Proposes a two-stage approach for continual learning. An active learning phase and a consolidation phase. The active learning stage optimizes for a specific task that is then consolidated into the knowledge base network via Elastic Weight Consolidation (Kirkpatrick et al., 2016). The active learning phases uses a separate network than the knowledge base, but is not always trained from scratch - authors suggest a heuristic based on task-similarity. Improves EWC by deriving a new online method so parameters don’t increase linearly with the number of tasks. Desiderata for a continual learning solution: - A continual learning method should not suffer from catastrophic forgetting. That is, it should be able to perform reasonably well on previously learned tasks. - It should be able to learn new tasks while taking advantage of knowledge extracted from previous tasks, thus exhibiting positive forward transfer to achieve faster learning and/or better final performance. - It should be scalable, that is, the method should be trainable on a large number of tasks. - It should enable positive backward transfer as well, which means gaining improved performance on previous tasks after learning a new task which is similar or relevant. - Finally, it should be able to learn without requiring task labels, and ideally, it should even be applicable in the absence of clear task boundaries. Experiments: - Sequential learning of handwritten characters of 50 alphabets taken from the Omniglot dataset. - Sequential learning of 6 games in the Atari suite (Bellemare et al., 2012) (“Space Invaders”, “Krull”, “Beamrider”, “Hero”, “Stargunner” and “Ms. Pac-man”). - 8 navigation tasks in 3D environments inspired by experiments with Distral (Teh et al., 2017).
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