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Everyone has been thinking about how to apply GANs to discrete sequence data for the past year or so. This paper presents the model that I would guess most people thought of as the first-thing-to-try: 1. Build a recurrent generator model which samples from its softmax outputs at each timestep. 2. Pass sampled sequences to a recurrent discriminator model which distinguishes between sampled sequences and real-data sequences. 3. Train the discriminator under the standard GAN loss. 4. Train the generator with a REINFORCE (policy gradient) objective, where each trajectory is assigned a single episodic reward: the score assigned to the generated sequence by the discriminator. Sounds hacky, right? We're learning a generator with a high-variance model-free reinforcement learning algorithm, in a very seriously non-stationary environment. (Here the "environment" is a discriminator being jointly learned with the generator.) There's just one trick in this paper on top of that setup: for non-terminal states, the reward is defined as the *expectation* of the discriminator score after stochastically generating from that state forward. To restate using standard (somewhat sloppy) RL syntax, in different terms than the paper: (under stochastic sequential policy $\pi$, with current state $s_t$, trajectory $\tau_{1:T}$ and discriminator $D(\tau)$) $$r_t = \mathbb E_{\tau_{t+1:T} \sim \pi(s_t)} \left[ D(\tau_{1:T}) \right]$$ The rewards are estimated via Monte Carlo — i.e., just take the mean of $N$ rollouts from each intermediate state. They claim this helps to reduce variance. That makes intuitive sense, but I don't see any results in the paper demonstrating the effect of varying $N$. --- Yep, so it turns out that this sort of works.. with a big caveat: ## The big caveat Graph from appendix: ![](https://www.dropbox.com/s/5fqh6my63sgv5y4/Bildschirmfoto%202016-09-27%20um%2021.34.44.png?raw=1) SeqGANs don't work without supervised pretraining. Makes sense — with a cold start, the generator just samples a bunch of nonsense and the discriminator overfits. Both the generator and discriminator are pretrained on supervised data in this paper (see Algorithm 1). I think it must be possible to overcome this with the proper training tricks and enough sweat. But it's probably more worth our time to address the fundamental problem here of developing better RL for structured prediction tasks.
This paper presents a combination of the inception architecture with residual networks. This is done by adding a shortcut connection to each inception module. This can alternatively be seen as a resnet where the 2 conv layers are replaced by a (slightly modified) inception module. The paper (claims to) provide results against the hypothesis that adding residual connections improves training, rather increasing the model size is what makes the difference. |
Normal RL agents in multi-agent scenarios treat their opponents as a static part of the environment, not taking into account the fact that other agents are learning as well. This paper proposes LOLA, a learning rule that should take the agency and learning of opponents into account by optimizing "return under one step look-ahead of opponent learning" So instead of optimizing under the current parameters of agent 1 and 2 $$V^1(\theta_i^1, \theta_i^2)$$ LOLA proposes to optimize taking into account one step of opponent (agent 2) learning $$V^1(\theta_i^1, \theta_i^2 + \Delta \theta^2_i)$$ where we assume the opponent's naive learning update $\Delta \theta^2_i = \nabla_{\theta^2} V^2(\theta^1, \theta^2) \cdot \eta$ and we add a second-order correction term on top of this, the authors propose - a learning rule with policy gradients in the case that the agent does not have access to exact gradients - a way to estimate the parameters of the opponent, $\theta^2$, from its trajectories using maximum likelihood in the case you can't access them directly $$\hat \theta^2 = \text{argmax}_{\theta^2} \sum_t \log \pi_{\theta^2}(u_t^2|s_t)$$ LOLA is tested on iterated prisoner's dilemma and converges to a tit-for-tat strategy more frequently than the naive RL learning algorithm, and outperforms it. LOLA is tested on iterated matching pennies (similar to prisoner's dilemma) and stably converges to the Nash equilibrium whereas the naive learners do not. In testing on coin game (a higher dimensional version of prisoner's dilemma) they find that naive learners generally choose the defect option whereas LOLA agents have a mostly-cooperative strategy. As well, the authors show that LOLA is a dominant learning rule in IPD, where both agents always do better if either is using LOLA (and even better if both are using LOLA). Finally, the authors also propose second order LOLA, which instead of assuming the opponent is a naive learner, assumes the opponent uses a LOLA learning rule. They show that second order LOLA does not lead to improved performance so there is no need to have a $n$th order LOLA arms race. |
Lee et al. propose a variant of adversarial training where a generator is trained simultaneously to generated adversarial perturbations. This approach follows the idea that it is possible to “learn” how to generate adversarial perturbations (as in [1]). In this case, the authors use the gradient of the classifier with respect to the input as hint for the generator. Both generator and classifier are then trained in an adversarial setting (analogously to generative adversarial networks), see the paper for details. [1] Omid Poursaeed, Isay Katsman, Bicheng Gao, Serge Belongie. Generative Adversarial Perturbations. ArXiv, abs/1712.02328, 2017. |
This paper investigates different paradigms for learning how to answer natural language queries through various forms of feedback. Most interestingly, it investigates whether a model can learn to answer correctly questions when the feedback is presented purely in the form of a sentence (e.g. "Yes, that's right", "Yes, that's correct", "No, that's incorrect", etc.). This later form of feedback is particularly hard to leverage, since the model has to somehow learn that the word "Yes" is a sign of a positive feedback, but not the word "No". Normally, we'd trained a model to directly predict the correct answer to questions based on feedback provided by an expert that always answers correctly. "Imitating" this expert just corresponds to regular supervised learning. The paper however explores other variations on this learning scenario. Specifically, they consider 3 dimensions of variations. The first dimension of variation is who is providing the answers. Instead of an expert (who is always right), the paper considers the case where the model is instead observing a different, "imperfect" expert whose answers come from a fixed policy that answers correctly only a fraction of the time (the paper looked at 0.5, 0.1 and 0.01). Note that the paper refers to these answers as coming from "the learner" (which should be the model), but since the policy is fixed and actually doesn't depend on the model, I think one can also think of it as coming from another agent, which I'll refer to as the imperfect expert (I think this is also known as "off policy learning" in the RL world). The second dimension of variation on the learning scenario that is explored is in the nature of the "supervision type" (i.e. nature of the labels). There are 10 of them (see Figure 1 for a nice illustration). In addition to the real expert's answers only (Type 1), the paper considers other types that instead involve the imperfect expert and fall in one of the two categories below: 1. Explicit positive / negative rewards based on whether the imperfect expert's answer is correct. 2. Various forms of natural language responses to the imperfect expert's answers, which vary from worded positive/negative feedback, to hints, to mentions of the supporting fact for the correct answer. Also, mixtures of the above are considered. Finally, the third dimension of variation is how the model learns from the observed data. In addition to the regular supervised learning approach of imitating the observed answers (whether it's from the real expert or the imperfect expert), two other distinct approaches are considered, each inspired by the two categories of feedback mentioned above: 1. Reward-based imitation: this simply corresponds to ignoring answers from the imperfect expert for which the reward is not positive (as for when the answers come from the regular expert, they are always used I believe). 2. Forward prediction: this consists in predicting the natural language feedback to the answer of the imperfect expert. This is essentially treated as a classification problem over possible feedback (with negative sampling, since there are many possible feedback responses), that leverages a soft-attention architecture over the answers the expert could have given, which is also informed by the actual answer that was given (see Equation 2). Also, a mixture of both of these learning approaches is considered. The paper thoroughly explores experimentally all these dimensions, on two question-answering datasets (single supporting fact bAbI dataset and MovieQA). The neural net model architectures used are all based on memory networks. Without much surprise, imitating the true expert performs best. But quite surprisingly, forward prediction leveraging only natural language feedback to an imperfect expert often performs competitively compared to reward-based imitation. #### My two cents This is a very thought provoking paper! I very much like the idea of exploring how a model could learn a task based on instructions in natural language. This makes me think of this work \cite{conf/iccv/BaSFS15} on using zero-shot learning to learn a model that can produce a visual classifier based on a description of what must be recognized. Another component that is interesting here is studying how a model can learn without knowing a priori whether a feedback is positive or negative. This sort of makes me think of [this work](http://www.thespermwhale.com/jaseweston/ram/papers/paper_16.pdf) (which is also close to this work \cite{conf/icann/HochreiterYC01}) where a recurrent network is trained to process a training set (inputs and targets) to later produce another model that's applied on a test set, without the RNN explicitly knowing what the training gradients are on this other model's parameters. In other words, it has to effectively learn to execute (presumably a form of) gradient descent on the other model's parameters. I find all such forms of "learning to learn" incredibly interesting. Coming back to this paper, unfortunately I've yet to really understand why forward prediction actually works. An explanation is given, that is that "this is because there is a natural coherence to predicting true answers that leads to greater accuracy in forward prediction" (see paragraph before conclusion). I can sort of understand what is meant by that, but it would be nice to somehow dig deeper into this hypothesis. Or I might be misunderstanding something here, since the paper mentions that changing how wrong answers are sampled yields a "worse" accuracy of 80% on Task 2 for the bAbI dataset and a policy accuracy of 0.1, but Table 1 reports an accuracy 54% for this case (which is not better, but worse). Similarly, I'd like to better understand Equation 2, specifically the β* term, and why exactly this is an appropriate form of incorporating which answer was given and why it works. I really was unable to form an intuition around Equation 2. In any case, I really like that there's work investigating this theme and hope there can be more in the future! |