Natural images can be decomposed in frequencies, higher frequencies contain small changes and details, while lower frequencies contain the global structure. We can see an example in this image: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8659132/58988729-4e599b80-87b0-11e9-88e2-0ecde2cce369.png) Each filter of a convolutional layer focuses on different frequencies of the image. This paper proposes a way to group them explicitly into high and low frequency filters. To do that, the low frequency group is reduced spatially by 2 in all dimensions (which they define as an octave), before applying the convolution. The spatial reduction, which is a pooling operation, makes sense as it is a low pass filter, small details are discarded but the global structure is kept. More concretely, the layer takes as input two groups of feature maps, one with a higher resolution than the other. The output is also two groups of feature maps, separated as high/low frequencies. Information is exchanged between the two groups by pooling or upsampling as needed, and as is shown on this image: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8659132/58990790-c7f38880-87b4-11e9-8bca-6a23c63963ad.png) The proportion of high and low frequency feature maps is controlled through a single parameter, and through testing the authors found that having around 25% of low frequency features gives the best performance. One important fact about this layer is that it can simply be used as replacement for a standard convolutional layer, and thus does not require other changes to the architecture. They test on various ResNets, DenseNets and MobileNets. In terms of tasks, they get performance near state-of-the-art on [ImageNet top-1](https://paperswithcode.com/sota/image-classification-on-imagenet) and top-5. So why use this octave convolution? Because it reduces the amount of memory and computation required by the network. # Comments - I would have liked to see more groups of varying frequencies. Since an octave is a spatial reduction of 2^n, the authors could do the same with n > 1. I expect this will be addressed in future work. - While the results are not quite SOTA, octave convolutions seem compatible with EfficientNet, and I expect this would improve the performance of both. - Since each octave convolution layer outputs a multi-scale representation of the input, doesn't that mean that pooling becomes less necessary in a network? If so, octave convolutions would give better performances on a new architecture optimized for them. Code: [Official](https://github.com/facebookresearch/OctConv), [all implementations](https://paperswithcode.com/paper/drop-an-octave-reducing-spatial-redundancy-in)
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