Summary by NIPS Conference Reviews 8 years ago
This paper presents a novel layer that can be used in convolutional neural networks. A spatial transformer layer computes re-sampling points of the signal based on another neural network. The suggested transformations include scaling, cropping, rotations and non-rigid deformation whose paramerters are trained end-to-end with the rest of the model. The resulting re-sampling grid is then used to create a new representation of the underlying signal through bi-linear or nearest neighbor interpolation. This has interesting implications: the network can learn to co-locate objects in a set of images that all contain the same object, the transformation parameter localize the attention area explicitly, fine data resolution is restricted to areas important for the task. Furthermore, the model improves over previous state-of-the-art on a number of tasks.
The layer has one mini neural network that regresses on the parameters of a parametric transformation, e.g. affine), then there is a module that applies the transformation to a regular grid and a third more or less "reads off" the values in the transformed positions and maps them to a regular grid, hence under-forming the image or previous layer. Gradients for back-propagation in a few cases are derived. The results are mostly of the classic deep learning variety, including mnist and svhn, but there is also the fine-grained birds dataset. The networks with spatial transformers seem to lead to improved results in all cases.