Xie et al. Propose to regularize deep neural networks by randomly disturbing (i.e., changing) training labels. In particular, for each training batch, they randomly change the label of each sample with probability $\alpha$ - when changing a label, it’s sampled uniformly from the set of labels. In experiments, the authors show that this sort of loss regularization improves generalization. However, Dropout usually performs better; in their case, only the combination with leads to noticable improvements on MNIST and SVHN – and only compared to no regularization and data augmentation at all. In their discussion, they offer two interpretations of dropping labels. First, it canbe seen as learning an ensemble of models on different noisy label sets; second, it can be seen as implicitly performing data augmentation. Both interepretation area reasonable, but do not provide a definite answer to why disturbing training labels should work well. https://i.imgur.com/KH36sAM.png Figure 1: Comparison of training testing error rate during training for no regularization, dropout and DropLabel. Also find this summary at [davidstutz.de](https://davidstutz.de/category/reading/). |
- Implementations: - https://hub.docker.com/r/mklinov/caffe-flownet2/ - https://github.com/lmb-freiburg/flownet2-docker - https://github.com/lmb-freiburg/flownet2 - Explanations: - A Brief Review of FlowNet - not a clear explanation https://medium.com/towards-data-science/a-brief-review-of-flownet-dca6bd574de0 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSzUdVBmQP4 Supplementary material: http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/supplemental/Ilg_FlowNet_2.0_Evolution_2017_CVPR_supplemental.pdf |
Rozsa et al. propose PASS, an perceptual similarity metric invariant to homographies to quantify adversarial perturbations. In particular, PASS is based on the structural similarity metric SSIM [1]; specifically $PASS(\tilde{x}, x) = SSIM(\psi(\tilde{x},x), x)$ where $\psi(\tilde{x}, x)$ transforms the perturbed image $\tilde{x}$ to the image $x$ by applying a homography $H$ (which can be found through optimization). Based on this similarity metric, they consider additional attacks which create small perturbations in terms of the PASS score, but result in larger $L_p$ norms; see the paper for experimental results. [1] Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, H. R. Sheikh, E. P. Simoncelli. Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity. TIP, 2004. Also see this summary at [davidstutz.de](https://davidstutz.de/category/reading/). |
Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. propose universal adversarial perturbations – perturbations that are image-agnostic. Specifically, they extend the framework for crafting adversarial examples, i.e. by iteratively solving $\arg\min_r \|r \|_2$ s.t. $f(x + r) \neq f(x)$. Here, $r$ denotes the adversarial perturbation, $x$ a training sample and $f$ the neural network. Instead of solving this problem for a specific $x$, the authors propose to solve the problem over the full training set, i.e. in each iteration, a different sample $x$ is chosen, one step in the direction of the gradient is taken and the perturbation is updated accordingly. In experiments, they show that these universal perturbations are indeed able to fool networks an several images; in addition, these perturbations are – sometimes – transferable to other networks. Also view this summary on [davidstutz.de](https://davidstutz.de/category/reading/). |
The problem statement this paper tries to address is that the training set is distinguished by a large imbalance between the number of foreground examples and background examples-To make the point concrete cases like sliding window object detectors like deformable parts model, the imbalance may be as extreme as 100,000 background examples to one annotated foreground example. Before i proceed to give you the details of Hard Example mining, i just want to note that HEM in its essence is mostly while training you sort your losses and train your model on the most difficult examples which mostly means the ones with the most loss.(An extension to this can be found in the paper Focal Loss). This is a simple but powerful technique. So taking this as out background,The authors propose a simple but effective method to train an Fast-RCNN. Their approach is as follows, 1. For an input image at SGD iteration t, they first compute a convolution feature map using the conv-Network 2. The ROI Network uses this feature map and all the input ROI's to do a forward pass 3. Hard examples are sorted by loss and taking the B/N examples for which the current network performs worse.(Here B is batch size and N is Number of examples) 4. While doing this, The researchers notice that Co-located ROI's with high overlap are likely to have co-related losses. Also If you notice Overlapping ROI's will project onto the mostly the same region in the Conv-feature map because the feature map is a denser/smaller representation of the feature map.So this might lead to loss double counting.To deal with this They use standard Non-Maximum Supression. 5. Now how NMS works here is, It iteratively selects the ROI with the highest loss and removes all lower loss ROI's that have high overlap with the selected region.Here they use a IOU threshold of 0.7 |
Problem -------------- Refine synthetically simulated images to look real https://machinelearning.apple.com/images/journals/gan/real_synt_refined_gaze.png Approach -------------- * Generative adversarial networks Contributions ---------- 1. **Refiner** FCN that improves simulated image to realistically looking image 2. **Adversarial + Self regularization loss** * **Adversarial loss** term = CNN that Classifies whether the image is refined or real * **Self regularization** term = L1 distance of refiner produced image from simulated image. The distance can be either in pixel space or in feature space (to preserve gaze direction for example). https://i.imgur.com/I4KxCzT.png Datasets ------------ * grayscale eye images * depth sensor hand images Technical Contributions ------------------------------- 1. **Local adversarial loss** - The discriminator is applied on image patches thus creating multiple "realness" metrices https://machinelearning.apple.com/images/journals/gan/local-d.png 2. **Discriminator with history** - to avoid the refiner from going back to previously used refined images. https://machinelearning.apple.com/images/journals/gan/history.gif |
The authors present a neural model that maps images and sentences into the same space, in order to perform cross-modal retrieval – find images based on a sentence or find sentences based on an image. https://i.imgur.com/DCFYzN8.png The image vectors come from a pre-trained VGG image detection network. The sentence vectors are constructed using Fisher vectors, but they also explore simpler options, such as mean word2vec vectors and tfidf. Both are then mapped through nonlinearities and normalised, and Euclidean distance is used to measure vector similarity. They also investigate the task of mapping noun phrases from the image caption to specific areas of the image. |
* Presents an architecture dubbed ResNeXt * They use modules built of * 1x1 conv * 3x3 group conv, keeping the depth constant. It's like a usual conv, but it's not fully connected along the depth axis, but only connected within groups * 1x1 conv * plus a skip connection coming from the module input * Advantages: * Fewer parameters, since the full connections are only within the groups * Allows more feature channels at the cost of more aggressive grouping * Better performance when keeping the number of params constant * Questions/Disadvantages: * Instead of keeping the num of params constant, how about aiming at constant memory consumption? Having more feature channels requires more RAM, even if the connections are sparser and hence there are fewer params * Not so much improvement over ResNet |
_Objective:_ Find a generative model that avoids usual shortcomings: (i) high-resolution, (ii) variety of images and (iii) matching the dataset diversity. _Dataset:_ [ImageNet](https://www.image-net.org/) ## Inner-workings: The idea is to find an image that maximizes the probability for a given label by using a variant of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler. [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 12 31 14 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26675978/3c9e6d94-46c6-11e7-9f67-477c4036a891.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26675978/3c9e6d94-46c6-11e7-9f67-477c4036a891.png) Where the first term ensures that we stay in the image manifold that we're trying to find and don't just produce adversarial examples and the second term makes sure that find an image corresponding to the label we're looking for. Basically we start with a random image and iteratively find a better image to match the label we're trying to generate. ### MALA-approx: MALA-approx is the MCMC sampler based on the Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm that they use in the paper, it is defined iteratively as follow: [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 12 25 45 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26675866/bf15cc28-46c5-11e7-9620-659d26f84bf8.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26675866/bf15cc28-46c5-11e7-9620-659d26f84bf8.png) where: * epsilon1 makes the image more generic. * epsilon2 increases confidence in the chosen class. * epsilon3 adds noise to encourage diversity. ### Image prior: They try several priors for the images: 1. PPGN-x: p(x) is modeled with a Denoising Auto-Encoder (DAE). [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 1 48 33 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678501/1737c64e-46d1-11e7-82a4-7ee0aa8bfe2f.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678501/1737c64e-46d1-11e7-82a4-7ee0aa8bfe2f.png) 2. DGN-AM: use a latent space to model x with h using a GAN. [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 1 49 41 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678517/2e743194-46d1-11e7-95dc-9bb638128242.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678517/2e743194-46d1-11e7-95dc-9bb638128242.png) 3. PPGN-h: incorporates a prior for p(h) using a DAE. [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 1 51 14 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678579/6bd8cb58-46d1-11e7-895d-f9432b7e5e1f.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678579/6bd8cb58-46d1-11e7-895d-f9432b7e5e1f.png) 4. Joint PPGN-h: to increases expressivity of G, model h by first modeling x in the DAE. [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 1 51 23 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678622/a7bf2f68-46d1-11e7-9209-98f97e0a218d.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678622/a7bf2f68-46d1-11e7-9209-98f97e0a218d.png) 5. Noiseless joint PPGN-h: same as previous but without noise. [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 1 54 11 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678655/d5499220-46d1-11e7-93d0-d48a6b6fa1a8.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26678655/d5499220-46d1-11e7-93d0-d48a6b6fa1a8.png) ### Conditioning: In the paper they mostly use conditioning on label but captions or pretty much anything can also be used. [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 2 26 53 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26679654/6297ab86-46d6-11e7-86fa-f763face01ca.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26679654/6297ab86-46d6-11e7-86fa-f763face01ca.png) ## Architecture: The final architecture using a pretrained classifier network is below. Note that only G and D are trained. [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 2 29 49 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26679785/db143520-46d6-11e7-9668-72864f1a8eb1.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26679785/db143520-46d6-11e7-9668-72864f1a8eb1.png) ## Results: Pretty much any base network can be used with minimal training of G and D. It produces very realistic image with a great diversity, see below for examples of 227x227 images with ImageNet. [![screen shot 2017-06-01 at 2 32 38 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26679884/4494002a-46d7-11e7-882e-c69aff2ddd17.png)](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17261080/26679884/4494002a-46d7-11e7-882e-c69aff2ddd17.png) |
* They describe a method that applies the style of a source image to a target image. * Example: Let a normal photo look like a van Gogh painting. * Example: Let a normal car look more like a specific luxury car. * Their method builds upon the well known artistic style paper and uses a new MRF prior. * The prior leads to locally more plausible patterns (e.g. less artifacts). ### How * They reuse the content loss from the artistic style paper. * The content loss was calculated by feed the source and target image through a network (here: VGG19) and then estimating the squared error of the euclidean distance between one or more hidden layer activations. * They use layer `relu4_2` for the distance measurement. * They replace the original style loss with a MRF based style loss. * Step 1: Extract from the source image `k x k` sized overlapping patches. * Step 2: Perform step (1) analogously for the target image. * Step 3: Feed the source image patches through a pretrained network (here: VGG19) and select the representations `r_s` from specific hidden layers (here: `relu3_1`, `relu4_1`). * Step 4: Perform step (3) analogously for the target image. (Result: `r_t`) * Step 5: For each patch of `r_s` find the best matching patch in `r_t` (based on normalized cross correlation). * Step 6: Calculate the sum of squared errors (based on euclidean distances) of each patch in `r_s` and its best match (according to step 5). * They add a regularizer loss. * The loss encourages smooth transitions in the synthesized image (i.e. few edges, corners). * It is based on the raw pixel values of the last synthesized image. * For each pixel in the synthesized image, they calculate the squared x-gradient and the squared y-gradient and then add both. * They use the sum of all those values as their loss (i.e. `regularizer loss = <sum over all pixels> x-gradient^2 + y-gradient^2`). * Their whole optimization problem is then roughly `image = argmin_image MRF-style-loss + alpha1 * content-loss + alpha2 * regularizer-loss`. * In practice, they start their synthesis with a low resolution image and then progressively increase the resolution (each time performing some iterations of optimization). * In practice, they sample patches from the style image under several different rotations and scalings. ### Results * In comparison to the original artistic style paper: * Less artifacts. * Their method tends to preserve style better, but content worse. * Can handle photorealistic style transfer better, so long as the images are similar enough. If no good matches between patches can be found, their method performs worse. ![Non-photorealistic example images](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleju/papers/master/neural-nets/images/Combining_MRFs_and_CNNs_for_Image_Synthesis__examples.png?raw=true "Non-photorealistic example images") *Non-photorealistic example images. Their method vs. the one from the original artistic style paper.* ![Photorealistic example images](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleju/papers/master/neural-nets/images/Combining_MRFs_and_CNNs_for_Image_Synthesis__examples_real.png?raw=true "Photorealistic example images") *Photorealistic example images. Their method vs. the one from the original artistic style paper.* |
* They describe a model that upscales low resolution images to their high resolution equivalents ("Single Image Super Resolution"). * Their model uses a deeper architecture than previous models and has a residual component. ### How * Their model is a fully convolutional neural network. * Input of the model: The image to upscale, *already upscaled to the desired size* (but still blurry). * Output of the model: The upscaled image (without the blurriness). * They use 20 layers of padded 3x3 convolutions with size 64xHxW with ReLU activations. (No pooling.) * They have a residual component, i.e. the model only learns and outputs the *change* that has to be applied/added to the blurry input image (instead of outputting the full image). That change is applied to the blurry input image before using the loss function on it. (Note that this is a bit different from the currently used "residual learning".) * They use a MSE between the "correct" upscaling and the generated upscaled image (input image + residual). * They use SGD starting with a learning rate of 0.1 and decay it 3 times by a factor of 10. * They use weight decay of 0.0001. * During training they use a special gradient clipping adapted to the learning rate. Usually gradient clipping restricts the gradient values to `[-t, t]` (`t` is a hyperparameter). Their gradient clipping restricts the values to `[-t/lr, t/lr]` (where `lr` is the learning rate). * They argue that their special gradient clipping allows the use of significantly higher learning rates. * They train their model on multiple scales, e.g. 2x, 3x, 4x upscaling. (Not really clear how. They probably feed their upscaled image again into the network or something like that?) ### Results * Higher accuracy upscaling than all previous methods. * Can handle well upscaling factors above 2x. * Residual network learns significantly faster than non-residual network. ![Architecture](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleju/papers/master/neural-nets/images/Accurate_Image_Super-Resolution__architecture.png?raw=true "Architecture") *Architecture of the model.* ![Examples](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleju/papers/master/neural-nets/images/Accurate_Image_Super-Resolution__examples.png?raw=true "Examples") *Super-resolution quality of their model (top, bottom is a competing model).* |
This paper introduces a Stacked Attention Network (SAN) for visual question answering. SAN uses a multiple layer attention mechanism that uses the semantic question representation to query the image and locate relevant visual regions, and to infer the answer. Details of the SAN model: - Image features are extracted from the last pooling layer of a deep CNN (like VGG-net). - Input images are first scaled to 448 x 448, so at the last pooling layer, features have the dimension 14 x 14 x 512 i.e. 512-dimensional vectors at each image location with a receptive field of 32 x 32 in input pixel space. - Question features are the last hidden state of the LSTM. - Words are one-hot encoded, transferred to a vector space by passing through an embedding matrix and these word vectors are fed into the LSTM at each time step. - Image and question features are combined into a query vector to locate relevant visual regions. - Both the LSTM hidden state and 512-d image feature vector at each location are transferred to the same dimensionality (say k) by a fully connected layer, and added and passed through a non-linearity (tanh). - Each k-dimensional feature vector is then transformed down to a single scalar and a softmax is taken over all image regions to get the attention distribution (say p\_{I}). - This attention distribution is used to weight the pooling layer visual features (\sum_{i}p\_{i}v\_{i}) and added to the LSTM vector to get a new query vector. - In subsequent attention layers, this updated query vector is used to repeat the same process of getting an attention distribution. - The final query vector is used to compute a softmax over the answers. ## Strengths - The multi-layer attention mechanism makes sense intuitively and the qualitative results somewhat indicate that going from the first attention layer to subsequent attention layers, the network is able to focus on fine-grained visual regions as it discovers relationships among multiple objects ('what are sitting in the basket on a bicycle'). - SAN benefits VQA, they demonstrate state-of-the-art accuracies on multiple datasets, with question-type breakdown as well. ## Weaknesses / Notes - Right now, the attention distribution is learnt in an unsupervised manner by the network. It would be interesting to think about adding supervisory attention signal. Another way to improve accuracies would be to use deeper LSTMs. |
This paper models object detection as a regression problem for bounding boxes and object class probabilities with a single pass through the CNN. The main contribution is the idea of dividing the image into a 7x7 grid, and having each cell predict a distribution over class labels as well as a bounding box for the object whose center falls into it. It's much faster than R-CNN and Fast R-CNN, as the additional step of extracting region proposals has been removed. ## Strengths - Works real-time. Base model runs at 45fps and a faster version goes up to 150fps, and they claim that it's more than twice as fast as other works on real-time detection. - End-to-end model; Localization and classification errors can be jointly optimized. - YOLO makes more localization errors and fewer background mistakes than Fast R-CNN, so using YOLO to eliminate false background detections from Fast R-CNN results in ~3% mAP gain (without much computational time as R-CNN is much slower). ## Weaknesses / Notes - Results fall short of state-of-the-art: 57.9% v/s 70.4% mAP (Faster R-CNN). - Performs worse at detecting small objects, as at most one object per grid cell can be detected. |
Summary by [brannondorsey](https://gist.github.com/brannondorsey/fb075aac4d5423a75f57fbf7ccc12124): - Euclidean distance between predicted and ground truth pixels is not a good method of judging similarity because it yields blurry images. - GANs learn a loss function rather than using an existing one. - GANs learn a loss that tries to classify if the output image is real or fake, while simultaneously training a generative model to minimize this loss. - Conditional GANs (cGANs) learn a mapping from observed image `x` and random noise vector `z` to `y`: `y = f(x, z)` - The generator `G` is trained to produce outputs that cannot be distinguished from "real" images by an adversarially trained discrimintor, `D` which is trained to do as well as possible at detecting the generator's "fakes". - The discriminator `D`, learns to classify between real and synthesized pairs. The generator learns to fool the discriminator. - Unlike an unconditional GAN, both the generator and discriminator observe an input image `z`. - Asks `G` to not only fool the discriminator but also to be near the ground truth output in an `L2` sense. - `L1` distance between an output of `G` is used over `L2` because it encourages less blurring. - Without `z`, the net could still learn a mapping from `x` to `y` but would produce deterministic outputs (and therefore fail to match any distribution other than a delta function. Past conditional GANs have acknowledged this and provided Gaussian noise `z` as an input to the generator, in addition to `x`) - Either vanilla encoder-decoder or Unet can be selected as the model for `G` in this implementation. - Both generator and discriminator use modules of the form convolution-BatchNorm-ReLu. - A defining feature of image-to-image translation problems is that they map a high resolution input grid to a high resolution output grid. - Input and output images differ in surface appearance, but both are renderings of the same underlying structure. Therefore, structure in the input is roughly aligned with structure in the output. - `L1` loss does very well at low frequencies (I think this means general tonal-distribution/contrast, color-blotches, etc) but fails at high frequencies (crispness/edge/detail) (thus you get blurry images). This motivates restricting the GAN discriminator to only model high frequency structure, relying on an `L1` term to force low frequency correctness. In order to model high frequencies, it is sufficient to restrict our attention to the structure in local image patches. Therefore, we design a discriminator architecture – which we term a PatchGAN – that only penalizes structure at the scale of patches. This discriminator tries to classify if each `NxN`patch in an image is real or fake. We run this discriminator convolutationally across the image, averaging all responses to provide the ultimate output of `D`. - Because PatchGAN assumes independence between pixels seperated by more than a patch diameter (`N`) it can be thought of as a form of texture/style loss. - To optimize our networks we alternate between one gradient descent step on `D`, then one step on `G` (using minibatch SGD applying the Adam solver) - In our experiments, we use batch size `1` for certain experiments and `4` for others, noting little difference between these two conditions. - __To explore the generality of conditional GANs, we test the method on a variety of tasks and datasets, including both graphics tasks, like photo generation, and vision tasks, like semantic segmentation.__ - Evaluating the quality of synthesized images is an open and difficult problem. Traditional metrics such as per-pixel mean-squared error do not assess joint statistics of the result, and therefore do not measure the very structure that structured losses aim to capture. - FCN-Score: while quantitative evaluation of generative models is known to be challenging, recent works have tried using pre-trained semantic classifiers to measure the discriminability of the generated images as a pseudo-metric. The intuition is that if the generated images are realistic, classifiers trained on real images will be able to classify the synthesized image correctly as well. - cGANs seems to work much better than GANs for this type of image-to-image transformation, as it seems that with a GAN, the generator collapses into producing nearly the exact same output regardless of the input photograph. - `16x16` PatchGAN produces sharp outputs but causes tiling artifacts, `70x70` PatchGAN alleviates these artifacts. `256x256` ImageGAN doesn't appear to improve the tiling artifacts and yields a lower FCN-score. - An advantage of the PatchGAN is that a fixed-size patch discriminator can be applied to arbitrarily large images. This allows us to train on, say, `256x256` images and test/sample/generate on `512x512`. - cGANs appear to be effective on problems where the output is highly detailed or photographic, as is common in image processing and graphics tasks. - When semantic segmentation is required (i.e. going from image to label) `L1` performs better than `cGAN`. We argue that for vision problems, the goal (i.e. predicting output close to ground truth) may be less ambiguous than graphics tasks, and reconstruction losses like L1 are mostly sufficient. ### Conclusion The results in this paper suggest that conditional adversarial networks are a promising approach for many image-to-image translation tasks, especially those involving highly structured graphical outputs. These networks learn a loss adapted to the task and data at hand, which makes them applicable in a wide variety of settings. ### Misc - Least absolute deviations (`L1`) and Least square errors (`L2`) are the two standard loss functions, that decides what function should be minimized while learning from a dataset. ([source](http://rishy.github.io/ml/2015/04/28/l1-vs-l2-loss/)) - How, using pix2pix, do you specify a loss of `L1`, `L1+GAN`, and `L1+cGAN`? ### Resources - [GAN paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.2661.pdf) |
Feature Pyramid Networks (FPNs) build on top of the state-of-the-art implementation for object detection net - Faster RCNN. Faster RCNN faces a major problem in training for scale-invariance as the computations can be memory-intensive and extremely slow. So FRCNN only applies multi-scale approach while testing. On the other hand, feature pyramids were mainstream when hand-generated features were used -primarily to counter scale-invariance. Feature pyramids are collections of features computed at multi-scale versions of the same image. Improving on a similar idea presented in *DeepMask*, FPN brings back feature pyramids using different feature maps of conv layers with differing spatial resolutions with predictiosn happening on all levels of pyramid. Using feature maps directly as it is, would be tough as initial layers tend to contain lower level representations and poor semantics but good localisation whereas deeper layers tend to constitute higher level representations with rich semantics but suffer poor localisation due to multiple subsampling. ##### Methodology FPN can be used with any normal conv architecture, that's used for classification. In such an architecture all layers have progressively decreasing spatial resolutions (say C1, C2,..C5). FPN would now take C5 and convolve with 1x1 kernel to reduce filters to give P5. Next, P5 is upsampled and merged it to C4 (C4 is convolved with 1x1 kernel to decrease filter size in order to match that of upsampled P5) by adding element wise to produce P4. Similarly P4 is upsampled and merged with C3(in a similar way) to give P3 and so on. The final set of feature maps, in this case {P2 .. P5} are used as feature pyramids. This is how pyramids would look like ![](https://i.imgur.com/oHFmpww.png) *Usage of combination of {P2,..P5} as compared to only P2* : P2 produces highest resolution, most semantic features and could as well be the default choice but because of shared weights across rest of feature layers and the learned scale invariance makes the pyramidal variant more robust to generating false ROIs For next steps, it could be RPN or RCNN, the regression and classifier would share weights across for all *anchors* (of varying aspect ratios) at each level of the feature pyramids. This step is similar to [Single Shot Detector (SSD) Networks ](http://www.shortscience.org/paper?bibtexKey=conf/eccv/LiuAESRFB16) ##### Observation The FPN was used in FRCNN in both parts of RPN and RCNN separately and then combined FPN in both parts and produced state-of-the-art result in MS COCO challenges bettering results of COCO '15 & '16 winner models ( Faster RCNN +++ & GMRI) for mAP. FPN also can be used for instance segmentation by using fully convolutional layers on top of the image pyramids. FPN outperforms results from *DeepMask*, *SharpMask*, *InstanceFCN* |
YOLOv2 is improved YOLO; - can change image size for varying tradeoff between speed and accuracy; - uses anchor boxes to predict bounding boxes; - overcomes localization errors and lower recall not by bigger nor ensemble but using variety of ideas from past work (batch normalization, multi-scaling and etc) to keep the network simple and fast; - "With batch nor-malization we can remove dropout from the model without overfitting" - gets 78.6 mAP at 40 FPS. YOLO9000; - uses WordTree representation which enables multi-label classification as well as making classification dataset also applicable to detection; - is a model trained simultaneously both for detection on COCO and classification on ImageNet; - is validated for detecting not labeled object classes; - detects more than 9000 different object classes in real-time. |
In the paper, authors Bengio et al. , use the DenseNet for semantic segmentation. DenseNets iteratively concatenates input feature maps to output feature maps. The biggest contribution was the use of a novel upsampling path - given conventional upsampling would've caused severe memory cruch. #### Background All fully convolutional semantic segmentation nets generally follow a conventional path - a downsampling path which acts as feature extractor, an upsampling path that restores the locational information of every feature extracted in the downsampling path. As opposed to Residual Nets (where input feature maps are added to the output) , in DenseNets,the output is concatenated to input which has some interesting implications: - DenseNets are efficient in the parameter usage, since all the feature maps are reused - DenseNets perform deep supervision thanks to short path to all feature maps in the architecture Using DenseNets for segmentation though had an issue with upsampling in the conventional way of concatenating feature maps through skip connections as feature maps could easily go beyond 1-1.5 K. So Bengio et al. suggests a novel way - wherein only feature maps produced in the last Dense layer are only upsampled and not the entire feature maps. Post upsampling, the output is concatenated with feature maps of same resolution from downsampling path through skip connection. That way, the information lost during pooling in the downsampling path can be recovered. #### Methodology & Architecture In the downsampling path, the input is concatenated with the output of a dense block, whereas for upsampling the output of dense block is upsampled (without concatenating it with the input) and then concatenated with the same resolution output of downsampling path. Here's the overall architecture ![](https://i.imgur.com/tqsPj72.png) Here's how a Dense Block looks like ![](https://i.imgur.com/MMqosoj.png) #### Results The 103 Conv layer based DenseNet (FC-DenseNet103) performed better than shallower networks when compared on CamVid dataset. Though the FC-DenseNets were not pre-trained or used any post-processing like CRF or temporal smoothening etc. When comparing to other nets FC-DenseNet architectures achieve state-of-the-art, improving upon models with 10 times more parameters. It is also worth mentioning that small model FC-DenseNet56 already outperforms popular architectures with at least 100 times more parameters. |
Sub-pixel CNN proposes a novel architecture for solving the ill-posed problem of super-resolution (SR). Super-resolution involves the recovery of a high resolution (HR) image or video from its low resolution (LR) counter part and is topic of great interest in digital image processing. #### Background & problems with current approaches LR images can be understood as low-pass filtered versions of HR images. A key assumption that underlies many SR techniques is that much of the high-frequency spatial data is redundant and thus can be accurately reconstructed from low frequency components. There are 2 kinds of SR techniques - one which assumes multiple LR images as different instances of HR images and uses CV techniques like registration and fusion to construct HR images. Apart from constraints, of requiring multiple images, they are inaccurate as well. The other one single image super-resolution (SISR) techniques learn implicit redundancy that is present in natural data to recover missing HR information from a single LR instance. Among SISR techniques, the ones which deployed deep learning, most methods would tend to upsample LR images (using bicubic interpolation, with learnable filters) and learn the filters from the upsampled image. The problem with the methods are, normally creasing the resolution of the LR images before the image enhancement step increases the computational complexity. This is especially problematic for convolutional networks, where the processing speed directly depends on the input image resolution. Secondly, interpolation methods typically used to accomplish the task, such as bicubic interpolation do not bring additional information to solve the ill-posed reconstruction problem. Also, among other techniques like deconvolution, the pixels are filled with zero values between pixels, hence hese zero values have no gradient information that can be backpropagated through. #### Innovation In sub-pixel CNN authors propose an architecture (ESPCNN) that learns all the filters in 2 convolutional layers with the resolutions in LR space. Only in the last layer, a convolutional layer is implemented which transforms into HR space, using sub-pixel convolutional layer. The layer, in order to tide over problems from deconvolution, uses something known as Periodic Shuffling (PS) operator for upsampling. The idea behind periodic shuffling is derived from the fact that activations between pixel shouldn't be zero for upsamling. The kernel in sub-pixel CNN does a rearrangement following the equation ![PSoperator](https://i.imgur.com/OJtHL3w.png) The image explains the architecture of Sub-pixel CNN. The colouring in the last layer explains the methodology for PS ![ESPCNN_structure](https://i.imgur.com/py0vceQ.png) #### Results The ESPCNN was trained and tested on ImageNet along with other databases . As is evident from the image, ESPCNN performs significantly better than Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) & TRNN, which are currently the best performing approach published, as of date of publication of ESPCNN. ![ESPCNN_results](https://i.imgur.com/hOEjSeE.png) |
#### Introduction Most recent semantic segmentation algorithms rely (explicitly or implicitly) on FCN. However, the large receptive field and many pooling layers lead to low spatial resolution in the deep layers. On top of that, the lack of explicit pixelwise grouping mechanism often produces spatially fragmented and inconsistent results. In order to solve this, the authors proposed a Convolutional Random Walk Networks (RWNs) to diffuse the FCN potentials in a random walk fashion based on learned pixelwise affinities to enforce the spatial consistency of segmentation. One main contribution by the authors is that RWN needs only 131 additional parameters than the DeepLab architecture and yet outperform DeepLab by 1.5% on Pascal SBD dataset. ##### __1. Review of random graph walks__ In graph theory, an undirected graph is defined as $G=(V,E)$ where $V$ and $E$ are vertices and edges respectively. Then a random walk in a graph is characterized by the transition probabilities between vertices. Let $W$ be a $n \times n$ symmetric *affinity* matrix where $W_{ij}$ encodes the similarity of nodes $i$ and $j$ (usually with Gaussian affinities). Then, the random walk transition matrix, $A$ is defined as $A = D^{-1}W$ where $D$ is a $n \times n$ diagonal *degree* matrix. Let $y_t$ denotes the nodes distribution at time $t$, the distribution after one step of random walk process is $y_{t+1}=Ay_{t}$. The random walk process can be iterated until convergence. ##### __2. Overall architecture__ The overall architecture consists of 3 branches: * semantic segmentation branch (which is FCN) * pixel-level affinity branch (to learn affinities) * random walk layer (diffuse FCN potentials based on learned affinities) ![RWN](http://i.imgur.com/au5PoY2.png) ##### __A) Semantic segmentation branch__ This authors employed DeepLab-LargeFOV FCN architecture as the semantic segmentation branch. As a result, the resolution of $fc8$ activation will be of 8 times lower than that of the original image. Let $f \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n \times m}$ denote the $fc8$ activations where $n$ refers to height/ width of image and $m$ denotes the features dimension. ##### __B) Pixelwise affinity branch__ Hand-crafted affinities are usually in the form of Gaussian, i.e. $\exp\frac{(x-y)^2}{\sigma^2}$ where $x$ and $y$ are usually pixel intensities while $\sigma$ control the smoothness. In this work, the authors argued that the learned affinities work better than the hand-crafted color affinities. Apart from RGB features, $conv1\texttt{_}1$ (64 dimensional) and $conv1\texttt{_}2$ (64 dimensional) are also employed to build the affinities. In particular, the 3 features are first downsampled by 8 times to match that of $fc8$ and concatenated to form a matrix of $n \times n \times k$ where $k=131$ (since 3+64+64=131). Then, the $L1$ pairwise distance is computed for __each__ dimension to form a __sparse__ matrix, $F \in \mathbb{R}^{n^2 \times n^2 \times 131}$ (the sparsity is due to the fact the distance is computed for pixel pairs within radius of $R$ only). A $1 \times 1 \times 1$ $conv$ is attached (dimension of kernel is therefore 131, which attributes to the only additional learned parameters in this work) followed by an $\exp$ layer, forming a sparse affinity matrix, $W \in \mathbb{R}^{n^2 \times n^2 \times 1}$. An Euclidean loss layer is attached to optimize w.r.t. the ground truth pixel affinities obtained from semantic segmentation annotations. ##### __C) Random walk layer__ The random walk layer diffuses the $fc8$ potentials from semantic segmentation branch using the learned pixelwise affinity $W$. First, the random walk transition matrix $A$ is computed by row-normalizing $W$. The diffused segmentation prediction is therefore $\hat{y}=A^tf$ to simulate $t$ random walk steps. The random walk layer is finally attached to a softmax layer (with cross-entropy loss) and trained end-to-end. ##### 3. Discussion * Although RWN demonstrates the improvement of the coarse prediction, post-processing such as Dense-CRF or Graph Cuts is still required. * The authors showed that the learned affinity is better than the hand-crafted color affinities. This is probably due to the findings that $conv1\texttt{_}2$ features helped improving the prediction. * The authors observed that a single random walk steps is the optimal. * For the pixelwise affinity branches, only $conv1\texttt{_}1$, $conv1\texttt{_}2$ and RGB cues are used due to their same spatial dimension as the original image. Intuitively, only low level features are required to ensure that higher level features (from later layers) won't diffuse across boundaries (which is encoded in earlier layers). #### Conclusion The authors proposed a RWN that diffuses the higher level (more abstract) features based on __learned__ pixelwise affinities (lower level cues) in a random walk fashion.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S1lyQbbJM4 |
![](http://i.imgur.com/tIX6HQB.jpg) The goal of this paper is to find a specific object in an image. Initially a region proposal algorithm is used to identify candidate regions containing objects. The goal is to avoid processing all of these candidates. The idea here is to use RL to identify the neighboring candidates that should be used as a base to transform to get the next coordinates. Starting from the center, all candidates windows that are overlapped by a radius around the center are evaluated with the RL policy $\pi$. The state input to the $\pi$ function is a combination of the features extracted from a CNN as well as values to track the state of the search such as how many candidates have been evaluated. The candidate that is selected has it's features extracted and these features are then transformed into coordinates of where to look next. Then the processing is repeated for that next point until a proper classification is made or the algorithm decides to stop. |
They represent an image as a tree where leafs are pixels and nodes represent clusters of those pixels. They train by regressing for some possible segmented region $r$ on the following function for every segmentation example and ground truth: $$S(r)=\frac{\\#(g) - \\#(r)}{\max(\\#(r), \\#(g)))}$$ Here $\\#(g)$ is the number of pixels in the ground truth and $\\#(r)$ is the number of pixels in the example segmentation. What is not explained here is what other information is used because it cannot simple be pixel counts. This function is used to rank the nodes in every path from the root to the leafs in Figure (a). The idea for the segmentation is that there is some set of nodes such that you can draw a line shown in Figure (b) which is equivalent to selecting a segmentation. The paper goes on to compute this using a dynamic programming solution based on the fact that the same pixel segmentations will be considered multiple times. ![](http://i.imgur.com/FEky9dK.png) I think the idea is great but the initial idea for the regression is unclear. |
This paper tests the following hypothesis, about features learned by a deep network trained on the ImageNet dataset: *Object features and anticausal features are closely related. Context features and causal features are not necessarily related.* First, some definitions. Let $X$ be a visual feature (i.e. value of a hidden unit) and $Y$ be information about a label (e.g. the log-odds of probability of different object appearing in the image). A causal feature would be one for which the causal direction is $X \rightarrow Y$. An anticausal feature would be the opposite case, $X \leftarrow Y$. As for object features, in this paper they are features whose value tends to change a lot when computed on a complete original image versus when computed on an image whose regions *falling inside* object bounding boxes have been blacked out (see Figure 4). Contextual features are the opposite, i.e. values change a lot when blacking out the regions *outside* object bounding boxes. See section 4.2.1 for how "object scores" and "context scores" are computed following this description, to quantitatively measure to what extent a feature is an "object feature" or a "context feature". Thus, the paper investigates whether 1) for object features, their relationship with object appearance information is anticausal (i.e. whether the object feature's value seems to be caused by the presence of the object) and whether 2) context features are not clearly causal or anticausal. To perform this investigation, the paper first proposes a generic neural network model (dubbed the Neural Causation Coefficient architecture or NCC) to predict a score of whether the relationship between an input variable $X$ and target variable $Y$ is causal. This model is trained by taking as input datasets of $X$ and $Y$ pairs synthetically generated in such a way that we know whether $X$ caused $Y$ or the opposite. The NCC architecture first embeds each individual $X$,$Y$ instance pair into some hidden representation, performs mean pooling of these representations and then feeds the result to fully connected layers (see Figure 3). The paper shows that the proposed NCC model actually achieves SOTA performance on the Tübingen dataset, a collection of real-world cause-effect observational samples. Then, the proposed NCC model is used to measure the average object score of features of a deep residual CNN identified as being most causal and most anticausal by NCC. The same is done with the context score. What is found is that indeed, the object score is always higher for the top anticausal features than for the top causal features. However, for the context score, no such clear trend is observed (see Figure 5). **My two cents** I haven't been following the growing literature on machine learning for causal inference, so it was a real pleasure to read this paper and catch up a little bit on that. Just for that I would recommend the reading of this paper. The paper does a really good job at explaining the notion of *observational causal inference*, which in short builds on the observation that if we assume IID noise on top of a causal (or anticausal) phenomenon, then causation can possibly be inferred by verifying in which direction of causation the IID assumption on the noise seems to hold best (see Figure 2 for a nice illustration, where in (a) the noise is clearly IID, but isn't in (b)). Also, irrespective of the study of causal phenomenon in images, the NCC architecture, which achieves SOTA causal prediction performance, is in itself a nice contribution. Regarding the application to image features, one thing that is hard to wrap your head around is that, for the $Y$ variable, instead of using the true image label, the log-odds at the output layer are used instead in the study. The paper justifies this choice by highlighting that the NCC network was trained on examples where $Y$ is continuous, not discrete. On one hand, that justification makes sense. On the other, this is odd since the log-odds were in fact computed directly from the visual features, meaning that technically the value of the log-odds are directly caused by all the features (which goes against the hypothesis being tested). My best guess is that this isn't an issue only because NCC makes a causal prediction between *a single feature* and $Y$, not *from all features* to $Y$. I'd be curious to read the authors' perspective on this. Still, this paper at this point is certainly just scratching the surface on this topic. For instance, the paper mentions that NCC could be used to encourage the learning of causal or anticausal features, providing a new and intriguing type of regularization. This sounds like a very interesting future direction for research, which I'm looking forward to.