Cost-Effective Active Learning for Deep Image Classification
Wang, Keze
Zhang, Dongyu
Li, Ya
Zhang, Ruimao
Lin, Liang
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. - 2017 via Local Bibsonomy
_Objective:_ Specifically adapt Active Learning to Image Classification with deep learning
_Dataset:_ [CARC]( and [Caltech-256](
## Inner-workings:
They labels from two sources:
* The most informative/uncertain samples are manually labeled using Least confidence, margin sampling and entropy, see [Active Learning Literature Survey](
* The other kind is the samples with high prediction confidence that are automatically labelled. They represent the majority of samples.
## Architecture:
[![screen shot 2017-06-29 at 3 57 43 pm](](
They proceed with the following steps:
1. Initialization: they manually annotate a given number of images for each class in order to pre-trained the network.
2. Complementary sample selection: they fix the network, identity the most uncertain label for manual annotation and automatically annotate the most certain one if their entropy is higher than a given threshold.
3. CNN fine-tuning: they train the network using the whole pool of already labeled data and pseudo-labeled. Then they put all the automatically labeled images back into the unlabelled pool.
4. Threshold updating: as the network gets more and more confident the threshold for auto-labelling is linearly reducing. The idea is that the network gets a more reliable representation and its trustability increases.
## Results:
Roughly divide by 2 the number of annotation needed.
⚠️ I don't feel like this paper can be trusted 100% ⚠️