Summary by CodyWild 3 years ago
I'm a little embarrassed that I'm only just now reading what seems like a fairly important paper from a year and a half ago, but, in my defense, March 2020 was not the best time for keeping up with the literature in a disciplined way.
Anyhow, musings aside: this paper proposes an alternative training procedure for large language models, which the authors claim result in models that reach strong performance more efficiently than previous BERT, XLNet, or RoBERTa baselines. As some background context, the previously-canonical Masked Learning Model (MLM) task works by:
- Replacing some percentage of tokens with a [MASK] indicator
- Using the final-layer representation at the locations of those [MASK]s to predict the true input token
- Using as a training signal the Maximum Likelihood of that prediction, or, how high the model's predicted probability on the true input.
ELECTRA authors argue that there are a few notable disadvantages to this structure, if your goal is to train useful representations for downstream tasks. Firstly, your loss only consists of information (i.e. the true token) from the tokens you randomly masked, so a good amount of the data is going in some sense unused (except as context). Secondly, learning a full generative model of language requires a lot of data and training time, and it may not be all that beneficial for performance on your downstream tasks of interest.
As an alternative, they propose:
- Co-learning a (small) generator, trained in typical MLM fashion, alongside a discriminator. Randomly select tokens from the input to replace with fake tokens drawn from the distribution of the discriminator
- The goal of the discriminator is to distinguish the true tokens from the fake ones. (minor note: if the generator happens to get lucky and generate the real token, that's counted as a "real" rather than "fake" token, even though it was generated by a generator). This uses more of the training data in the loss, since you can ask "real or fake" for every token in the input data, not (obviously) just the ones that are actually fake
- An important note for those familiar with GANs is that the generator isn't trained to confuse the discriminator (as is GAN-standard), but is simply trained with it's own maximum likelihood loss, independent of the discriminator's performance.
They argue, and show fairly convincingly, that ELECTRA is able to reach a higher efficiency-to-performance trade-off curve compared to BERT - matching the performance of previous models with notably less training, and outperforming them with comparable amounts of training.
They go on to perform a few ablations, some of which felt more convincing than others. The most confusing ablation, which I'm not sure if I just misunderstood, was meant to ask how much of the value of ELECTRA came from calculating its loss over all the tokens in the training data, rather than just the masked ones. So, they tried just calculating the loss for the masked/replaced tokens. The resulting discriminator performs very poorly downstream. But, I find this a little odd as a design choice, since couldn't the discriminator learn to almost always predict that a replaced token was fake, since the only way it could be otherwise would be if the generator got lucky and produced the true word? They also did the (more sensible, to me) experiment of calculating the loss on a similarly-sized percentage of tokens, but not fully overlapping with the replacement mask, and that did more similarly to base ELECTRA.
They also tested training a combined MLM/ELECTRA loss, where generated tokens were used in lieu of masking, and the full-sized MLM generator predicts the true token at every point in the sequence (which could be the token it gets as input, or could not be, in the case of a replacement). That model performed more closely to ELECTRA than BERT, which suggests that the efficiency gain of calculating a loss on every element in the training set was more important in practice than the gain from focusing a discriminator more directly on what was valuable for downstream tasks, rather than generating.
