#### Goal: + Diagnostic and drug code prediction on a subsequent visit using diagnostic codes, medications, procedures and date of previous visits. + Predict when the next visit to the doctor will happen. #### Dataset: + Sutter Health Palo Alto Medical Foundation - primary care - case-control study for heart failure. ![Dataset](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiagotvv/ml-papers/master/clinical-data/images/Choi2016_dataset.png?raw=true "Dataset information") + Patients with fewer than two visits were excluded. + Inputs: + ICD-9 codes, + GPI drug codes + codes for CPT procedures + Records are time-stamped with the patient's visiting time. + If a patient receives multiple codes on the same visit, they all receive the same timestamp. + Granularity of codes - group subcategories: + ICD-9 3 digits: 1183 unique codes + GPI Drug class: 595 single groups + Target: y = [diagnosis, drug] - vector of 1183 + 595 = 1778 dimensions. #### Architecture: + Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) ![GRU architecture](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiagotvv/ml-papers/master/clinical-data/images/Choi2016_gru.png?raw=true "Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)") + The input vector x is one-hot encoded and has a dimension of 40000. The first layer tries to reduce dimensionality. + Two approaches to dimensionality reduction (embedding matrix W_emb) + W_emb is learned together with the model. + W_emb is pre-trained using techniques such as word2vec. + Loss function: cross entropy for codes + quadratic error for forecasting visits. + Prediction layer codes: Softmax / Prediction layer of the next time visit: ReLu. #### Experiments and Results: + Code available on GitHub: https://github.com/mp2893/doctorai + Implementation in Theano - Training with 2 Nvidia Tesla K80 GPUs *Methodology*: + Dataset split: 85% training, 15% test. + RNN trained for 20 epochs. + L2 regularization for both the vector of coefficients of the codes and for the vector of coefficients of the next visit (lambda = 0.001) - Dropout between GRU and prediction layer (and between GRU layers if there are more than 1). + 2000 neurons in the hidden layer *Baselines*: + Frequency: The codes from the previous visit are repeated on the new visit. Good baseline for the case of patients whose condition tends to stabilize over time. + Top k most frequent codes from the previous visit. + Logistic Regression and Multilayer Perceptron. Uses the last 5 visits to predict the next. *Metrics*: + top-k recall emulates the behavior of physicians when making a differential diagnosis top-k recall = # of true positives in the top k predictions / number of true positives + R^2 used to evaluate the performance of the next visit prediction. + Predict logarithm of time duration between visits to reduce the impact of very long intervals. *Results Table*: + RNN-1: RNN with a single hidden layer initialized with a random orthogonal matrix for W_emb. + RNN-2: RNN with two hidden layers initialized with a random orthogonal matrix for W_emb. + RNN-1-IR: RNN using a single hidden layer initialized embedding matrix w emb with the Skip-gram vectors trained on the entire dataset. + RNN-2-IR: RNN with two hidden layers initialized embedding matrix W_emb with the Skip-gram vectors trained on the entire dataset. ![Results](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiagotvv/ml-papers/master/clinical-data/images/Choi2016_results1.png?raw=true "Forecasting future medical activities") + Performance varies according to the number of patient visits: + Networks learn best when they observe more records. + Patients with frequent visits are sicker patients. In a way, it is easier to predict the future in these cases. ![Number of visits](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiagotvv/ml-papers/master/clinical-data/images/Choi2016_results2.png?raw=true "Doctor AI performance as it knows more about the patient") + Performance of Doctor AI in other datasets: + Potential to transfer knowledge accross hospitals. Pre-train Doctor AI on Sutter Health dataset and fine-tuned in MIMIC II dataset. ![Transfer knowledge](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiagotvv/ml-papers/master/clinical-data/images/Choi2016_results3.png?raw=true "Performance of Doctor AI in other datasets") #### Extras + There is an interview about the paper at the [Data Skeptic](https://dataskeptic.com/blog/episodes/2017/doctor-ai) podcast.
Your comment:
This paper presents an applications of RNNs to predict "clinical events", such as disease diagnosis and medication prescription and their timing. The paper proposes/suggests: 1. Applying an RNN to disease diagnosis, medication prescription and timing prediction. 2. "Initializing" the neural net with skipgrams instead of one-hot vectors. However, it seems from the description that the authors are not "initializing", rather just feeding a different feature vector into the RNN. 3. Initializing a model that is to be trained on a small corpus from a model trained on a large corpus works. Concludes: information can be transferred between models (read across hospitals). |