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SGD is a widely used optimization method for training the parameters of some model f on some given task. Since the convergence of SGD is related to the variance of the stochastic gradient estimate, there's been a lot of work on trying to come up with such stochastic estimates with smaller variance. This paper does it using an importance sampling (IS) Monte Carlo estimate of the gradient, and learning the proposal distribution $q$ of the IS estimate. The proposal distribution $q$ is parametrized in some way, and is trained to minimize the variance of the gradient estimate. It is trained simultaneously while the model $f$ that SGD (i.e. the SGD that uses IS to get its gradient) is training. To make this whole story more recursive, the proposal distribution $q$ is also trained with SGD :-) This makes sense, since one expects the best proposal to depend on the value of the parameters of model $f$, so the best proposal $q$ should vary as $f$ is trained. One application of this idea is in optimizing a classification model over a distribution that is imbalanced class-wise (e.g. there are classes with much fewer examples). In this case, the proposal distribution determines how frequently we sample examples from each class (conditioned on the class, training examples are chosen uniformly). #### My two cents This is a really cool idea. I particularly like the application to training on an imbalanced classification problem. People have mostly been using heuristics to tackle this problem, such as initially sampling each class equally as often, and then fine-tuning/calibrating the model using the real class proportions. This approach instead proposes a really elegant, coherent, solution to this problem. I would have liked to see a comparison with that aforementioned heuristic (for mainly selfish reasons :-) ). They instead compare with an importance sampling approach with proposal that assigns the same probability to each class, which is a reasonable alternative (though I don't know if it's used as often as the more heuristic approach). There are other applications, to matrix factorization and reinforcement learning, that are presented in the paper and seem neat, though I haven't gone through those as much. Overall, one of my favorite paper this year: it's original, tackles a problem for which I've always hated the heuristic solution I'm using now, proposes an elegant solution to it, and is applicable even more widely than that setting. |
Federated learning is the problem of training a model that incorporates updates from the data of many individuals, without having direct access to that data, or having to store it. This is potentially desirable both for reasons of privacy (not wanting to have access to private data in a centralized way), and for potential benefits to transport cost when data needed to train models exists on a user's device, and would require a lot of bandwidth to transfer to a centralized server. Historically, the default way to do Federated Learning was with an algorithm called FedSGD, which worked by: - Sending a copy of the current model to each device/client - Calculating a gradient update to be applied on top of that current model given a batch of data sampled from the client's device - Sending that gradient back to the central server - Averaging those gradients and applying them all at once to a central model The authors note that this approach is equivalent to one where a single device performs a step of gradient descent locally, sends the resulting *model* back to the the central server, and performs model averaging by averaging the parameter vectors there. Given that, and given their observation that, in federated learning, communication of gradients and models is generally much more costly than the computation itself (since the computation happens across so many machines), they ask whether the communication required to get to a certain accuracy could be better optimized by performing multiple steps of gradient calculation and update on a given device, before sending the resulting model back to a central server to be average with other clients models. Specifically, their algorithm, FedAvg, works by: - Dividing the data on a given device into batches of size B - Calculating an update on each batch and applying them sequentially to the starting model sent over the wire from the server - Repeating this for E epochs Conceptually, this should work perfectly well in the world where data from each batch is IID - independently drawn from the same distribution. But that is especially unlikely to be true in the case of federated learning, when a given user and device might have very specialized parts of the data space, and prior work has shown that there exist pathological cases where averaged models can perform worse than either model independently, even *when* the IID condition is met. The authors experiment empirically ask the question whether these sorts of pathological cases arise when simulating a federated learning procedure over MNIST and a language model trained on Shakespeare, trying over a range of hyperparameters (specifically B and E), and testing the case where data is heavily non-IID (in their case: where different "devices" had non-overlapping sets of digits). https://i.imgur.com/xq9vi8S.png They show that, in both the IID and non-IID settings, they are able to reach their target accuracy, and are able to do so with many fewer rounds of communciation than are required by FedSGD (where an update is sent over the wire, and a model sent back, for each round of calculation done on the device.) The authors argue that this shows the practical usefulness of a Federated Learning approach that does more computation on individual devices before updating, even in the face of theoretical pathological cases. |
Tree-based ML models are becoming increasingly popular, but in the explanation space for these type of models is woefully lacking explanations on a local level. Local level explanations can give a clearer picture on specific use-cases and help pin point exact areas where the ML model maybe lacking in accuracy. **Idea**: We need a local explanation system for trees, that is not based on simple decision path, but rather weighs each feature in comparison to every other feature to gain better insight on the model's inner workings. **Solution**: This paper outlines a new methodology using SHAP relative values, to weigh pairs of features to get a better local explanation of a tree-based model. The paper also outlines how we can garner global level explanations from several local explanations, using the relative score for a large sample space. The paper also walks us through existing methodologies for local explanation, and why these are biased toward tree depth as opposed to actual feature importance. The proposed explanation model titled TreeExplainer exposes methods to compute optimal local explanation, garner global understanding from local explanations, and capture feature interaction within a tree based model. This method assigns Shapley interaction values to pairs of features essentially ranking the features so as to understand which features have a higher impact on overall outcomes, and analyze feature interaction. |
This paper presents a recurrent neural network architecture in which some of the recurrent weights dynamically change during the forward pass, using a hebbian-like rule. They correspond to the matrices $A(t)$ in the figure below: ![Fast weights RNN figure](http://i.imgur.com/DCznSf4.png) These weights $A(t)$ are referred to as *fast weights*. Comparatively, the recurrent weights $W$ are referred to as slow weights, since they are only changing due to normal training and are otherwise kept constant at test time. More specifically, the proposed fast weights RNN compute a series of hidden states $h(t)$ over time steps $t$, but, unlike regular RNNs, the transition from $h(t)$ to $h(t+1)$ consists of multiple ($S$) recurrent layers $h_1(t+1), \dots, h_{S-1}(t+1), h_S(t+1)$, defined as follows: $$h_{s+1}(t+1) = f(W h(t) + C x(t) + A(t) h_s(t+1))$$ where $f$ is an element-wise non-linearity such as the ReLU activation. The next hidden state $h(t+1)$ is simply defined as the last "inner loop" hidden state $h_S(t+1)$, before moving to the next time step. As for the fast weights $A(t)$, they too change between time steps, using the hebbian-like rule: $$A(t+1) = \lambda A(t) + \eta h(t) h(t)^T$$ where $\lambda$ acts as a decay rate (to partially forget some of what's in the past) and $\eta$ as the fast weight's "learning rate" (not to be confused with the learning rate used during backprop). Thus, the role played by the fast weights is to rapidly adjust to the recent hidden states and remember the recent past. In fact, the authors show an explicit relation between these fast weights and memory-augmented architectures that have recently been popular. Indeed, by recursively applying and expending the equation for the fast weights, one obtains $$A(t) = \eta \sum_{\tau = 1}^{\tau = t-1}\lambda^{t-\tau-1} h(\tau) h(\tau)^T$$ *(note the difference with Equation 3 of the paper... I think there was a typo)* which implies that when computing the $A(t) h_s(t+1)$ term in the expression to go from $h_s(t+1)$ to $h_{s+1}(t+1)$, this term actually corresponds to $$A(t) h_s(t+1) = \eta \sum_{\tau =1}^{\tau = t-1} \lambda^{t-\tau-1} h(\tau) (h(\tau)^T h_s(t+1))$$ i.e. $A(t) h_s(t+1)$ is a weighted sum of all previous hidden states $h(\tau)$, with each hidden states weighted by an "attention weight" $h(\tau)^T h_s(t+1)$. The difference with many recent memory-augmented architectures is thus that the attention weights aren't computed using a softmax non-linearity. Experimentally, they find it beneficial to use [layer normalization](https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06450). Good values for $\eta$ and $\lambda$ seem to be 0.5 and 0.9 respectively. I'm not 100% sure, but I also understand that using $S=1$, i.e. using the fast weights only once per time steps, was usually found to be optimal. Also see Figure 3 for the architecture used on the image classification datasets, which is slightly more involved. The authors present a series 4 experiments, comparing with regular RNNs (IRNNs, which are RNNs with ReLU units and whose recurrent weights are initialized to a scaled identity matrix) and LSTMs (as well as an associative LSTM for a synthetic associative retrieval task and ConvNets for the two image datasets). Generally, experiments illustrate that the fast weights RNN tends to train faster (in number of updates) and better than the other recurrent architectures. Surprisingly, the fast weights RNN can even be competitive with a ConvNet on the two image classification benchmarks, where the RNN traverses glimpses from the image using a fixed policy. **My two cents** This is a very thought provoking paper which, based on the comparison with LSTMs, suggests that fast weights RNNs might be a very good alternative. I'd be quite curious to see what would happen if one was to replace LSTMs with them in the myriad of papers using LSTMs (e.g. all the Seq2Seq work). Intuitively, LSTMs seem to be able to do more than just attending to the recent past. But, for a given task, if one was to observe that fast weights RNNs are competitive to LSTMs, it would suggests that the LSTM isn't doing something that much more complex. So it would be interesting to determine what are the tasks where the extra capacity of an LSTM is actually valuable and exploitable. Hopefully the authors will release some code, to facilitate this exploration. The discussion at the end of Section 3 on how exploiting the "memory augmented" view of fast weights is useful to allow the use of minibatches is interesting. However, it also suggests that computations in the fast weights RNN scales quadratically with the sequence size (since in this view, the RNN technically must attend to all previous hidden states, since the beginning of the sequence). This is something to keep in mind, if one was to consider applying this to very long sequences (i.e. much longer than the hidden state dimensionality). Also, I don't quite get the argument that the "memory augmented" view of fast weights is more amenable to mini-batch training. I understand that having an explicit weight matrix $A(t)$ for each minibatch sequence complicates things. However, in the memory augmented view, we also have a "memory matrix" that is different for each sequence, and yet we can handle that fine. The problem I can imagine is that storing a *sequence of arbitrary weight matrices* for each sequence might be storage demanding (and thus perhaps make it impossible to store a forward/backward pass for more than one sequence at a time), while the implicit memory matrix only requires appending a new row at each time step. Perhaps the argument to be made here is more that there's already mini-batch compatible code out there for dealing with the use of a memory matrix of stored previous memory states. This work strikes some (partial) resemblance to other recent work, which may serve as food for thought here. The use of possibly multiple computation layers between time steps reminds me of [Adaptive Computation Time (ACT) RNN]( http://www.shortscience.org/paper?bibtexKey=journals/corr/Graves16). Also, expressing a backpropable architecture that involves updates to weights (here, hebbian-like updates) reminds me of recent work that does backprop through the updates of a gradient descent procedure (for instance as in [this work]( http://www.shortscience.org/paper?bibtexKey=conf/icml/MaclaurinDA15)). Finally, while I was familiar with the notion of fast weights from the work on [Using Fast Weights to Improve Persistent Contrastive Divergence](http://people.ee.duke.edu/~lcarin/FastGibbsMixing.pdf), I didn't realize that this concept dated as far back as the late 80s. So, for young researchers out there looking for inspiration for research ideas, this paper confirms that looking at the older neural network literature for inspiration is probably a very good strategy :-) To sum up, this is really nice work, and I'm looking forward to the NIPS 2016 oral presentation of it! |
This paper from 2016 introduced a new k-mer based method to estimate isoform abundance from RNA-Seq data called kallisto. The method provided a significant improvement in speed and memory usage compared to the previously used methods while yielding similar accuracy. In fact, kallisto is able to quantify expression in a matter of minutes instead of hours. The standard (previous) methods for quantifying expression rely on mapping, i.e. on the alignment of a transcriptome sequenced reads to a genome of reference. Reads are assigned to a position in the genome and the gene or isoform expression values are derived by counting the number of reads overlapping the features of interest. The idea behind kallisto is to rely on a pseudoalignment which does not attempt to identify the positions of the reads in the transcripts, only the potential transcripts of origin. Thus, it avoids doing an alignment of each read to a reference genome. In fact, kallisto only uses the transcriptome sequences (not the whole genome) in its first step which is the generation of the kallisto index. Kallisto builds a colored de Bruijn graph (T-DBG) from all the k-mers found in the transcriptome. Each node of the graph corresponds to a k-mer (a short sequence of k nucleotides) and retains the information about the transcripts in which they can be found in the form of a color. Linear stretches having the same coloring in the graph correspond to transcripts. Once the T-DBG is built, kallisto stores a hash table mapping each k-mer to its transcript(s) of origin along with the position within the transcript(s). This step is done only once and is dependent on a provided annotation file (containing the sequences of all the transcripts in the transcriptome). Then for a given sequenced sample, kallisto decomposes each read into its k-mers and uses those k-mers to find a path covering in the T-DBG. This path covering of the transcriptome graph, where a path corresponds to a transcript, generates k-compatibility classes for each k-mer, i.e. sets of potential transcripts of origin on the nodes. The potential transcripts of origin for a read can be obtained using the intersection of its k-mers k-compatibility classes. To make the pseudoalignment faster, kallisto removes redundant k-mers since neighboring k-mers often belong to the same transcripts. Figure1, from the paper, summarizes these different steps. https://i.imgur.com/eNH2kuO.png **Figure1**. Overview of kallisto. The input consists of a reference transcriptome and reads from an RNA-seq experiment. (a) An example of a read (in black) and three overlapping transcripts with exonic regions as shown. (b) An index is constructed by creating the transcriptome de Bruijn Graph (T-DBG) where nodes (v1, v2, v3, ... ) are k-mers, each transcript corresponds to a colored path as shown and the path cover of the transcriptome induces a k-compatibility class for each k-mer. (c) Conceptually, the k-mers of a read are hashed (black nodes) to find the k-compatibility class of a read. (d) Skipping (black dashed lines) uses the information stored in the T-DBG to skip k-mers that are redundant because they have the same k-compatibility class. (e) The k-compatibility class of the read is determined by taking the intersection of the k-compatibility classes of its constituent k-mers.[From Bray et al. Near-optimal probabilistic RNA-seq quantification, Nature Biotechnology, 2016.] Then, kallisto optimizes the following RNA-Seq likelihood function using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. $$L(\alpha) \propto \prod_{f \in F} \sum_{t \in T} y_{f,t} \frac{\alpha_t}{l_t} = \prod_{e \in E}\left( \sum_{t \in e} \frac{\alpha_t}{l_t} \right )^{c_e}$$ In this function, $F$ is the set of fragments (or reads), $T$ is the set of transcripts, $l_t$ is the (effective) length of transcript $t$ and **y**$_{f,t}$ is a compatibility matrix defined as 1 if fragment $f$ is compatible with $t$ and 0 otherwise. The parameters $α_t$ are the probabilities of selecting reads from a transcript $t$. These $α_t$ are the parameters of interest since they represent the isoforms abundances or relative expressions. To make things faster, the compatibility matrix is collapsed (factorized) into equivalence classes. An equivalent class consists of all the reads compatible with the same subsets of transcripts. The EM algorithm is applied to equivalence classes (not to reads). Each $α_t$ will be optimized to maximise the likelihood of transcript abundances given observations of the equivalence classes. The speed of the method makes it possible to evaluate the uncertainty of the abundance estimates for each RNA-Seq sample using a bootstrap technique. For a given sample containing $N$ reads, a bootstrap sample is generated from the sampling of $N$ counts from a multinomial distribution over the equivalence classes derived from the original sample. The EM algorithm is applied on those sampled equivalence class counts to estimate transcript abundances. The bootstrap information is then used in downstream analyses such as determining which genes are differentially expressed. Practically, we can illustrate the different steps involved in kallisto using a small example. Starting from a tiny genome with 3 transcripts, assume that the RNA-Seq experiment produced 4 reads as depicted in the image below. https://i.imgur.com/5JDpQO8.png The first step is to build the T-DBG graph and the kallisto index. All transcript sequences are decomposed into k-mers (here k=5) to construct the colored de Bruijn graph. Not all nodes are represented in the following drawing. The idea is that each different transcript will lead to a different path in the graph. The strand is not taken into account, kallisto is strand-agnostic. https://i.imgur.com/4oW72z0.png Once the index is built, the four reads of the sequenced sample can be analysed. They are decomposed into k-mers (k=5 here too) and the pre-built index is used to determine the k-compatibility class of each k-mer. Then, the k-compatibility class of each read is computed. For example, for read 1, the intersection of all the k-compatibility classes of its k-mers suggests that it might come from transcript 1 or transcript 2. https://i.imgur.com/woektCH.png This is done for the four reads enabling the construction of the compatibility matrix **y**$_{f,t}$ which is part of the RNA-Seq likelihood function. In this equation, the $α_t$ are the parameters that we want to estimate. https://i.imgur.com/Hp5QJvH.png The EM algorithm being too slow to be applied on millions of reads, the compatibility matrix **y**$_{f,t}$ is factorized into equivalence classes and a count is computed for each class (how many reads are represented by this equivalence class). The EM algorithm uses this collapsed information to maximize the new equivalent RNA-Seq likelihood function and optimize the $α_t$. https://i.imgur.com/qzsEq8A.png The EM algorithm stops when for every transcript $t$, $α_tN$ > 0.01 changes less than 1%, where $N$ is the total number of reads. |