However, convergence does not guarantee all application invariants are maintained. For example, an invariant I = {s | s >= 0} could be violated by merging concurrent withdrawals. To enforce invariants, we introduce a token system which can be used to order certain operations. A token system TS = (Token, #) is a set of tokens Token and a symmetric relation # over Token. We say two sets of tokens T1 # T2 if exists t1 in T1, t2 in T2. t1 # t2. We also update our definition of operations to acquire tokens: - F_o: State -> (Val x (State -> State) x P(Token)), - F_o^val(s) = F_o(s)[0] (the value returned by the operation), - F_o^eff(s) = F_o(s)[1] (the effect of the operation), and - F_o^tok(s) = F_o(s)[2] (the tokens acquired by the operation). Our consistency model will ensure that two operations that acquire conflicting operations will be ordered. Formal Semantics. Recall a strict partial order is a partial order that is transitive and irreflexive (e.g. sets ordered by strict subset). Given a partial order R, we say (a, b) \in R or a -R-> b. Consider a countably infinite set Event of events ranged over by e, f, g. If operations are like transactions, an event is like applying a transaction at a replica. - Definition 1. Given token system TS = (Token, #), an execution is a tuple X = (E, oper, rval, tok, hb) where - E \subset Event is a finite subset of events, - oper: E -> Op designates the operation of each event, - rval: E -> Val designates the return value of each event, - tok: E -> P(Token) designates the tokens acquired by each event, and - hb \subset Event x Event is a happens before strict partial order where forall e, f. tok(e) # tok(f) => (e-hb->f or f-hb->e). An execution formalizes operations executing at various replicas concurrently, and the happens before relation captures how these operations are propagated between replicas. The transitivity of the happens before relation ensures at least causal consistency. Let - Exec(TS) be the set of all executions over token system TS, and - ctxt(e, X) = (E, X.oper|E, X.rval|E, X.tok|E, X.hb|E) be the context of e where E = X.hb^-1(e). Intuitively, ctxt(e, X) is the subexection of X that only includes operations causally preceding e. Executions are directed graphs of operations, but without a semantics, they are rather meaningless. Here, we define a relation evald_F \subset Exec(TS) x P(State) where evald_F(Y) is the set of all final states Y can be in after all operations are propagated to all replicas. We'll see shortly that if all non-token-conflicting operations commute, then evald_F is a function. - evald_F(Y) = {} if Y.E = {}, and - evald_F(Y) = {F_e^eff(s)(s') | e \in max(Y), s \in evald_F(ctxt(e, Y)), s' \in evalfd_F(Y|Y.E - {e})} otherwise. Now - Definition 2. An execution X \in Exec(TS) is consistent with TS and F denoted X |= TS, F if forall e \in X.e. exists s \in evald_F(ctxt(e, x)). X.val(e) = F_X.oper(e)^val(s) and X.tok(e = F_X.oper(e)^tok(s)). We let Exec(TS, F) = {X | X |= TS, F}. Consistent operations are closed under context. Furthermore, evald_F is a function when restricted to consistent executions where non-token-conflicting operations commute. We call this function eval_F. This model can model a number of consistency models: - Causal consistency. Let Token = {}. - Sequential consistency. Let Token = {t}, t # t, and F_o^tok(s) = {t} for all o. - RedBlue Consistency. Let Token = {t}, t # t, and F_o^tok(s) = {t} for all red o and F_o^tok(s) = {} for all blue o. State Based Proof Rule. We want to construct a proof rule to establish the fact that Exec(TS, F) \subset eval_F^-1(I). That is, every execution results in a state that satisfies the invariant. Since executions are closed under context, this also means that all operations execute on a state that satisfies the invariant. Our proof rule involves a guarantee relation G(t) over states which describes all possible state changes that can occur while holding token t. Similarly, G_0 describes the state transitions that can occur without holding any tokens. Here is the proof rule. - S1: s_init \in I. - S2: G_0(I) \subset I and forall t. G(t)(I) \subset I. - S3: forall o, s, s'. - s \in I and - (s, s') \in (G_0 \cup G(F_o^tok(s)^\bot))* => - (s', F_o^eff(s)(s')) \in G_0 \cup G(F_o^tok(s)). In English, - S1: s_init satisfies the invariant. - S2: G and G_0 preserve the invariant. - S3: If we start in any state s that satisfies the invariant and can transition in any finite number of steps to any state s' without acquiring any tokens conflicting with o, then we can transition from s' to F_o^eff(s)(s') in a single step using the tokens acquired by o. Event Based Proof Rule and Soundness. Instead of looking at states, we can instead look at executions. That is, if we let invariants I \subset Exec(TS), then we want to write a proof rule to ensure Exec(TS, F) \subset I. That is, all consistent executions satisfy the invariant. Again, we use a guarantee G \subset Exec(TS) x Exec(TS). - E1: X_init \in I. - E2: G(I) \in I. - E3: forall X, X', X''. forall e in X''.E. - X'' |= TS, F and - X' = X''|X''.E - {e} and - e \in max(X'') and - X = ctxt(e, X'') and - X \in I and - (X, X') \in G* => - (X', X'') \in G. This proof rule is proven sound. The event based rule and its soundness is derived from this. Examples and Automation. The authors have built a banking, auction, and courseware application in this style. They have also built a prototype that you give TS, F, and I and it determines if Exec(T, f) \subset eval_F^-1(I). Their prototype modifies the state-based proof rule eliminating the transitive closure and introducing intermediate predicates. ![]()
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