* They present a hierarchical method for reinforcement learning. * The method combines "long"-term goals with short-term action choices. ### How * They have two components: * Meta-Controller: * Responsible for the "long"-term goals. * Is trained to pick goals (based on the current state) that maximize (extrinsic) rewards, just like you would usually optimize to maximize rewards by picking good actions. * The Meta-Controller only picks goals when the Controller terminates or achieved the goal. * Controller: * Receives the current state and the current goal. * Has to pick a reward maximizing action based on those, just as the agent would usually do (only the goal is added here). * The reward is intrinsic. It comes from the Critic. The Critic gives reward whenever the current goal is reached. * For Montezuma's Revenge: * A goal is to reach a specific object. * The goal is encoded via a bitmask (as big as the game screen). The mask contains 1s wherever the object is. * They hand-extract the location of a few specific objects. * So basically: * The Meta-Controller picks the next object to reach via a Q-value function. * It receives extrinsic reward when objects have been reached in a specific sequence. * The Controller picks actions that lead to reaching the object based on a Q-value function. It iterates action-choosing until it terminates or reached the goal-object. * The Critic awards intrinsic reward to the Controller whenever the goal-object was reached. * They use CNNs for the Meta-Controller and the Controller, similar in architecture to the Atari-DQN paper (shallow CNNs). * They use two replay memories, one for the Meta-Controller (size 40k) and one for the Controller (size 1M). * Both follow an epsilon-greedy policy (for picking goals/actions). Epsilon starts at 1.0 and is annealed down to 0.1. * They use a discount factor / gamma of 0.9. * They train with SGD. ### Results * Learns to play Montezuma's Revenge. * Learns to act well in a more abstract MDP with delayed rewards and where simple Q-learning failed. -------------------- # Rough chapter-wise notes * (1) Introduction * Basic problem: Learn goal directed behaviour from sparse feedbacks. * Challenges: * Explore state space efficiently * Create multiple levels of spatio-temporal abstractions * Their method: Combines deep reinforcement learning with hierarchical value functions. * Their agent is motivated to solve specific intrinsic goals. * Goals are defined in the space of entities and relations, which constraints the search space. * They define their value function as V(s, g) where s is the state and g is a goal. * First, their agent learns to solve intrinsically generated goals. Then it learns to chain these goals together. * Their model has two hiearchy levels: * Meta-Controller: Selects the current goal based on the current state. * Controller: Takes state s and goal g, then selects a good action based on s and g. The controller operates until g is achieved, then the meta-controller picks the next goal. * Meta-Controller gets extrinsic rewards, controller gets intrinsic rewards. * They use SGD to optimize the whole system (with respect to reward maximization). * (3) Model * Basic setting: Action a out of all actions A, state s out of S, transition function T(s,a)->s', reward by state F(s)->R. * epsilon-greedy is good for local exploration, but it's not good at exploring very different areas of the state space. * They use intrinsically motivated goals to better explore the state space. * Sequences of goals are arranged to maximize the received extrinsic reward. * The agent learns one policy per goal. * Meta-Controller: Receives current state, chooses goal. * Controller: Receives current state and current goal, chooses action. Keeps choosing actions until goal is achieved or a terminal state is reached. Has the optimization target of maximizing cumulative reward. * Critic: Checks if current goal is achieved and if so provides intrinsic reward. * They use deep Q learning to train their model. * There are two Q-value functions. One for the controller and one for the meta-controller. * Both formulas are extended by the last chosen goal g. * The Q-value function of the meta-controller does not depend on the chosen action. * The Q-value function of the controller receives only intrinsic direct reward, not extrinsic direct reward. * Both Q-value functions are reprsented with DQNs. * Both are optimized to minimize MSE losses. * They use separate replay memories for the controller and meta-controller. * A memory is added for the meta-controller whenever the controller terminates. * Each new goal is picked by the meta-controller epsilon-greedy (based on the current state). * The controller picks actions epsilon-greedy (based on the current state and goal). * Both epsilons are annealed down. * (4) Experiments * (4.1) Discrete MDP with delayed rewards * Basic MDP setting, following roughly: Several states (s1 to s6) organized in a chain. The agent can move left or right. It gets high reward if it moves to state s6 and then back to s1, otherwise it gets small reward per reached state. * They use their hierarchical method, but without neural nets. * Baseline is Q-learning without a hierarchy/intrinsic rewards. * Their method performs significantly better than the baseline. * (4.2) ATARI game with delayed rewards * They play Montezuma's Revenge with their method, because that game has very delayed rewards. * They use CNNs for the controller and meta-controller (architecture similar to the Atari-DQN paper). * The critic reacts to (entity1, relation, entity2) relationships. The entities are just objects visible in the game. The relation is (apparently ?) always "reached", i.e. whether object1 arrived at object2. * They extract the objects manually, i.e. assume the existance of a perfect unsupervised object detector. * They encode the goals apparently not as vectors, but instead just use a bitmask (game screen heightand width), which has 1s at the pixels that show the object. * Replay memory sizes: 1M for controller, 50k for meta-controller. * gamma=0.99 * They first only train the controller (i.e. meta-controller completely random) and only then train both jointly. * Their method successfully learns to perform actions which lead to rewards with long delays. * It starts with easier goals and then learns harder goals.
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